E. De Filippo (INFN Catania) - Probing the low density nuclear symmetry energy with heavy ion collisions25m
9:25 AM
9:50 AM
Z. Chajecki (MSU) - Scaling properties of light-cluster production25m
9:50 AM
10:15 AM
A. Chbihi (GANIL) - Exploring the symmetry energy in 40,48Ca+40,48Ca systems at E/A = 35 MeV25m
10:15 AM
10:40 AM
Z. Kohley (MSU) - Constraints on Esym(ρ)-L from RIB induced reactions25m
11:10 AM
11:40 AM
M. Baldo (INFN Catania) - Microscopic calculation of the nuclear symmetry energy30m
11:40 AM
12:10 PM
P. Stevenson (University of Surrey) - The isoscalar giant quadrupole resonance as a probe of nuclear matter30m
12:10 PM
12:30 PM
H. Nakada (Chiba University) - Interaction-dependence and independence in low-energy E1 excitations of neutron-rich nuclei20m
12:30 PM
12:50 PM
V. De La Mota (Subatech Nantes) - Probing the occurrence of material structures at subnuclear densities with a dynamical self-consistent description20m
1:40 PM
2:10 PM
W. Del Pozzo (University of Birmingham) - Constraining the equation of state of neutron stars with ground based gravitational waves observations30m
2:10 PM
2:40 PM
T. Sumner (Imperial College London) - Astrophysics from milli-hertz gravitational wave observations by the ESA L3 mission30m
2:40 PM
3:10 PM
A. Steiner (University of Washington) - What the symmetry energy has to say about neutron star radii and the neutron star crust30m
3:10 PM
3:40 PM
W. Newton (Texas A&M) - Symmetry energy constraints from observational signatures of the neutron star crust-core transition30m
4:10 PM
4:40 PM
W. Ho (University of Southampton) - Detailed tests of nuclear properties with astronomical observations of neutron stars30m
4:40 PM
5:05 PM
M. Freer (University of Birmingham) - Correlations and clusters in neutron-rich nuclear matter25m
5:05 PM
5:30 PM
S. Typel (GSI) - Cluster correlations in dense matter and equation of state25m
5:30 PM
5:55 PM
P. Egelhof (GSI) - Direct reactions with exotic beams at low momentum transfer: investigations with stored beams and with active targets25m
Y.X. Zhang (CIAE Beijing) - Influence of symmetry energy and nucleon effective mass splitting on HIC observables25m
9:25 AM
9:45 AM
A. Le Fevre (GSI) - Constraining the nuclear equation of state using the elliptic flow of light clusters20m
9:45 AM
10:05 AM
J. Brzychczyk (Jagiellonian University) - Light charge particle flows in the ASY-EOS experiment measured with the KRATTA detector20m
10:05 AM
10:30 AM
P. Napolitani (IPN Orsay) - Isoscalar and isovector fluctuations in one-body transport approaches for fermionic systems25m
11:00 AM
11:30 AM
L. Zana (University of Edinburgh) - The PREX II and CREX experiments at Jefferson Laboratory: measurements of neutron skins in 208Pb and 48Ca with parity violation30m
11:30 AM
11:55 AM
E. Khan (IPN Orsay) - The determination of incompressibility in nuclei and nuclear matter25m
11:55 AM
12:15 PM
M. Vandebrouck (GANIL) - First measurement of the isoscalar giant resonances in a neutron-rich exotic nucleus: 68Ni with the active target MAYA20m
12:15 PM
12:35 PM
M. Spieker (University of Cologne) - Studying the character of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance using hadronic probes20m
1:30 PM
2:00 PM
T. Hashimoto (Institute for Basic Science) - Complete measurement of Electric Dipole Response of 120Sn30m
2:00 PM
2:30 PM
E. Piasetzky (Tel Aviv University) - Nucleon-nucleon short range correlation in nuclei30m
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
A. Rios Huguet (University of Surrey) - High-momentum components in the nuclear symmetry energy30m
3:00 PM
3:30 PM
M. Bashkanov (Tuebingen University) - Dibaryons in vacuum and in nuclear matter30m
4:00 PM
4:30 PM
C. Providencia (University of Coimbra) - Interplay between the symmetry energy and the strangeness content of neutron stars30m
4:30 PM
4:55 PM
B.A. Li (Texas A&M) - Effects of short-range correlation on symmetry energy and their manifestation in heavy-ion reactions25m
4:55 PM
5:25 PM
T. Galatyuk (GSI) - HADES overview: from cold matter to low energy heavy-ion collisions30m
5:25 PM
5:50 PM
P. Russotto (INFN Catania) - The ASY-EOS experiment at GSI: investigating symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities25m
5:50 PM
6:15 PM
T. Isobe (RIKEN) - The SπRIT project for the study of density dependent symmetry energy of highly dense matter with Heavy RI collisions at RIBF25m
6:15 PM
6:30 PM
W. Powell (University of Liverpool and RIKEN) - Current status of SπRIT TPC electronics testing at RIBF15m