12:15 PM
M. Spieker (University of Cologne) - Studying the character of the Pygmy Dipole Resonance using hadronic probes
1:30 PM
T. Hashimoto (Institute for Basic Science) - Complete measurement of Electric Dipole Response of 120Sn
2:00 PM
E. Piasetzky (Tel Aviv University) - Nucleon-nucleon short range correlation in nuclei
2:30 PM
A. Rios Huguet (University of Surrey) - High-momentum components in the nuclear symmetry energy
3:00 PM
M. Bashkanov (Tuebingen University) - Dibaryons in vacuum and in nuclear matter
4:00 PM
C. Providencia (University of Coimbra) - Interplay between the symmetry energy and the strangeness content of neutron stars
4:30 PM
B.A. Li (Texas A&M) - Effects of short-range correlation on symmetry energy and their manifestation in heavy-ion reactions
4:55 PM
T. Galatyuk (GSI) - HADES overview: from cold matter to low energy heavy-ion collisions
5:25 PM
P. Russotto (INFN Catania) - The ASY-EOS experiment at GSI: investigating symmetry energy at supra-saturation densities
5:50 PM
T. Isobe (RIKEN) - The SπRIT project for the study of density dependent symmetry energy of highly dense matter with Heavy RI collisions at RIBF
6:15 PM
W. Powell (University of Liverpool and RIKEN) - Current status of SπRIT TPC electronics testing at RIBF