8:30 AM
(KBW Lecture Hall)
9:15 AM
(KBW Lecture Hall)
9:30 AM
Fluctuations of conserved charges
Stefan Krieg
(Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
10:00 AM
Conserved charge fluctuations and the QCD phase diagram
- Dr
Christian Schmidt
(Universitaet Bielefeld)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
QCD at imaginary chemical potential with Wilson fermions
Andrei Alexandru
(KBW Lecture Hall)
11:30 AM
Fluctuations of strangeness and charm from Lattice QCD
Sayantan Sharma
(KBW Lecture Hall)
9:00 AM
Towards a description of cold and dense QCD with an effective lattice theory
Owe Philipsen
(University of Frankfurt)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
9:30 AM
Derivation and test of an effective lattice theory for finite density
- Dr
Jens Langelage
(ETH Zuerich)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
10:00 AM
Effective Polyakov line action and the sign problem
- Dr
Jeff Greensite
(San Francisco State University)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
The phase diagram of QCD in the strong coupling limit, and how to go further
Philippe de Forcrand
(ETH Zurich)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
11:30 AM
Gauge corrections to the Strong Coupling limit: Numerical results
- Mr
Wolfgang Unger
(ITP Frankfurt)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
9:00 AM
Simulating full QCD at nonzero density using the complex Langevin equation
- Dr
Denes Sexty
(Uni Heidelberg)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
9:30 AM
Complex Langevin for chiral Random Matrix Theory at nonzero chemical potential
Kim Splittorff
(KBW Lecture Hall)
10:00 AM
Langevin with meromorphic drift: problems and partial solutions
- Dr
Erhard Seiler
(Max-Planck-Institut füir Physik)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
Approaching finite density QCD using Complex Langevin Simulation
- Prof.
Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu
(Univ. Heuidelberg)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
11:30 AM
Complex Langevin dynamics for SU(3) gauge theory with a theta term
(KBW Lecture Hall)
9:00 AM
Nature of phase transitions in finite temperature and density QCD with many-flavors
- Dr
Shinji Ejiri
(Niigata University)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
9:30 AM
The critical surface of QCD in the heavy quark region
- Dr
Hana Saito
(KBW Lecture Hall)
10:00 AM
The density-of-states approach for dense matter Monte-Carlo simulations
- Prof.
Kurt Langfeld
(Plymouth University)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
QCD with one flavor and the sign problem at fixed theta-angle
- Prof.
Jacobus Verbaarschot Verbaarschot
(Stony Brook University)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
11:30 AM
Surprising phase structures for Wilson and twisted mass fermions
- Dr
Mario Kieburg
(Universität Bielefeld)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Dual variables approach to finite density lattice field theories
Christof Gattringer
(Universität Graz)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
2:30 PM
The dual representation as a tool to check expansion methods
Ydalia Delgado
(KBW Lecture Hall)
3:00 PM
Worm algorithms: from loops to surfaces, from spin models to gauge theories
- Prof.
Ulli Wolff
(HU Berlin)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
3:30 PM
--- Tea ---
4:00 PM
Bold Diagrammatic Monte Carlo for Fermionic and Fermionized Systems
Boris Svistunov
(University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
4:30 PM
Frustrated magnetism via bold diagrammatic Monte Carlo
Oleg Starykh
(University of Utah)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
5:00 PM
Solution to sign problems in particle-hole symmetric spin-less fermion systems.
- Prof.
Shailesh Chandrasekharan
(Duke University)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
5:30 PM
--- Welcome Reception ---
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Nonzero isospin density
(KBW Lecture Hall)
2:30 PM
Isospin chemical potential and magnetic fields
Gergely Endrodi
(KBW Lecture Hall)
3:00 PM
Taming the sign problem using tensor renormalization
- Prof.
Yannick Meurice
(University of Iowa)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
3:30 PM
--- Tea ---
4:00 PM
Carlo Ewerz
(EMMI, GSI Darmstadt)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
4:15 PM
Theta dependence of 4D SU(N) gauge theories at finite temperature
- Prof.
ettore vicari
(physics department, university of Pisa)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
4:45 PM
Exploring the phase structure of Yang-Mills theories in the presence of a theta term
Massimo D'Elia
(University of Pisa and INFN)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
5:45 PM
Poster Session
(until 7:45 PM)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
The Lefschetz thimbles and the sign problem
- Dr
Luigi Scorzato
(KBW Lecture Hall)
2:30 PM
Hybrid Monte Carlo on Lefschetz Thimbles -- A study of the residual sign problem
- Prof.
Yoshio Kikukawa
(Institute of Physics, the University of Tokyo)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
3:00 PM
Langevin and Lefschetz
(KBW Lecture Hall)
3:30 PM
--- Tea ---
4:00 PM
Pierre van Baal
- Prof.
Jacobus Verbaarschot Verbaarschot
(Stony Brook University)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
4:10 PM
Subsets in QCD (I)
- Dr
Falk Bruckmann
(Regensburg University)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
4:40 PM
Subsets in QCD (II)
- Dr
Jacques Bloch
(University of Regensburg)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
5:40 PM
--- Banquet ---
12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Atomic Quantum Simulation of Abelian and non-Abelian Gauge Theories
- Prof.
Uwe-Jens Wiese
(Bern University)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
2:30 PM
New tools for characterizing Lattice gauge theories, tensor networks and quantum simulators
(KBW Lecture Hall)
3:00 PM
Real-time dynamics without Hamiltonians
- Dr
Debasish Banerjee
(Albert Einstein Center, University of Bern)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
3:30 PM
--- Tea ---
4:00 PM
Worldline approach to lattice QCD at finite coupling
Helvio Vairinhos
(University of Porto)
(KBW Lecture Hall)
4:30 PM
Complex saddle points in QCD at finite density
- Dr
Hiromichi Nishimura
(University of Bielefeld)
(KBW Lecture Hall)