
MartiniPlaza Congress Center

MartiniPlaza Congress Center

Leonard Springerlaan 2, 9727 KB Groningen
Johan Messchendorp (KVI-CART/University of Groningen), Nasser Kalantar (Groningen), Olaf Scholten (KVI-CART)
The 3rd European Nuclear Physics Conference (EuNPC2015) hosted by the University of Groningen/KVI-CART will be held in Groningen, The Netherlands, on August 31 - September 4, 2015

Important deadlines:

Early registration:  June 30, 2015
  • Adam Maj
  • Adriaan van der Woude
  • Adrian Rotaru
  • Ahmad Sheraz
  • Aila Gengelbach
  • Aleksandra Biegun
  • Aleksandra Wrońska
  • Alexander Glushkov
  • Alexander Herlert
  • Alexandros Apostolou
  • Alexandru JIPA
  • Alexandru Negret
  • Ali Akbar Mehmandoost Khajeh Dad
  • Amin Attarzadeh
  • Ana Georgieva (aka Gueorguieva)
  • Andrea Gottardo
  • Andreas Herten
  • Andree Welker
  • Andrew Bolyog
  • Andrzej Wilczek
  • André Ornelas
  • Annika Voss
  • Auke Sytema
  • Axel Boeltzig
  • Aziz KURT
  • Baki AKKUS
  • Ben Ohayon
  • Bernard Schaeffer
  • Bidyut Roy
  • Bjoern Schenke
  • Boris Loncar
  • Brice Garillon
  • Calin Alexandru Ur
  • Camille Colle
  • Carmine Elvezio Pagliarone
  • Catalin Borcea
  • Catalin Matei
  • Catherine Rigollet
  • Cathrina Sowa
  • Christiaan Douma
  • Constantin Daniel Negut
  • Cristiana Oprea
  • Cristina-Roxana Nita
  • Cécile Magron
  • Dan Mihai Filipescu
  • Daniel Ciprian Negrea
  • Daniel Lersch
  • Daniel Vasile Mosu
  • Danut Argintaru
  • Dario Vretenar
  • David Mahon
  • Denis Artemenkov
  • Diana Nicmorus
  • Dimitrios Petrellis
  • Dirk Peter van der Werf
  • Dmitry Tsirkov
  • Dmytro Symochko
  • Elzbieta Stephan
  • Erkan Sezen
  • Fabian Schneider
  • Faical Azaiez
  • Fatma Cagla OZTURK
  • Ferenc Nagy
  • Francesca Cavanna
  • František Knapp
  • Frederik Wauters
  • Fulvia De Fazio
  • Gabor KISS
  • Gabriele-Elisabeth Koerner
  • GALES Sydney
  • Georg Schnabel
  • Georgi Georgiev
  • Giovanni Milesi
  • Graeme Watt
  • Gulfem SUSOY DOGAN
  • György Wolf
  • Gábor Riczu
  • Hajar Tavakoli
  • Hamoud Alharbi
  • Hans Wilschut
  • Haris Dapo
  • Hartmut Abele
  • Hassan Hassanabadi
  • Helmut Leeb
  • Herbert Loehner
  • Hisako Niko
  • I J Douglas MacGregor
  • Ileana Radulescu
  • Ion Burducea
  • Ivan Mukha
  • Jan Kvasil
  • Javier Menendez
  • Johan Messchendorp
  • Johan Nyberg
  • Johannes Bernhard
  • Jose Guilherme Milhano
  • Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez
  • Jose Manuel Alarcon
  • Jose-Enrique Garcia-Ramos
  • Julia Even
  • Julian Pychy
  • Jérémy Dohet-Eraly
  • Kahramon Mamatkulov
  • Kai Neergård
  • Karin Schoenning
  • Kazuyuki Sekizawa
  • Keri Vos
  • Klaus Blaum
  • Klaus Goetzen
  • Konstantinos Karakatsanis
  • Lars Netterdon
  • latsamy xayavong
  • Lex Dieperink
  • Liam Gaffney
  • Lorenzo Fortunato
  • Luc Perrot
  • Madalina Cruceru
  • Malte Albrecht
  • Mansoureh Tatari
  • Marc Pelizaeus
  • Marcel Tiemens
  • Marco van Leeuwen
  • Mark Spieker
  • Martin Cleven
  • Mehran Salehpour
  • Merve Dogan
  • Michael Cargnelli
  • Mihai Straticiuc
  • Mikhail Barabanov
  • Mirko von Schmid
  • Miroslav Zeman
  • Mohamed DOUICI
  • Mohammad Ali Najafi
  • Mohammad Babai
  • Mohammad Eslami-Kalantari
  • Muhsin Harakeh
  • muzeyyen gokce erdogan
  • Myroslav Kavatsyuk
  • Nadezda Kornegrutsa
  • Nargess Firuzi Farrashbandi
  • Nasrin Salehi
  • Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki
  • Natalia Timofeyuk
  • Nathal Severijns
  • Nevio Grion
  • Niels Madsen
  • Nikolay Djourelov
  • Nurgul Hafizoglu
  • OBERTELLI Alexandre
  • Okla Al Horayess
  • Olaf Scholten
  • Olga Khetselius
  • Oprea Andreea
  • Paola Gianotti
  • Patric Holmvall
  • Peter Dendooven
  • Peter Kovacs
  • Pylyp Kuznietsov
  • Radek Vespalec
  • Radu Budaca
  • Redlich Krzysztof
  • Riccardo Brugnera
  • Riccardo Russo
  • Rob Timmermans
  • Robert Pattky
  • Rolf H Siemssen
  • Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg
  • Rong-Gang Ping
  • Rıza DİLEK
  • Sam Stevens
  • Satimbay Palvanov
  • Sedat Altinpinar
  • Serge Franchoo
  • Silvia Leoni
  • Silvia Masciocchi
  • Silvia Niccolai
  • Sinead Ryan
  • Sivaji Purushothaman
  • Solmaz Vejdani
  • Stanislaw Kistryn
  • Surajit Chattopadhyay
  • Susan Schadmand
  • Tamás Szücs
  • Thomas Srdinko
  • Tiberiu Bogdan Sava
  • Tobias Seifen
  • Tom Buitenhuis
  • Tomás R. Rodríguez
  • Ulli Köster
  • Ulrike Ritzmann
  • Ulrike Thoma
  • Valentin Nesterenko
  • Valerica Baban
  • Valery Kovalchuk
  • Vasily Buyadzhi
  • Xiongfei Wang
  • Yang Ding
  • Yek Wah Lam
  • Yesim OKTEM
  • Zahra Ahmadi ganjeh
  • Zahra Haddadi
  • Zsolt FULOP
  • Zuzana Feckova
    • 10:00 13:00
      Master class - Theoretical methods in hadron spectroscopy Hampshire Hotel - Groningen Centre

      Hampshire Hotel - Groningen Centre

      Radesingel 50 9711 EK - Groningen, Tel. +31 (0)20 261 0153
      Sitzungsleiter: Prof. Sinead Ryan (Trinity College)
    • 13:00 14:00
      Lunch 1 h
    • 14:00 17:00
      Master class - Basics of atomic physics techniques for nuclear structure studies Hampshire Hotel - Groningen Centre

      Hampshire Hotel - Groningen Centre

      Radesingel 50 9711 EK - Groningen, Tel. +31 (0)20 261 0153
      Sitzungsleiter: Prof. Klaus Blaum (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
    • 17:00 20:00
      Registration and reception 3h Hampshire Hotel - Groningen Centre

      Hampshire Hotel - Groningen Centre

      Radesingel 50 9711 EK - Groningen, Tel. +31 (0)20 261 0153
    • 08:00 09:00
      Registration 1 h
    • 09:00 09:30
      Opening Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki (Groningen)
      • 09:00
        Honourable Mayor of Groningen 10m
        Sprecher: Peter den Oudsten
      • 09:10
        Director of KVI-CART 10m
        Sprecher: Ad van den Berg
      • 09:20
        Chair EPS-NPD 10m
        Sprecher: Douglas MacGregor (University of Glasgow)
    • 09:30 10:30
      Plenary I Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Stanislaw Kistryn (Jagiellonian University in Krakow)
      • 09:30
        Nuclear masses and their importance for nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics and fundamental studies 30m
        The mass of the nucleus reflects the total energy of this many-body system and thus is a key property for a variety of nuclear structure and fundamental investigations. Modern experimental techniques, like storage-ring or Penning-trap mass spectrometry, have pushed in recent years the limits of sensitivity, resolution and accuracy. This has allowed to access exotic species very far from the valley of beta-stability. The mass accuracy achieved even for very short-lived species in the ms regime and below allowed, e.g., to probe the shell structures and their evolution toward the neutron dripline or to perform in some regions fine examinations of the mass surface. This includes many exciting results like, for instance, the establishment of a new, prominent shell closure at neutron number N=32, in excellent agreement with theoretical calculations. In addition, with the nowadays achievable accuracy in Penning-trap mass spectrometry on short-lived exotic nuclides, precision fundamental tests can be performed, among them a test of the Standard Model, in particular with regard to the weak interaction and the unitarity of the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa quark mixing matrix. Furthermore, accurate mass values of specific nuclides are important for nuclear astrophysics and neutrino physics as well as for the search of physics beyond the Standard Model. In this review, recent trends in the determination of nuclear masses, their impact on nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics and fundamental studies and the comparison to modern calculations will be presented.
        Sprecher: Klaus Blaum (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)
      • 10:00
        Hard probes of the quark gluon plasma at the LHC 30m
        Hard scattering processes in high-energy nuclear collisions produce energetic quarks and gluons that probe the hot and dense matter that is created in the collisions as they escape the collision zone. I will review recent experimental results concerning the production of high-pt particles and jets in heavy ion collisions at LHC and what these results tell us about the the interactions between energetic partons and the low-momentum quarks and gluons in the collision and the properties of the hot and dense matter.
        Sprecher: Marco van Leeuwen (Nikhef/Utrecht University)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Plenary II Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Hartmut Abele (TU Wien - Atominstitut)
      • 11:00
        Tests of fundamental weak interactions and their symmetries using exotic nuclei 30m
        Precise measurements of observables in nuclear beta decay allow testing the symmetries of the Standard Model or searching for physics beyond, at low energy. An update and overview of this field will be presented based on selected state-of-the-art measurements in nuclear beta decay which use a variety of techniques, many of which are based on ion and atom traps. With the precision of these measurements reaching the per mil level small Standard Model effects now have to be included as well. The understanding of some of these requires additional measurements be performed in order to maintain optimal sensitivity to weak interaction properties. Finally, the prospects and future of this type of low-energy weak interaction studies in the era of the Large Hadron Collider will be discussed as well.
        Sprecher: Nathal Severijns (Kath. Univ. Leuven)
      • 11:30
        Hyperon physics - past, present and future 30m
        Ever since first observed in experiment, hyperons have played an important role in our understanding of fundamental interactions. In the early days of particle physics, the newly discovered Lambda, Sigma and Xi hyperons provided a key to the eight-fold way of the strong interaction from which the quark model emerged. A basic question in hyperon physics is: “What happens if we replace a light quark in a nucleon with a heavier one?”. The production of hyperons involves the creation of a heavy (s, c, b) quark-antiquark pair, a process where the energy scale is governed by the mass of the produced quark. The strange quark probes QCD in the intermediate domain between the non-perturbative light-quark ChPT sector and the charm sector where perturbative QCD becomes more relevant. Strange hyperons therefore provide a window to the strong interaction in a domain where our understanding remains scarce. The weak, self-analysing decay of hyperons gives access to spin observables. These are of interest for many reasons; for example as a test of CP violation in baryon decays, the role of spin in strong interactions and hyperon electromagnetic structure. Hypernuclei give unique possibilities to study nucleon-hyperon and hyperon-hyperon interactions, which in turn give insight into e.g. neutron stars. This talk will focus on strange hyperons, what we have learned from previous experiments and summarise ongoing activities at e.g. CERN, JLAB, JPARC, SLAC, BEPC-II and DAPHNE. Finally, the unique opportunities provided at the future FAIR facility will be outlined.
        Sprecher: Karin Schönning (Uppsala University(IKP-U))
      • 12:00
        Electron spectroscopy of the heaviest elements 30m
        A growing number of experiments is currently opening up the transfermium region of nuclei for detailed spectroscopic investigations [1,2,3]. In the deformed nuclei in the nobelium region this allows an identification and mapping of single particle orbitals closest to the top end of the nuclear chart. Initial in-beam measurements in the region focussed on γ-ray spectroscopy of even-even nuclei, studying the ground-state yrast bands and allowing extraction of parameters such as the moments of inertia, and proving the deformed nature of these nuclei. More recently, it has become possible to do combined in-beam gamma ray and conversion electron spectroscopy with the SAGE spectrometer [4]. The first experiments have focused on the study of odd-mass transfermium nuclei and are currently being analysed. These experiments will yield data which can be used to determine the excitation energies and configurations of quasiparticle states in the region, and to compare them to the predictions of various theories. Experimentally it is important to have a full understanding of the instrument and GEANT4 simulations play an increasingly important role in the analysis of experimental data [5,6]. [1] R.-D. Herzberg, J. Phys. G 30, R123 (2004). [2] R.-D. Herzberg, P.T. Greenlees, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 61, 674 (2008). [3] R.-D. Herzberg and D.M. Cox, Radiochim. Acta 99, 441 (2011). [4] J. Pakarinen et al. Eur. Phys. J. A 50, 53 (2014). [5] D.M. Cox et al., submitted to EPJA.
        Sprecher: Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg (University of Liverpool)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1 h 30m
    • 14:00 16:00
      Accelerators and Instrumentation I Room 1

      Room 1

      Sitzungsleiter: Catherine Rigollet (KVI-CART)
      • 14:00
        Nuclear physics at the IAEA 15m
        The Physics Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is responsible for the IAEA programmes on accelerator applications, nuclear instrumentation, research reactor utilisation and nuclear fusion. This includes research and development work, primarily in instrumentation, almost 100 technical cooperation projects around the world, coordinated research projects (currently 12) that bring together more than 150 research groups from developed and developing countries as well as science policy. Projects reach from the IAEA X-ray fluorescence beamline at the Elettra synchrotron in Trieste, over the development of UAV-based gamma spectrometry to cooperation with ITER on nuclear fusion and the support of the SESAME synchrotron project in the Middle East. The goal of this talk is to present the IAEA programme in Nuclear Physics and to point out possibilities for future collaboration.
        Sprecher: Ralf Kaiser (IAEA and University of Glasgow)
      • 14:15
        Neon MOT experiment for Beta-decay studies 15m
        In this talk, I will review the current status and future outlook of NeAT - the Neon Atom Trap Setup at the Hebrew university. We are developing a highly efficient atomic trap setup for different isotopes of metastable neon for the purpose of conducting high precision experiments in atomic and nuclear physics. Modern experiments with neutral atoms trapped using modern laser-cooling techniques offer the promise of improving several broad classes of experiments with radioactive isotopes [1]. For nuclear beta-decay, precise measurements of the kinematic correlations between the emitted positron and neutrino test the standard model of the weak interaction [2]. These correlations are sensitive to scalar- and tensor-current interactions which are suggested by some beyond standard model theories [3], and high statistics measurements of them put strict limitations on their parameter space. [1] J.A. Behr, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 204, 526 (2003). [2] J.A. Behr and G. Gwinner, Journal of Physics G: Nucl. and Part. Phys. (2009). [3] N. Severijns, M. Beck, and O. Naviliat-Cuncic, Rev. Mod. Phys. 78, 991 (2006).
        Sprecher: Ben Ohayon (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
      • 14:30
        Preparation for future photoneutron experiments at ELI-NP 15m
        The large scale facility Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) [1], currently under development, is the one of the three pillars of the Extreme Light Infrastructure Pan-European initiative which is dedicated to nuclear physics with extreme electromagnetic fields. A high power laser system and a very brilliant gamma beam are the main research equipment at the core of ELI-NP. The gamma beam system (GBS) will produce through laser Compton scattering highly polarized (> 99%), energy tunable γ-ray beams with spectral density of 10^4 photons/s/eV, ranging from 200 keV to 19.5 MeV and with a bandwidth better than 0.5%. Using the brilliant GBS at ELI-NP, we propose to investigate the excitation, and particle and gamma decay of Giant Resonances. We plan to develop a multipurpose neutron and gamma radiation detection setup consisting in a flexible array of large volume scintillator detectors and liquid scintillation neutron detectors. We present here the results of Geant4 simulations of this array and also the challenges raised by the gamma beam time structure. [1] N.V. Zamfir, EPJ Web of Conf. 66, 11043 (2014).
        Sprecher: Dan Mihai Filipescu (Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI - NP) / Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN - HH), 30 Reactorului St., Bucharest - Magurele, 077125, Romania)
      • 14:45
        Design and simulations of the source of polarized slow positrons at ELI-NP 15m
        We present the status of simulations to obtain an intense beam of moderated positrons (e_s^+) with an intensity of the primary positron beam of 1-2×10^6 e_s^+/s by the (γ, e^+e^-) reaction, using an intense γ beam of 2.4×10^10 γ/s with energies up to 3.5 MeV. Using fully circularly polarized γ beam we aim to obtain an intense beam of slow polarized positrons with a polarization degree of 31-45%. The beam will be transported to different detector systems through beam lines, via solenoidal magnetic fields. In applied physics studies of Fermi-surfaces, defects, interfaces etc. positrons offer excellent diagnostics tools. Furthermore, polarized positron beams open up a totally unexplored research area, where polarized electrons in, e.g., magnetic structures can be studied. A simple, fast scintillator detector system for gamma-induced positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy for studies of bulk samples is also proposed. The positron spectroscopy laboratory at ELI-NP will be user-dedicated and unique for positron research in the Eastern Europe. It will provide a simple source setup, with easy access for upgrade of the converter/moderator assembly toward more sophisticated setups providing a more intense and brighter positron beam. The beam will have the world highest intensity of slow polarized positrons for material science studies and therefore it will become a unique tool for the investigation of magnetic samples.
        Sprecher: Nikolay Djourelov (Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
      • 15:00
        Gamma beam monitoring instruments at ELI-NP 15m
        The Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) facility will come online in Bucharest-Magurele, Romania in 2017 and will consist of two components: a very high intensity laser and a very intense gamma beam. ELI-NP will allow either combined or stand-alone experiments using the high-power laser and the gamma beam. The high brilliance Gamma Beam System (GBS) at ELI–NP will deliver quasi–monochromatic gamma-ray beams (bandwidth < 0.5%) with a high spectral density (>10000 photons/s/eV) and high degree of linear polarization (> 99%). The GBS will be delivered in two phases with two separate beam lines: a low-energy gamma-ray line with gamma energies up to 3.5 MeV and a high-energy gamma line with energies up to 19.5 MeV. Optimization and monitoring of the gamma beam with these characteristics is challenging and requires the proper means for accurately measuring the spatial, spectral and temporal characteristics of the gamma-ray beams. The gamma beam energy spread will be monitored using a large volume HPGe detector with anti-Compton shield placed in an attenuated beam. An intensity and polarization monitor is proposed based on the d(gamma,n) reaction which could be placed in either the low-energy or the high-energy experimental areas. Several additional instruments using Compton scattering and photo-fission are envisioned for measuring the time structure, intensity, and polarization of the beam. Preliminary conceptual designs of these devices will be presented.
        Sprecher: Catalin Matei (Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) / Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) 30 Reactorului St., Bucharest-Magurele, P.O.B. MG-6, RO-077125, ROMANIA)
      • 15:15
        Status of the Bucharest AMS facility 15m
        Present status of the accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) facility at Bucharest “Horia Hulubei” – National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering is described. Since the radiocarbon dating measurements are playing an important role in our laboratory activity, an inter-comparison test had to be performed in order to estimate the overall performance in this type of measurements. The SIRI (Sixt International Radiocarbon Inter-comparison) proficiency trial samples have been chemically processed and measured at our HVEE 1 MV Tandetron AMS machine. Given the variety of the samples nature, which included bones, wood, carbonates, charcoal and humic acid, this exercise revealed also our laboratory capabilities in sample preparation techniques. The final conclusions of the SIRI archive sample dating are presented.
        Sprecher: Tiberiu Bogdan Sava (IFIN-HH)
      • 15:30
        Comparison of experimental and calculated neutron flux in Co-59 at the spallation target QUINTA 15m
        One of the most important parameter of ADS experimental setups is a neutron flux density of the secondary neutron field. The flux can be experimentally determined using activation detectors like Co-59. The experiment with Co-59 was performed at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia in December 2013. The field of secondary neutrons was generated at the massive natural uranium spallation target “QUINTA”. The QUINTA assembly was irradiated with deuteron and carbon beams at the Nuclotron accelerator. Energy of particles was 4 AGeV for deuteron beam and 2 AGeV for C-12. The samples of Co-59 were irradiated in the field of secondary neutrons. Samples were square-shaped. A total of 10 experimental samples were situated in different positions inside the target QUINTA. The setup is composed of five hexagonal sections. The total mass of natural uranium is 512 kg. The uranium is situated in aluminium rods. After irradiation, the samples were transported to the YaSNAPP spectroscopy laboratory. In the laboratory, the samples were measured with the use of HPGe semiconductor detectors. Reaction rates were determined for residual nuclei in cobalt samples. Reaction rates from deuteron beam irradiation were compared with reaction rates from C-12 beam irradiation. Experimental values were also compared with calculated values using the MCNPX and TALYS 1.6 codes. The neutron flux was determined using the experimental results of (n,xn) and (n,p) reactions. The experimentally determined neutron flux was compared with simulations. The comparisons have a good agreement.
        Sprecher: Miroslav Zeman (Brno University of Technology/ Joint Institute for Nuclear Reserch)
    • 14:00 16:00
      Hadron Structure, Spectroscopy, and Dynamics I Room 2

      Room 2

      Sitzungsleiter: Karin Schönning (Uppsala University(IKP-U))
      • 14:00
        Study of excited η mesons in photoproduction at CLAS 15m
        The CLAS experiment at CEBAF at Jefferson Laboratory investigates photon scattering on the proton with high intensities. The analysis presented in this talk focuses on the reaction γp → pπ + π − η to investigate excitations of η mesons. The observed η as well as the η(1295) and η(1405) decay preferably to π + π − η. The main goal is to improve the present knowledge of these states. Based on SU(3) symmetry for the light mesons a singlet as well as an octet is formed. Each contains one isoscalar state which mix to the lightest pseudoscalar mesons η and η. Thus two first radial excitations are expected, but three states were found: η(1295), η(1405) and η(1475). The η(1405) is debated to be a gluonic bound state, because it has been observed in gluon rich production mechanisms only. In this scenario the η(1405) should have a low production cross sections in γγ fusion or photoproduction. We report on the measurement of η and η(1405) production cross section in γp → pπ + π − η.
        Sprecher: Cathrina Sowa (Ruhr Universität Bochum)
      • 14:15
        Electroproduction of f0(980) and f2(1270) with CLAS detector 15m
        The Quark Model has predicted meson spectroscopy with great success. However, the nature of some light unflavored mesons is not fully determined yet. The case of f0(980) is particularly puzzling. Its nature remains debatable: it may be a 4-quark state or a KK molecule, rather than a simple q-qbar pair. While f2(1270) is better known, there are suggestions that it could be an intermediate state generated by vector meson-vector meson interactions. The electroproduction of the f0 and f2 (ep → epf0/f2) have never been measured so far, and may shed light on their structure. In this work, cross sections for the electroproduction of f0 and f2 have been extracted in the dominant decay channel ep → epπ+π-, using data taken at Jefferson Lab with the CLAS detector. In addition to these measurements, a Partial Waves Analysis of the epπ+π- final state is under study. Such technique provides the decomposition of a mass spectrum according to the angular distribution of the decay products, allowing a clearer identification of meson resonances of different spin.
        Sprecher: Brice Garillon (IPN Orsay)
      • 14:30
        The η-meson decay program at WASA-at-COSY 15m
        The study of η-decays allows to probe symmetry-breaking phenomena, to test theoretical calculations and to explore the anomalous sector of QCD. In order to perform those studies two data samples have been acquired with the WASA-at-COSY facility at Forschungszentrum Juelich. A proton beam is accelerated within the COSY storage ring towards a liquid deuterium or a liquid hydrogen pellet target producing η-mesons via: pd → 3He η or pp → ppη. The η-decay products as well as the forward-scattered projectiles are detected within the 4π WASA-at-COSY detector. A first round of experiments was done with the pd → 3He η reaction used for the study of the more abundant η-decay channels and to set up the framework for a common analysis. In order to address the rare η-decays a high-statistics data set has been collected in the reaction pp → ppη. The current analysis of the pp → ppη data set is related to the following decay modes of the η-meson: η → π+π-π0 is isospin violating and allows to probe quark masses. η → e+e-γ and η → e+e-e+e- serve to determine the electromagnetic transition form factor. C-violation can be tested via η → π0e+e-. The radiative decay η → π+π-γ is sensitive to the box anomaly. This talk will give an overview about the status of the analyses.
        Sprecher: Daniel Lersch (Juelich Research Center Germany)
      • 14:45
        Measurement of polarization observables in neutral double pion photoproduction off the proton with the CBELSA/TAPS-experiment 15m
        One important step in understanding the baryon spectrum is a precise knowledge of the excited states and their decays. In order to extract the contributing resonances from experimental data a partial wave analysis needs to be performed. To resolve ambiguities, the measurement of polarization observables is indispensable. In the regime of high mass baryon resonances multi-meson final states are of particular importance. Here sequential decays of resonances are observed. The Crystal Barrel/TAPS experiment is ideally suited to measure the photoproduction of neutral mesons decaying into photons due to its good energy resolution, high detection efficiency for photons, and the nearly complete solid angle coverage. In combination with a longitudinally or transversely polarized target and an energy tagged, linearly or circularly polarized photon beam the experiment allows the measurement of a large set of polarization observables. This talk will focus on preliminary results of neutral double pion production obtained with a transversely polarized target. This work is supported by the DFG (SFB/TR16).
        Sprecher: Tobias Seifen
      • 15:00
        Light meson spectroscopy at BESIII 15m
        The BESIII experiment has accumulated a large sample of J/psi, psi' and psi(3770) data set. Through these charmonium radiative and hadronic decays, we can explore the light hadron spectroscopies. In this talk, we will report our recent results on the properties of the X states, such as X(1835) and X(p pbar), study of J/psi radiative decays (J/psi → γKKη , γπ+π-η', γπ0π0). In addition, we also present our results on the decays of light mesons η and η' at BESIII.
        Sprecher: Marc Pelizaeus (Ruhr-Uni Bochum)
      • 15:15
        Recent results from the COMPASS experiment 15m
        The goal of the COMPASS experiment at CERN is to study the structure and dynamics of hadrons. The two-stage spectrometer has a good acceptance over a wide kinematic range for charged as well as neutral particles and thus allows to access a large range of reactions. Light mesons are studied with negative (mostly π-) and positive (p, π+) hadron beams with a momentum of 190 GeV/c. The spectrum of light mesons is studied in diffractive reactions of those beams on a liquid hydrogen target with a four-momentum transfer between 0.1 and 1.0 GeV^2/c^2. In the π-π-π+ channel COMPASS has recorded the currently largest data set. Using novel analysis methods, these data not only allow to measure the properties of known resonances with high precision, but also to search for new states. Among these is a new axial-vector meson with a mass of 1.4 GeV/c^2. Findings in the π-π-π+ channel are supplemented by the π-π0π0 final state. Additional insight is gained from channels with η or η' in the final-state, or centrally produced systems. The structure of light mesons is studied with a negative pion beam scattering off solid targets, either lead or nickel. Primakoff reactions at low momentum transfers allow to determine the polarisability of the pion, and thus to test predictions by chiral perturbation theory. Additionally, these reactions are used to determine the radiative widths of a2(1320) and π2(1670).
        Sprecher: Johannes Bernhard (CERN)
      • 15:30
        Partial Wave Analyses of antiproton-proton annihilations in flight 15m
        To investigate important aspects for the upcoming PANDA experiment, partial wave analyses (PWA) of antiproton-proton annihilation processes are carried out using data from the Crystal Barrel (LEAR) experiment. A coupled channel analysis of the three reactions resulting in the final states K+K-π0, π0π0η and π0ηη at a beam momentum of 900 MeV/c is currently in progress. Preliminary results on the determination of resonance contributions and of the spin density matrix (SDM) of different light mesons are presented. The elements of the SDM provide important information about the production process. Furthermore, results of analyses of the ω meson in different channels are discussed. These studies are focused on the determination of the contributing angular momenta of the antiproton-proton system as well as of the SDM of the ω. Significant spin-alignment effects depending on the production angle are visible here. All analyses have been performed using PAWIAN, a common, object-oriented and easy-to-use PWA software that is being developed at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. This presentation summarizes recent activities of the Crystal Barrel (LEAR) Collaboration. This work is supported by the BMBF.
        Sprecher: Julian Pychy (Ruhr-Universität Bochum(RUB))
      • 15:45
        Dilepton production in pion induced reactions 15m
        We calculate electron-positron pair production in pion-nucleon and pion-nucleus collisions. We derive the elementary cross sections in an effective field theory approach. We use these cross sections in a transport model to study π-nucleus reactions. We study the effect of the interference term (which is destructive in pi+ n and constructive in pi- p collisions) of the ρ and ω mesons on the dilepton spectra in pi+ A and pi- A collisions. Due to the interference term the ration of the cross sections at the omega mass is 4. This ration is reduced to 2 for heavy target because secondary reactions reduce the interference. Therefore, pion induced dilepton production allow us to study the decoherence in a strongly interacting medium.
        Sprecher: Gyorgy Wolf (Hungarian Academy of Sciences(KFKI-RMKI))
    • 14:00 16:00
      Nuclear Physics Applications I Room 5

      Room 5

      Sitzungsleiter: Ulli Köster (Institut Laue-Langevin)
      • 14:00
        Short-lived positron emitters in beam-on PET imaging during proton therapy 15m
        Due to the large dose deposit in the Bragg peak, proton beam radiotherapy is sensitive to a variety of possible differences between the actual and planned treatment situation. Therefore, a technique for in-vivo dose delivery verification is needed. The only such technique in clinical use today is positron emission tomography (PET) of the positron emitters produced in the patient during irradiation. PET during irradiation maximizes the number of counts and minimizes biological washout. In such a scenario, also short-lived positron emitters will be observed. As very little is known on the production of such nuclides, we measured the production of short-lived positron emitters in the stopping of 55 MeV protons in water, carbon, phosphorus and calcium targets. The most copiously produced short-lived nuclides are: 12-N on carbon, 29-P on phosphorus and 38m-K on calcium. No short-lived nuclides are produced on water. The experimental results were used to calculate the number of decays, integrated over an irradiation, in 4 tissue materials as function of the duration of the irradiation. 12-N needs to be considered as the image blurring caused by its large positron range may noticeably degrade image quality. In (carbon-rich) adipose tissue, 12-N dominates up to an irradiation duration of 70 s. In bone tissue, 12-N dominates over 15-O during the first 8-15 s. The short-lived nuclides created on phosphorus and calcium substantially improve the visibility of bone tissue in in-beam PET compared to PET imaging after an irradiation.
        Sprecher: Tom Buitenhuis (KVI-CART, University of Groningen, Groningen)
      • 14:15
        Proton radiography as a tool to improve proton stopping powers in proton therapy treatment 15m
        The quality of the cancer treatment with protons critically depends on accurate predictions of proton stopping powers of traversed tissues. Today, proton treatment planning is based on stopping power information derived from X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) images. The conversion of the CT image to proton stopping powers has systematic uncertainties in the calculated proton range in a patient of approximately 3-4% and even up to 10% in regions containing bone. The inaccuracies may lead to no dose at all in parts of the tumor or a very high dose in organs at risks and other normal tissues. A direct measurement of the proton stopping power by transmission radiography of high-energy protons will make it possible to significantly reduce these uncertainties and thereby improve the quality of dose delivery. This is expected to have a positive impact on treatment outcome. Our studies benefit from the novel gas-filled time projection chambers based on GridPix technology, being developed at the National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef), The Netherlands, to track a single proton entering and exiting the phantom. A BaF2 calorimeter has been used to measure the proton’s residual energy. Different phantom geometries and materials have been irradiated with a scattered proton beam of 150 MeV. The experiment was simulated using the Geant4 toolkit. First results show a good agreement between simulated and experimental energy radiographs. The multiple Coulomb scattering that affects the position resolution of the proton traversing different materials is being analyzed. Both energy and scattering angle radiographs will be discussed.
        Sprecher: Aleksandra K. Biegun (KVI-Center for Advanced Radiation Technology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands), Jun Takatsu (Department of Radiation Oncology, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Japan)
      • 14:30
        Calculation of efficiency for a high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer used for environmental radioactivity measurements 15m
        An accurate procedure for obtaining full energy peak efficiency for high purity germanium detectors using measurements for experimentally calibrated samples geometries is time consuming and often expensive. That is why methods such as Monte Carlo simulations have been proposed and examined by means of results intercomparison. In the case proposed, the geometries used are vials of 45 mm height and 25 mm diameter, made of glass (density: ~2.50 g cm^−3) with a wall thickness of 0.5 mm, as these are the most used geometries for regular monitoring of the environmental radioactivity, on daily/monthly bases, in the area of the institute and nearby. Measured isotopes in environmental samples are 241Am, 137Cs, 60Co, 40K, progenies of 238U and 232Th series. To determine the efficiency of the detector for these geometries quality control sample material from IAEA was used. Six vials have been filled to different heights with soil from one quality control sample, after it has been dried and homogenized. These calibration samples were then measured for long time. The calibration material was modelled as soil with density 1.6 g cm^−3. Detector response was simulated using the MCNPX code, calculating the pulse height tally, that estimates the distribution of the energy deposition which represents an energy spectrum in a physical detector. The results showed an agreement within 5% between simulated and measured efficiencies. The Monte Carlo method has reliable results, can be used for large range of geometries and in a cost effective way.
        Sprecher: Ileana Radulescu (National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering “Horia Hulubei” - IFIN HH)
      • 14:45
        Characterising encapsulated nuclear waste using cosmic-ray Muon Tomography 15m
        Muon Tomography (MT) is a burgeoning field of applied nuclear physics research. This technique makes use of the penetrating and Coulomb-scattering properties of cosmic-ray muons to image the internal composition of large and/or sealed containers that cannot be interrogated via conventional means e.g. X-rays. The Nuclear Physics group at the University of Glasgow, in collaboration with the UK National Nuclear Laboratory and Sellafield Ltd., have developed a prototype detector system based on scintillating-fibre and multi-anode photomultiplier technologies to assess the feasibility of using this technique in the non-destructive assay of legacy nuclear waste containers within the UK Nuclear Industry. Images of a small, industrial waste container will be presented from experimental scattering data collected using this MT system. These results showcase the vast potential of this system in characterising the high-Z (atomic number) materials encapsulated within the concrete-filled, steel container. Small uranium and lead samples are reconstructed to sub-centimetre precision and are clearly discriminated from the low-Z concrete background. With a full-scale system under construction in Glasgow to accommodate 500-litre industrial waste barrels, it is foreseen that with continued research and development this system will be deployed within the UK Nuclear Industry in the future and will play an important role in mitigating the risks inherent with the long-term storage of materials of this nature.
        Sprecher: David Mahon (University of Glasgow)
      • 15:00
        Research and conservation of cultural heritage using nuclear methods at IFIN-HH 15m
        “Horia Hulubei” Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Bucharest-Magurele, has been involved in activities regarding the study and preservation of national cultural heritage for decades. Initially starting with simple individual initiatives, today, the institute has solid connections with dozens of musea, universities, other research institutes involved in the study the preservation of national cultural heritage. Very diverse in types, methods and instrumentation, our activities may be classified mainly in: analyses using various techniques, especially nuclear and atomic ones, gamma irradiation treatments and radiocarbon dating, plus different combinations of the above. Two tandetron accelerators of 3 and 1 MV and an industrial type gamma-irradiator are the largest installations used. Through the collaborations that we have, our researchers may expand the institute`s activities also to using equipment from abroad. On a national level, IFIN-HH is also the promoter of modern methods of physics and chemistry concerning cultural heritage, as well as a renowned international leader in such activities. I will review the methods used, the installations and show a few examples from our latest activities in the area.
        Sprecher: Livius Trache (IFIN-HH)
      • 15:15
        Kinetics of radiation damages in SAV-1 alloy under neutron irradiation 15m
        The electric conductivity of the aluminium alloy SAV-1 irradiated with fast neutrons was investigated in the fluences range 10^16 - 10^19 n cm^-2 and a temperature range 290-480 K. It is revealed on the basis of the X-ray structure analysis that the average static displacement of atoms in the alloy in order of magnitude comparable to their dynamic thermal displacements. It is shown that the observed nonlinear dependence of the resistivity of the alloy on the dose and temperature due to changes in the degree of long-range order of the crystal lattice by neutron irradiation. The mechanisms of radiation modification of the structure of the alloy SAV-1 are discussed.
        Sprecher: Farkhad Akhmedzhanov (Institute of Nuclear Physics AS RU, Uzbekistan)
      • 15:30
        Investigation of gamma emission in experimental modelling of hadron therapy 15m
        Experiment Gamma-CCB at Cyclotron Centre Bronowice focuses on investigation of gamma emission in experimental modelling of hadron therapy, searching for manifestation of the Bragg peak in gamma spectra. Experimental program comprises a series of measurements for different energies of the proton beam, as well as for several phantom materials. The talk reports on the results of the measurements performed so far, at 70 MeV proton beam energy and for two target materials: graphite and methacrylate PMMA. Two different experimental techniques were tested, resulting in differential gamma spectra or spectra integrated over whole proton penetration path in a phantom. Strong correlation of the intensity of the carbon and oxygen excitation lines with the Bragg peak position has been observed in both types of measurements, confirming the potential of the method in the future application in hadron therapy.
        Sprecher: Aleksandra Wronska (Jagiellonian University Krakow)
    • 14:00 16:00
      Nuclear Structure, Spectroscopy, and Dynamics I Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg (University of Liverpool)
      • 14:00
        Half-life measurements of the excited states of 81Ge 15m
        A study of the nuclear structure of 81Ge has been performed in order to better understand shell evolution in neutron-rich nuclei near the doubly magic 78Ni. The experiment was performed at the CERN ISOLDE facility in the framework of a systematic ultra-fast timing [1] investigation of neutron rich nuclei populated in the decay of Zn. The use of the ISOLDE RILIS and a cooled transfer line between the ion source and the target [2] made it possible to produce a pure beam of 81Zn ions, which was delivered to our compact fast-timing station equipped with two LaBr3(Ce) detectors, a plastic scintillator and two HPGe detectors. In this work, we present the 81Ge results arising from the analysis of the γ-γ HPGe coincidences and the fast-timing analysis based on β-γ(t) and β-γ-γ(t) events involving the fast scintillators. The level scheme presents 10 new levels and 15 new γ transitions with respect to the recent studies [3]. The decay half-life of 81Ga was determined by using the strongest γ-rays from the decay. Several half-lives of excited states up to 2 MeV in 81Ge have been measured. Based on these measurements and the improved level scheme, the spin-parity assignments will be discussed and compared with shell-model calculations. [1] H. Mach, R.L. Gill and M. Moszynski, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 280, 49 (1989). [2] U. Köster et al., Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 266, 4229 (2008). [3] P. Hoff and B. Fogelberg, Nucl. Phys. A 36, 210 (1981).
        Sprecher: Vadym Paziy (Grupo de Física Nuclear, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Universidad Complutense - CEI Moncloa, E-28040 Madrid, Spain)
      • 14:15
        Collectivity beyond N=40 in neutron-rich Cr and Fe isotopes 15m
        An enhanced collectivity was discovered in the N=40 Cr and Fe isotopes, but its evolution beyond N=40 and the maximum of collectivity remains unknown. The first campaign of the Shell Evolution And Search for Two plus Energies At the RIBF (SEASTAR) scientific program took place in Spring 2014 at the Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory. It focused on the first spectroscopy of the more neutron-rich attainable nuclei such as Cr and Fe N>40 isotopes via proton-knockout reactions with the unique coupling of the DALI2 gamma array with the MINOS device. MINOS is composed of a thick liquid hydrogen target and a Time Projection Chamber (TPC). The charged particles produced by knockout reactions are detected in the TPC and enable the reconstruction of the reaction vertex with the use of a tracking algorithm, thus ensuring an optimal Doppler correction for the measured γ-rays by DALI2. The first analysis results of the SEASTAR campaign will be presented with the first spectroscopy of 66Cr and 70,72Fe. The performances of the MINOS TPC will also be detailed.
        Sprecher: Alexandre Obertelli (CEA Saclay)
      • 14:30
        Mass and isospin dependence of short range correlations in nuclei 15m
        The nuclear momentum distribution (NMD) is often quoted as being composed of two separate parts. Below the Fermi momentum (250 MeV/c) single nucleons move as independent particles in a mean field created by their mutual interactions. Above the Fermi momentum nucleons predominantly belong to short-range correlated (SRC) pairs with high relative and low center-of-mass momenta, where high and low are relative to the Fermi momentum. In addition to its intrinsic interest, the NMD is relevant to two-component Fermi systems, neutrino physics, and the symmetry energy of nuclear matter. The nuclear mass dependence of the number of SRC proton-proton (pp) and proton-neutron (pn) pairs in nuclei is a sensitive probe of the dynamics of short-range pairs in atomic nuclei. The amount of the number of SRC pairs in a nucleus can be investigated with electroinduced two nucleon knockout reactions (A(e,e'NN) in brief). Thereby, a nucleon and its correlated partner are knocked out. We present an analysis of (e,e'pp) and (e,e'p) data on 12C, 27Al, 56Fe, and 208Pb in kinematics dominated by scattering off SRC pairs and compare the results with theoretical models. The nuclear mass dependence of the extracted number of pp- and pn-SRC pairs is very soft. Final state interactions of the outgoing nucleons with the A-2 nucleus play a significant role. The two dominant contributions are (1) attenuation trough elastic and soft inelastic rescattering and (2) charge exchange reactions, changing the isospin projections of the outgoing nucleons.
        Sprecher: Camille Colle (Ghent University)
      • 14:45
        High resolution study of Tz=3→2 Gamow Teller transitions in the 50Ti(3He,t)50V reaction 15m
        Among the weak processes in nuclei, Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions caused by the στ-type interaction are very popular. They play important roles, for example, in the early stage of the core collapse of supernovae. Studies of GT strenghts B(GT) in pf-shell nuclei using (p,n) and (n,p) Charge-Exchange (CE) reactions at intermadiate energies started in the 1980s. They provided rich information on the overall GT strenght disributions but individual transitions were only poorly studied due to their limited energy resolutions of ~300 keV. A development in precise beam matching techniques realized an energy resolution of ~30 keV in intermediate energy (3He,t) reactions at 0°. With this one order of magnitude better resolution, GT and Fermi states that were unresolved in the pioneering (p,n) reactions can be studied. In order to study the Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions from the Tz=+3 nucleus 50Ti to the Tz=2 nucleus 50V, where Tz is the z component of isospin T, we performed a (p,n)-type (3He,t) charge-exchange (CE) reaction at 140 MeV / nucleon and the scattering angles around 0°. An energy resolutions of 21.5 keV, that was realized by applying matching techniques to the magnetic spectrometer system, allowed the study of fragmented states. Assuming the proportionality between reaction cross-sections and GT transition strengths B(GT), the B(GT) values were derived up to the excitation energy (Ex) of 15 MeV.
      • 15:00
        Gamow-Teller transitions in the 46Ti (3He, t) 46V reaction 15m
        Gamow-teller is a weak interaction of spin-isospin type. By studying GT transitions we can obtain some information about nuclear structure as well as nuclear astrophysics. GT transitions can be studied by beta decay and charge exchange reactions. β decay has a direct access to the absolute GT transition strengths B(GT). Charge Exchange reactions are also useful to determine B(GT) strengths up to high excitation energies if the “standart B(GT) value” is available from beta-decay studies. Here in this talk we focus on high-resolution (3He, t) type charge exchange reaction studies at RCNP, Osaka. A specific example on the 46Ti target nucleus will be given. The spectrum which have high energy resolution of ~30.25 keV makes it possible to observe many excited states and determine the Gamow-Teller transition strengths in 46V.
        Sprecher: Merve Dogan (Istanbul University)
      • 15:15
        Recent results from the mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP 15m
        Atomic masses of radioactive nuclides provide crucial information for a number of research topics, from nuclear structure and its manifestations across the nuclear chart, to the modelling of the r-process of nucleosynthesis. In this contribution, we will present the latest mass measurements from the precision Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, located at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. The masses of neutron-rich 129−131Cd isotopes were determined using ISOLTRAP’s unique combination of four ion traps, including a multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer, which is now used for beam purification and mass spectrometry as well. The cadmium isotopes are an important input for modelling the astrophysical r-process of nucleosynthesis, as the 130Cd isotope is thought to be a major waiting point nuclide. The masses of neutron-rich chromium isotopes were measured, approaching the N = 40 region, where nuclear collectivity is expected. Additionally, the masses of 101,102Sr and 101,102Rb were determined, extending the investigations of the A ≈ 100 nuclides in a well-known region of nuclear shape transition.
        Sprecher: Andree Welker (CERN)
      • 15:30
        Shell model calculation on even-even Germanium isotopes 15m
        Energy levels and the B(E2) values of even- even 70-76Ge isotopes have been calculated through shell model calculations using the shell model code OXBASH for windows, employing the SLG model space and SLGM interaction. The energy level calculations were in good agreement with experimental data. The B(E2) values and β2, the quadrupole deformation parameter, results were consistent with the available experimental data.
        Sprecher: Amin Attarzadeh
      • 15:45
        Recent results of the latest EXL campaign 15m
        EXL (EXotic nuclei studied in Light-ion induced reactions at storage rings) is a project within NUSTAR at FAIR. It aims for the investigation of light-ion induced direct reactions in inverse kinematics with radioactive ions in storage rings at the future FAIR facility. One of the key interests of EXL is the investigation of reactions at very low momentum transfers where, for example, the nuclear matter distribution, giant monopole resonances (GMR) or Gamow-Teller transitions can be studied. The existing ESR at GSI, together with its internal gas-jet target, provides the unique opportunity to perform this kind of experiments on a smaller scale already today. With a detector setup developed specifically for this experiment, we successfully investigated nuclear reactions with a stored radioactive beam for the very first time. As a part of the first EXL campaign we investigated the reaction 56Ni(p,p)56Ni in order to measure the differential cross section for elastic proton scattering and deduce the nuclear matter distribution and the radius of 56Ni. Furthermore, as a feasibility study, we excited the GMR of 58Ni by utilizing the 58Ni(α,α')58Ni reaction. This contribution will present the current status of the project and results of the campaign. This work was supported by BMBF (06DA9040I, 05P12RDFN8, 05P15RDFN1), the European Community FP7-Capacities, contract ENSAR n° 262010, HIC for FAIR, GSI-RUG/KVI collaboration agreement and TU Darmstadt-GSI cooperation contract.
        Sprecher: Mirko von Schmid (TU Darmstadt)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Break 30m
    • 16:30 18:30
      Accelerators and Instrumentation II Room 1

      Room 1

      Sitzungsleiter: Myroslav Kavatsyuk (KVI, University of Groningen)
      • 16:30
        Experimental techniques for in-ring reaction experiments with EXL 15m
        EXL (EXotic nuclei studied in Light-ion induced reactions at storage rings) is a project within NUSTAR at FAIR. It aims for the investigation of light-ion induced direct reactions in inverse kinematics with radioactive ions in storage rings at the future FAIR facility. The existing ESR at GSI, together with its internal gas-jet target, provides the unique opportunity to perform this kind of experiments on a smaller scale already today. The demanding vacuum conditions of a storage ring made it necessary to develop a novel detector system. This had to be ultra-high vacuum (UHV) compatible and, at the same time, feature an energy threshold as low as possible to enable the measurement of particles scattered at low momentum transfer. To equally fulfil both conditions, a windowless detector system was developed in which the UHV is separated from an auxiliary vacuum by a silicon strip detector. This novel technical concept, which was utilized in the latest EXL campaign at the ESR, allowed to successfully study a nuclear reaction with stored radioactive beam for the first time ever. The present contribution will discuss the implementation and essential features of the detection system. This work was supported by BMBF (06DA9040I, 05P12RDFN8, 05P15RDFN1), the European Community FP7-Capacities, contract ENSAR n° 262010, HIC for FAIR, GSI-RUG/KVI collaboration agreement and TU Darmstadt-GSI cooperation contract.
        Sprecher: Herr Mirko von Schmid (TU Darmstadt)
      • 16:45
        The electromagnetic calorimeter of the PANDA detector at FAIR 15m
        The versatile 4π-detector PANDA will be built at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), an accelerator complex, currently under construction near Darmstadt, Germany. A cooled antiproton beam in a momentum range of 1.5 − 15GeV/c will be provided by the High Energy Storage Ring (HESR). All measurements at PANDA rely on an excellent performance of the detector with respect to tracking, particle identification and energy measurement. The electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC) of the PANDA detector will be equipped with 15808 PbWO4 crystals (PWO-II), which will be operated at a temperature of −25◦C in order to increase the light output. In this talk especially the design of the forward endcap of the EMC will be shown. The crystals in this detector part will be read out with Large Area Avalanche Photo Diodes (LAAPDs) in the outer regions and with Vacuum Photo Tetrodes (VPTTs) in the innermost part. Production of photosensor units utilizing charge integrating preamplifiers has begun. A prototype comprised of 216 PbWO4 crystals has been built and tested at various accelerators (CERN SPS, ELSA/Bonn, MAMI/Mainz), where the crystals have been exposed to electron and photon beams of 25 MeV up to 15 GeV. The results of these test measurements regarding the energy and position resolution are presented. This work is supported by the BMBF and the EU.
        Sprecher: Malte Albrecht (Bochum)
      • 17:00
        The new readout concept of the PANDA experiment 15m
        One of the physics highlights of the future PANDA experiment at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR, currently under construction) is to search for exotic states that have been predicted by Quantum Chromodynamics, and whose properties are governed by the presence of valence gluons. Such exotic states can be formed directly and copiously in proton/­antiproton annihilations, which will be colliding at centre­of­mass energies between 2.5 and 5.47 GeV in PANDA. The challenge lies in reducing the enormous background yield, while preserving a high efficiency for the detection of exotic hadrons. As the detector response for background events is very similar to that for the decay of the exotic states, the use of a conventional triggered readout scheme, where a limited number of subdetectors generates a trigger signal that engages the readout of the complete detector, is ruled out. Therefore, a new type of intelligent readout is being developed, where kinematic constraints are imposed in realtime on online reconstructed events. As this no longer relies on the use of a trigger, this concept is called a triggerless readout system. Another challenge lies in handeling the 20 MHz interaction rate, which can cause detector response signals to overlap. These so­called pile­up signals will require special treatment by the readout system. To illustrate how the implementation is envisioned, the concept of the triggerless readout system, along with its current status and simulation will be discussed for one of the subdetectors, the Electromagnetic Calorimeter.
        Sprecher: Marcel Tiemens (KVI-CART (University of Groningen))
      • 17:15
        Measurement of the spatial and energy-loss resolution with a prototype Straw Tube Tracker (STT) for the PANDA experiment 15m
        The PANDA experiment is one of the pillars of the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany. The PANDA physics program is focused on answering fundamental questions re- lated to Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), mostly in the non-perturbative energy regime, using antiproton collisions on proton and nucleon targets. The central Straw Tube Tracker (STT) will be the main tracking detector of the PANDA target spectrometer. The main tasks of the STT will be the measurement of the particle momentum from the reconstructed tracks (with a spatial resolution ≃ 150 μm transversal) and the measurement of the specific energy-loss for particle identification (with an energy resolution better than 10%), especially for particles with momenta below 1 GeV/c. In this work, results obtained with a prototype STT using a proton beam with different momenta are shown and discussed, with an emphasis to the spatial resolution and the energy-loss for the different momenta.
        Sprecher: Alexandros Apostolou (KVI-CART/University of Groningen, FZJ)
      • 17:30
        Verification of passive cooling techniques in the Super-FRS beam collimators 15m
        The Super FRagment Separator (Super-FRS) at the FAIR facility will be the largest in-flight separator of heavy ions in the world. The separation principle is based on the use of beam collimators to stop the unwanted ions. In one of the most common situations, the heavy ions are produced by a fission reaction of a primary Uranium-238 beam (1.5 GeV/u) hitting a Carbon-12 target. In this situation, some of the produced ions are highly charged states of Uranium-238. Those ions can reach the collimators with energies of up to 1.3 GeV/u and a power of up to 500 W. Under these conditions, a cooling system is required to prevent damage to the collimators and to the corresponding electronics. Due to the highly radioactive environment, both the collimators and the cooling system must be suitable for robot handling. Therefore, an active cooling system is undesirable because of the increased possibility of malfunctioning and other complications. By using thermal simulations (performed with NX9 of Siemens PLM), the possibility of passive cooling is explored. The validity of these simulations is tested by independent comparison with other simulation programs and by experimental verification. With this validation, reasonable estimates can be made on the true effectiveness of passive cooling of the beam collimators. This information is used to ensure stable and safe operation of the Super-FRS beam collimators. Some results and conclusions will be presented in this contribution.
        Sprecher: Christiaan Douma (KVI-CART, University of Groningen)
      • 17:45
        A novel method for precision experiments with thermalized short lived nuclides produced at relativistic energies 15m
        At the Low-Energy Branch of the Super-FRS, projectile and fission fragments will be produced at relativistic energies, separated in-flight, energy-bunched, slowed down and then thermalized in a cryogenic stopping cell (CSC) filled with ultra-pure helium gas. After extraction from the CSC the ions will be delivered to the high precision experiments MATS and LaSpec. The prototype of the CSC and the multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer (MR-TOF-MS), part of the MATS experiment, has been tested at the FRS Ion Catcher experiments with heavy uranium projectile fragments and fission fragments produced at 1000 MeV/u at GSI. Thermalized inos are identified and measured using alpha-spectroscopy and precision mass measurements in the MR-TOF-MS. A new record was achieved for the areal density of stopping cells operated with beam (6.3 mg/cm2), a factor of three larger than for any other stopping cell with RF structures with extraction efficiencies in excess of 60%. First direct mass measurements of several nuclides using the MR-TOF-MS at mass resolving powers of up to 400,000 were performed. Access to rare (few detected ions per hour) and very short-lived (half-lives of a few milliseconds) nuclides was demonstrated. The measurement of isomeric states with an MR-TOF-MS as isomer separator was demonstrated for the first time, thus open up a unique perspective for isomer-resolved studies. Results from the online experiments and the design of final CSC will be presented and discussed in detail.
        Sprecher: Sivaji Purushothaman (GSI, Darmstadt)
      • 18:00
        A new technique to produce and study the most exotic neutron-rich nuclei 15m
        We have recently successfully demonstrated a new technique for production and study of many of the most exotic neutron-rich nuclei. LICORNE, a newly developed directional inverse-kinematic fast neutron source at the IPN Orsay, was coupled to the Miniball high resolution gamma ray spectrometer to study nuclei the furthest from stability using the 238U(n,f) reaction. This reaction is the most neutron-rich fission production mechanism achievable and was employed to simultaneously populate hundreds of neutron-rich nuclei up to spins of ~16h. High selectivity in the experiment was achieved via the use of a 400ns period pulsed neutron beam, a technique which is unavailable to other population mechanisms such as 235U(nth,f) and 252Cf(SF) used in the past. The pulsing allows time correlations to be exploited to separate delayed gamma rays from isomeric states in the hundreds of nuclei produced which are then used to cleanly select a particular nucleus and its exotic binary partners. The most interesting cases occur when the isomeric state is in a nucleus close to stability (e.g. 130Te), which guarantees from mass/charge conservation that the binary partners (106,108Zr) are at/beyond the very limit of our present knowledge. In the recent experiment several physics cases are simultaneously addressed such as shape coexistence, the evolution of the shell closures near doubly-magic 78Ni, and the spectroscopy of nuclei in the r-process path near N=82. Preliminary results will be presented.
        Sprecher: Andrea Gottardo (Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
      • 18:15
        Rapid light manipulation techniques for collinear laser spectroscopy in application for neutron-deficient francium 15m
        Collinear laser spectroscopy has been the workhorse at radioactive beam facilities to study nuclear spins, electromagnetic moments and changes in mean-squared charge radii for decades. With the quest of proceeding towards the study of more exotic isotopes, rapid light manipulation techniques for narrow-linewidth lasers have been developed in order to reduce the hyperfine pumping associated with fluorescence studies of atomic species. Firstly, the laser intensity supplied to the spectroscopy setup is modulated by means of an electro-optical modulator acting as a fast-switching half-waveplate [1]. Generating individual photon pulses and thus effectively achieving an “on/off” effect for the laser light, the observed intensities for the weaker hyperfine transitions are dramatically increased. The reduction of hyperfine pumping effects has aided in nuclear structure studies of francium [1] and rubidium [2] isotopes and isomers. Secondly, the intensity modulation technique has been taken further by implementing rapid frequency switching using a double-pass, acousto-optical modulator [3]. The synchronisation of the two modulators allows short photon bursts at variable frequencies to be delivered to the light collection region allowing for an increase of the total laser/atom interaction time whilst maintaining minimal hyperfine pumping. In this contribution, a detailed description of the new developed techniques and results from the experiment at TRIUMF-ISAC on neutron-deficient francium isotopes and isomers will be presented. [1] A. Voss et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 122501 (2013). [2] T.J. Procter et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 51, 23 (2015). [3] A. Voss et al., accepted in Phys. Rev. C.
        Sprecher: A. Voss (University of Jyväskylä)
    • 16:30 18:30
      Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions Room 5

      Room 5

      Sitzungsleiter: Hans Wilschut (Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut of the University of Groningen)
      • 16:30
        Production, purification, and analysis of a Ho-163 sample for the neutrino mass determination 15m
        The ECHo collaboration investigates the electron capture decay (EC) of Ho-163 for determining the mass of the electron neutrino. The spectrum of the EC is recorded by metallic magnetic calorimeters (MMC) and the neutrino mass is deduced from the analysis of the endpoint region of the spectrum. The required Ho-163 samples are produced by reactor activation of enriched Er-162. By ion exchange chromatography a pure Ho fraction can be obtained, leaving Ho-166m as the only remaining long-lived contamination. Resonance ionization at the RISIKO mass separator offers a suitable method to further purify the sample and to implant Ho-163 into the calorimeters in a single step. This method results in no radioactive co-implants beyond a fraction of 1 ppb with respect to Ho-163. In addition to the calorimetric spectrum, an independent measurement of the EC Q-value by high-precision Penning-trap mass spectrometry is necessary to quantify systematics such as solid state effects. Ion production from samples with only 10^16 atoms was studied at TRIGA TRAP using an improved laser ablation ion source. Determination of the Q-value was demonstrated and the uncertainty of the atomic masses of Ho-163 and Dy-163 improved by a factor of two compared to literature. This know-how can now be used at SHIPTRAP to perform the measurements on a 50 eV uncertainty level, thus providing the very important input for the ECHo project.
        Sprecher: Fabian Schneider (Universität Mainz)
      • 16:45
        Neutrinoless double beta decay nuclear matrix elements with energy density functional methods 15m
        Potential detection of non-conserving lepton number processes, such as the neutrinoless double beta decay, constitutes one of the most promising signals of new physics beyond the Standard Model, apart from experiments using high energy collisions performed at LHC (CERN). In the neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) two neutrons are transformed into two protons and only two electrons are emitted in the final state. This is a very encouraging case due to its implications in fundamental physics since it can only occur if neutrinos are massive and Majorana particles (neutrinos and antineutrinos are identical particles). Additionally, the inverse of the half-life of this process is proportional to the neutrino effective mass. Therefore, an eventual detection of this decay mode would determine the absolute scale of the mass of these elementary particles. Nevertheless, there exist two main unsolved problems in this field: 1) Despite the increasing experimental efforts, 0νββ decay has not been detected yet due to the very long half-lives (> 10^25 years) that require ultra- low background experiments; 2) Once the half-life of a given double-beta emitter is experimentally measured, the absolute scale of the neutrino mass can be only determined if the so-called nuclear matrix element (NME), that connects initial and final nuclear states, is accurately known. In this contribution I will present the current status and future perspectives for nuclear matrix elements calculations performed with energy density functional methods.
        Sprecher: Tomás R. Rodríguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
      • 17:00
        Searching for the neutrinoless double beta decay with GERDA 15m
        Neutrinoless double beta decay is a lepton-number violating process predicted by many extensions of the SM. It could be the key to understand the nature of the neutrino: it would prove its Majorana nature and the half-life of the decay would be a measure of the neutrino-mass absolute scale. The GERmanium Detector Array (GERDA) experiment at the INFN, Gran Sasso Laboratory, Italy, is searching for the double-beta-decay of the isotope 76Ge. Germanium crystals enriched in 76Ge are the source and the detector simultaneously. They are deployed into liquid argon. Data from the first phase of GERDA (Phase I) gave no indication of neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge, thus disfavoring the long-standing observation claim based on the same isotope in a model-independent way. The measured half-life lower limit ­for neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge is T1/2 > 2.1x10^25 (90% C.L.); the background level achieved was a factor 10 smaller with respect to previous experiments. The second Phase of the experiment is presently being prepared, aiming to an increase of the sensitivity on the half-life by a factor 10: this will be achieved by collecting a larger exposure and by further suppressing the background through the use of newly developed BEGe-type detectors and the detection of scintillation light from the liquid argon. This presentation will summarize the basic concept of the GERDA design; the physics results from Phase I; the status and perspectives from Phase II.
        Sprecher: Riccardo Brugnera (Universita' di Padova and INFN Padova)
      • 17:15
        Results from CUORE-0 experiment, status of CUORE detector, and future perspectives for neutrinoless double beta decay at LNGS 15m
        This talk discusses a rare nuclear transition, known as neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ), which is important for the exploration of the inverted hierarchy region of the neutrino mass pattern. The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is an experiment that aims to search for such a transition in 130Te together with other rare processes. CUORE is a cryogenic detector, composed by an array of 988 Tellurium dioxide bolometer crystals, with a total mass of 741 kg. CUORE is presently under construction at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (Italy), at a depth of about 3500 m.w.e. In order to test and demonstrate the performances of the upcoming CUORE experiment a lower scale experiment, consisting of 52 TeO2 bolometers, 750 g each, arranged in 13 layers, constructed strictly following CUORE protocols have been built. Such an experiment, called CUORE-0, is collecting data from spring 2013. This talk presents the latest results on 0νββ coming from CUORE-0 experiment. These results show how the good performances, in terms of background and energy resolution, support the achievement of the CUORE target sensitivity. This talk will then summarize the status of CUORE Experiment and the R&D activities on bolometers, currently underway, for next-generation double-beta decay experiments.
        Sprecher: Carmine Elvezio Pagliarone (LNGS - UNICLAM)
      • 17:30
        Nuclear structure corrections for superallowed 0+-->0+ beta decay revisited 15m
        Superallowed Fermi beta decay provides one of the most important tests of the fundamental symmetries underlying the Standard Model of electroweak interactions. The constancy of the absolute Ft value would confirm the conserved vector current hypothesis and allow to extract the vector coupling constant and Vud matrix element of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix with the highest precision. At present, ft-values for fourteen 0+ beta transitions are known with a precision better than 0.1%. To extract the absolute Ft value of the data, a few radiative and a nuclear structure corrections should be applied. The latter, which is due to the isospin-symmetry breaking in nuclear states, still represents a great challenge for a theoretical model [1]. We present a new shell-model calculation of a correction to superallowed Fermi beta decay for sd-shell emitters. In this study, many-body states are constructed from modern sd-shell Hamiltonians. We focus on a radial overlap correction, accounting for the difference between proton and neutron radial wave functions due to the presence of the Coulomb and isovector terms in a nuclear mean-field potential. We use a phenomenological Woods-Saxon potential and a self-consistent Hartree-Fock with zero-range Skyrme forces, with various recently developed parameterizations, slightly adjusted on nucleon separation energy and charge radii. The results are compared with previous calculations ([1] and refs. therein). In our opinion, there is still some freedom in the selection of the WS parametrization and details of separation energy fits. [1] J.C. Hardy and I.S. Towner, Phys. Rev. C 91, 025501 (2015).
        Sprecher: latsamy xayavong (CENBG)
      • 17:45
        Precise measurements of half-lives and γ-ray branching ratios of two mirror beta decays, 23Mg and 27Si, in order to study the weak interaction and test the standard model 15m
        Beta decays are a fantastic tool to study the weak interaction described by the standard model, thus this model can be tested by precise measurements with nuclear beta decays. Among these tests, the conserved vector current (CVC) hypothesis and the unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) quark-mixing matrix are of great interest. The CVC hypothesis assumes that the vector coupling constant, Gv, is a universal constant. Regarding the unitarity requirement of the CKM matrix, the quadratic sum of the elements of the top row should add up to unity: ∑(i=d,s,b)V_ui^2=1. In this equation, Vud is the main term, V_ud=(G_v/G_μ). To test these two properties, superallowed Fermi beta decays have yielded the highest precision [1]. However, there are three other possibilities to make these tests: neutron decay, pion decay and mirror beta decays. This last possibility has not been used for long because of the difficulty of determining corrected ft values, ℱt, and Gamow-Teller to Fermi mixing ratios [2]. Despite these difficulties, I will focus on an accurate determination of half-lives and γ-ray branching ratios for two mirror decays, 23Mg and 27Si. For that, measurements have been made at the IGISOL facility at the University of Jyvaskyla. Preliminary results will be presented and put into the international context of weak-interaction studies. [1] J.C. Hardy and I.S. Towner, Phys. Rev. C 91, 025501 (2015). [2] N. Severijns et al., Phys. Rev. C 78, 055501 (2008).
        Sprecher: cecile magron (CENBG)
      • 18:00
        Symmetry violations in neutron and nuclear beta decay 15m
        Nuclear and neutron beta decay played a major role in uncovering the structure of the weak interaction, but also remains important today in searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. These searches for non-SM physics, such as novel scalar and tensor interactions, are, however, not independent from searches in other fields, such as searches at the LHC or searches for electric dipole moments. In this talk I will discuss the significance of beta decay in the era of LHC and I will present a road map for future experiments.
        Sprecher: Keri Vos (VSI - RUG)
      • 18:15
        Testing Lorentz invariance in weak decays 15m
        Lorentz invariance is the invariance of physical laws under boosts and rotations. It is a key assumption in Special Relativity and the Standard Model of Particle Physics but has not been investigated in detail in the weak interactions. At the Van Swinderen Institute in Groningen a theoretical and experimental research program was started to study Lorentz invariance violation (LIV). The theoretical work led to a framework allowing a systematic approach to search for LIV in weak decays. Based on various experiments limits were set on parameters that quantify LIV. A novel beta decay experiment was designed which tests rotational invariance. Specifically, the dependence of the lifetime of polarized 20Na atoms on the polarization direction was measured as a function of sidereal time. The experiment sets a limit 2x10^-4 at 90% C.L. on sidereal variations of the relative lifetime. The experimental method and results will be discussed within the context of the theoretical framework.
        Sprecher: Auke Sytema (Van Swinderen Institute / University of Groningen)
    • 16:30 18:30
      Hadron Structure, Spectroscopy, and Dynamics II Room 2

      Room 2

      Sitzungsleiter: Ulrike Thoma (HISKP, Bonn University)
      • 16:30
        Employing spin symmetry to disentangle different models for the XYZ states 15m
        In order to test different models proposed for some states discovered recently in the charmonium mass range that do not fit into the pattern predicted by the conventional quark model, we derive predictions for the spectrum within the hadro-charmonium picture, the tetraquark picture as well as the hadronic molecular approach. We exploit heavy quark spin symmetry for the hadro-charmonium and hadronic molecule scenarios. The patterns that emerge from the different models turn out to be quite distinct. For example, only within the hadro-charmonium picture a pseudoscalar state emerges that is lighter than the Y(4260). Possible discovery channels of these additional states are discussed.
        Sprecher: Martin Cleven (Institute of High Energy Physics and Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
      • 16:45
        XYZ spectroscopy at BESIII 15m
        The BESIII Experiment at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC2) collected large data samples for electron-positron collisions with center-of-mass above 4 GeV during 2013 and 2014. A number of hadronic transitions have been measured in these data samples, leading to a rather complex picture of the physics of charmonium(-like) states above 4 GeV. In this talk we will present results for the hadronic and radiative transitions among these states and the four quark state candidats Zc’s.
        Sprecher: Landdiao Liu (Peking University)
      • 17:00
        Perspective study of heavy flavour mesons and baryons 15m
        The D-meson spectroscopy together with the spectroscopy of charmed and strange baryons is discussed. A large number of D-mesons produced in pair at the threshold can be used to study rare processes in the charm system like CP-violation, flavour mixing, rare decays. The expectation from the standard model is that CP-violation is large for K-system and B-system but small for D-system. A deviation from this small effect indicating “new physics” can be thus easier distinguished in the D-system than in K- and B-systems. Leptonic decays of D- and Ds mesons open the road to understanding the hadron structure. They probe quark wave functions and represent themselves as a good test for lattice QCD. An understanding of the baryon spectrum is one of the primary goals of non-perturbative QCD. In the nucleon sector, where most of the experimental information is available, the agreement with quark model predictions is astonishingly small, and situation is even worse in strange and charmed baryon sector. For this purpose a detailed analysis of spectrum of flavour mesons and baryons is given. The recent experimental data from different collaborations are analyzed. Many heavy measons and baryons with charm and strangeness are expected to exist in the framework of the proposed combined approach. But much more data on different decay modes are needed before firmer conclusions can be made. These data can be derived directly from the experiments with high quality antiproton beam with momentum up to 15 GeV/c planned at FAIR.
        Sprecher: Mikhail Barabanov (JINR)
      • 17:15
        Observation of the isovector dibaryon resonance-like state with mass of 2.18 GeV/c² 15m
        The pion production in proton-proton collisions with formation of the final-state 1S0 proton pair has been studied at ANKE-COSY. The angular dependence of the differential cross section has a forward dip in the whole energy region, its energy dependence reveals a clean peak in the Δ(1232) resonance region. The analyzing power is found significant, the maximal value of its angular dependence varies from 0.3 to 0.8 at different energies. A partial wave analysis assuming essential contribution of only two amplitudes, MPs and MPd, shows a resonance behavior of the d-pion wave amplitude with Breit-Wigner parameters ER = 2181 ± 8 MeV/c2 and Γ = 108 ± 24 MeV/c2. The peak in the forward cross section energy dependence looks as a direct manifestation of a ΔN resonance state in the P-wave of its relative motion. Position of the resonance indicates a strong attractive ΔN interaction in the JP = 2− state. The s-wave transition amplitude has a value comparable with the d-wave amplitude and due to interference causes the observed dip in the forward cross section and significant analyzing power. The s-wave amplitude squared reveals a resonance-like energy dependence similar to that of the d-wave.
        Sprecher: Dmitry Tsirkov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
      • 17:30
        Baryon spectroscopy at BESIII 15m
        The BESIII experiment has accumulated a large sample of J/psi, psi' and psi(3770) data set. Through these charmonium radiative and hadronic decays, we can explore the light hadron spectroscopies. In this talk, we will report our recent results on the study of the baryon spectroscopy. In addition, BESIII collected 506/pb sample at sqrt{s} = 4.6 GeV, which allows us to perform the double-tag technique to measure the rates in the model-independent way near threshold for the first time. Herein, we present our analysis results on branching fractions for 12 lambdac+ hadronic decays, including BF(lambdac+ → p K-π+). In addition, we will present the results of the semi-leptonic decay BF(lambdac+ → lambda e+ν).
        Sprecher: Xiongfei Wang (Tsinghua University)
      • 17:45
        X-rays of light kaonic atoms: SIDDHARTA and future 15m
        The X-ray measurements of kaonic atoms are important for understanding the low-energy QCD in the strangeness sector. Within then SIDDHARTA experiment we studied the X-ray transitions of 4 light kaonic atoms (H, D, 3He and 4He) using the DAFNE electron-positron collider at LNF (Italy). The currently most precise values of the shift and width of the kaonic hydrogen 1s state were determined, which are now being used as fundamental information for the low-energy K-p interaction in theoretical studies. The yields of kaonic hydrogen K-series transitions and of the kaonic He3 and He4 L-series were measured, the upper limit of the X-ray yields of kaonic deuterium was determined, important for future K-d experiments. The shifts and widths of the kaonic 3He and 4He 2p states were analyzed, settling open points in this issue. In the contribution, the experimental approach and the results of SIDDHARTA will be presented, along with plans for new experiments on kaonic deuterium.
        Sprecher: Michael Cargnelli (Austrian Academy of Sciences - Stefan Meyer Institute)
      • 18:00
        Spectrum of non-strange-baryons resonances by using a new mass formula under the octic potential 15m
        In this paper we study the spin and flavor dependent SU(6) violations in the nonstrange baryons spectrum using a simple approach based on the new mass formula. The energy eigenvalue of each baryon is obtained using the anzast method with the octic potential. The results of our model (the combination of our proposed solution method, hypercentralpotentialand generalized Gürsey Radicati mass formula to description of the spectrum) show that the nonstrange baryons spectrum are in general fairly well reproduced. The overall good description of the spectrum which we obtain shows that our model can also be used to give a fair description of the energies of the excited multiplets at least up to 3GeV and negative-parity resonance. Moreover, we have shown our model reproduces the position of the Roper resonances of the nucleon.
        Sprecher: Nasrin Salehi (Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University)
    • 16:30 18:30
      Nuclear Structure, Spectroscopy, and Dynamics II Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Ana Georgieva (aka Gueorguieva) (Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
      • 16:30
        Probing nuclear properties of imbalanced fermi systems with quasi-free proton knock-out reactions 15m
        Quasi-free knockout reactions in inverse kinematics offer great opportunities to probe the mean-field properties of imbalanced nuclei. We have developed a reaction model for quasi-free A(p, pN)B reactions with unstable nuclei. Such a model makes it possible to connect experimental data from (p, pN) measurements in inverse kinematics at radioactive-beam facilities, to the mean-field properties (spectroscopic factors and single-particle wave functions). The cross sections are calculated in a factorised way. To incorporate the effect of the soft initial- and final-state interactions, a Relativistic Multiple Scattering Glauber Approximation (RMSGA) is used. Soft interactions are calculated in an eikonal approximation using the free scattering cross sections. The role of charge-exchange effects is computed in a semi-classical way. The single-particle wave functions for the momentum distributions are from a mean-field shell-model calculation. The results of the model are compared to the momentum distributions for (p, 2p) reactions on 9−16C isotopes at 250 MeV/A, obtained at the HIMAC accelerator in Chiba, Japan. By comparing the theoretical cross sections to these distributions, we can study the evolution of the shell-model parameters as a function of Z/N. The model that is developed can serve to analyse the resulting data from experiments with relativistic radioactive beams conducted at GSI.
        Sprecher: Sam Stevens (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ghent University, Belgium)
      • 16:45
        Evaluation of some nuclear physics constants by isomer ratios of Tin 15m
        In the present work the photoneutron reactions of Sn and (p,n) reaction on Indium for Tin isotopes production will be analyzed. For both processes the cross sections for energy of incident particles of order of MeV’s were estimated. The contributions of different nuclear reaction mechanisms and the corresponding influence of nuclear potentials in the cross sections were obtained. The cross sections calculations were used in the isomer ratios evaluations of Tin isotopes. Later in the modeling of Tin isotopes production in (p,n) and photoneutron reactions were employed. The theoretical results were compared with the experimental data. From cross sections and isomer ratios data were extracted some important data for nuclear structure like binding energy of neutron and energy values for gamma transitions.
        Sprecher: Cristiana Oprea (JINR)
      • 17:00
        Isovector proton-neutron pairing and Wigner energy in Hartree-Fock mean field calculations 15m
        We propose a new approach for the treatment of isovector pairing in self-consistent mean field calculations which conserves exactly the isospin and the particle number in the pairing channel. The mean field is generated by a Skyrme-HF functional while the isovector pairing correlations are described in terms of quartets formed by two neutrons and two protons coupled to the total isospin T=0. In this framework we analyse the contribution of isovector pairing to the symmetry and Wigner energies [1]. It is shown that the isovector pairing is able to provide a good description of the Wigner energy, which is not the case for the mean field calculations in which the isovector pairing is treated by BCS-like models. [1] D. Negrea and N. Sandulescu, Phys. Rev. C 90, 024322 (2014).
        Sprecher: Daniel Ciprian Negrea (National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania)
      • 17:15
        Clustering features of light neutron-deficient nuclei in nuclear fragmentation 15m
        Nuclear track emulsion (NTE) is still retaining its exceptional position as a means for studying the structure of diffractive dissociation of relativistic nuclei owing to the completeness of observation of fragment ensembles and owing to its record spatial resolution. Separation of products of fragmentation and charge-exchange reactions of accelerated stable nuclei make it possible to create beams of radioactive nuclei. At the JINR Nuclotron exposures of NTE stacks of (NTE) are performed at energy above 1 A GeV to the beams of isotopes Be, B, C and N, including radioactive ones [1-3]. In general, the results confirm the hypothesis that the known features of light nuclei define the pattern of their relativistic dissociation. The probability distributions of the final configuration of fragments allow their contributions to the structure of the investigated nuclei to be evaluated. These distributions have an individual character for each of the presented nuclei appearing as their original “autograph”. The nuclei themselves are presented as various superpositions of light nuclei-cores, the lightest nuclei-clusters and nucleons. Recent data on pattern of diffractive dissociation of the nuclei 9C, 10C, 11C and 12N will be discussed in this context. [1] P. I. Zarubin, Lect. Notes in Phys, Springer, 875, 51 (2013); arXiv:1309.4881. [2] D.A. Artemenkov et al., Few-Body Systems 50, 259 (2011). [3] D.A. Artemenkov et al., Few-Body Systems 44, 273 (2008).
        Sprecher: Denis Artemenkov (JINR)
      • 17:30
        Pairing in 6He, Giant Pairing Vibrations in Carbon and pair-transfer in reactions 15m
        Pairing phenomena emerge in nuclear structure and in reactions involving a transfer of correlated pairs. We will give an account of the studies on this topic that have been carried on at our institute in collaboration with several other groups. The low-lying bound ground state and continuum states of 6He are constructed starting from neutron single-particle unbound p-resonances of the 5He system plus pairing interaction. We compare our findings with available databases (TUNL, NNDC) and with more recent experimental works [1]. This model is realistic and can give detailed information on how to disentangle the sometimes contrasting experimental results. We discuss also recent experiments performed by the group in Catania LNS [2] that show strong signatures of the presence of the Giant Pairing Vibration, a collective mode built out of particle-particle and hole-hole excitations, in transfer reactions involving Carbon isotopes, where the energy spectrum is measured up to the region where this resonance is expected. As a third example of the importance of pairing in nuclei, we discuss several calculations for two-neutron transfer reactions on various targets of certain relevance for present-day experiments, such as 32Mg and 68Ni [3]. These calculations show how to determine the wavefunction "content" in terms of ratio of cross-sections. [1] X. Mougeot et al., Phys. Lett. B 718, 441 (2012). [2] F. Cappuzzello et al., accepted in Nat. Comm. (2015). [3] J.A. Lay, L. Fortunato, and A. Vitturi, Phys. Rev. C 89, 034618 (2014).
        Sprecher: Lorenzo Fortunato (Dept. of Physics &amp; Astronomy - Univeristy of Padova)
      • 17:45
        Ab initio study of radiative captures and nucleus-nucleus bremsstrahlung 15m
        The recent progresses in the development of ab initio approaches make possible the description of bound and scattering states for light nuclear systems in a unified framework, based on microscopic Hamiltonians built within chiral effective theory. Among these approaches, the No-Core Shell Model with Continuum (NCSMC) [1] has proven particularly successful for studying resonances and elastic scattering of five- and six-nucleon systems [2,3]. The extension of this approach to the description of electromagnetic transitions in nuclear systems is highly desirable. It will be useful to probe the quality of the ab initio wave functions and in particular, to evaluate radiative cross sections including at energy ranges out of reach of experiments. I will present the first attempts to describe radiative captures and nucleus-nucleus bremsstrahlung with the NCSMC. I will discuss the applications of this method to the astrophysically important 3He(α,γ)7Be and 3H(α,γ)7Li reactions and to the αN bremsstrahlung [4], a preliminary step towards the study of the t(d,γn)α bremsstrahlung, considered as a possible plasma diagnostic in fusion experiments [5]. [1] S. Baroni, P. Navrátil, S. Quaglioni, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 022505 (2013); Phys. Rev. C 87, 034326 (2013). [2] G. Hupin, S. Quaglioni, P. Navrátil, Phys. Rev. C 90, 061601(R) (2014). [3] G. Hupin, S. Quaglioni, P. Navrátil, arXiv:1412.4101 [nucl-th]. [4] J. Dohet-Eraly, S. Quaglioni, P. Navrátil, G. Hupin, arXiv:1501.02744 [nucl-th]. [5] T. J. Murphy et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72, 773 (2001).
        Sprecher: Jérémy Dohet-Eraly (TRIUMF)
      • 18:00
        Lifetime measurements in Rb isotopes around the N=50 shell closure 15m
        The half-lives of yrast states in 86,87Rb isotopes, produced in 82Se(7Li, xn) reactions, were measured using the ROSPHERE gamma spectrometer. The experimental evidences prior to this measurements lead to the conclusion that 1p-2h proton configurations which involve the g9/2, f5/2, p3/2 orbitals are energetically favored to appear in this mass region with N~50 for states at excitation energies lower than ~4 MeV. At higher excitation energies, the neutron core breaks and neutron p-h excitations have to be considered. The proton hole f5/2p3/2 orbitals are responsible for delayed gamma decay of these states in neighboring Kr isotopes, having lifetimes in the nanosecond region. It is expected that this configuration to determine the existence of an isomeric state in 87Rb. Also, the experimental evidence concerning the spins and parities for these states located at a medium excitation energy in 87Rb is rather scarce. Of interest in the present work was to investigate the structure of excited states in the Rb isotopes, using the in-beam fast timing technique. From this measurements, the gamma decay multipole could be deduced.
        Sprecher: Cristina-Roxana Nita (Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH))
      • 18:15
        The isospin-forbidden proton emission of proton-rich sd- and pf- shell nuclei 15m
        The study of beta-delayed decay modes of nuclei near the proton drip line is pivotal for nuclear-structure physics in understanding the role of isospin impurity in the states of outermost imbalance of the proton and neutron numbers with respect to stable nuclei. The mechanism of a beta-delayed decay involves first a beta decay, with the highest probability for a superallowed beta-decay to the isobaric analogue state (IAS), followed by a proton or multi-particle emission. This second-stage proton (or multi-particle) emission from the high-lying IAS is isospin-forbidden, while decay from Gamow-Teller populated states may proceed according to the isospin-symmetry limit. A precisely measured exotic decay scheme and branching ratios for an isospin-forbidden and/or allowed particle emission provide a stringent and sensitive test for a microscopic approach that takes into account isospin non-conservation (INC). With our recently constructed INC Hamiltonians, we calculated the partial decay schemes of some precursors, e.g., 25Si, 29S, 33Ar, 37Ca, 53Ni, etc., within large-scale shell model approach. The microscopic description with an INC Hamiltonian enables us to take into account the isospin-symmetry breaking consistently in all physics processes under consideration, namely, beta decay, proton emission and electromagnetic de-excitation. The results show an excellent agreement with available experimental data.
        Sprecher: Yek Wah LAM (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    • 18:30 19:30
    • 09:00 10:30
      Plenary III Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Paola Gianotti (Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)(INFN-Frascati))
      • 09:00
        Antihydrogen formation and trapping 30m
        Antihydrogen, the bound state of an antiproton and a positron, can now be routinely formed and trapped in in magnetic minimum traps. The first physics results with this intriguing system have been carried out and many more are on the horizon. Antihydrogen is thus on the verge of delivering on its promise of becoming an important test bed for fundamental physics and tests of fundamental symmetries. In this presentation, we will give an overview of the developments that have led to these remarkable results, review some of the key techniques involved and discuss ongoing and planned measurements with antihydrogen.
        Sprecher: Niels Madsen (Swansea University)
      • 09:30
        A review of hadron spectroscopy from Lattice QCD: new ideas and results 30m
        Hadron spectroscopy from lattice QCD has entered a new era of precision. The spectrum of excited and exotic single hadron states is determined for light and heavy mesons and baryons and the physics of resonances is now being addressed. I will present recent results for spectroscopy, including exotic and isoscalar states. New calculations of scattering states, including a coupled-channel analysis will be discussed. The open questions and challenges for lattice hadron spectroscopy will be reviewed.
        Sprecher: Sinead Ryan
      • 10:00
        Quests in nuclear astrophysics 30m
        Nuclear physics is essential to understand the life cycle, energy release and nucleosynthesis processes in stars. There are reactions in different burning phases, which are involved in the energy production, evolution and nucleosynthesis of stars where our knowledge is limited: the cross sections of these key reactions at astrophysically relevant energies are not known with the precision needed. Improved data are required from nuclear physics to solve these problems and provide the next milestones for the understanding of our present picture of the universe. In order to achieve those aims several networks have been created recently to combine the astrophysical and nuclear fields. Among others, two examples will be presented, the LUNA underground facility, where the inherent low background allows to determine low cross sections for various astrophysical scenarios. Another example to be presented is the current status of the astrophysical p-process, relevant for the production of certain proton rich isotopes in explosive scenarios.
        Sprecher: Zsolt Fülöp (Atomki)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Plenary IV Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Gyorgy Wolf (Hungarian Academy of Sciences(KFKI-RMKI))
      • 11:00
        Radionuclides for medical applications 30m
        Ionizing radiation plays an important role in many medical applications. Not only the specialties radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine rely on ionizing radiation, but also radioguided surgery, certain dermatology procedures, research and development of new pharmaceuticals, etc. Last but not least about half of all medical devices are sterilized by ionizing radiation before use. All these applications use different types of radiation (gamma, positron, beta-minus, alpha, conversion and Auger electrons), very different levels of dose, dose rate and activity respectively and different modes of exposure (external versus internal). The dominating radionuclides in diagnostic nuclear medicine are 99mTc for SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) and 18F for PET (positron emission tomography). These work horses are complemented by other diagnostic radionuclides with shorter or longer half-lives or different chemical properties to cover a wide range of applications. Therapeutic applications of radiopharmaceuticals were so far restricted to very special diseases (e.g. thyroid cancer) but new targeted radionuclide therapies for more applications are now coming into clinical practice. The future holds large promise for Theranostics, a type of personalized medicine where a targeted radionuclide therapy is individually optimized based on imaging with a companion diagnostic radiopharmaceutical. Such applications are ideally performed with so-called “matched pairs” of diagnostic and therapeutic radionuclides of the same chemical element. The presentation will discuss medical applications of radionuclides and the respective production methods. A particular emphasis is made on synergies with nuclear physics research and research facilities.
        Sprecher: Ulli Köster (Institut Laue-Langevin)
      • 11:30
        Advances in nuclear structure with modern gamma spectrometers 30m
        This talk will present selected highlights from recent campaigns in European Laboratories with modern Ge arrays. Particular attention will be dedicated to results obtained with the Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA), during the campaign at Legnaro National Laboratory of INFN (Italy) and GSI, employing different types of reactions, including fusion, inelastic scattering and multinucleon transfer with heavy ions. Results from cold neutron capture and neutron induced fission measurements performed at ILL (Grenoble) with the EXILL Ge array will be also discussed. It will be shown how advanced gamma-spectroscopy studies can contribute to a deeper understanding of the structure of the atomic nucleus in key region of the nuclear chart, around doubly magic nuclei or in exotic systems. A detailed analysis of important nuclear structure phenomena, such as pygmy resonances, coupling between single particles and phonon excitation and shape transitions will be discussed, together with the relevance of state of the art gamma spectroscopy for application in astrophysics and applied physics.
        Sprecher: Silvia Leoni (University of Milano and INFN Milano)
      • 12:00
        Heavy flavor production and suppression in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions 30m
        High-energy collisions of heavy nuclei produce a high-density, color-deconfined state of strongly interacting matter called Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Heavy-flavor hadrons, containing charm and beauty, are important probes to study the characteristics and the evolution of the QGP. Heavy quarks, in fact, are produced dominantly through hard partonic scattering processes in the earliest stage of the hadronic collisions and thus they experience the whole history of the medium. RHIC at the Brookhaven National Laboratory and the LHC at CERN have provided large statistics and high quality data from nucleus-nucleus collisions, which allow precise investigations of the production of heavy quarks and their interaction with the QGP. The variety and the precision of the available measurements of the nuclear modification factor, the elliptic flow and correlations with hadrons, suggest first constraints to theoretical models. An overview of the existing results and of the current understanding of the heavy-flavor physics in heavy-ion collisions will be given.
        Sprecher: Silvia Masciocchi (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1 h 30m
    • 14:00 16:00
      Few Body Systems Room 5

      Room 5

      Sitzungsleiter: Nevio Grion (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Trieste)
      • 14:00
        Some advances in the microscopic foundations of the Interacting Boson Model 15m
        The traditional interpretation of pairs of nucleons coupled to angular momentum 0 and 2 as bosons in the Interacting Boson Model is revisited. In contrast to previous calculations, where extensive use of the Number Operator Approximation (N.O.A.) is made, we show new calculations of spectroscopic intensities of one nucleon transfer reactions and log ft values of single beta decays where this approximation is relaxed. We compare the results obtained with and without using N.O.A. with the experiment and the overall agreement between them is better without using N.O.A..
        Sprecher: Jose Barea (Universidad de Concepcion)
      • 14:15
        Dynamics of two-cluster systems in phase space 15m
        We present a phase-space representation of quantum state vectors for two-cluster systems which is valid both for finite hbar and when hbar goes to zero. The Bargmann-Segal transformation was used to map wave functions of two-cluster systems in the coordinate space into the Fock-Bargmann space. The density distribution in the phase space was compared with those in the coordinate and momentum representations. Density distributions in the Fock--Bargmann space were constructed for bound and resonance states of 6,7Li and 7,8Be, provided that all these nuclei are treated within a microscopic two-cluster model. The microscopic model is based on the resonating-group method and uses a full set of oscillator functions to expand a wave function of relative motion of interacting clusters. The dominant two-cluster partition of each nucleus was taken into consideration. The input parameters of the model and nucleon-nucleon potential were selected to optimize description of the internal structure of clusters and to reproduce position of the ground state with respect to the two-cluster threshold. We considered a wide range of excitation energies of compound systems, but special attention was devoted to the bound and resonance states. Bound states and narrow resonance states realize themselves in a very compact area of the phase space. We establish the quantitative boundaries of this region for the nuclei under consideration. Phase portraits of the high-energy excited states peak along the line which coincides with a classical trajectory.
        Sprecher: Yuliya Lashko (BOGOLYUBOV INSTITUTE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS, Kiev, Ukraine)
      • 14:30
        Effects of 3N force and Coulomb interaction studied in deuteron breakup reaction 15m
        Precise understanding of nuclear interaction is the basis for correct description of properties of nuclei and reactions involving them. Systems of three nucleons (3N) can be treated as a testing ground for the modern approaches to describe nuclear interaction, since for them exact theoretical calculations can be performed. At intermediate energies, observables for 3N systems are sensitive to subtle effects of the dynamics beyond the pairwise nucleon-nucleon force, so-called 3N-force, as well as to Coulomb interaction between protons and/or relativistic effects. Breakup of a deuteron in collision with a proton leads to the final state of three free nucleons, with a variety of possible kinematic configurations, revealing locally enhanced sensitivity to particular aspects of the dynamics. This feature makes the breakup reaction a very versatile tool for validation of the theoretical models. Database for the breakup reaction has recently been significantly enriched with precise differential cross section data, vector (proton) analyzing power and vector and tensor (deuteron) analyzing powers, collected with detection systems covering large parts of the phase space. A series of experiments performed at KVI Groningen and FZ-Juelich led to several important findings concerning the role of 3N-force and of Coulomb interaction, as well as indicating problems in description of polarization-related observables. The experimental program is continued at the new proton accelerator facility, Cyclotron Center Bronowice in Krakow, Poland.
        Sprecher: Elzbieta Stephan (Institute of Physics, University of Silesia)
      • 14:45
        Experimental studies of d(1H,pp)n and d(2H,dp)n reactions at beam energy of 160 MeV 15m
        A series of experiments studying a few nucleon systems in continuum of 3-body final states was performed at KVI Groningen with the use of BINA detector. The studies were mainly devoted to the system of three nucleons. The differential cross section data obtained for d(1H,pp)n reaction at beam energy of 160 MeV (80 MeV/nucleon)will be presented and compared to the state-of-the-art calculations, in particular with the aim to conclude on the role of the so-called three-nucleon force (3NF). The 4N ensemble reveals already the complexity of heavier systems, e.g.~variety of entrance and exit channels, various total isospin states etc. This feature poses challenges, but also introduces an enhanced sensitivity to certain aspects of the nuclear dynamics, manifested in various channels and configurations. Expected enhancement of 3NF effects was the motivation to extend the experimental studies to the 4N systems. The first results obtained d(2H,dp)n reaction at 160 MeV beam energy will be shown. In the first place, the differential cross section for configurations "not far" from quasi-free deuteron-proton scattering are considered.
        Sprecher: Elzbieta Stephan (Institute of Physics, University of Silesia)
      • 15:00
        Two-body force in three-body system: a case of (d,p) reactions 15m
        One-neutron transfer reactions A(d,p)B are often described by a three-body n+p+A model due to importance of deuteron breakup. All models used to treat this breakup assume that the two-body n-A and p-A interactions are described by the corresponding local optical potentials taken at half the deuteron energy. The present talk shows that projection of the n+p+A many-body function into the three-body channel leads to the p-A and n-A interactions different to those used in these models. Such interactions are given by complicated non-local energy-dependent optical operators. However, in the particular case of (d,p) reactions, it is possible to make reasonable simplifications of the n-A and p-A optical potentials reducing them to non-local energy-dependent nucleon optical potentials calculated at half the deuteron energy plus an expectation value of the n-p kinetic energy over the range of the n-p interaction. This shifts the nucleon energies used in three-body calculations of (d,p) reactions thus affecting the theoretical (d,p) cross sections and the spectroscopic factors extracted comparison between the theoretical and experimental cross sections of these reactions. A few examples demonstrating this effect in A(d,p)B will be presented.
        Sprecher: Natalia Timofeyuk (University of Surrey)
      • 15:15
        Calibration of backward ball scintillators of the BINA detection system 15m
        BINA is an experimental setup with a nearly 4π geometrical acceptance that has been developed in 2004 at KVI and designed for studying three- and four-nucleon scattering processes. BINA is composed of two main parts, a forward wall and the backward ball. The forward wall consists of two components, namely a hodoscope of segmented thin and thick scintillators and a Multi Wire Proportional Chamber (MWPC). The scintillators are used for the particle identification and for the energy measurement of scattered protons and deuterons (ΔE-E). The MWPC is used to obtain the scattering angles of these particles. The forward part of BINA has been designed to detect particles at scattering angles between 10◦ to 35◦. The backward ball consists of 149 fast and slow scintillators for a ΔE-E measurement. The backward part covers polar angles between 35◦ to 165◦ with nearly full azimuthal coverage. Our aim is to measure differential cross sections of the p-d elastic reaction at 135 MeV and at large scattering angles., For this, we are developing a calibrating procedure for the ball detectors of BINA based on a kinematical approach and by making use of GEANT3 simulations. In this contribution, we will present the preliminary results of the ball calibration.
        Sprecher: Mohammad Taqy Bayat (Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran)
      • 15:30
        Investigation of the time-reversal invariance in pd radiative capture reaction 15m
        Experimental differential cross sections of proton deuteron radiative capture and the photo-disintegration of 3He are compared at the same center of mass angle as a function of energy. The proton deuteron radiative capture (PDRC) differential cross sections are multiplied by an appropriate detailed-balance factor. For Eγ > 50 MeV the PDRC results have good agreement with the inverse reaction results which is a test of time-reversal invariance in the electromagnetic interaction. For 30 < Eγ < 50 MeV there is no agreement between the PDRC and the inverse reaction results.
        Sprecher: Ali Akbar Mehmandoost-Khajeh-Dad (University of Sistan and Baluchestan)
      • 15:45
        Muon capture on the deuteron: the MuSun experiment 15m MartiniPlaza Congress Center

        MartiniPlaza Congress Center

        QCD-based effective field theories are becoming increasingly more powerful in describing few-body nuclear systems. These models establish a quantitative relationship between muon capture rates and fundamental astrophysical processes from which cross sections can not be measured in the laboratory, such as pp fusion in our sun. The MuSun experiment is measuring the muon capture rate on the deuteron via a precise measurement of the lifetime of negative muons in deuterium. Such a measurement unambiguously determines the low energy constant related to the strengths of the axial coupling to the two nucleon-system. Located at the Paul Scherrer Institute, data-taking started in 2011, and a final production run is planned for this summer. In this talk, I will present the status of the experimental program and the progress of the data analysis towards a first physics result. In particular, I will discuss how we deal with the systematics related with the event selection in our active-target time projection chamber (TPC). This cryogenic TPC, filled with ultra-pure deuterium, enables us to unambiguously measure the capture rate of negative muons from the doublet state of a muonic deuteron atom.
        Sprecher: Dr. Frederik Wauters (University of Washington)
    • 14:00 16:00
      Heavy Ion Collisions and QCD Phases Room 1

      Room 1

      Sitzungsleiter: Silvia Masciocchi (GSI, Darmstadt)
      • 14:00
        Recent results from the NA61/SHINE experiment 15m
        The problem of pinning down the critical point of strongly interacting matter still puzzles the community. One of the answers suspected to emerge in the near future will surely come from NA61/SHINE -a fixed-target experiment aiming to discover the critical point as well as to study the properties of the onset of deconfinement. This goal will be reached by obtaining precise data on hadron production in proton-proton, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions in a wide range of system size and collision energy. In this contribution, recent inclusive spectra and new results on fluctuations of identified hadrons in p+p and Be+Be interactions at the SPS energies will be shown. The results will be compared with the world data, in particular with the corresponding results of NA49 for central Pb+Pb collisions as well as with some model predictions.
        Sprecher: Andrzej Wilczek (University of Silesia)
      • 14:15
        Softening of the kaon spectra in 1.9A GeV nucleus-nucleus collisions by phi(1020) production and decay 15m
        phi(1020) mesons emitted from Ni+Ni and Al+Al collisions at the beam kinetic energy of 1.9A GeV were investigated by the FOPI Collaboration [1,2]. Significantly larger data sample was obtained compared to our previous measurements [3]. Basic parameters of phi(1020) emission were obtained from kinetic energy distribution. Our results are close to that obtained by the HADES Collaboration at similar beam energy [4]. As a result of the dominant phi meson decay to K+K- pair [5], the kinematic spectra of K- receive a considerable feeding. We show that this contribution clearly softens the K- spectra. In consequence, a considerable part of the gap between the inverse slopes of K- and K+, that was observed for most of the colliding systems at similar beam energies [6], can be explained by the influence of phi mesons to the K- spectra. (K. Piasecki for the FOPI Collaboration) [1] K. Piasecki et al. (FOPI Collaboration), arXiv:1412.4493, submitted to Phys. Rev. C. [2] P. Gasik (FOPI Collaboration), Ph.D. Thesis, University of Warsaw (unpublished). [3] A. Mangiarotti et al. (FOPI Collaboration), Nucl. Phys. A 714, 89 (2003). [4] G. Agakishiev et al. (HADES Collaboration), Phys. Rev. C 80, 025209 (2009). [5] K.A. Olive et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C, 38, 090001 (2014). [6] A. Foerster et al. (KaoS Collaboration), Phys. Rev. C 75, 024906 (2007).
        Sprecher: Krzysztof Piasecki (Institute of Experimental Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)
      • 14:30
        QCD chiral phase transition from a (axial) vector meson extended PQM model 15m
        Chiral phase transition is investigated in the SU(3)_L x SU(3)_R symmetric (axial)vector meson extended Polyakov Quark Meson model, which includes beside the usual scalar and pseudoscalar nonets, the vector and axial vector nonets, constituent quarks and Polyakov loop variables. For the determination of the model parameters at zero temperature we apply a hybrid approach, in which mesons treated at tree-level, while the constituent quarks at 1-loop level. At finite temperature and/or densities, the temperature and baryochemical potential dependence of the order parameters (two scalar condensates and two Polyakov loop variables) are calculated from the hybrid 1-loop level field equations resulting from the first derivatives of the grand canonical potential. The order of the phase transition along the T=0 and mu_B=0 axes are determined for various parameterization scenarios. We find that in order to have a pseudo critical temperature at mu_B=0, which is consistent with lattice results and a first order phase transition at T=0 as a function of mu_B a light isoscalar particle is needed. We investigate the behavior of different thermodynamical quantities like pressure, entropy or energy density. The T/mu_B dependence of the scalar meson curvature masses are also determined. Here we take into account the exact fermion contribution to the meson masses.
        Sprecher: Peter Kovacs (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungary)
      • 14:45
        Open heavy-flavour measurements in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC 15m
        The Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is a state of matter, which is thought to have been present before the hadron epoch in the early universe. This regime of strongly-interacting matter where quarks are deconfined can be recreated at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in heavy-ion collisions. Among the LHC experiments, ALICE is especially designed for the study of the signatures of the QGP. Heavy-flavour hadrons are powerful probes since heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are predominantly created in the early stage of the collision and carry along rich information by their interaction with the medium. The mentioned interaction can be characterised by observables like the nuclear modification factor, which is the ratio of the yield in nucleus-nucleus collisions and the cross section in pp collisions scaled with the average nuclear overlap function. Measurements of azimuthal anisotropy can provide, in addition to information about partonic energy loss, insight into the possible participation of heavy quarks in the collective motion of the medium. The measurements are performed at mid-rapidity using hadronic and semi-electronic decays, and at forward rapidity using semi-muonic decays. In this presentation results from measurements of open heavy-flavour production in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV in comparison with model calculations will be shown. (Sedat Altınpınar for the ALICE Collaboration)
        Sprecher: Sedat Altinpinar (University of Bergen)
      • 15:00
        Open heavy-flavour production as a function of multiplicity in pp and p-Pb collisions 15m
        The measurement of charm and beauty production cross sections in pp collisions provides a reference for heavy-ion studies and a test for perturbative QCD calculations. In p-Pb collisions, open heavy-flavour measurements allow one to assess the effects due to the presence of a nucleus in the initial state, and to investigate the possible presence of final-state effects, such as jet quenching and radial flow. Open heavy-flavour measurements as a function of the multiplicity of charged particles produced in the collision are sensitive to the interplay between hard and soft contributions governing particle production in hadronic collisions and could give insight into the role of multi-parton interactions (MPI), i.e. several hard partonic interactions occuring in a single collision. We present results of open heavy-flavour production measurements in pp and p-Pb collisions with ALICE. These results include the production cross sections of D mesons, reconstructed via hadronic decay channels at mid-rapidity, and of leptons from heavy-flavour hadron decays, namely electrons measured at mid-rapidity and muons at forward rapidity. We will show the measurement of D-meson production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity, comparing the evolution of the per-event yield of D mesons in different multiplicity intervals in the two collision systems. For p-Pb collisions, we present in different multiplicity ranges the D meson nuclear modification factor, defined as the ratio of the D-meson yield in p-Pb and pp collisions divided by the average number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions.
        Sprecher: Riccardo Russo (University of Turin)
      • 15:15
        Jets evolution in Au+Au nuclear collisions at CBM energies 15m
        The CBM experiment aims the study of the QCD phase diagram at low temperatures and high baryonic densities, mainly to study the phase transition between hadrons and partons under these conditions. There are many signals to detect the phase transition point: fluctuations, hydrodynamics, etc. In previous studies we found as an interesting tool for analyzing of relativistic nuclear collisions: the “nuclear matter jets”. Having a nonpartonic origin, the number of jets indicates the centrality of the collision, i.e. the amount of incident energy pumped into the system, and the jet properties allowed us to make assumptions about their origin. A liquid-gas nuclear phase transition was indicated by the disappearance of jets. The cumulative number is another useful variable for detecting phase transitions. Cumulative number, like jets, can be associated with density and temperature fluctuations into the fireball initiated by a nucleus-nucleus collision. At CBM energies we expect a similar behavior for nuclear matter and partonic jets. For this we made jet and cumulative number studies using UrQMD and AMPT simulations (performed at the computing system YaPT from “Nuclear Matter in Extreme Conditions” Research Center – Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University) for Au+Au collisions at 10, 20 and 30 GeV/nucleon. Our purpose is to study the evolution of properties of nuclear matter jets and of cumulative number with projectile energy and with the collision centrality for testing the sensitivity of these variables to the Equation-of-State of nuclear matter at CBM energies.
        Sprecher: Danut Argintaru (Constanta Maritime University)
      • 15:30
        Flow analysis in CBM experiment at FAIR 15m
        The CBM experiment aims to study heavy ion collisions at incident beam energies between 10 and 45 AGeV corresponding to high net-baryon densities and moderate temperatures of the phase diagram of nuclear matter. Anisotropic flow defined as a correlation between the azimuthal angle of an outgoing particle and the azimuthal angle of the impact parameter offers the access to equation of state of strongly interacting matter. At RICH energies the studies shows that flow is developed at very early stages of collisions at partonic level. Similar behaviors are expected at CBM energies. On the other hand there is a lack of experimental observations in the range of energies covered by CBM. In this work we present by comparison the possibility of applying different methods for analyzing the flow in CBM experiment, respectively event plan method, cumulant method, Lee-Yang Zero method. Our analysis is focused mainly on directed and elliptic flow using simulation code YaPT. We will discuss the results compared to experimental data, AGS, STAR, close to CBM energies range.
        Sprecher: Valerica Baban (Constanta Maritime University/Bucharest University , Faculty of Physics)
    • 14:00 16:00
      Nuclear Astrophysics I Room 2

      Room 2

      Sitzungsleiter: Gabor Kiss (Atomki)
      • 14:00
        Underground nuclear astrophysics at Gran Sasso Laboratories 15m
        It is in the nature of astrophysics that many of the processes and objects one tries to understand are physically inaccessible. Thus, it is important that those aspects that can be studied in the laboratory be rather well understood. One such aspect are the nuclear fusion reactions, which are at the heart of nuclear astrophysics: they influence sensitively the nucleosynthesis of the elements in the earliest stages of the universe and in all the objects formed thereafter, and control the associated energy generation, neutrino luminosity, and evolution of stars. LUNA (Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics) is an experimental approach for the study of nuclear fusion reactions based on an underground accelerator laboratory. Since 20 years the LUNA Collaboration has been directly measuring cross sections of nuclear processes relevant in several astrophysical scenarios in the underground laboratories of Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) with unprecedented sensitivity. The latest LUNA results will be presented. Future researches will be carried out in the frame of the LUNA-MV project which aims at measuring several astrophysical key reactions. The scientific program of LUNA-MV as well as status and schedule will be presented.
        Sprecher: Francesca Cavanna (Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf)
      • 14:15
        Gamma background studies in 45m and 150m deep mines 15m
        A very low background level is a key requirement for low-energy nuclear astrophysics experiments. A detailed high energy (Eg>3MeV) gamma-background study with two escape-suppressed HPGe detectors has been performed at a medium deep underground site, in the Reiche Zeche mine (150m) in Freiberg, Germany [1]. The new data complement a data set with the same detector at the Earth's surface, shallow underground (45m) in the Felsenkeller laboratory in Dresden, Germany [2], and deep underground (1400m) in LNGS in Gran Sasso, Italy [3]. The detailed background data from one and the same escape-suppressed HPGe detector at different underground depths allows the investigation of the effect of the active and passive shielding on the high energy (Eg>3MeV) laboratory background. A detailed interpretation of the behaviour of different background components as a function of the underground depth will be presented. The data show that already a shallow underground site has sufficiently low gamma-background for many nuclear astrophysics studies when an additional active shield is used to veto the remaining muon flux. Benefiting from these low background conditions, a used 5MV Pelletron tandem accelerator is currently being refurbished for installation at the Dresden Felsenkeller [4]. [1] T. Szücs et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 51, 33 (2015). [2] T. Szücs et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 48, 8 (2012). [3] T. Szücs et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 44, 513 (2010). [4] D. Bemmerer et al., Proc. of Sciences NIC XIII, 044 (2015).
        Sprecher: Tamás Szücs (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
      • 14:30
        Status of the direct search for the E(c.m.) = 138 keV resonance in 23Na(p,g)24Mg at LUNA 15m
        Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars play a fundamental role in the determination of the observed abundances of light mass elements. Despite great efforts, model predictions for AGB yields are rather uncertain due to the complex physical structure and the weakly constrained mass-loss rates and convection efficiencies. In addition, the poor knowledge of the cross sections of the relevant proton capture reactions diminishes the reliability of the model predictions particularly for light element yields. The reaction 23Na(p,g)24Mg links the NeNa and the MgAl cycles of stellar burning, hence the precise knowledge of its cross section is crucial. For a resonance of this reaction at 138 keV only an upper limit of 5.17 neV (95% confidence limit) could be established for its strength, with indications of a signal at (2.15+-1.29) neV (68% confidence level) [1]. Measurements at LUNA, the Laboratory Underground for Nuclear Astrophysics, are aimed at a direct observation of this resonance with a segmented bismuth germanium oxide (BGO) detector [2] to determine the resonance strength more precisely or to provide an improved upper limit. Compared to previous experimental efforts, LUNA benefits from an increased sensitivity thanks to reduced backgrounds due to its location underground at the Gran Sasso National Laboratories (LNGS) and a massive shielding. The current status of the experimental efforts will be presented, covering the setup and the preliminary results of studies and measurements. [1] J.M. Cesaratto et al., Phys. Rev. C 88, 065806 (2013). [2] C. Casella et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 489, 160 (2002).
        Sprecher: Axel Boeltzig (Gran Sasso Science Institute)
      • 14:45
        Muon capture on the deuteron: the MuSun experiment 15m
        QCD-based effective field theories are becoming increasingly more powerful in describing few-body nuclear systems. These models establish a quantitative relationship between muon capture rates and fundamental astrophysical processes from which cross sections can not be measured in the laboratory, such as pp fusion in our sun. The MuSun experiment is measuring the muon capture rate on the deuteron via a precise measurement of the lifetime of negative muons in deuterium. Such a measurement unambiguously determines the low energy constant related to the strengths of the axial coupling to the two nucleon-system. Located at the Paul Scherrer Institute, data-taking started in 2011, and a final production run is planned for this summer. In this talk, I will present the status of the experimental program and the progress of the data analysis towards a first physics result. In particular, I will discuss how we deal with the systematics related with the event selection in our active-target time projection chamber (TPC). This cryogenic TPC, filled with ultra-pure deuterium, enables us to unambiguously measure the capture rate of negative muons from the doublet state of a muonic deuteron atom.
        Sprecher: Frederik Wauters (University of Washington)
      • 15:00
        Experimental study of the 13C+12C fusion reaction at deep sub-barrier energies 15m
        Heavy-ion fusion reactions between light nuclei such as carbon and oxygen isotopes have been studied because of their significance for a wide variety of stellar burning scenarios. One important stellar reaction is 12C+12C, but it is difficult to measure it in the Gamow window because of very low cross sections and several resonances occurring. Hints can be obtained from the study of 13C+12C reaction. We have measured it by an activation method for energies down to Ecm=2.5 MeV using 13C beams from the Bucharest 3 MV tandetron and gamma-ray deactivation measurements from the resulting 24Na, in our low and ultra-low background laboratories. The latter is located in a salt mine about 100 km north of Bucharest. Results of the experiments so far are shown and discussed in connection with the possibility to go even further down in energy and with the interpretation of the reaction mechanism at such deep sub-barrier energies. Possibilities to further use the combination high current tandetron accelerator and ultra-low background salt mine laboratory for nuclear astrophysics are also assessed.
        Sprecher: Mihai Straticiuc (IFIN-HH)
      • 15:15
        Reason for the existence of 56Fe than 62Ni in supernovae remnants 15m
        In astrophysics, the rates of neutron-capture reactions in r and s processes are proportional to the nuclear level densities (NLD) and are important in the synthesis of elements heavier than iron. The most abundant isotope of iron, 56Fe, originates from an unstable isotope of nickel, 56Ni. This isotope is produced in supernovae and decays first to Cobalt and then to iron. Still the question of existence of 56Fe than 62Ni in supernovae is unanswered, even though the mean binding energy difference is of no importance to the theory of supernovae. Truran et al., favoured 56Fe has the highest BE/A, but Clifford and Taylor are the first to identify 62Ni has the highest mean binding energy. In this work we tried to answer the reason for the existence of 56Fe than 62Ni in supernovae remnants in the context of excitation energy, level density and thermal fluctuation, etc. The binding energy per nucleon in the mass region A=50-64 using Droplet model mass formula is calculated and found the nuclei 58Fe(8.76681MeV) and 62Ni(8.76789MeV) are strongly bound than 56Fe(8.74831MeV), which is in correlation with Fewell. The level density parameter (ldp) is determined, under statistical assumptions, by the relation between excitation energy and entropy. Nuclear structure effects upon the ldp can be considered by the inclusion of shell corrections, pairing correlations and collective excitations. The interrelation between structure and rotational effects in the stability of 56Fe is also discussed.
        Sprecher: S. Santhosh Kumar (Department of Physics, Bharathidasan Govt. College for Women, Puducherry – 605 003, U.T. of Puducherry. INDIA)
      • 15:30
        In-beam and activation experiments for γ-process nucleosynthesis at the University of Cologne 15m
        The majority of the neutron-deficient p nuclei, bypassed by the s and r process, is believed to be produced during the γ process. During this process, the nuclei are synthesized by a network of photodisintegration reactions and β decays. Reaction rates for the γ-process network are mainly predicted by statistical-model calculations as experimental data are scarce. To reduce the uncertainties in these calculations from the nuclear physics side, input parameters entering these calculations such as optical-model potentials and the γ-ray strength function must be constrained experimentally. In this talk, an overview of experiments aiming at these input parameters using complementary approaches will be given. A setup for in-beam experiments with high-purity germanium detectors utilizing the γ-ray detector array HORUS at the Institute for Nuclear Physics in Cologne will be presented. Total and partial cross sections of the proton-capture reaction 89Y(p,γ)90Zr will be discussed, allowing constraints on the γ-ray strength function in 90Zr [1]. The 112Sn(α,γ)116Te reaction will be presented, being the first successful in-beam α-capture experiment on a heavy nucleus to date [2]. Moreover, activation experiments using the Cologne Clover Counting setup to refine α+nucleus optical model potentials will be presented. The reactions 187Re(α,n) and 108Cd(α,n) will be exemplarily discussed. Supported by the ULDETIS project within the UoC Excellence Initiative institutional strategy and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under contract DFG (INST 216/544-1). [1] L. Netterdon et al., Phys. Lett. B, in press. [2] L. Netterdon et al., Phys. Rev. C 91, 035801 (2015).
        Sprecher: Lars Netterdon (Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne)
      • 15:45
        The impact of new thermonuclear reaction rates of 64Ge(p,γ)65As and 65As(p,γ)66Se for type-I X-ray bursts 15m
        We derived new thermonuclear 64Ge(p,γ)65As and 65As(p,γ)66Se reaction rates based on recently evaluated proton separation energies Sp and nuclear structure data from large-scale shell model calculation. These two rp processes are sensitive to adequately small change of Sp values, spectroscopic factors of proton captures, and densities of excited states of the final nucleus. The precisely measured and evaluated proton separation energies, Sp(65As) and Sp(66Se), largely influence the rates compared to currently available JINA data sets, REACLIB, particularly about two order for 64Ge(p,γ) rate. By using one-zone post-processing type I X-ray burst model simulating the nucleosynthesis within accreted envelopes of neutron stars in close binary systems, we found that the new rates based on newly evaluated Sp(65As) and Sp(66Se) values, resonant energies, and spectroscopic factors estimated from shell model significantly affects the productions of nuclide in the range of 64 ≤ A ≤ 110 about one to ten times compared to productions of nuclide based on presently available REACLIB data. The astrophysical impact of our new rates will be presented.
        Sprecher: Yek Wah LAM (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    • 14:00 16:00
      Nuclear Structure, Spectroscopy, and Dynamics III Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Faical Azaiez (IN2P3/IPNO)
      • 14:00
        Modeling nuclear reactions of light nuclei: transition between microscopy and phenomenology 15m
        In general standard reaction theory combined with proper nuclear and Coulomb interactions lead to fair description of nuclear reaction cross sections. The situation is less satisfying for reactions in the resonance regime because there is no proper method available to determine the positions and widths of resonances. Hence the resonance region is usually described via R-matrix theory which provides an excellent description of cross sections if the positions and widths of the resonances are known. At present the transition to the region with a continuous level density at higher energies is intriguing. This is particularly disturbing for the nuclear data evaluation of light nuclei. In the present contribution we propose a method which guarantees the continuous transition between resonance regime and standard reaction calculations based on the statistical model as well as on coupled-channel calculations. In order to find a proper method the R-matrix technique is well suited. On the one hand it provides an excellent phenomenological description of the resonance region. On the other hand it represents a method for the solution of coupled-channel equations. Combining both aspects of the R-matrix theory offers a promising route towards the goal of a continuous transition. Work partly supported by EC project ENSAR, F4E-FPA168.02 and ÖAW Matching Grant MG 2014-4.
        Sprecher: Thomas Srdinko (TU Wien, Atominstitut)
      • 14:15
        Interplay of γ-rigid and γ-stable collective motion in the phase transition from spherical to deformed nuclear shapes 15m
        A simple exactly separable model for the competition between the γ-rigid and γ-stable collective motion in the phase transition between spherical and deformed shapes is proposed. The coupling of the two types of β vibration is achieved by introducing a control parameter measuring the degree of the system’s γ-rigidity in an Ising type Hamiltonian. The separation of variables is achieved by considering a potential of the form u(β)+u(γ)/β^2 adapted to the current problem. Matching the two competing excitations, the γ potential is chosen to be a harmonic oscillator centered in γ=0, which is consistent with the prolate γ-rigid part of the problem. While for the β potential an infinite square well is considered. The resulting energy spectrum and E2 transition probabilities depend on two parameters excepting the scale, namely the rigidity and the stiffness of the γ vibrations. Their separate influence on the model’s characteristics is investigated through numerical applications. The experimental realization of the model is found in few transitional rare earth nuclei around N=96.
        Sprecher: Radu Budaca (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
      • 14:30
        Collective properties of 170Dy and its nearest neighbors at maximum nucleon valency 15m
        Neutron-rich rare-earth nuclei around the maximum of collectivity are predicted to exist with an extremely stable intrinsic configuration in their ground-state structure. The present work explores the structure of the yrast bands in the neutron-rich nuclei 170Dy and 176Er, which have no previously known excited states. Nuclear states of 170Dy and 176Er were populated via the −2p + 2n and +6n transfer reactions, respectively. A 860 MeV 136Xe beam was used to bombard a 1.0 mg/cm2 thick self-supporting 170Er target. The experimental setup consisted of AGATA + PRISMA + DANTE. Beam-like fragments were identified by the PRISMA spectrometer, placed at the grazing angle 44◦. PRISMA allows for Z and A/q identification, TOF and velocity vector determination, which is required for the Doppler correction of the emitted γ rays detected in time coincidence AGATA. Additional channel selection based on isomer tagging is possible by using three DANTE detectors mounted on a 42◦ ring. The data analysis is in progress and preliminary results will be presented.
        Sprecher: Aila Gengelbach (Uppsala University)
      • 14:45
        Self-consistent studies of the dipole response in spherical heavy nuclei using realistic potentials 15m
        The dipole response in neutron rich nuclei is investigated within the equations of motion phonon method (EMPM) [1]. The approach is fully self-consistent and makes direct use of the chiral potential, optimized up to-next-to-next leading order so as to minimize the effect of three-body forces [2]. Calculations in Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) plus Tamm-Dancoff (TDA) and random-phase (RPA) approximations have shown that the potential yields more realistic single particle spectra compared to other potentials and improves the description of the dipole response [3]. TDA and RPA, however, were unable to describe the finne structure of the giant and Pygmy resonances. To this purpose a calculation for 132Sn and 208Pb was performed within EMPM using a space which includes up two-phonon basis states. These states induce a strong fragmentation of the dipole strength. At low energy, a large number of weakly excited levels coexist with few strong excitations around the neutron decay threshold. These levels are excited by both isoscalar and isovector probes and, therefore, seem to be the analogue of the spectra detected in (gamma, gamma') and (alpha, alpha') in neutron rich nuclei. The study confirms the crucial role of the two-phonon states in damping GDR and in enhancing the level density of the low-energy region as recent experiments require. [1] D. Bianco et al., Phys. Rev. C 84, 014313 (2012). [2] A. Ekstrom et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 192502 (2013). [3] D. Bianco et al., J. Phys. G 41, 025109 (2014).
        Sprecher: Frantisek Knapp (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague)
      • 15:00
        Interplay between pairing and quadrupole interactions in the microscopic shell model 15m
        We explore the symmetry adapted Pairing-Plus-Quadrupole Model /PQM/ in the framework of the Elliott`s SU(3) Model, with the aim to obtain the complementary and competing features of the pairing and quadrupole interactions in the model Hamiltonian, containing both of them as limiting cases. We establish a correspondence between the SO(8) pairing basis and the Elliott's SU(3) basis, that describes collective rotation of nuclear systems with quadrupole deformation. It is derived from their complementarity to the same LS coupling chain of the shell model number conserving algebra. Examples of complete classification of the basis states of different number of particles in both limiting cases with their correspondence are given for some of the light shells. The probability distribution of the SU(3) basis states within the SO(8) pairing states is also obtained through a numerical diagonalisation of the PQM Hamiltonian. In an application of the model for the description of the 20Ne spectra, we investigate systematically the relative strengths of dynamically symmetric quadrupole–quadrupole interaction with the isoscalar, isovector and total pairing interactions by introducing a control parameter. In the case of considering all the three types of interactions 2 control parameters are considered. These parameters define the phase diagram of the model and the role of each term of the Hamiltonian in the correct reproduction of the experimental data for the considered nuclei. The approach allows for an extension of the model space for two oscillator shells and introduction of more elaborate pairing interaction.
        Sprecher: Ana Georgieva (Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
      • 15:15
        Reaction mechanism studies of multi-nucleon transfer reactions in 206Pb(18O, X) at above the Coulomb barrier energy 15m
        The single- and multi-nucleon transfer reactions, namely, 206Pb(18O, x); x= 19O, 17O, 20O, 16O, 18N, 17N, 16N, 15N, 14N, 16C, 15C, 14C, 13C, 12C, 12B, 11B, 10B, 10Be and 9Be have been studied at an incident 18O energy of 139 MeV. Reaction channels involving transfer of up to nine nucleons have been detected. Total kinetic energy loss spectrum and angular distribution of cross sections have been measured. The Q-value and angle integrated cross sections are deduced. Elastic scattering angular distributions have also been measured and are analyzed by optical model program SFRESCO. Fully microscopic Time Dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF) model calculations, based on independent single nucleon transfer mode, have been carried out and are compared with the experimental data of multi-nucleon transfer reactions. The TDHF calculations give a reasonably good agreement with the measurement for few nucleon transfer process, however, the theory becomes less accurate as the number of nucleons transferred increases. An attempt has been made to include effects due to particle evaporation in the production cross section by employing a statistical model calculation. Inclusion of evaporation effects gives some improvements towards the measurement, however, the calculations still under predict the measured cross section by a significant amount especially for the cases where a large number of nucleons transferred are involved. Possible origin of these discrepancies and importance of multi-particle correlations / pairing effects are discussed.
        Sprecher: Bidyut Jyoti Roy (BARC)
      • 15:30
        Proton-neutron pairing and quartet condensation in nuclei 15m
        The common treatment of proton-neutron pairing in N ≅ Z nuclei relies on Cooper pairs and BCS-type models. However, the nuclear interaction can induce, through the isospin conservation, quartet correlations of alpha type which might compete with the Cooper pairs. In fact, for any isovector pairing interactions the ground state of N=Z systems is accurately described not by Cooper pairs but in terms of collective quartets [1]. Cooper pairs and quartets can however coexist in systems with N>Z. In this case the ground state of the isovector pairing Hamiltonian can be described with high precision as a condensate of alpha-like quartets to which it is appended a condensate of neutron pairs [2,3]. Quartets appear to be the relevant degrees of freedom for treating not only the isovector pairing but also the competition between the isoscalar and the isovector proton-neutron pairing in N=Z nuclei [4,5]. These facts indicate that the many-body pairing problem in N ≅ Z nuclei can be more efficiently treated in calculation schemes based on alpha-type quartets rather than on Cooper pairs and BCS-type models. [1] N. Sandulescu, D.Negrea, J. Dukelski, C. W. Johnson, Phys. Rev. C 85, 061303(R) (2012). [2] N. Sandulescu, D. Negrea, C. W. Johnson, Phys. Rev. C 86, 041302 (R) (2012). [3] D. Negrea and N. Sandulescu, Phys. Rev. C 90, 024322 (2014). [4] M. Sambataro, N. Sandulescu and C. W. Johnson, Phys. Lett. B 770, 137 (2015). [5] N. Sandulescu et al., in preparation.
        Sprecher: Nicolae Sandulescu (National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania)
      • 15:45
        Origin of low-lying enhanced E1 strength in rare-earth nuclei 15m
        Candidates for excited alpha-cluster states have been identified in many light nuclei being organized in rather simple quasi-molecular configurations [1]. For heavier nuclei the existence of these states remains an open question, though different experimental observables have been discussed as possible signatures. The electric dipole response of atomic nuclei is intimately connected to the breaking of isospin symmetry in simplified macroscopic nuclear models. Here, an alpha-cluster could oscillate against the remaining core, which would generate a dynamic electric dipole moment in the nucleus [2]. To study this possibility, we have adopted the spdf interacting boson model for the description of the experimental E1 response below 4 MeV in the neodymium isotopes and other rare-earth nuclei, which was obtained by means of systematic (g,g’) experiments [3]. In this contribution, we will show that the model successfully reproduces the main features of the experimental E1 response and, thus, might establish alpha-clusters as an important ingredient to describe the E1 strength distribution in heavier nuclei. This work is supported by the DFG (ZI-510/4-2). M.S. is supported by the Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy. [1] W. von Oertzen et al., Phys. Rep. 432, 43 (2006). [2] F. Iachello, Phys. Lett. B 160, 1 (1985). [3] C. Fransen et al., Phys. Rev. C 57, 129 (1998).
        Sprecher: Mark-Christoph Spieker (University of Cologne)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Break 30m
    • 16:30 17:30
      Hadron Structure, Spectroscopy, and Dynamics III Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Marc Pelizaeus (Ruhr-Uni Bochum)
      • 16:30
        Studies of Charmonium at BESIII 15m
        The BESIII Experiment at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC2) has accumulated the world's largest samples of e+e- collisions in the tau-charm region. From these samples - which include J/psi, psi(2S), and psi(3770) decays, among others - BESIII has produced many new results in the spectroscopy, transitions, and decays of charmonium. This talk will review the current status of these analyses, which cover a wide range of topics from rare decays to radiative transitions to new precision measurements.
        Sprecher: Ronggang Ping (Institute of High Energy Physics)
      • 16:45
        Opportunities in open charm physics with PANDA 15m
        Open-charm physics is of high interest for the study of weak and strong interactions. Recent observations in charm spectroscopy and the discovery of a number of unpredicted states continue to keep this field of physics exciting. The PANDA experiment at FAIR (Darmstadt) is an antiproton-proton experiment, built to study questions of hadron and nuclear physics with interactions of antiprotons with nucleons and nuclei. The study of the charm sector is one of the key research topics of the experiment. With the high rate of 2 x 10^7 interactions per second and the 20 times higher mass resolution than attained at B-factories, PANDA is in a privileged position to perform width measurements of narrow Ds states (Ds(2317) and Ds(2460)) and study form factors of semileptonic Ds decays. Original contributions are also planned for the determination of cross sections of pbarp to open-charm mesons, e.g. D+D-, as several models predict different magnitudes. In the talk, the status of current simulations of PANDA and an overview of several benchmark channels in the D sector will be presented.
        Sprecher: Andreas Herten (Forschungszentrum Jülich)
      • 17:00
        Study of B decays to the tensor and vector strange mesons within Isgur-Wise Function 15m
        In this work, we study the processes B->K*_2(1430)gamma and B->K*_2(892)gamma within the nonrelativistic quark model. We calculate branching ratios of them applying Isgur-Wise function. We also obtain the meson wave function and the spectrum. We compare our results with other approaches.
        Sprecher: Hassan Hassanabadi (University of Shahrood)
    • 16:30 17:30
      Nuclear Astrophysics II Room 2

      Room 2

      Sitzungsleiter: Jose-Enrique Garcia-Ramos (University of Huelva)
      • 16:45
        New experimental cross sections for alpha particle induced reactions on p-nuclei 15m
        Preliminary alpha capture cross sections on p-nuclei at energies close to the Gamow window will be presented. The cross section were measured by means of the activation method using an alpha beam delivered by the IFIN-HH tandem accelerator. The induced activities were measured in close-to-detection geometry using two large volume HPGe detectors in a low background passive shielding.
        Sprecher: Andreea Oprea (IFIN-HH, Magurele, Bucharest)
      • 17:00
        Investigation of the 3He(α,γ)7Be reaction using the Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient technique 15m
        The 3He(α,γ)7Be reaction plays an important role in several astrophysical scenarios including stellar hydrogen burning and Big Bang nucleosynthesis [1]. Contrary to its importance – and despite the large number of experimental and theoretical works devoted to this reaction – the knowledge on the reaction cross section at the relevant energies is still limited and further experimental efforts are needed [2,3]. The precisely knowledge on the external capture contribution to the 3He(α,γ)7Be reaction cross section is of crucial for the theoretical description of the reaction mechanism. Therefore, the aim of the present work is to measure this direct contribution using the Asymptotic Normalization Coefficient technique [4] and through this to improve our knowledge on the reaction rate at the temperatures of the solar core. To extract the 3He(α,γ)7Be reaction cross section, the angular distribution of deuterons emitted in the 6Li(3He,d)7Be α-transfer reaction was measured with high precision at several energies. The experimental details and the preliminary results are planned to be presented. [1] C. Iliadis, Nuclear Physics of Stars (New York: Wiley) (2007). [2] E.G. Adelberger et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 83, 195 (2011). [3] R. J. deBoer et al., Phys. Rev. C 90, 035804 (2014). [4] H.M. Xu el al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 73 2027 (1994).
        Sprecher: Gabor Kiss (Atomki)
      • 17:15
        A QCD ghost reconstruction scheme for f(T) gravity in flat FRW universe 15m
        Accelerated expansion of our universe, as evidenced by Supernovae Ia (SNeIa), Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation anisotropies, Large Scale Structure (LSS) and X-ray experiments, is well documented in literature. A missing energy component, also known as Dark Energy (DE) with negative pressure, is widely considered by scientists as the responsible of this accelerated expansion. A DE model, so-called Veneziano ghost DE (GDE), has been proposed in [1]. The key ingredient of this new model is that the Veneziano ghost, which is unphysical in the usual Minkowski spacetime quantum field theory (QFT), exhibits important physical effects in dynamical spacetime or spacetime with non-trivial topology. Veneziano ghost is supposed to exist for solving the U(1) problem in the low-energy effective theory of QCD [2]. Two models of f(T) have been generated through QCD-ghost dark energy and the pressure and density contributions due to torsion have been reconstructed. Two realistic models have been obtained and the effective equations of state have been studied. Also, the squared speed of sound has been studied to examine the stability of the models. [1] F.R. Urban, A.R. Zhitnitsky, Phys. Lett. B 688, 9 (2010). [2] R.-G. Cai, Z.-L. Tuo, H.-B. Zhang, Q. Su, Phys. Rev. D 84, 123501 (2011).
        Sprecher: Surajit Chattopadhyay (Pailan College of Management and Technology, Kolkata)
    • 16:30 17:30
      Nuclear Physics Applications II Room 1

      Room 1

      Sitzungsleiter: Aleksandra K. Biegun (KVI-CART/RuG)
      • 16:30
        Computational investigation of transmutation efficiency of 237Np, 241/243Am spallation targets irradiated by 1 GeV proton 15m
        Hazardous TRan-Uranic elements obtained by spent nuclear fuel can be transmuted to shorter half-life radioisotopes comparing before transmutation. Different scenarios are planned to transmute the TRUs in critical or subcritical reactor cores. Transmutation such radiotoxic elements can be considered via spallation process using charged-particle induced through a TRU target. In the present work, transmutation efficiency of 237Np and 241/243Am targets via 1 GeV proton irradiation has been studied separately. An optimized spallation target dimension has been determined to meet a keff less than 0.98 for both modeled targets. The obtained computational data showed 0.349 kg/y of 237Np transmutes due to fission reaction rate achieved by 10 μA current of a proposed proton beam irradiated the optimized-dimension target. Also, 0.336 kg/y of the irradiated 241/243Am target transmutes to short-lived radioisotopes. The neptunium target experiences higher axial and radial deposited heat than the modeled americium target.
        Sprecher: Zahra Alipoor (AEOI)
      • 16:45
        Ion beam modification of polymer nanocomposites using Au ion implantation 15m
        Ion implantation is a powerful tool for the modification of polymers. The studied materials contain a mixture of diglycidylether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) and monoglycidylether terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane) (GE-PDMS) or diglycidylether terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane) (DG-PDMS) in 98/2 wt.% reinforced with 10 wt.% POSS-octa(3 glycidyloxypropyl)dimethylsiloxy) (OEP-POSS). The presence of Au ions in the structure of these materials can have drastic effects on the electrical, mechanical and chemical properties. In this study we present the modification of mechanical properties after 1.6 MeV Au+ implantation of nanocomposites at a dose of 5.5e15 ions/cm2. The polymers were examined by different methods: Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Nanoindentation and AFM gave information regarding the hardness and topography while RBS gave information regarding the Au presence in the samples. The work of Nicoleta Mihaela Florea has been funded by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 of the Ministry of European Funds through the Financial Agreement POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132397.
        Sprecher: Ion Burducea (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering IFIN-HH)
      • 17:00
        Utilization of 241Am-9Be neutron source in PGNAA setup used in cement raw material analysis 15m
        Hundreds of cement factories use online bulk material analyzers to improve their quality control for both raw material and kiln feed, and reduce their variability. The most used technology for online analysis is Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA), with 252Cf as the neutron source. Cost and short half-life of the 252Cf neutron sources are the main problems in cement industry. Therefore, simulation and experimental study has been done to develop the setup geometry and investigate the feasibility of using 241Am-9Be neutron source as an alternative option. Utilizing 241Am-9Be neutron source resolves the need of system periodic calibration and concern about the cost of 252Cf neutron source renewing.
        Sprecher: Hamed Panjeh (FUM Radiation Detection and Measurement Lab, Faculty of Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran)
      • 17:15
        Nuclear physics techniques for the study and preservation of cultural heritage 15m
        Great advances have been made in recent years in the use of nuclear physics techniques to study, characterize and preserve cultural heritage artefacts. The Nuclear Physics Division of the European Physical Society is currently producing a topical paper to bring this work to the attention of a wide non-specialist audience. This talk will outline the scientific background and reasons for this work. Key advances in cross-disciplinary techniques will be explained and illustrated using examples from archaeology, pre-history, history, geography, culture, religion and curation.
        Sprecher: I J D MacGregor (University of Glasgow, UK)
    • 19:00 20:15
      Reception at Academy building RuG: This reception is offered to you by the University of Groningen, the Municipality of Groningen and the Province of Groningen Academiegebouw


      This reception is offered to you by the University of Groningen, the Municipality of Groningen and the Province of Groningen.

    • 20:15 21:00
      Lecture (Academiegebouw) Academiegebouw


      • 20:15
        Clinical applications of proton therapy: Indications and state of the art technology 45m
        Sprecher: Hans Langendijk
    • 09:00 10:30
      Plenary V Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Prof. Helmut Leeb (TU Wien, Atominstitut)
      • 09:00
        Meson spectroscopy -- methods, measurements & machines 30m
        The discovery of a new zoo of hadronic resonances in the heavy and light meson sector in the past decade created new momentum of interest in the field of hadron and in particular meson spectroscopy. Many of the so-called XYZ states are not well understood, the same holds for some of the newly found open charm resonances. The large number of new states on the one hand offers the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the properties of QCD bound states, on the other hand requires the development of new ordering schemes and the completion of multiplets in order to identify the proper theoretical description. Apart from a selection of recent puzzling observations, analysis techniques and different types of experiments will be discussed.
        Sprecher: Klaus Götzen (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
      • 09:30
        Recent highlights on in-beam gamma spectroscopy of rare isotopes 30m
        The past few years, a new level of sensitivity for the structure of neutron-rich nuclei via in-beam gamma spectroscopy has been reached. New generation high resolution photon arrays have become available and used at Radioactive Isotope facilities. The Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory of RIKEN, today's leading machine to produce radioactive ions at intermediate energies, succeeds in producing Uranium, Zinc and Calcium primary beams at very high intensities (above 15, 50 and 200 pnA, respectively). Additional developments, such as the MINOS hydrogen target, contribute in reaching unknown regions of the nuclear landscape. The most recent achievements in nuclear structure of rare isotopes obtained from in-beam gamma spectroscopy worldwide will be presented.
        Sprecher: Alexandre Obertelli (CEA Saclay)
      • 10:00
        Perspectives in superheavy element research 30m
        Superheavy elements provide unique opportunities to study nuclear structure and the influence of relativistic effects on the electron shell. So far, the elements up to proton number 118 have been discovered and their nuclear decay properties have been investigated. Recently, improved and new experimental techniques provided excess to the atomic, nuclear and chemical properties of the heaviest elements. I will give an overview on the latest research highlights and a personal view on the future of the research field of the heaviest elements.
        Sprecher: Julia Even (TRIUMF)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Plenary VI Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Herbert Löhner (KVI-CART)
      • 11:00
        Fluctuations and flow of the world's smallest and hottest fluid 30m
        Experiments at particle colliders including the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Large Hadron Collider at CERN have found that the matter created in heavy ion collisions behaves like an almost perfect fluid. This conclusion relies on the success of hydrodynamic models in describing the bulk features of the collision when a well motivated fluctuating initial state is used. I will review progress in describing this initial state as a dense system of gluon fields using an effective theory of QCD in the high energy limit. I will then discuss its implementation into relativistic viscous fluid dynamic calculations and compare results of the calculation to experimental data from RHIC and LHC. These comparisons can be used to constrain the values of the shear and bulk viscosity of the created system. Furthermore, I will address recent measurements of particle correlations in very small collision systems involving at least one proton projectile that show very similar behavior to heavy-ion collisions. I will discuss whether one can interpret these results as signals of similar collective behavior as we see in heavy ion collisions or whether alternative mechanisms are important in these very small systems.
        Sprecher: Bjoern Schenke (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 11:30
        Light Dark Matter search at accelerators 30m
        In the last few years interest for Light Dark Matter (LDM) in the MeV - GeV range has been increasingly growing. Direct detection of non-relativistic dark matter particles in the Galactic halo mainly focused to higher masses(> 10 GeV) being insensitive to few-GeV or lighter DM, whose nuclear scattering transfers invisibly small kinetic energy to a recoiling nucleus. On the other hand availability of high intensity, high precision and moderate energy electron beams allow for testing different LDM scenarios leaving to accelerator-based experiments the opportunity to explore an equally promising but uncovered territory. In this talk I will review the latest experimental results for LDM searches as well as the new experiments proposed in different laboratories.
        Sprecher: Marco Battaglieri (INFN Genoa)
      • 12:00
        Probing QCD phase boundary in Heavy Ion Collisions 30m
        We introduce the structure of the QCD phase diagram related with deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration. The theoretical results will be based on the first principal lattice QCD and model calculations. We discuss the phenomenological probes of the QCD phase boundary in Heavy Ion collisions. In this context we focus on measured properties of correlations and fluctuations of conserved charges to identify the phase change due to the chiral symmetry restoration. We consider charmonia production yields as a probe of deconfinement in a medium created in high energy nuclear collisions at RHIC and LHC.
        Sprecher: Krzysztof Redlich
    • 12:30 20:00
    • 09:00 10:30
      Plenary VII Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Sydney Gales (IFIN-HH/ELI-NP)
      • 09:00
        Quasi-free scattering from radioactive nuclei 30m
        Quasi Free Scattering can be understood as a process in which a high energy particle knocks a nucleon out of a nucleus without any further significant interaction between the nucleon and the incident and the outgoing particles. This reaction mechanism allows to probe both valence and deeply-bound nucleon including those leading to unbound states. QFS experiments are thus considered a quantitative tool for studying single-particle occupancies and correlation effects in the nuclei. They have been mostly exploited through direct kinematics reactions of proton beams at high energy on stable nuclear targets. The recent use of this reaction channel in inverse kinematics, opens the exciting possibility of exploring nuclear structure for unstable nuclear species. This kind of investigation is one of the physics case to be addressed with the R3B (Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams) collaboration. The study of 12C(p,2p) reaction at 400 A.MeV was successfully undertaken at the present ALADIN-LAND GSI setup (predecessor of R3B) to show the feasibility of inverse kinematics QFS studies. The results obtained with this stable nucleus will be presented in this paper. These data will be completed with preliminary measurements preformed on other light exotic isotopes. The upgrade of the actual experimental setup to the final R3B/FAIR will also be presented.
        Sprecher: Lola Cortina (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
      • 09:30
        Nuclear matrix elements for fundamental symmetries 30m
        Atomic nuclei are ideal laboratories to test the fundamental symmetries of Nature in low-energy experiments. Neutrinoless double-beta decay is a lepton-violating process which will only occur if neutrinos are Majorana particles. Decay lifetimes depend on the masses of the neutrinos and on the nuclear matrix elements of the transition. Therefore, nuclear matrix elements are crucial to guide experimental searches and, once detection has been achieved, to extract information on neutrino masses. In this talk I will discuss the theoretical calculation of neutrinoless double-beta decay matrix elements, emphasizing the impact of nuclear structure effects such as pairing and deformation correlations. The nature of dark matter is one the major challenges in physics today. Direct detection experiments aim to measure the scattering of dark matter particles off nuclei. The matrix elements of the scattering process are key for experimental analyses, and to elucidate the interaction between the dark matter particles and the nucleons. I will present state-of-the-art matrix element calculations of the scattering of WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles) off xenon, which presently set the most stringent limits for direct detection of dark matter.
        Sprecher: Javier Menendez (University of Tokyo)
      • 10:00
        A new era for jet studies in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions 30m
        I will review recent theoretical and phenomenological developments on the use of jets as powerful and detailed probes of the Quark-gluon plasma produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions at the LHC and RHIC. As a conclusion I will provide an assessment of the future of this research programme.
        Sprecher: Jose Guilherme Milhano (CENTRA-IST (Lisbon) and CERN)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Plenary VIII Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Muhsin Harakeh (KVI-CART)
      • 11:00
        Seeing the high energy universe (with neutrinos) 30m
        The detection of high energy neutrinos of extraterrestrial origin by the IceCube detector buried in the Antarctic icecap has opened a new window in astronomy. Efforts are underway in the KM3NeT project to construct a similar detector in the Mediterranean sea, so we will have a view of the full sky. We can then identify whether e.g. active galactic nuclei or gamma-ray bursts or something even more exotic are the sources of the highest energy particles in the universe. These experiments also measure to high precision the oscillations of neutrinos produced by cosmic ray interactions in the atmosphere, and can detect subtle matter effects as they pass through the Earth. Searches are also being carried out for neutrinos from the annihilation of dark matter accreted by the Sun or clustered in the Galactic halo, for neutrino pulses from core-collapse supernovae, etc.. I will describe this exciting physics programme.
        Sprecher: Subir Sarkar (University of Oxford and NBI Copenhagen)
      • 11:30
        Light baryon spectroscopy - recent results from photoproduction experiments 30m
        One of the open challenges in subnuclear physics is to understand the non-perturbative regime of quantumchromodynamics, including the world of the nucleon and its excitations. One of the key issues here is to identify the relevant degrees-of-freedom and the effective forces between them. A necessary step towards this aim is undoubtedly a precise knowledge of the experimental spectrum and the properties of baryon resonances. Recently, photoproduction experiments have made large progress providing not only differential cross section measurements but also high quality single and double polarization observables. Without the measurement of such polarization observables an unambiguous partial wave analysis to finally extract the contributing resonances from the data is not possible. In the talk, among other results, results from the recent double polarization experiments at ELSA, JLab and MAMI will be discussed.
        Sprecher: Ulrike Thoma (HISKP, Uni Bonn)
      • 12:00
        Evolution of low-energy nuclear collective excitations 30m
        Low-energy collective excitations reflect the underlying effective nuclear interactions and shell structure of single-nucleon orbitals. The evolution of collective states characterizes a variety of interesting structure phenomena across the nuclide chart: clustering in light nuclei, modification of shell structures and occurrence of deformations in closed-shell nuclei far from stability, location of the drip-line in neutron-rich nuclei, shape coexistence and shape transitions in medium-heavy and heavy nuclei, low-energy resonances and the formation of neutron skin, octupole correlations, subshell closures in deformed superheavy nuclei, etc. An accurate modeling of low-energy collective excitations presents a challenge and crucial test for any theoretical approach. The microscopic self-consistent mean-field method that uses effective interactions or universal energy density functionals, provides a complete and detailed description of ground-state properties and collective excitations, from relatively light systems to superheavy nuclei, and from the valley of beta-stability to the particle drip-lines. Based on this framework, structure models have been developed that go beyond the static mean-field approximation and include collective correlations related to restoration of broken symmetries and fluctuations of collective variables. These models have become standard tools for nuclear structure calculations, able to describe and explain a wealth of new data from radioactive-beam facilities, the exciting phenomenology of nuclear astrophysics, and provide microscopic predictions for low-energy nuclear phenomena.
        Sprecher: Dario Vretenar (Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1 h 30m
    • 14:00 16:00
      General, Miscellaneous Room 5

      Room 5

      Sitzungsleiter: Calin Alexandru Ur (ELI-NP)
      • 14:00
        CCT or no CT, that is the question 15m
        A new mode of nuclear fission had been reported by the FOBOS collaboration: Collinear Cluster Tripartition (CCT). It was indirectly derived from ``missing mass events'' in fission studies with the 2v and v-E methods. The proposed CCT seems to be an astonishing new aspect of nuclear fission, theoretically difficult to reconcile with traditional fission models and experimentally surprising since the relatively high yield of such events (about 0.5% with respect to binary fission) should have shown up in previous experiments. These claims call for an independent verification with a different experimental technique. We report on direct searches for CCT events in 235U(n,f) that should manifest in a considerable excess yield around A=68-70 compared to known binary fission events. The experiments were performed with the fission fragment spectrometer LOHENGRIN at the high flux reactor of Institut Laue-Langevin. This spectrometer provides excellent mass and energy resolution and allows clean measurements down to relative fission yields of 1E-10. In addition, the kinetic energy phase space of CCT has been derived theoretically. The known yields of far asymmetric binary fission were confirmed but no indication for CCT events was found. Our upper limit of 1E-8 per fission for CCT events with A=68,70 is more than five orders of magnitude below the yields claimed by the FOBOS collaboration.
        Sprecher: Herr Patric Holmvall (Chalmers University of Technology)
      • 14:15
        Large scale Bayesian data evaluation with consistent model defects 15m
        The aim of nuclear data evaluation is to provide consistent sets of best estimates of reaction cross sections and spectra of nuclei. These evaluated data sets are an important prerequisite for the design of safe and efficient nuclear facilities such as nuclear power plants, fusion devices and medical devices using radiation for diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, evaluation methods should be statistically sound and based on physics principles in order to produce reliable results. We present a Bayesian evaluation method to consistently estimate a huge number of observables such as cross sections, spectra and angle-differential cross sections. The method relies on both experimental data and model calculations to generate estimates and associated uncertainty bounds. Deficiencies of the nuclear model are taken into account in a statistical sound way. Two novel features distinguish this evaluation method from other approaches: First, the magnitude of the model error is explicitly estimated; and second, the treatment of the model error is done in a way that preserves important consistency constraints on the observables, such as sum rules of cross sections. Work partly supported by the EC project CHANDA and the Austrian Academy of Sciences via a KKKÖ Impulsprojekt. The use of the Vienna Scientific Cluster for part of the calculations is acknowledged.
        Sprecher: Georg Schnabel (TU Wien, Atominstitut)
      • 14:30
        On the possibility to observe a proton beta decay in a colliding system 15m
        The possibility to observe a proton beta decay in a sub-barrier Rutherford scattering of a proton on a high Z nucleus is examined. Due to the potential energy of the proton in the Coulomb field, a strong enhancement of the phase space for beta decay takes place, creating the circumstances for observing such events. A rough (however realistic) estimate of the rate of expected decays is also given.
        Sprecher: Catalin Borcea (IFIN-HH Romania)
      • 14:45
        Exotic radioactivity and decays studied by tracking technique 15m
        The isotopes within the limiting lines of bound nuclei (or drip-lines) are goals of exploration for as many elements as possible. However the drip-line is not the end of the nuclear existence, and nuclei beyond the proton and neutron drip-lines may live much longer than the characteristic time of an orbital motion of nucleons in nuclei. These nuclei called resonances have lifetimes determined by the centrifugal and Coulomb barriers and also are strongly affected by pair nucleon correlations. Nuclear resonances can be studied by their decays via emission of proton(s) or neutron(s), or proton or neutron radioactivity, respectively. Outside the proton drip-line, proton radioactivity prevails and some isotopes with two-proton decays have been observed. They allow studying two-proton correlations in nuclei. Four-proton decay is also expected in some very exotic proton-rich nuclei. The new experimental results on two-proton decays of 19Mg and previously unobserved 30Ar, 29Ar isotopes will be presented. Their decays in-flight have been studied by using tracking technique which allows for measurements of lifetime and decay energy. Also neutron radioactivity will be reviewed. Theoretical predictions of this still unobserved phenomenon, the recent experimental activity and plans will be presented. In particular, the case of two-neutron decay of 26O will be considered in detail. Prospective candidates for observation of neutron radioactivity and the related experimental methods and detectors will be discussed.
        Sprecher: Ivan Mukha (GSI, Darmstadt)
      • 15:00
        Resonance phenomena in heavy nuclei collisions and dynamical Stark effect for nuclei in super strong laser field 15m
        We present new approach for studying interaction of the finite Fermi systems (nuclei) with an superintense external fields (laser field). It is the combined relativistic operator perturbation theory (OPT) and relativistic energy formalism (REA) [1]. We present new results of AC Stark shifts of single proton states in the nuclei 16O, 168Er and compared these data with known results by Keitel et al [2]. New data are also listed for the 57Fe,171Yb nuclei. Shifts of several keV are reached at intensities of roughly 10^34 W/cm^2 for O and 10^32 W/cm^2. New unified approach (OPT+REA) [1] is used for studying the electron-positron pair production (EPPP) in heavy nuclei collisions and treating a compound nucleus in a field. Heavy ions collisions near the Coulomb barrier are surrounded by existence of narrow e+ line in a positron spectra [1,2]. The positron spectrum narrow peaks as a spectrum of the resonance states of compound super heavy nucleus are treated. The calculation results for cross-sections at different collision energies for 238U+238U, 232Th+250Cf pairs are presented. [1] A.V. Glushkov, L.N. Ivanov, Phys. Lett. A 170, 33 (1992); A.V. Glushkov et al., Progr. in Theor. Phys and Chem. 18, 504 (2008); 22, 125 (2011); 26, 131 (2013). [2] T. Bürvenich, J. Evers, C. Keitel, Phys. Rev. C 74, 044601 (2006); V. Zagrebaev, W. Greiner, J. Phys. G 34, 1 (2007).
        Sprecher: Alexander Glushkov (Odessa State University-OSENU)
      • 15:15
        Radiative transition studies with BESIII 15m
        Charmonium spectroscopy is an ideal tool to systematically study the strong interaction between the fundamental building blocks of matter, quarks and gluons. From a theoretical and experimental point of view, charmonium is considered as one of the most controllable two-quark systems. Hence, precision measurements of the properties of charmonia allow a thorough study of the non-perturbative features of the strong interaction, such as confinement and the dynamic generation of the mass of hadrons. Radiative transitions between charmonium states can be exploited to study their structure and to probe states that are non-vector like. Moreover, radiative transition rates are perfect benchmarks to test the validity of potential models and calculations that are (partially) based on first principles, such as effect-field theoretical approaches and Lattice QCD. Over the past few years, BESIII at the BEPCII storage ring in Beijing, China, has harvest a wealth of data on E1 and M1 radiative transitions in e+e- annihilations. These data have been used to shed light on various puzzles related to charmonium spectroscopy. In this presentation, we give a review on the most recent results of BESIII related to radiative transitions.
        Sprecher: Zahra Haddadi (KVI-CART)
      • 15:30
        The strong force doesn't exist 15m
        After one century of phenomenological formalism, the calculation of the binding energy of the simplest bound nucleus, the deuteron, remains a puzzle because of misconceptions (nucleons orbiting around nothing, charge independence, centrifugal barrier, strong force & Co, magic numbers, unobservable observables, virtual particles…). Nuclear Physics A considers that electromagnetism "does not match the state of the art in nuclear physics studies", ignoring the magnetic moments of the nucleons, discovered 70 years ago. In fact, the magnetic repulsion between nucleons is equilibrated STATICALLY by the not so weak electric attraction induced by a proton on a not so neutral neutron. Applying only fundamental laws and constants, WITHOUT FIT, the binding energies of nuclei have been obtained from the STATIC equilibrium between the attractive 1/r electric Coulomb potential and the repulsive 1/r³ magnetic Poisson potential, essentially between a proton and a neutron. On the graph below, the saddle points, unique for a given nucleus, coincide with the 2H and 4He experimental nuclear binding energies. This is not by chance, it proves the electromagnetic nature of the nuclear energy. The great discoveries in physics are condensed into simple formulas: E = hν, Ee ~1/r, Em ~1/r³, E = mc², E = α²mc² and, now, E = αmc² for the nuclear energy, the missing link between mass and chemical energies. The make-believe conventional nuclear theories will disappear as geocentrism, phlogiston, caloric, aether, plum-pudding model….
        Sprecher: Bernard Schaeffer (none)
    • 14:00 16:00
      Nuclear Physics Applications III, Accelerators and Instrumentation III Room 1

      Room 1

      Sitzungsleiter: Peter Dendooven (KVI-Center for Advanced Radiation Technology, University of Groningen)
      • 14:00
        Monte Carlo simulation approach for generating NaI Detector Response Functions (DRFs) to account for delayed gammas due to detector activation 15m
        During neutron irradiation in Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA), absorption of thermal neutrons by the detector is inevitable. Therefore, the final gamma spectrum will be a mixture of natural background, delayed and prompt gamma-rays originated from different setup parts including moderator, sample and detector itself. A Delayed-Gamma-Monte-Carlo Code (DGMC) was written to determine delayed gamma neutron activation spectrum arising from an active detector. Spectral response of 3"×3" Na(Tl) crystal to thermal neutron beam was also simulated while the neutron beam was ''on".
        Sprecher: Motahhareh Abbasi (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran)
      • 14:15
        Delayed crosstalk and afterpulsing evaluation in silicon photomultipliers 15m
        Crosstalk and afterpulsing in silicon photomultipliers can strongly limit the photon-counting resolution and dynamic range of the sensors. In this work we present a method and measurements to separate the afterpulse and delayed crosstalk components of the delayed correlated pulses in the silicon photomultiplier signal. On one hand, the motivation was to understand the relative contributions of the delayed crosstalk and afterpulses, on the other hand, to investigate the dependency of these components on the substrate doping level. It has been found that the contribution of delayed crosstalk pulses to the silicon photomultiplier signal can be significant (11, 5 and 3%) respect to the contribution of the afterpulses (4.2, 1.2 and 0.8%). As well, even if one suppresses the afterpulses by applying a longer recharge time, the delayed crosstalk component remains unaffected. A decreasing tendency of the delayed crosstalk and afterpulsing contribution was measured with the increase of the substrate doping. The higher the doping level, the shorter diffusion length, that is, the carriers generated in deeper region of the substrate have a decreasing probability to reach the active region. However, the affect of doping on the afterpulses suggests that the phenomenon of afterpulsing is not strictly located in the microcell, but also related to the deeper region of the device.
        Sprecher: Ferenc Nagy (Institute for Nuclear Research - Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen 4026, Hungary)
      • 14:30
        CsI-Silicon Particle detector for Heavy ions Orbiting in Storage rings (CsISiPHOS) 15m
        The CsI-Silicon Particle detector for Heavy ions Orbiting in Storage rings (CsISiPHOS) was designed and developed for β-decay studies at the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) and as a prototype of the in-pocket detectors for the ILIMA programme at the future Collector Ring (CR) at FAIR. The detector serves as a ΔE/E telescope to be used for detection and identification of each incident ion. Furthermore, from the position determined using a DSSD the trajectory of ions which have changed their charge (by β decay or electron capture/loss) at certain positions in the ESR can be traced back. In a recent commissioning experiment the detector was employed to measure the β+ decay rate of H-like 142Pm60+ ions into 142Nd59+. With a resolution (FWHM) of 60 MeV in the silicon detectors at ΔE=6.7 GeV, and a total energy resolution of 330 MeV at E=56.8 GeV, the detector can identify neighbouring isobars in this mass range distinctly. In this presentation, we report on the design of the detector and the preliminary results from the experiment. This work was supported by the BMBF project 05P12RGFNJ (Multi-purpose pocket detector for in-ring decay spectroscopy), the Helmholtz association via the Young Investigators Project "LISA: Lifetime Spectroscopy for Astrophysics" (VHNG627), Helmholtz-CAS Joint Research group HCJRG-108, and the Maier-Leibnitz Laboratory in Munich. Authors are grateful for the help of M. Böhmer (TUM electronics lab), Bettina Lommel and Birgit Kindler (GSI target lab), and the GSI accelerator staff.
        Sprecher: Mohammad Ali Najafi (University of Groningen (KVI-CART))
      • 14:45
        Cross-sections from proton irradiation of thorium at energy 200 and 400 MeV 15m
        The residual nuclei yields are of great importance for the estimation of basic radiation-technology characteristics (like a total target activity, production of long-lived nuclides etc.) of accelerator driven systems planned for transmutation of spent nuclear fuel and for a design of radioisotopes production facilities. Experimental data are also essential for validation of nuclear codes describing various stages of a spallation reaction. Therefore, products of proton induced spallation reaction of 232 Th are studied by means of activation measurement and gamma spectroscopy methods. The samples made of thin natural thorium foils were irradiated at JINR Phasotron accelerator with a direct proton beam. Two experiments were performed with 200 MeV and 400 MeV beam energies. Experimental cumulative and independent cross-sections were determined for more than 80 isotopes including meta-stable isomers. Non-symmetrical mass yield fission curve was reconstructed. The results were compared with previously measured values in the case of 200 MeV experiment to validate used data processing methodology. Cross-sections were also compared with MCNP6 Monte-Carlo code predictions. Several different combinations of high-energy event generators and nuclear models were used (CEM.03.03, Bertini and INCL). Generally, experimental and calculated cross-sections are in a reasonably good agreement for both proton beam energies, with the exception of a few isotopes. Similarly, agreement between new and previously measured data for 200 MeV is good, providing an adequate credibility for the new 400 MeV results.
        Sprecher: Radek Vespalec (Czech Technical University in Prague / Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
      • 15:00
        Dissipative effects in fission investigated with spallation reactions of 208Pb 15m
        In fission, the investigation of different experimental observables has shown evidences that the viscosity of the medium changes with the deformation, but also with the nuclear temperature [1]. However, these ideas are still under debate because there conclusions could be biased by the experimental conditions. We propose then to investigate these effects with complete kinematic measurements of the fission products at high excitation energy, low angular momentum and small compound nucleus deformation, where dissipative effects should manifest in a clear way. We will report recent results obtained at GSI for the reaction 208Pb+p at 500AMeV. This reaction fulfills the optimum conditions for the investigation of dissipative effects in fission. Moreover, the new SOFIA setup [2] allowed us to construct observables providing information on the fissioning nucleus, and its saddle and scission configurations. In particular, the unambiguous identification in mass and atomic number of both fission fragments, obtained for the first time in this experiment, was a key achievement. The fission cross sections and the charge distribution of the fission fragments were used to study the presaddle dynamics at small deformation [3,4]. In this work, we will present the results concerning the mass distribution of the fission fragments, which should help us to investigate the postsaddle dynamics. [1] D. Jacquet et al., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 63,155 (2009). [2] G. Boutoux et al., Phys. Procedia 47,166 (2013). [3] J.L. Rodríguez-Sánchez et al.,Phys. Rev. C 90, 064606 (2014). [4] Y. Ayyad et al., Phys. Rev. C 91, 034601 (2005).
        Sprecher: Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez (University of Santiago de Compostela)
      • 15:15
        Investigation of the orbital electron-capture decay of hydrogen-like 142Pm60+ ions at the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) 15m
        Two-body orbital electron-capture (EC) decay of stored and cooled highly charged ions has been studied in the Experimental Storage Ring (ESR) at GSI Helmholtzzentrum in Darmstadt, Germany. The H-like 142Pm60+ ions were produced by fragmentation of 600 AMeV 152Sm ions in a Be-target. The 142Pm60+ fragments were separated in-flight by the FRagment Seperator (FRS), injected into the ESR storage ring at 400 MeV/u and cooled to high phase-space density by stochastic and electron cooling. More than 10 000 EC decays have been recorded in a recent experiment at October 2014 by means of a 245 MHz resonator serving as a Schottky detector. This device revealed the true EC-decay time of single stored ions within 32 ms as identified by a tiny change of their revolution frequency. Moreover, owing to the high sensitivity and performance of this resonator also the velocity and momentum of the recoiling daughter nucleus immediately after the decay could be determined. The data analysis of indepented groups is still in progress. This study presents the results obtained from the recent experiment of orbital electron capture decay of 142Pm60+ ions at the ESR.
      • 15:30
        ALTO – a facility for stable and radioactive beam studies 15m
        The ALTO facility in Orsay consists of two accelerators within the same installation. A Tandem accelerator (15 MV) is dedicated to the production of stable beams (ions and cluster) for nuclear- and atomic-physics studies. A linear electron accelerator (50 MeV) is dedicated to the production of radioactive beams using the photo-fission on UCx targets. The provided stable and radioactive ions beams and clusters allow covering a large physics case from nuclear structure to atomic physics, cluster physics, biology and nano-technology. Nuclear structure studies far from stability are performed at the ISOL facility. The Split-Pole and the Bacchus spectrometers are used for nuclear reaction studies, both from astrophysical and nuclear structure interest. Gamma-ray spectroscopy has traditionally been an important part of the scientific program with the use of different high-efficiency spectrometers (ORGAM, MINORCA and PARIS in near future). The recent development of LICORNE fast-neutron source has boosted the fission studies at ALTO. A brief description of the facility will be given and the on-going research program and future developments will be presented.
        Sprecher: Georgi Georgiev (CSNSM)
      • 15:45
        High accuracy neutron inelastic cross section measurements on 206Pb 15m
        The design of the Generation IV lead-cooled fast reactors and of the future accelerator-driven systems require the knowledge of neutron inelastic cross sections on 206Pb with a precision of the order of 5%. An extended experiment consisting of two largely independent measurements was conducted at the GELINA neutron source operated by EC-JRC-IRMM. We present in detail the experimental technique we used in order to achieve the high precision required by the applications. The results are compared with previous experimental data and with various theoretical calculations.
        Sprecher: Alexandru Negret (IFIN-HH, Romania)
    • 14:00 16:00
      Nuclear Structure, Spectroscopy, and Dynamics IV Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: Prof. Yesim Oktem (Istanbul University Science Faculty Physics Department)
      • 14:00
        How evident is the shape coexistence phenomenon in the lead region? 15m
        The lead region is considered as a paradigm of the shape coexistence phenomenon and several decades of experimental effort have supported this believe. In particular, long chains of the Pb, Hg, Pt and Po isotopes have been measured and a rich experimental body of data concerning excitation energies, electromagnetic transition rates, radii, magnetic g-factors, alpha-hindrance factors and Coulomb excitation reactions, has been obtained [1]. In the case of Pb and Hg, the presence of intruder states is self-evident inspecting the parabolic energy systematics of the intruder states. However, however in the case of Pt and Po, the presence and influence of intruder states is not obvious. In this contribution, we try to clarify the situation using a set of Interacting Boson Model calculations that we carried out during the last few years [2]. We show that in order to understand the systematics of the large set of observables in this mass region, we can resort to simple arguments based on the strength of the interaction between regular and intruder configurations, and, moreover, on the energy difference between both types of configurations. [1] K. Heyde and J. L. Wood, Revs. Mod. Phys. 83, 1467 (2011). [2] J.E. Garcia-Ramos and K. Heyde, Nucl. Phys. A 825, 39 (2009); J.E. Garcia-Ramos, V. Hellemans, and K. Heyde, Phys. Rev. C 84, 014331 (2011); J.E. Garcia-Ramos and K. Heyde, Phys. Rev. C 89, 014306 (2014).
        Sprecher: Jose-Enrique Garcia-Ramos (University of Huelva)
      • 14:15
        Structure of N=Z nuclei in single j shell calculations 15m
        I discuss calculations of states with angular momentum zero in nuclei with equal numbers of neutrons and protons and either four or eight nucleons or nucleon holes in the 1f7/2 or 1g9/2 shell with effective interactions from the literature. Consistently and fairly independently of the interaction, the ground states have by about 75% seniority zero in Flowers’s classification of states in a single j shell by a seniority and a reduced isospin. This structure may be seen as the manifestation of isovector pairing in this model. The rest of the ground state configuration has entirely or almost entirely seniority two and reduced isospin zero. Configurations constructed from pairs of a neutron or neutron hole and a proton or proton hole aligned to the maximal angular momentum have overlaps of 25%-62% with the seniority zero state. This illustrates that the Pauli principle prohibits a perception of isovector and isoscalar pairings as being mutually exclusive. The states with aligned neutron-proton pairs largely select by projection the components of the calculated ground states from multidimensional spaces with a given seniority and reduced isospin zero. By calculating the binding energy as a function of isospin with modified interactions where certain components are omitted, one finds that - contrary to suggestions in the literature - the isoscalar interactions are responsible for the symmetry energy rather than the Wigner energy.
        Sprecher: Kai Neergård
      • 14:30
        Dipole toroidal resonance: vortical properties, deformation impact, relation to pygmy mode 15m
        Properties of the isoscalar dipole toroidal resonance (TR) in spherical and deformed nuclei are discussed using our recent results obtained within the self-consistent random phase approximation with Skyrme forces [1-4]. The TR strength functions, transition densities and velocity fields are inspected. The resonance is compared to other exotic isoscalar dipole modes (compression and pygmy) [1,2]. The main attention is paid to: i) possibility to use TR as a measure of the nuclear vorticity [3], ii) anomalous TR deformation splitting [4], iii) relation of the TR and pygmy dipole resonance [2], iv) perspectives of experimental observation of the TR. [1] J. Kvasil, V.O. Nesterenko, W. Kleinig, P.-G. Reinhard, and P. Vesely, Phys. Rev. C 84, 034303 (2011). [2] A. Repko, P.-G. Reinhard, V.O. Nesterenko, and J. Kvasil, Phys. Rev. C 87, 024305 (2013). [3] P.-G. Reinhard, V.O. Nesterenko, A. Repko, and J. Kvasil, Phys. Rev. C 89, 024321 (2014). [4] J. Kvasil, V.O. Nesterenko, W. Kleinig, and P.-G. Reinhard, Phys. Scripta, v.89, n.5, 054023 (2014).
        Sprecher: Valentin Nesterenko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna)
      • 14:45
        Lifetime measurements to study shell evolution beyond N=50 15m
        Recent experimental discoveries have revealed that the neutron effective single particle evolution above 78Ni shows peculiar behaviours. The neutron monopole drifts towards 78Ni remain an open and urgent question and the light odd-neutron N=51 nuclei (towards 78Ni) constitute the most interesting cases to study this evolution. Low-lying states in N=51 isotones may naturally be understood in terms of single-particle configurations and core-particle coupled (collective) states. Both structures were historically well identified in 89Sr Z=38,N=51) which can be considered as a reference nucleus. The aim of the experiment was to determine the nature of the low-lying Yrast or quasi Yrast states in 83Ge (Z=32) in order to assess their collective (shorter lived) or single-particle (longer lived) origin and disentangle monopole drift effects from the rest of the structure evolution towards 78Ni core. Calculations and systematics show that there is a difference of about two orders of magnitude between core-particle coupled state (shorter lived) and single-particle state (longer lived) half lives. The relevant nuclei were produced via a fusion-fission reaction with a 238U beam at 6.2 MeV/u energy impinging on a Be target. The beam current was around 0.5 pnA. The Recoil Distance Doppler-Shift method was employed using the OUPS plunger, with three degrader positions. The gamma rays were detected by the AGATA array in coincidence with the VAMOS mass spectrometer. The half lives of several states of interest were measured and preliminary results will be presented.
        Sprecher: Andrea Gottardo (IPN Orsay)
      • 15:00
        Interacting Boson Approximation (IBA-1) determinations for reduced transition probabilities of 152 ≤ A ≤ 248 nuclei 15m
        The theoretical B(E2) ratios have been calculated on DF, DR and Krutov models. A simple method based on the work of Arima and Iachello is used to calculate the reduced transition probabilities within SU(3) limit of IBA-I framework. The reduced E2 transition probability ratios of 2-gamma/ 2-ground to 2-gamma/ 0-ground from second excited states of rare-earths and actinide even–even nuclei calculated from experimental energies and intensities from recent data compare better with those calculated on the Krutov model and the SU(3) limit of IBA than the DR and DF models.
        Sprecher: Sardool Singh Ghumman (Sant Longowal institute of engg. and tech.-deemed university, Longowal, India)
      • 15:15
        A microscopic derivation of nuclear collective rotation-vibration model 15m
        We derive a microscopic version of the successful phenomenological hydrodynamic model of Bohr-Davydov-Faessler-Greiner for collective rotation-vibration motion of an axially symmetric deformed nucleus. The derivation is not limited to small oscillation amplitude. The nuclear Schrodinger equation is canonically transformed to collective co-ordinates, which is then linearized using a constrained variational method. The associated constraints are imposed on the wavefunction rather than on the particle co-ordinates. The approach yields three self-consistent, time-reversal invariant, cranking-type Schrodinger equations for the rotation-vibration and intrinsic motions, and a self-consistency equation. For harmonic oscillator mean-field potentials, these equations are solved in closed forms for excitation energy, cut-off angular momentum, and other nuclear properties for the ground-state rotational band in deformed nuclei. The results are compared with measured data.
        Sprecher: Parviz Gulshani (NUTECH Services)
      • 15:30
        A characteristic study of the most probable nucleus beyond the island of stability 15m
        The possible occurrence of superheavy nuclei(SHN) in nature, neutron stars, pallasite meteorites validated the theoretical predictions about the occurrence of SHN in nature. Very recently, Zagrebaev et al. estimated the possibility of production of SHN in the astrophysical r process. Ohnishi and Okamoto has studied the nuclear structure properties of neutron magic numbers 184, 228 and 308 and proton magic number 114 and 164, and reported that the upper mass limit of the r-process depends strongly on the magic neutron numbers. In this work the expected next proton magic number Z=164 in the next island of hyperheavy nuclei is studied. BE/A through the Droplet model (Z=164 and N=180-390 suggests the maximum binding is from N=250-270 (>6.1MeV). But the positive εp and εn for N=184, suggests higher probability of existence of 348164. The multi-nucleon separation energies are obtained through BE formalism. The single particle levels and the level density and entropy are obtained through cranking and statistical models resply and the spin cut-off parameter, using our modified formula. The level density increases with temperature. At T>1MeV, it became infinite, which shows the nucleus reaching the plasma state. The survival of 184164 upto T=1MeV, suggests that the nuclei beyond the island of stability will lie along or near to N=Z line. Thus a high possibility of occurrence of hyperheavy nuclei in supernovae is predicted, since supernovae generally contain material with equal numbers of neutrons and protons.
        Sprecher: S. Santhosh Kumar (Department of Physics, Bharathidasan Govt. College for Women, Puducherry– 605 003, U. T. of Puducherry, INDIA)
    • 14:00 16:00
      Young Minds Room 2

      Room 2

      Sitzungsleiter: Zsolt Fülöp (Atomki)
      • 14:00
        The EPS Young Minds Project 30m
        Boosting the creativity of students and postdoctoral researchers alike, the Young Minds Project is an initiative of the European Physical Society to promote the next generation of leaders in physics by creating an environment where young physicists assume an active role. After 5 years, Young Minds counts more than 30 Sections in 19 countries. International networking, young researchers involvement with the scientific community, promotion of science among local communities-these should be the goals of every young researcher in Europe. Of course, these highly rewarding activities are time consuming and the focus of most young minds is on getting their research tasks done, being it in the lab or in front of a computer. But strong institutional support, with departments and national societies, can be a decisive factor in encouraging young physicists to take an active part in outreach. Through the Young Minds Project, EPS aims to encourage all active young scientists, from undergraduates to postdoctoral researchers, to organize local Young Minds Sections that will collaborate to develop scientific, networking and outreach activities. The YMP encourages the interaction amongst Sections and students through various levels of international networking: one- to-one exchanges between Young Minds Sections; European-level student conferences; and interaction with the student groups of other organizations.
        Sprecher: Ulrike Ritzmann (University of Konstanz, Germany)
      • 14:30
        How to get your research published! 30m
        Guidelines and tips will be presented for composing and structuring research articles with a content appropriate for publication in peer reviewed top-tier journals. An overview of the peer review process will be given indicating many of the questions referees seek answers to before accepting articles for publication.
        Sprecher: Graeme Watt (EPL, European Physical Society)
      • 15:00
        The FameLab project 30m
        FameLab aims to discover charismatic, up-and-coming scientists who inspire people to see the world from a new perspective… in just three minutes! Since its birth at the Cheltenham Science Festival in 2005, FameLab has grown into arguably the world’s leading science communication competition. A partnership with the British Council since 2007 has seen the competition go global with more than 5000 young scientists and engineers participating in over 27 different countries. Communicating science accessibly and attractively is an ever-growing priority for researchers worldwide. FameLab helps young scientists acquire valuable skills to communicate their work to non-scientific audiences. By doing so, researchers not only challenge common stereotypes of scientists, but also help to justify public funding for their research.
        Sprecher: Bart van der Laar (Science LinX, University of Groningen)
    • 16:00 16:30
      Break 30m
    • 16:30 18:00

      Poster session

      • 16:30
        A Monte Carlo study of the influence of neutron source spectrum on PGNAA facility performance in cement raw material analysis 1 h 30m
        Hundreds of cement factories use online bulk material analyzers to improve their quality control for both raw material and kiln feed, and reduce their variability. The most used technology for online analysis is Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA), with 252Cf as the neutron source. A simulation study has been done to develop the setup geometry and investigate the possibility of using other kinds of neutron sources as an alternative option. Application of neutron generators and also (α,n) neutron sources in the PGNAA facility has been discussed.
        Sprecher: Hamed Panjeh (FUM Radiation Detection and Measurement Lab, Faculty of Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran)
      • 16:30
        A new shock-capturing numerical scheme using an exact Riemann solver 1 h 30m
        Hydrodynamic modelling of quark-gluon plasma requires sophisticated numerical schemes that have low numerical viscosity and are able to cope with high gradients of energy density that may appear in initial conditions. We propose to use the Godunov method with an exact Riemann solver for ideal hydrodynamic modelling to meet these conditions. We present the results of numerical tests of the method, such as the sound wave propagation and the shock tube problem, which show both high precision of the method and low numerical viscosity.
        Sprecher: Zuzana Feckova (Matej Bel University)
      • 16:30
        A Pulse Height Response Spectrometer for neutron detection based on digital signal processing 1 h 30m
        Pulse Height Response Spectrometry (PHRS) is a tool of neutron physics and several applications performed with fast neutrons with En > 0.1 MeV energy. We have built and characterized a PHRS system based on a scintillation detector with EJ-301 liquid scintillator and Digital Signal Processing (DSP). The system will be used for characterization of mixed neutron-gamma fields to be used for applications at MTA Atomki (testing new types of neutron detectors, radiation hardness tests, etc.). The photomultiplier of the scintillation detector is connected to a CAEN DT5751 digitizer (1 GS/s, 10 bit). Time stamp, short integration value, long integration value and the PSD (Pulse Shape Discrimination) value [1] are recorded in list mode. 2D plot of the PSD value is used for separating the events induced by protons and gamma photons. The gamma and neutron responses of the system are studied experimentally and via Monte Carlo simulations. The Eg = 0 – 3 MeV gamma and the En = 1 - 12 MeV neutron energy ranges are covered. Irradiations are done with quasi-monoenergetic d+D neutrons at the MGC-20E cyclotron of MTA Atomki. The measured and simulated gamma and neutron response functions will be presented with the neutron spectra unfolded from the measured proton spectra via a derivative unfolding method [2]. [1] D. Cester, M. Lunardon, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 748, 33 (2014). [2] D. Slaughter, R. Strout, Nucl. Instr. and Methods 198, 349 (1982).
        Sprecher: Andrew Bolyog (ATOMKI, Debrecen)
      • 16:30
        A ΔE-E detector combined with CsI(Tl) crystal for monitoring of the relative electrons flux generated in interaction of accelerated nuclei beam on thin targets 1 h 30m
        In the interaction of beam accelerated nuclei with thin targets (C-12, CH2, Ag, Cu, Al) at JINR-Nuclotron are produced delta electrons. for their detection a deltaE-E detector is described. This detector is a semiconductor detector combined with an inorganic crystal of CsI(Tl), realized in Horia-Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest. Experimental data obtained in this experiment are presented and discussed. this information is important for the setting modes of the accelerator and carrying out of an experiment.
        Sprecher: Madalina Cruceru (IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania)
      • 16:30
        Advanved quantum-mechanical approach in terms of collective coordinates in theory of nuclear alpha-emission 1 h 30m
        Paper goes on the systematic studying the cooperative nuclear processes [1] with some refinement of the quantum mechanical description of the simple droplet nuclear model. The aim is to account for the most important dynamics features of the inner-nuclear processes that must lead to simplification of calculational procedure. Approach proposed must allow for systematic refinements in the frame of the formally exact perturbation theory, based on the more fundamental theory of nuclear matter. We consider a new consistent quantum-mechanical approach in terms of collective co-ordinates in theory of nuclear alpha-emission. It is supposed that Hamiltonian of e-N system used by us can be treated as the bare Hamiltonian in such a theory. It is important that the theory of the alpha emission includes the main features of the general nuclear fission theory. The classical Hamiltonian of the nuclear system is constructed accounting the Coulomb inner-nuclear interaction and strong interaction approximated by the "Yukava plus exponent" potential. The final form of Hamiltonian accounts for some empirical information concerning the lowest alpha decaying state. As an illustration we present the preliminary results of the calculation for 210Po which shows a principal value of the mass tensor character for spectrum of emitted alpha-particle. [1] A. Glushkov, Y. Dubrovskaya et al., Adv. in Theory of Quantum Syst. in Chem. and Phys. 15, 301 (2006); Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 24, 611 (2009).
        Sprecher: Alexander Glushkov (Odessa University -OSENU)
      • 16:30
        Algebraic models for shell-like quarteting of nucleons 1 h 30m
        We introduce two algebraic models for the shell-like quarteting of nucleons. The simpler one is based on the quartet concept of Arima et al, which does not treat explicitly the degrees of freedom of the constituent nucleons. Nevertheless, the Pauli-principle is not violated in this phenomenological description, either: the quartets of four nucleons occupy different single particle space-states. The semimicrosopic model is more detailed. It is based on the definition of quartets in terms of two protons and two neutrons of [4] permutational symmetry. This model is able to take into account 0, 1, 2, 3, ... (nucleonic) major shell excitations, as opposed to the „giant” quartet excitations of the phenomenologic approach, which correspond to 4q, q = 0; 1; 2; … nucleon excitation quanta. For both description the U(3) formalism of Elliott is applied for the calculation of the spectrum. Both of these models are easy to apply, yet the semimicroscopic approach seems to be detailed enough to account for a considerable amount of the experimental spectrum [1,2]. We expect that in addition to its applicability to the s-d shell nuclei it can also be extended to the mass region of A=92-100 of current experimental interest. [1] J. Cseh, Phys. Lett. B, in press; arXiv:1409.0124v2 [nucl-th] (2014). [2] J. Cseh and G. Riczu, in preparation.
        Sprecher: Gabor Riczu (Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
      • 16:30
        Application of the Direct Matrices Multiplication method in gamma ray spectrometry 1 h 30m
        The Direct Matrices Multiplication (DMM) method was developed by D. Novković as theoretical model for coincidence summing of X-and gamma rays of radionuclides with complex decays schemes. This method enables: a) identification of all possible decay paths and decay paths outcomes; b) calculation of particular path outcome, probabilities and corresponding energy deposited in the detector; c) determination of theoretical expressions for count rates of single and summing peaks as well as for total count rate, where the unknown quantities are the total and peak detection efficiencies. This method can be applied to the point sources and for small source-to-detector distances. It was successfully applied to the decay of 139Ce, 57Co, 133Ba, and 75Se. The DMM method was tested on the equivalence with other methods for calculation of coincidence summing corrections by G. Kanisch, T. Vidmar and O. Sima and a good agreement with the GESPRECOR program was confirmed for point sources of 133Ba, 134Cs and, 152Eu. In the case of the volume sources, calculations of coincidence summing corrections, peak and total efficiencies are more complex than for point sources. Laboratory for Nuclear and Plasma Physics participated in the intercomparison, organized by the Gamma-ray Spectrometry working group of the International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology (ICRM). Volume sources filled by radioactive solution (152Eu, 134Cs) and with different absorbers have been considered. Results obtained by DMM method showed satisfactory agreement with the mean values.
        Sprecher: Boris Loncar (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia)
      • 16:30
        Beam optic along the transfer RIB lines to the DESIR facility at GANIL-SPIRAL2 1 h 30m
        The new ISOL facility SPIRAL2 is currently being built at GANIL, Caen France. SPIRAL2 will produce a large number of new radioactive ion beams (RIB) at high intensities. In 2019, the DESIR facility will receive beams from the upgraded SPIRAL1 facility of GANIL (stable beam and target fragmentation), from the S3 Low Energy Branch (fusion-evaporation and deep-inelastic reactions). In order to deliver the RIB to the experimental set-ups installed in the DESIR hall, 110 meters of beam line are studied since 2013. This paper will focus on the recent studies which have been done on these transfer lines: beam optics and errors calculations, quadrupoles, diagnostics and mechanical designs.
        Sprecher: Luc Perrot (CNRS/IN2P3/IPNO)
      • 16:30
        Calculating fission barrier & paths influenced by proton and neutron magicity 1 h 30m
        The macroscopic-microscopic method is used to calculate penetrabilities for different fission channels around proton and neutron magic numbers from uranium and plutonium. The liquid drop part is obtained from the Yukawa-plus-exponential potential, whereas the single-particle energy levels are computed with the deformed two center shell model. The shell correction part is obtained by the Strutinsky method, separately for protons and neutrons. Calculations are applied to the fission of 244Pu among different fission Channels.
        Sprecher: Herr Amin Attarzadeh (PhD Student)
      • 16:30
        Calculation of gas gain for a MSPC detector 1 h 30m
        Unlike Multi-Wire Proportional Counter (MWPC), the principle of Micro-Strip Proportional Counter (MSPC) is that the anode and cathode electrodes are very narrow conductor strips. The field strength necessary to produce gas amplification in MSPC is generated between neighbouring strips and by the voltage difference between the strips and the detector cathode, which can be at considerable distance. The application of some Single Wire Proportional Counter (SWPC) gain formulas to MWPC depends on the radial symmetry of the electric field. In the MSPC, there is no such radial symmetry, and the transformation is not possible. Therefore, application of a gas gain formula to MSPC need to take into account the difference in MSPC geometry from that of SWPC and MWPC. In this study, the Diethorn formula was used to calculate the gas gain in a MSPC filled with Xe+5%CO2 at different gas pressures. The results of the measured and the calculated gas gain were found to be in good agreement.
        Sprecher: Okla AlHorayess (KACST)
      • 16:30
        Cross section measurement of the astrophysically important 17O(p,g )18F reaction with the activation method 1 h 30m
        The 17O(p,g)18F reaction is one of the most important reactions of astrophysical interest. In general the hydrogen burning of oxygen isotopes can occur in hydrogen core and shell burning, asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars during hydrogen shell burning, intermediate-mass AGB stars during hot-bottom burning, and both CO and ONe classical novae during explosive hydrogen burning [1]. This particular reaction is a corner stone of the CNO-III and CNO-IV cycles that occurs mostly at massive stars. Due to its astrophysical importance it is necessary to improve upon the existent data about this reaction, especially at higher energies where only one experimental dataset is available [2]. The experiment is in progress at the new tandetron accelerator at the Atomki institute in Debrecen, Hungary, where targets of Ta2O5 where activated with a proton beam in the 500 keV to 2 MeV energy interval. In this work we shall present preliminary results for the cross section of the 17O(p,g)18F reaction. [1] A. Coc et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 51, 34 (2015). [2] C. Rolfs, Nucl. Phys. A 217, 29 (1973).
        Sprecher: Andre Jose Neves Marques de Ornelas (ATOMKI)
      • 16:30
        Determination of indoor radon concentrations around the Fatih district in Istanbul 1 h 30m
        There are many methods to determine 222Rn concentration in the air. In this study, 500 LR -115 nuclear trace detectors were placed to 25 schools in Fatih District and they stayed there for a month-period. After a month, the detectors were collected gently and the traces which occurs via basic alpha decay on detector material, counted by using a special method for that special type of LR – 115 detectors. According to the results of investigations, it was that the radon concentration varies between 40 – 395 Bq/m3. Our results are lower compared with Turkey’s limits (400 Bq/m3) conversely the results are higher compared with WHO’s limits (100 Bq/m3).
        Sprecher: Aziz KURT (İstanbul University Science Faculty Physics Department)
      • 16:30
        Deuteron stripping on nuclei at intermediate energies 1 h 30m
        A general analytical expression for the double differential cross section of deuteron stripping reaction on nuclei at intermediate energies of incident particles was obtained in the diffraction approximation [1]. Nucleon-nucleus phases were calculated in the framework of Glauber formalism and making use of the double-folding potential. The exact wave function of deuteron with correct asymptotics at short and long distances between nucleons [2] was used. The formalism used in ref. [1] was later modified to calculate the nucleon polarization that arises in deuteron stripping reaction. The calculated angular dependencies of cross sections and analyzing power Ay are in good agreement with corresponding experimental data [3,4]. [1] V.I. Kovalchuk, Nucl. Phys. A 937, 59 (2015). [2] D.V. Piatnytskyi and I.V. Simenog, Ukr. J. Phys. 53, 629 (2008). [3] C. Wilkin, J. Phys. G 6, 69 (1980). [4] H. Kamada et al., Prog. Theor. Phys. 104, 703 (2000).
        Sprecher: Valery Kovalchuk (Department of Physics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine)
      • 16:30
        Developing of a RBS-Channeling system for crystallographic analysis at the 3 MV Tandetron Accelerator of IFIN-HH, Măgurele - Romania 1 h 30m
        Ion implantation technology provides the most efficient way to insert impurities into different materials, especially materials with crystalline structure, in order to change in a controllable manner their physical, chemical or electrical properties. It is a material engineering process that allows creation of new materials, atomic mixing, metal finishing, etc. However, by implanting energetic ions into crystals, one produces many point defects in the target crystal, such as vacancies and interstitials. Thermal treatment can be performed to regenerate the crystal. The 3 MV Tandetron Accelerator at IFIN-HH has a beam-line for ion implantation and can be used as a high-energy ion industrial implanter on full-sized 225 cm2 wafers. After, implantation analysis can be made to check for induced crystal damage. We have developed an RBS-Channeling analysis system to allow quality control check of implanted crystals. The system is fully-automated and it first seeks the crystal major axis and then look for defects. Studies of crystalline structure can also be performed and we can investigate crystal lattices in the bulk region.
        Sprecher: Doru Pacesila (IFIN-HH)
      • 16:30
        Development of an external ion beam system for PIXE analysis 1 h 30m
        Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) is a family of analytical techniques used for material characterization. It probes a material for atomic composition and concentration along its surface and to depths of the order of a few microns, depending on the type and energy of the probing beam. We have installed at the Bucharest 3 MV tandetron a micro-beam scanning system that can use Rutherford back-scattering(RBS), PIXE or PIGE to characterize surfaces. Either one or a combination of of these techniques can give information about the elemental/isotopic composition and concentration across surfaces. By using ion beams with diameters of a few microns we scan the surface of a target material and determine atomic concentration maps with this resolution. The images we construct yield rich detail and offer information about internal structure and composition, in particular for composite and non-uniform materials. The characteristics for the setup are described with examples from typical applications.
        Sprecher: Adrian Rotaru (IFIN-HH)
      • 16:30
        Dynamic enhancement and chaos elements in theory of a nucleus and electron internal conversion in nuclides 1 h 30m
        We consider spectra of the barium isotopes and compute the internal conversion electron coefficients. The neutron- deficient nuclides of 125,127Ba are theoretically studied and the level structures for high-spin states is interpreted within the framework of the RMF model. The electron internal conversion coefficients in the 125,127Ba nuclides are calculated on basis of relativistic Dirac-Fock method. It is performed a comparison of the obtained theoretical data and data by Rossel et al. [3], which are 1.1×10^3 and 8.5×10^4 for M2 and E3, respectively, the 24-keV transition can be considered mainly an M2 transition. The other aK values of the 79.4-, 114.3-, 128.7-, 134.3-, 220.4-, 243.0-, 253.3-,269.6-, 285.6-, and 318.7-keV transitions associated with the decay of 127La are deduced from the electron internal conversion measurements [1]. The E1 transitions between parity doublets are characterized by a two to four orders of magnitude enhancement compared to those of more normal cases. A possibility of manifestation of stochastic elements (dynamic enhancement) and quantum chaos is discussed. [1] T. Kibedi et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 589, 202 (2008); F. Rossel et al., Atomic Data Nucl. Data Tables 21, 91 (1978). [2] A.V. Glushkov et al., Progr. in Theor. Phys and Chem. 18, 504 (2008); 22, 125 (2011); 26, 131 (2013).
        Sprecher: Vasily Buyadzhi (Odessa University -OSENU)
      • 16:30
        Electroweak interaction, parity nonconservation in heavy finite fermi-systems and dynamical enhancement of weak interaction 1 h 30m
        Nowadays the PNC in the finite Fermi-systems has a potential to probe a new physics beyond the Standard Model. We systematically apply our combined nuclear (relativistic mean field model) and QED many-body perturbation theory method [2] to precise studying spin- independent and spin-dependent (SD) PNC effects. There are listed new results of the calculating the nuclear magnetic moments, hf structure, PNC amplitudes for a set of elements: 133Cs, 137Ba+, 205Tl, 223Fr, 173Yb with account of the exchange-correlation, Breit, weak е-e interactions, radiative, nuclear (magnetic moment distribution, finite size, neutron “skin”) corrections. Comparison with the SM and other data [1] is done. As exciting example we list our QW value of 173Yb QW=-92.31 [the PNC amplitude 9.707x10^(-10)iea] that differs of the SM QW=-95.44. The nuclear SD PNC interactions due to nuclear anapole moment, Z- exchange interaction from nucleon axial-vector (AnVe) currents, the combined hyperfine and spin-independent Z exchange interaction from nucleon vector (VnAe) currents are computed. In quantum many-body systems with dense spectra of excited states weak perturbation can be significantly enhanced. The PNC enhancement is studied too and new possibilities are examined. [1] K. Tsigutkin et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 071601 (2009); O. Khetselius, Phys. Scr. T135, 014023 (2009). [2] A. Glushkov et al., Nucl. Phys. A 734, 21 (2004); A. Glushkov, O. Khetselius, L. Lovett, Recent Adv. in Theory of At. and Mol. Syst. 20, 125 (2010).
        Sprecher: Olga Khetselius (Odessa State University -OSENU)
      • 16:30
        Excitation of isomeric states in reactions (γ,n) and (n,2n) on 45Sc, 76Ge and 81Br 1 h 30m
        This work presents work results of investigation of the isomeric yield ratios η= Ym/(Ym +Yg) of the 45Sc(γ,n)44m,gSc, 45Sc(n,2n)44m,gSc, 76Ge(γ,n)75m,gGe, 76Ge(n,2n)75m,gGe, 81Br(γ,n)80m,gBr and 81Br(n,2n)80m,gBr reactions. The isomeric yield ratios were measured by the induced radioactivity method. Samples of natural Sc, Ge and Br have been irradiated in the bremsstrahlung beam of the betatron SB-50 in the energy range of 10-35 MeV with energy step of 1 MeV. For 14 MeV neutron irradiation we used the NG-150 neutron generator. The gamma spectra reactions products were measured with a spectroscopic system consisting of HPGe detector CANBERRA with energy resolution of 1,8 keV at 1332 keV gamma ray of 60Co. The filling of the isomeric and ground levels was identified according to their γ lines. In the range 26-35 MeV the isomeric yield ratios Ym/Yg of the reaction (γ,n) on 76Ge, 82Se and 81Br are obtained at first. Using the isomer yield ratio and the total cross section of the (γ, n) reaction on Sc, Ge and Br we estimated the cross sections of (γ, n)m and (γ, n)g reactions. The cross section isomeric ratios at Eγ=Em are estimated. The experimental results have been discussed, compared with those of other authors as well as considered by the statistical model. Theoretical values of the isomeric yield ratios have been calculated by using code TALYS-1.0.
        Sprecher: Satimbay Palvanov (National University of Uzbekistan)
      • 16:30
        Excitation rates for nuclear isomers in hot plasma and photon-plasmon transitions in positronium and astrophysical plasma 1 h 30m
        The short-lived excited states of nuclei in a hot plasma with excitation energies on the order of the temperature of the plasma reach thermal equilibrium with the nuclear ground state and their relative population is determined by a Boltzmann distribution. These states are usually taken into sccount in standard nucleosynthesis calculations, though the data about their nucleonic reaction properties are not sufficient. The aim of our work is to study the rates for electromagnetic excitation of the isotopes of several isomers of interest both in astrophysics and nuclear physics (235U, 193Ir, 87,88Y) and photon-plasmon transitions in positronium. We use the consistent quantum approaches [1] to estimate the key characteristics of the electromagnetic processes, namely, photo-absorption, inverse internal conversion, inelastic electron scattering, Coulomb excitation etc. Further the photon-plasmon transitions probabilities P(ph-pl)with emission of photon and Langmuir quanta in astrophysical plasma are estimated. Our value P(ph-pl) is 5.3x10(6) 1/s, where U is density of Langmuir waves energy. It is agreed with other estimates [2]: P(ph-pl)=6x10(6)1/s. [1] A. Glushkov, L. Ivanov, Phys. Lett. A 170, 33 (1992); A. Glushkov et al., Int. J. Quant. Ch. 104, 562 (2005); J. Phys. CS 11,188 (2005). [2] S. Kaplan, V. Tsytovich, Astrophysical Plasma (Moscow,1987); V.Gol'danskiiy, V. Letokhov, JETP 67, 533 (1974); L. Letokhov, L. Ivanov, Preprint ISAN N3,Troitsk (1987).
        Sprecher: Vasily Buyadzhi (Odessa State University -OSENU)
      • 16:30
        Exposures of nuclear track emulsion to light radioactive nuclei, neutrons, and heavy ions 1 h 30m
        Nuclear track emulsion (NTE) stays to be a versatile and inexpensive technique for forefront researches. In JINR samples of reproduced NTE have been exposed to 1.2 A GeV 11C nuclei, 7 A 8He nuclei, thermal and fast neutrons and 1.2 A MeV Kr and Xe ions. NTE has retained its position as a means for studying a nuclear clustering via relativistic fragmentation [1]. Using the ACCULINNA separator 8He nuclei were implanted into NTE which allowed to observe a drift of 8He atoms and to derive the distribution over decay energy Q2α. The established "tail" of large values Q2α could allow one to examine a structure of the state 8Be2+. Correlations of α-particles 12C → 3α are studied in NTE exposed to 14.1 MeV neutrons of the apparatus DVIN. Energy distributions Q2α and Q2α indicate on superposition of the 8Be 0+ and 2+ states in the 12С ground state at that 8Be2+ is dominating. NTE enriched with boron is exposed to thermal neutrons at the reactor IBR-2 allow one to extend range calibration for the 7Li nucleus using events nth + 10B → 7Li + (γ) + α. Angular and energy correlations of the reaction products are studied. There is a prospect of an NTE application in physics of a ternary fission. It is necessary to perform range calibrations and to estimate of angular resolution for an available variety of heavy ions.. [1] P.I. Zarubin, Lect. Notes in Phys. 875, 51 (2013); arXiv:1309.4881.
        Sprecher: Nadezda Kornegrutsa (JINR)
      • 16:30
        FTIR/FT-Raman spectra and colour shifts used to study gamma irradiated experimental models of painting 1 h 30m
        Color changes and other modifications in the physical chemical properties of materials induced by gamma irradiation are feared by cultural heritage responsible committees and they have to be evaluated objectively and precisely (Manea et al. 2012). The present study follows the changes of gamma irradiated experimental models of painting with non-destructive and non-contact spectroscopic analytical techniques which are the only ones accepted by the conservators/restorers community. Molecular structure characterization was performed by FTIR/Raman spectroscopy using a Bruker Vertex 70 class equipped with two mobile probes: a MIR fibre module for MIR probes (with LN2 cooled detector) and a Raman RAM II module (LN2 Ge detector) with a RAMPROBE fibre. Colour was measured by a portable reflectance spectrophotometer (Miniscan XE Plus, HunterLab) in diffuse/8° geometry with a beam diameter of 4 mm and specular component included (Manea et al. 2014). This work was partially supported by the project ETCOG, Contr. C3-05 IFA-CEA/2012. [1] M.M. Manea et al., Rad. Phys. Chem. 81, 160 (2012). [2] M.M. Manea, C.D. Negut, M. Virgolici, I.V. Moise, Proceedings of ICAMS International Conference, Bucharest, Romania, October 23rd-25th, INCDTP-ICPI ROMANIA Editura CERTEX, 533 (2014).
        Sprecher: Daniel Constantin Negut ("Horia Hulubei" National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH))
      • 16:30
        Gamma irradiation for material testing 1 h 30m
        Radiation resistance of materials is of great interest for various industries such as medical devices, nuclear power plants or aerospace. Among many types of radiation currently used for material testing, gamma is the most common because of its high availability in research or industrial irradiators, well standardized dosimetry, high reproducibility of the irradiation experiments. There are a couple of irradiation parameters not easy to achieve in any type of gamma irradiator. Dose rate is a parameter not commonly taken into account, but essential for testing certain materials such as coatings used in nuclear power facilities. Dose uniformity ratio is the other parameter required by certain standards, but often neglected in the published papers. IRASM Department of IFIN-HH acquired a long experience in setting up gamma irradiation for different materials. It operates two Co-60 gamma irradiators: a research, self-contained one (IAEA Category I – dry storage), and an industrial, versatile, panoramic irradiator (IAEA Category IV – wet storage) which can operate in both batch and continuous mode. In this paper, we present dosimetry data obtained from irradiation of samples in wide dose and dose rate ranges, as well as several experimental set-ups for irradiation of materials used in medicine, energy (nuclear power plants) and aerospace.
        Sprecher: Constantin Daniel Negut (Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH))
      • 16:30
        Heat capacity and level density of 94Mo nuclei using modified Ginzburg-Landau theory 1 h 30m
        A modified version of Ginzburg-Landau theory of phase transitions is presented, which seems to be applicable to small systems, such as a nuclei. The effect of statistical fluctuations are taken into account. The changes in the results are compared with the standard Ginzburg-Landau theory. We have used this modified version + Fermi gas model in order to calculate the heat capacity and the level density of the 94Mo nuclei. Our results show that this theory reproduces the experimental data qualitatively. Since we take the effect of the statistical fluctuations into account we expect that the order parameter does not vanish at a specific temperature, as in the small systems, which is in a good agreement with our results.
        Sprecher: Ali Akbar Mehmandoost-Khajeh-Dad (University of Sistan and Baluchestan)
      • 16:30
        How LiF material can help to more convergence of neutron beam (J/φ) on the tumor in BNCT ? 1 h 30m
        In order to treatment of deep brain tumors, BNCT is a well method. BNCT consists of two steps. First, 10B carrier drug is injected in the patient body, then the patient is irradiated with thermal or epithermal neutrons. Recently, studying on production of neutrons by accelerators to use in BNCT treatment is growing up. One of the famous reactions using accelerator’s beam for neutron production is 7Li(p,n)7Be. The relatively low energy neutrons emitted from this reaction, enable us to use less moderation. In this paper, a new BSA based on 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction for irradiation of 2.5 MeV and 20 mA proton beam is proposed. This BSA consist of 20 cm D2O as a moderator, graphite as a reflector, Cd as a thermal neutron filter and BeO as a collimator. The aim of this paper is the increasing of neutron beam convergence (J/φ) by means of adding different thickness of LiF layers to the end of configuration, while J/Φ has already been satisfied for proposed BSA. Finally, a simulated Snyder head phantom is used to calculate the dose distribution inside of tumor and healthy head tissue have been calculated. It has been showed that the increasing of J/Φ, as an important parameter in the BNCT, lead us to have better performance of beam and survival of healthy tissue surrounding the tumor. The Monte Carlo MCNPX code is used for presented results.
        Sprecher: Mohammad Eslami-Kalantari (Faulty of Physics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran)
      • 16:30
        Instant form separable model for pion-nucleon system 1 h 30m
        A separable Poincaré invariant instant form model for the pion-nucleon system has been constructed. It describes the coupling between single-baryon and meson-baryon channels. The elastic scattering amplitudes are obtained from three-dimensional Lippmann-Schwinger equations. The S-matrix elements for the various processes are gauge invariant and transform properly under inhomogeneous Lorentz transformations. The mass-operator interactions that describe the meson-baryon processes have been derived.
        Sprecher: Hamoud Alharbi (KACST)
      • 16:30
        Investigation of the effect of pulsed lasers and continuous lasers on the inverse bremsstrahlung absorption in laser - fusion plasma 1 h 30m
        Inverse bremsstrahlung absorption, (IBA), is the most efficient absorption mechanism in laser-fusion plasma. IBA is the process where an electron absorbs a photon during of colliding to an ion or to another electron. IBA of laser energy in homogeneous and unmagnetized plasma has been studied using the Fokker-Planck equation, f0. This equation is an isotropic q-non-extensive electrons distribution function. Considering a circular-polarized laser wave and kinetic theory with the using spherical coordinates we get f_1 that is anisotropic function, then absorption is calculable. A pulsed laser is considered and effect of the physical parameters such as temperature and q (q is a parameter quantifying the degree of nonextensivity) have been studied on the absorption value, then the results are compared with continuous lasers. The calculations of IBA were performed for various q. In this paper we can deduce from calculations, IBA in near of critical layer using continuous lasers is higher than pulsed lasers, also absorption increases with q parameter and it decreases as the temperature increases.
        Sprecher: Narges Firouzi (Faculty of Physics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran)
      • 16:30
        Investigations of alternative, non-reactor based routes for production of Tc-99m 1 h 30m
        Alternative methods for producing the medical imaging isotope 99mTc are actively being developed around the world in anticipation of the imminent shutdown of the NRU reactor in Canada and the Petten reactor in Holland that together currently produce up to 80% of the world’s supply through fission. The most promising alternative methods involve accelerators that focus Bremsstrahlung radiation or protons on metallic targets comprised of 100Mo. 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc provides a direct route to produce 99mTc, while 100Mo(γ,n)99Mo has to be followed by radiochemical processing. Production of 99Mo by bremsstrahlung radiation is achieved with limited specific activity that becomes even more difficult to use with current technology used generators. Using γ beams with high flux density, 99Mo can be produced with much higher specific activity, consistent with current technology. Such beams can be used to pump a good fraction of the nuclear ground state population via excited levels into an isomeric state. Using the new beam facilities compact targets could be exposed to the gamma radiation and undergo photonuclear reactions to form radioisotopes that can be incorporated into routine production in regional centres. All of alternative routes has to reconsider the radiochemical processing employing gel-generator technology or thermal separation. Preliminary results on (p,2n) reaction and post-processing and simulations on (γ,n) route will are presented.
        Sprecher: Dana Niculae (Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, Romania), Radu Leonte (Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, Romania)
      • 16:30
        Isomeric Yield Ratio of 104,106m,gAg from natAg (γ, xn) reaction at end-point bremsstrahlung energies of 50 and 60 MeV 1 h 30m
        The isomeric yield ratio (IYR) of 104,106Agm,g in the 50 and 60 MeV bremsstrahlung induced reaction of natAg has been determined for the first time by off-line gamma ray spectrometric technique using 100 MeV electron linac at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), Pohang, Korea. The end-point bremsstrahlung energies of 50 and 60 MeV were produced by impinging electron beam on tungsten metal foil of thickness 0.1 mm and area 10 cmx 10 cm. The production of 104Agm,g and 106Agm,g from natAg (γ, xn) reactions takes place from various reaction channels depending on the isotopic composition and reaction threshold. Thus the correction due to the contribution from the higher reaction channels were taken care by taking the help of TALYS 1.4 computer code to obtain the absolute IYRs of 104,106Agm,g from natAg(γ, xn) reaction. The flux-weighted IYRs of 104,106Agm,g as a function of bremsstrahlung energy were also calculated theoretically using computer code TALYS 1.4. The corrected experimental IYRs of 104 ,106Agm,g obtained in the present work along with literature data at lower energies are compared with the theoretical value from TALYS and found to be in general agreement. It was observed that the experimental and theoretical IYRs of 104,106Agm,g increase with the increase of end-point bremsstrahlung energy, which show the effect of excitation energy.
        Sprecher: Mohammad Eslami Kalantari (Faculty of Physics, Yazd University)
      • 16:30
        Isospin dependence of Spin-Orbit splitting in relativistic and non-relativistic density functionals. 1 h 30m
        One of the most important advantages of relativistic mean-field (RMF) models in nuclear physics is the fact that the large spin-orbit (SO) potential emerges automatically from the inclusion of Lorentz-scalar and -vector potentials in the Dirac equation [1]. It is therefore of great importance to compare the results of such models with those of non-relativistic models and with experimental data. In a recent experiment by Burgunder et al. [2] the isospin dependence of the level splitting between spin-orbit partners has been studied by (d,p) transfer reactions in several isotones with neutron number N=21. Inspired by this work we carried out an investigation following the self consistent approach of relativistic and non-relativistic energy density functionals describing these nuclei, in particular 40Ca, 36S and 34Si. Concentrating on the first 7/2-, 3/2-, 1/2- and 5/2- neutron states, we calculate the SO splittings of the 2p and the 1f orbitals and compare them with the respective experimental results. Our first approach is to calculate the single particle energies using a Relativistic Hartree Bogolyubov code based on several modern nonlinear and density dependent covariant density functionals with various pairing schemes. In the second step we use several non-relativistic Skyrme and Gogny functionals to investigate the energy splitting for the same levels. Finally we study the influence of tensor forces and of particle vibrational couplings on these spin-orbit splittings.
        Sprecher: Konstantinos Karakatsanis (Department of Physics, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece)
      • 16:30
        Kaon production in central Au+Au collisions at 30 A and 45 A GeV 1 h 30m
        Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions are used to study the confinement to de-confinement phase transition state and the possibility to create quark gluon plasma (QGP). Strangeness enhancement is considered to be one of traditional signature formation of (QGP). Kaons are the lightest strange particles which are produced only at the time of collisions and thus are expected to carry important information of collision dynamics. The production of Kaon mesons are investigated within the Ultra-Relativistic Quantum Molecular Dynamics Model (UrQMD). The time evolution of average density around the collision center is calculated at different collision times at 30 A and 45 A GeV. The time of maximum compression can then be determined. The distribution of rapidity and transverse mass are presented for Kaon mesons. [1] C. Alt et al., Phys. Rev. C 77, 024903 (2008). [2] L. Adamczyk, et al., arXiv:1301.2348 [nucl-ex] (2013).
        Sprecher: Hamoud Alharbi (KACST), Magdi Bajusair (King Saud university), Masaud Almalki (King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology)
      • 16:30
        Magnet design studies of Turkish Accelerator Center Proton Accelerator Facility project 1 h 30m
        In this presentation, The design studies of solenoid magnets which will planned to use for TAC (Turkish Accelerator Center) PAF (Proton Accelerator Facility) Project’s LEBT (Low Energy Beam Transfer) line, will be presented. 2 – D FEMM (Finite Element Method Magnetics) simulation code for quarter piece of the solenoids have been used for magnet design studies. Electromagnetic and mechanical designs of the solenoids will be performed in 3 – D simulations according to the datas that have been obtained from beam dynamic studies, with Opera computer code and design studies will be continue with SuperFish – Poisson code. The discussions on purchasing the code, are still in progress with British company called Cobham. Beside, seperated studies must have been studied for electrical circuit and water circuit designs.
        Sprecher: Muzeyyen Gokce Erdogan (Istanbul University)
      • 16:30
        Mathematical model of atmospheric dispersion and module for the calculation of radiation doses 1 h 30m
        This paper presents an algorithm for the calculation of internal and external doses, which is an integral part of the mathematical model of atmospheric dispersion. Results of modeling were compared with values from an IAEA publication for a given scenario of radionuclide emission to the atmospheric boundary layer. Due to small differences in the results, compared to the IAEA recommended model, model presented in the paper can be used as a basis for this type of analysis. In order to illustrate the application of this mathematical model using data of the hypothetical emission of radionuclides, ventilation parameters, then 3D topography and meteorological data, field of total annual dose received by a hypothetical resident in the vicinity of the reactor, during its routine operation over one-year period is presented. This study presents fields of activity concentration in air, deposition on soil and field of total annual dose to a hypothetical resident in the vicinity of nuclear reactor,contaminated by air. In the analysis is used computer code based on straight line Gaussian model for atmospheric dispersion, under conservative assumptions about the continuous operation of nuclear reactors and on the strength of the source based on the inventory of radionuclides that are for one year continuously emitted into boundary layer of the atmosphere. Based on this results, it can be concluded that a nuclear reactor, under stated conditions of its operation, could not influence the environment above the limit values of 10 μSv.
        Sprecher: Boris Loncar (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia)
      • 16:30
        Measurement of environmental gamma radiation in province of Kütahya 1 h 30m
        All living organisms on earth are exposed to natural radiation because of the earth’s radiation. Natural external radiation consists of cosmic rays and terrestrial radiation. Terrestrial gamma radiation, to a large extend comes from natural radionuclides in the soil, i.e. the U-238, Th-232 and K-40. Cosmic rays are the radiations from outer space to the earth. In this study, U-238, Th-232 and K-40 activity concentrations of 355 soil samples collected from the center of Kütahya, counties and towns were determined by using NaI(Tl) detector. The gamma dose rates in air were measured from a height of 1 m μR/h as in the unit of by Ludlum 2241-3RK portable handheld detector at the points where the samples were collected. By using gamma dose rates in air and in the soil, the annual effective dose values were calculated for the city of Kütahya. At the end of our study, U-238, Th-232 and K-40 activity concentration and effective dose values calculated for radioactive nuclei were compared with UNSCEAR and studies that have been performed for various parts of the world.
        Sprecher: Nurgul Hafizoglu (Istanbul University)
      • 16:30
        Monte Carlo simulation of the NaI(Tl) detector response to measure activated foils 1 h 30m
        This paper introduces a simulation method to predict the output pulse height tally of a gamma detector for an active foil in a specific time after the irradiation. Monte Carlo technique based on the MCNP-4C code was used for the simulations. A combination of two MCNP input files was performed and joined to three FORTRAN programs. The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo code (DSMC) was written and developed based on 5 steps. The developed code is straight forward, so that the calculation time for analyzing the delayed gamma neutron activation is very short. The estimation of the induced radioactivities in the foil by activation is the main goal of the work. Comparison with the experimental results shows the simulation has been done well.
        Sprecher: Motahhareh Abbasi (Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran)
      • 16:30
        On the antiparticle to particle ratios in Au-Au collisions at SIS-FAIR GSI energies 1 h 30m
        At the new facility built at GSI Darmstadt (Germany) will be performed a large variety of nucleus-nucleus collisions at energies between 2 A GeV and 45 A GeV [1]. One of the detection systems that will use it is CBM (Compressed Baryonic Matter). An interesting objective of the experiment is that related to the phase transitions in nuclear matter formed in these conditions. The type of the phase transition and the specific features are other interesting aspects. In the present work we will extract basic information using antiparticle to particle ratios and thermal model predictions [2,3]. Search for the critical point in connection with the increase of the fluctuations and with the rapidity range will be done, too [4]. We use simulations with different codes (AMPT, UrQMD etc) done with the YaPT system from the research center “Nuclear matter in extreme conditions”, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. [1] B. Friman, P. Senger (editors), The CBM Physics Book. Compressed Baryonic Matter in Laboratory Experiments – Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2002. [2] F. Becattini et al., Phys. Rev. C 64, 024901 (2001). [3] S. Wheaton, J. Cleymans, M. Hauer, nucl-th/0407174. [4] C. Athanasiou et al., Phys. Rev. D 82 074008 (2010)
        Sprecher: Alexandru Jipa (Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest)
      • 16:30
        On-going gamma radiation processing for disenfection and consolidation of cultural heritage 1 h 30m
        Cultural heritage represents one of the most important factor for human kind. First, it is the legacy translated into accomplishments that people have made along their history, a thing that human kind can be proud of and a reason for continuous development. Last but not least, it shows the level of civility and progress reached along its existence. Considering this, salvation, consolidation and preservation of cultural heritage become a mandatory objective. Cultural heritage is ineffably degrading due to physical, chemical and biological factors. If physical and chemical degradation can be delayed by controlling the storage conditions, the biological attack, once installed, can be stopped only by a drastic intervention. IRASM department continuously dedicates a part of its activity to this subject, dealing with different materials such paper, wood, textile and even leather and parchment. Here, it is used ionizing radiation, a treatment that has the advantages of: the certainty of biocide effect, fast treatment, mass treatment, no harmful chemicals and residues. The research is conducted within projects and collaborations with Romanian museums and private holders of artifacts.The aim of this paper is to present the recent activities and progress that IRASM has done in this field, basically on wood consolidation, leather and textiles. Nevertheless, along with progress new challenges rise, one determined by the complexity and diversity of the constituents of cultural heritage items, that lead to the question if the radiation induces a supplementary degradation in the material.
        Sprecher: Constantin Daniel Negut (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH))
      • 16:30
        Parity non-conservation effects on slow neutrons capture by Lead nucleus 1 h 30m
        More than thirty years ago high values of parity violation (PV) effects in comparison with theoretical evaluations in the scattering of slow neutrons experiments on Lead nucleus were observed. From scattering experiments resulted that the main contribution to the PV effects is given by the 204Pb isotope of Lead. Further in order to solve the discrepancy between theory and experiment on PV effects it was supposed the existence of a new so-called “negative” neutron P-resonance. In one of our previous work we have evaluated the PV effects on 204Pb isotope and using the existing experimental data the weak matrix element was extracted. With some uncertainty we demonstrated the possibility of the existence of a new P-resonance near the neutron threshold. Then we concluded that are necessary new data on PV effects in nuclear reactions induced by slow neutrons and one of the most convenient is the capture of the slow neutrons. In this work the asymmetry of emitted gamma quanta was evaluated in the frame of the formalism of the mixing states of the compound nucleus with the same spin and opposite parities. Combining the scattering and capture experimental and theoretical data it is possible first to extract the weak matrix element of PV process and the answer to the question of the existing of a new neutron P-resonance. The present theoretical evaluations on PV effects in nuclear reactions by slow neutrons are dedicated to the preparation of new measurements at IREN (Intense Resonance Neutron), a neutron source of LNF – JINR.
        Sprecher: Cristiana Oprea (JINR)
      • 16:30
        Particle-number conservation in charge-radii of odd-mass proton-rich nuclei in the isovector neutron-proton pairing case 1 h 30m
        In medium-mass nuclei close to the N=Z line, the neutron-proton (np) pairing correlations play an important role. They are generally studied within the BCS approach, but the main shortcoming of the latter is the particle-number fluctuation. A projection is thus necessary. Furthermore, the charge-radius is one of the fundamental properties of atomic nuclei. Its study may provide useful information about their size and shape. The isovector np pairing effects as well as those of the particle-number projection on the charge-radii of even-even nuclei proton-rich nuclei have been recently studied [1]. The aim of the present contribution is to study these effects on the charge-radii of odd-mass nuclei in the same region. As a first step, an expression of the projected quadratic charge radius is established using the Sharp-BCS (SBCS) method [2]. It is shown that it generalizes the one obtained when only the pairing between like-particles is considered. As a second step, the charge-radii of some odd-mass nuclei are calculated using the single-particle energies of a Woods-Saxon mean-field. The obtained results are compared to those obtained when only the pairing between like-particles is considered. [1] M. Douici, N.H. Allal, M. Fellah, N. Benhamouda and M.R. Oudih, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E21, 1250046 (2012). [2] N.H. Allal, M. Fellah, M.R.Oudih and N. Benhamouda, Eur. Phys. J A 27, 301 (2006).
        Sprecher: Mohamed DOUICI (Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie, Université Djilali Bounaama, Khemis Miliana, ALGERIA)
      • 16:30
        Preliminary considerations for production of radioisotopes by photonuclear reaction using ELI-NP γ-ray beam 1 h 30m
        A very brilliant, intense γ-beam, which is produced by incoherent Compton back-scattering of direct laser light with a very brilliant and intense electron beam, will become available at the upcoming Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics facility (ELI-NP). Such facility will deliver a very intense, brilliant γ-rays, ≤0.5% bandwidth, up to 19 MeV and hence provides an unprecedented possibility for the production of radioisotopes in sufficient quantities for nuclear medicine research. We present the isotope production photonuclear reaction schemes and cross-section simulations under realistic conditions. We have to deal with reaction cross-sections as low as 0.1 barn for (γ,n). We discuss the production of a key medical radionuclide, 99Mo/99mTc, and particularly focus on the investigation of new radioisotopes including 186Re, 64Cu and 225Ra/225Ac for nuclear medicine applications. The optimal conditions for generating medical radioisotopes with high specific activities are found, and estimate to be produced in sufficient quantities for such research. This simulations will be used in target design and also for radiochemical processing experiments with the view for the potential clinical applications of radioisotopes.
        Sprecher: Dana Niculae (Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, Romania), Dimiter Balabanski (Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP), Magurele, Romania)
      • 16:30
        Quantification of chromatic integration of painted panel 1 h 30m
        Using physical chemical techniques for investigation, conservation and restoration of works of art is unavoidable nowadays. Nuclear techniques are among the most sensitive methods of elemental and isotopic analysis. In this work Raman and Visible reflectance spectroscopy were used for quantification of the chromatic integration which is the key operation in conservation restoration process with the ability to enact the original aesthetics. Through scientific investigation, the color integration process becomes a method of objective aesthetic restoration providing the working parameters: the nature of the pigments and the surface application mode. Experimental panels with various pigments: raw Sienna, red ochre and burnt umber applied in several layers were analyzed. Accelerated aging and gamma irradiation of the wooden panels were performed to follow the stability of the watercolors in time. Raman spectroscopy was used to determine the chemical composition of watercolors used in conservation-restoration and in conjunction with visible reflectance spectroscopy to quantify the chromatic integration. Obtaining spectral parameters-pigment concentration calibration curves allowed the interpolation of data obtained from the original panel with those obtained from the experimental panels. This work was supported by an IFA-CEA grant, contr. no. C3-05/2013. The authors are grateful to Mr. Marian Rascov for Raman spectroscopy measurements.
        Sprecher: Constantin Daniel Negut (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH))
      • 16:30
        Quasielastic scattering of 6He, 7Be, and 8B Nuclei by 12C nuclei 1 h 30m
        Using the nuclear diffraction model and the high-energy approximation with double-folding potential based on CDM3Y6 interaction [1], the observed cross sections of quasi-elastic scattering of 6He, 7Be, and 8B nuclei by 12C nuclei at intermediate energies were described. The calculations performed using realistic nucleon density distribution for target nucleus [2]. Moreover the Coulomb interaction and inelastic scattering with excitation of low-lying collective states of the target [3] were taking into account. The calculated angular dependencies of cross sections are in good agreement with corresponding experimental data [4,5]. [1] K.V. Lukyanov, Comm. JINR, P11-2007-38 (Dubna, 2007). [2] V.K. Lukyanov, E.V. Zemlyanaya, and B. Slowinski, Phys. At. Nucl. 67, 1282 (2004). [3] V.I. Kovalchuk, Nucl. Phys. At. Energ. 14(4), 332 (2013). [4] J.L. Lou et al., Phys. Rev. C 83, 034612 (2011). [5] I. Pecina et al., Phys. Rev. C 52, 191 (1995).
        Sprecher: Valery Kovalchuk (Department of Physics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine)
      • 16:30
        Radiation resistance of some microorganisms involved in cultural heritage artefacts degradation 1 h 30m
        Ionizing radiation is used for decades in applications related to microbiological decontamination. Although the study of radiation resistance of microorganisms started many years ago, in practice, a number of aspects still need clarification. Some applications (like sterilization of medical devices) have a high degree of standardization, while for others the radiation resistance tests are required for each category of materials. One particular field, which requires careful evaluation of the radiation resistance of a contaminating population, is the irradiation treatment for disinfection of cultural heritage artifacts (paper, wood, textiles, leather – or complex combination of materials). Two aspects are hindering the wide standardization of the irradiation practices: the large variety of microorganisms encountered in various applications and the different radiation resistance reported for different environmental or growth conditions of microorganisms. In this study there are reported the experimental approaches for radiation resistance developed in the microbiological laboratory of IRASM department from IFIN-HH, Romania. Experimental results were obtained in two applications on current interest: standardization of the radiation resistance testing methods and irradiation treatment for cultural heritage preservation. Previous studies showed that microorganisms’ resistance to ionizing radiations does not significantly varies with storage conditions (temperature and humidity) preceding the irradiation. Consequently, has been studied the radiation resistance of the same species of microorganisms isolated from cultural heritage artefacts of different types (paper and textiles) and different origins. The results aim to set the right treatment dose for the main decaying biological agent, in order to stop the attack. The issue of non-cultivable microorganisms is also discussed.
        Sprecher: Daniel Constantin Negut (IFIN HH)
      • 16:30
        Relativistic energy approach to cooperative electron-gamma-nuclear processes: NEET effect 1 h 30m
        Consistent relativistic energy approach (REA) to calculation of the cooperative electron-gamma-nuclear processes combined with the relativistic PT [1] is presented. The nuclear-excitation – electron transition (NEET) effect is studied. The NEET probability is determined as the probability that decay of the initial excited atomic state will result to the excitation of and subsequent decay from the corresponding nuclear state. Within REA the probability is connected with an imaginary part of energy shift for the system (nuclear subsystem + electron subsystem + photon) excited state. The effects of purely nuclear transition, purely electron-(hole) transition and combined electron – nuclear transition can be distinguished. The calculation results are presented for the atomic/nuclear systems 189Os,193Ir, 197Au, 235U and compared with available theoretical and experimental data [2]. Studying the cooperative electron- gamma-nuclear process such as the NEET effect is expected to allow the determination of nuclear transition energies and the study of atomic vacancy effects on nuclear lifetime and population mechanisms of excited nuclear levels. [1] A.V. Glushkov, O.Yu. Khetselius, A.A. Svinarenko et al., Nucl. Phys. A 734, 21 (2004); Recent Adv. In Theory of Phys. and Chem Systems 15, 285 (2006); O. Khetselius, Phys. Scr. T135, 014023 (2009); Frontiers in Quantum Syst. in Chem. and Phys. 24, 51 (2012). [2] E. Tkalya, Phys. Rev. A 75, 022509 (2007); I. Ahmad et al., Phys. Rev. C 61, 051304 (2000); S. Kishimoto et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1831 (2000); Phys. Rev. C 74, 031301 (2006).
        Sprecher: Olga Khetselius (Odessa University -OSENU)
      • 16:30
        Semileptonic decays of B, Bs mesons with Klein-Gordon equation and Cornell interaction 1 h 30m
        Applying Klein-Gordon equation with Cornell interaction and considering of linear term as parent we find the mesonic wave function in terms of Airy’s functions. We then calculate the decay width, branching ratio and the CKM matrix element for semileptonic decays of B and Bs mesons using Isgur-Wise function formalism. Comparison with other models is also included and motivating.
        Sprecher: Hassan Hassanabadi (University of Shahrood)
      • 16:30
        Single-particle states in neutron-rich copper isotopes 1 h 30m
        The behaviour of the shell structure for exotic nuclei is far from being well known. When going far from stability, some old magic numbers can disappear and new ones can appear. We here discuss about neutron-rich copper isotopes towards the 78Ni doubly-magic nucleus, with the strength functions of the shell-model orbitals measured in the 72Zn(d,3He)71Cu proton pick-up reaction in inverse kinematics with a radioactive beam at GANIL in France. It shows that the Z=28 shell gap in the neutron-rich copper isotopes is not appreciably affected by the addition of neutrons beyond N=40. We also present the latest results from an experiment leading to selective population of hole states in 79Cu, through the 80Zn(p,2p)79Cu knock-out reaction with the liquid-hydrogen target MINOS, performed at RIKEN in Japan and being currently analysed.
        Sprecher: Serge Franchoo (IPN Orsay)
      • 16:30
        Spectroscopy and dynamics of hadronic atoms and heavy ions: energy shifts and widths and strong interaction corrections 1 h 30m
        Our work is devoted to spectroscopy and dynamics of hadronic (kaonic, pionic) atoms, heavy H-,Li-like ions (test systems) within ab initio nuclear-relativistic many–body perturbation theory [1] with accounting nuclear, radiative effects. One of the purposes is establishment a quantitative link between quality of nuclear structure modeling and accuracy of calculating spectra. The wave functions zeroth basis is found from the Klein-Gordon-Fock equation for K-, pi- atoms and Dirac-Fock for ions. The potential includes SCF ab initio potential, the electric and polarization potentials of a nucleus (the RMF and Gauss models for a nuclear charge distribution) [1]. The Lamb shift polarization part is treated in the Uhling-Serber approximation and the self-energy part – within the Green function method. New dtata are listed on: i). Spectra of H-,Li-like ions (Z= 55-100); 2). Shifts, widths in kaonic K-atoms (H, He, W, Pb, U); 3). Shifts, widths n pi-atoms (H, He, W, Pb, U) [1] A. Glushkov et al., Nucl. Phys. A 734, 21 (2004); A. Glushkov, O. Khetselius, L. Lovett, Recent Adv. in Theory of At. and Mol. Syst. 20, 125 (2010). [2] C. Batty et al., Phys. Rev. C 40, 2154 (1989); R. Deslattes et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 35 (2003); D. Anagnostopoulos et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 205,9 (2003); K. Seth, EPJ Web of Conf. 3, 07006 (2010).
        Sprecher: Alexander Glushkov (Odessa University -OSENU)
      • 16:30
        Spectroscopy of the heavy quarkonia: energy levels splitting and relativistic corrections 1 h 30m
        Experimental data on spectra of heavy quarks prove an existence of the quark spin dependent relativistic interactions, which are absent in the nonrelativistic potential models. There are experimentally observed (in the radiative E1-transitions N3S1-N-13PJ-N-l3 S1) triplets 3Pj of states with the splitting of dozens MeV (in charmonium and bottonium). The radiative M1 transitions between orto- (3S1) and para- (1S0) states are also observed in the charmonium family. An adequate account of relativistic effects is absolutely needed. We present a generalized relativistic model of quarkonium spectra, which is based on the numerical solving the relativistic Dirac equation with the corresponding QCD potentials. The total Dirac Hamiltonian contains a bare Dirac Hamiltonian with adding the quark spin dependent Breit-Fermi operator and spin independent one. Naturally, the Hamiltonian is broken on Lorentz-scalar and Lorentz-vector parts. The problem of Lorentz structure of the inter-quark potential provides a necessity of introducing a dynamical quark mass. The results of estimating spectra for families of charmonium and bottonium, radiative E1 transitions and lepton decay widths in charmonium are presented and compared with the results of other available potential model calculations and experimental data. Besides, the results of calculation of energy levels splitting in quarkonium in dependence upon the different form of the potential with teta-functional feature are presented.
        Sprecher: Alexander Glushkov (Odessa University -OSENU)
      • 16:30
        Stochastic features of decay of the multipole giant resonances in nuclei 1 h 30m
        We present generalized multi-configuration model to describe a decay of hmultipole giant resonances (MGR), which is based on shell model and microscopic model of pre-equilibrium decay with statistical account for complex configurations within generalized Zhivopistsev-Slivnov model [1,2]. All possible configurations are divided on two groups: i) complicated configurations, which are considered within shell model with account for residual interaction; ii) statistical group of complex configurations with large state density and strong overlapping. To account for collectivity of separated complex configurations for input state a diagonalization of residual interaction on the increased basis (ph, ph+ phonon, ph+2 phonon) is performed. Process of arising a collective state of MGR and an emission process of nucleons are described by the corresponding diagram with V effective Hamiltonian of interaction, resulted in capture of muon by nucleus with transformation of proton to neutron and emission by antineutrino. Isobaric anagoges of isospin and spin-isospin resonances of finite nucleus are excited. Proposed model of MGR decay is applied to analysis of reaction (-n) on nucleus 40Ca. The residual interaction was chosen in form of Soper force. Our data are compared with experimental data and other calculation data. [1] A. Glushkov et al., New Projects and New lines of research in Nuclear Phys., eds. G. Fazio, F. Hanappe (World Sci.. Singapore, 2003); A. Glushkov, Nucl. Phys A 734S, 21 (2004). [2] H. Feschbach et al., Ann. Phys. 125, 429 (1980); F. Zhivopistsev et al., Izv. AN USSR 48, 821 (1984); I. Vaytkowska Nucl. Phys. 15, 1154 (1972).
        Sprecher: Olga Khetselius (Odessa University -OSENU)
      • 16:30
        Study of the 7Be cluster structure in relativistic fragmentation 1 h 30m
        The BECQUEREL project [1-3] at the JINR is devoted systematic exploration of clustering features of light stable and radioactive nuclei. Stacks of pellicles of nuclear track emulsion provide a special opportunity to explore clustering of light nuclei (reviewed in [1]). The presented results on dissociation of 7Be nuclei are demonstrate the progress in research carried out by the BECQUEREL Collaboration .The 7Be nucleus is a source for the study of the states 3He + 4He, 3He + 3He + n, 6Li + p and 6Be + n. The pattern of fragmentation is important for understanding of the structure features of the nuclei 8B, 9C and 12N because the 7Be nucleus plays the role of a core in them. The obtained in this experiment data are compared with the Geant4 and QMD simulation. [1] P.I. Zarubin, Lect. Notes in Phys. 875, 51 (2013), arXiv:1309.4881. [2] N.K. Kornegrutsa et al. Nucl. Phys. 76, 84 (2013). [3] N.K. Kornegrutsa et al., Few-Body Systems 55, 1021 (2014), arXiv:1410.5162.
        Sprecher: Nadezda Kornegrutsa (JINR)
      • 16:30
        Testing of materials for nuclear physics experiments 1 h 30m
        The materials used in nuclear physics experiments are of interest for two aspects: the behaviour in time (degradation and ageing of materials used in the construction of the nuclear facilities) and the purity of the materials used in certain experiments. A large number of testing methods are currently available, with different degrees of standardization. The physics and chemistry testing laboratory from IRASM Department of IFIN-HH performs radiation-hardness testing and characterization of materials: thermal analysis (TG/DSC), mechanical testing, chromatography (GC-MS), vibrational spectrometry (FT-IR/FT-Raman). The present work describes testing the purity of materials by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). In ICP-MS testing, two important steps are defining the reliability and accuracy of the method: digestion of the samples and calibration. The digestion procedure and equipment calibration are described in detail. Experimental results are presented for the analysis of some ion excange resins (up to ppt).
        Sprecher: Constantin Daniel Negut (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
      • 16:30
        The 1S0 channel in nucleon-nucleon nuclear Effective Field Theory 1 h 30m
        A longstanding problem has been to obtain nuclear forces from the underlying theory of QCD. In addition to allowing a derivation of nuclear structure, a first principles approach should provide insight into the nature of the virtual state present in the 1S0 nucleon-nucleon channel, which is very near threshold and thus has an anomalously large, negative scattering length. This fact, which is of relevance for nucleosynthesis and the abundance of the chemical elements in our Universe, is presumed to be caused by fine-tuned cancellations, whose origin remains unknown up to now. QCD at the energies of relevance for nuclear physics is described by Chiral Effective Field Theory, which captures the most general dynamics among nucleons and pions allowed by the symmetries of QCD. We present a systematic study of the different power countings that arise for the most important 1S0 effective range parameters in the context of a toy model consisting of the Yukawa part of one-pion exchange, for a range of pion masses that includes the physical case. We also discuss the more realistic situation in which additional short-range interactions play a significant role.
        Sprecher: Mario Sanchez (Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay (IPNO))
      • 16:30
        The stopping power calculation of water and lung for protons in radiotherapy 1 h 30m
        This study aims to calculate the energy losses in unit length of protons during their movement within water and lung by using two analytical equations. One of the equations used in this study is the mass stopping power equation suggested by Bethe-Bloch (1930-1933) and modified by Tsoulfanidis (1995) and a new approach has been suggested in the other one.Sted in the other one. Methodology: The suggested new approach was obtained by substituting effective z*, Z* and I* values into the equation reported by Tsoulfanidis. Although the energy range of protons used in the radiotherapy is 75-250 MeV, in this study 0.001-250 MeV energy ranges were performed to identify the stopping power. In addition, a new empirical relation was given to simplify the expressions for stopping power. The results were compared with the other researcher’s results.The suggested approach for the mass stopping power (Equation 2) can be used for both high- and low energy protons. Stopping power values of protons should be especially useful in such medical fields as radiobiology, biomedical applications, radiotherapy and so on.
        Sprecher: Rıza DİLEK (DİLEK)
      • 16:30
        The Tandem accelerators center in Bucharest 1 h 30m
        The recently improvements and developments at the classic 9 MV FN Tandem are described in the following work, together with the newly installed 3 and 1 MV Tandetron machines. The new slit stabilization system for the ion beam energy based on interconnection of three signal types coming from GVM (Generator Volt Meter), image slits and CPU is presented. An important development in our laboratory was the design and construction of an alpha particle ion source, which is also able to deliver other species of ion beams (H, S, O, N, F, C). The project involved the construction of a charge exchanger based on Na vapors. Beside this, we report the first scientific results at the newly installed last generation HVEE Tandetron accelerators. The 3 MV machine is dedicated to ion beam studies and materials modifications, while the smallest one, the 1 MV accelerator is dedicated to AMS (Accelerator Mass Spectrometry) and especially to radiocarbon dating.
        Sprecher: Daniel Vasile Mosu ("Horia Hulubei" National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
      • 16:30
        Thermonuclear reaction rates in rp process of sd shell nuclei 1 h 30m
        Using the newly constructed isospin non-conserving (INC) shell-model Hamiltonians, we have derived a new set of resonant and non-resonant (direct capture) contributions to radiative proton-capture reaction rates on sd shell nuclei important for astrophysical rp process, namely, 23Al(p,γ)24Si, 25Al(p,γ)26Si, 28P(p,γ)29S, 29P(p,γ)30S, 35Ar(p,γ)36K, 31Cl(p,γ)32Ar and 32Cl(p,γ)33Ar. The INC Hamiltonian is a combination of an isospin-conserving Hamiltonian, Coulomb interaction and effective isospin-symmetry breaking forces of nuclear origin. The advantage is that Coulomb effects are taken into account with great care, thus the approach allows us to predict unknown nuclear level schemes and to describe decay modes more accurate than the traditional shell model. We confirm that proton capture on excited states of some target nuclei may noticeably contribute to the total rp process rates, e.g. 32Cl(p,γ)33Ar and 31Cl(p,γ)32Ar. We compare our results with previous shell-model calculations and with estimations provided by currently available statistical model.
        Sprecher: Yek Wah LAM (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 16:30
        Unified description of photo and electro processes on light nuclei in covariant approach with exactly conserved EM current 1 h 30m
        We use covariant approach with conserved EM current, which gives the ability to include strong interaction into QED. Therefore, we receive the ability to describe disintegration processes on nonlocal matter fields applying standard Feynman rules of QED. Inclusion of phase exponent into wave function receives a physical sense while we deal with the dominance of strong interaction in the process. We apply Green's function formalism to describe disintegration processes. Generalized gauge invariant electro-break up process amplitude is considered. One is a sum of traditional pole series and the regular part. The deposits of regular part of amplitude, and its physical sense, are explored. A transition from virtual to real photon considered in photon point limit q^2 seeks to zero. The general analysis for electro-break up process of component scalar system is given. Precisely conserved nuclear electromagnetic currents at arbitrary q^2 are received.
        Sprecher: Pylyp Kuznietsov (Institute of Electrophysics and Radiation Technologies NAS of Ukraine)
      • 16:30
        Universal Gamow line for even-even superheavy nuclei 1 h 30m
        The existence of long lived superheavy nuclei(SHN) is controlled mainly by spontaneous fission and alpha decay processes. The systematics of α-decay lifetimes formulated by Geiger and Nuttall empirically formed straight lines. The half-life is extremely sensitive to Qα. Almost all the theories use either the extrapolated values of Audi et al., or the measured KE to calculate the experimental Qαexp in the calculation of Tα. We proposed a corrected formula for Qα(cf~ln2) for the SHN which gives a very close agreement of the Qαexp. The earliest systematics of α-decay lifetimes of natural emitters from actinides region was obtained by plotting the experimental values of log10Tα vs Qα-1/2 and the data for a given Zd value fall roughly on a straight line with a large scatter between the lines. To reduce this separation, Zd is incorporated with the Qα and hence log10Tα vs Zd xQα-1/2 plot became a better plot for half-lives since the lines for different Zd values have a common slope. The universal straight line drawn by Silisteanu et al for 90 even-even SHN from Zd=100-118 (rms=0.1257) and from Zd=102-120 (rms=0.4187). Our modified Qα in the log10Tα (Viola-Seaborg) and (Brown) formula shows the rms value of 0.2252 and 0.0007 respectively. Hence the Brown Formula fit with our modified Qα may be the best fit for future studies of new alpha emitters in the superheavy region.
        Sprecher: S. Santhosh Kumar (Bharathidasan Govt. College for Women, Puducherry - 605003, U. T. of Puducherry, INDIA)
    • 19:00 22:30
      Conference dinner Huize Maas

      Huize Maas

    • 09:00 10:30
      Plenary IX Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: James Ritman (FZ Juelich)
      • 09:00
        Experimental studies of Generalized Parton Distributions 30m
        Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) are nowadays the object of an intense effort of research, in the perspective of understanding nucleon structure. They describe the correlations between the longitudinal momentum and the transverse spatial position of the partons inside the nucleon and they can give access to the contribution of the orbital momentum of the quarks to the nucleon spin. Deeply Virtual Compton scattering (DVCS), the electroproduction on the nucleon, at the quark level, of a real photon, is the process more directly interpretable in terms of GPDs of the nucleon. Depending on the target nucleon (proton or neutron) and on the DVCS observable extracted (cross sections, target- or beam-spin asymmetries,...), different sensitivity to the various GPDs for each quark flavor can be exploited. This talk will be focused on recent promising results, obtained at Jefferson Lab, on cross sections and asymmetries for DVCS, and their link to the Generalized Parton Distributions. These data have opened the way to a ``tomographic'' representation of the structure of the nucleon, allowing the extraction of transverse-space densities of the quarks at fixed longitudinal momentum. The extensive experimental program to measure GPDs at Jefferson Lab with the 12-GeV-upgraded electron accelerator and the complementary detectors that will be housed in three experimental Halls (A, B, C), will also be presented.
        Sprecher: Silvia Niccolai (IPN Orsay)
      • 09:30
        Interpretation of new states in open/hidden quarkonium 30m
        I discuss recent experimental results in heavy meson spectroscopy, both in open and hidden flavour cases. In the case of open charm and beauty mesons, adopting an effective Lagrangian approach based on the heavy quark and chiral symmetry, individual decay rates and ratios of branching fractions can be computed. I discuss how the results allow to assign the quantum numbers to recently observed charmed states which still need to be properly classified and to derive predictions for the corresponding beauty states. Finally, I consider the possibility of extending this approach to hidden flavour quarkonia.
        Sprecher: Fulvia De Fazio (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Bari)
      • 10:00
        Status and perspectives of the ELI-NP facility 30m
        Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI–NP) is a research facility aiming to use extreme electromagnetic fields for nuclear physics research. The facility will comprise two major research instruments: a high power laser system and a very brilliant gamma beam system. The high power laser system will consist of two 10 PW APPOLON–type lasers providing intensities of up to 10^23 – 10^24 W/cm^2. The gamma beam, produced via Compton backscattering of a laser beam on a relativistic electron beam, will be characterized by high spectral density of about 10^4 photons/s/eV, a narrow bandwidth (< 0.5%) and tunable energy of up to 20 MeV. The scientific interest of ELI–NP is covering a broad range of key topics in frontier fundamental physics and new nuclear physics. The experimental activity of the facility is focused on three directions: high–power laser studies, experiments with gamma beams and combined measurements with high–power lasers and gamma beams. Some of the main research topics of interest are: laser driven nuclear physics experiments, characterization of the laser–target interaction by the means of nuclear physics instruments, photonuclear reactions, exotic nuclear physics and astrophysics. A particular attention is also given to the development of innovative applications based on the use of both high power lasers and brilliant, narrow bandwidth gamma beams. The status of the project and the main research topics proposed to be studied at ELI–NP will be discussed.
        Sprecher: Calin Alexandru Ur (ELI-NP)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Break 30m
    • 11:00 12:30
      Plenary X: Poster & EPS prizes Springerzaal


      Sitzungsleiter: I J D MacGregor (University of Glasgow)
      • 11:00
      • 11:30
        Pear-shaped nuclei measured via Coulomb excitation at REX-ISOLDE 30m
        Pear-shaped nuclei, those having quadrupole-octupole deformation, are predicted to occur in around the octupole magic numbers of 34, 56, 88 and 134. At these numbers of neutrons and protons, the Fermi surface lies close to single-particle orbitals with quantum numbers [l,j] and [l-3,j-3]. This enhances particle-hole interactions in the octupole part of the nucleon-nucleon force and is the driver of octupole collectivity. In the heaviest nuclei (Z~88 and N~134), this interaction is expected to be the strongest leading to the largest octupole deformations. Here, 220Rn and 224Ra were studied in ground-breaking Coulomb excitation experiments at the Radioactive Ion Beam facility, REX-ISOLDE [1]. These experiments provided only the second measurements of E3 matrix elements in the radium isotopes (following 226Ra) and the first such measurement in radon. The results that will be presented in this talk are interpreted in terms of deformation and compared to state-of-the-art mean field calculations. The results are not only significant for nuclear structure, but also on the search for atomic EDMs. The consequence of our results for experiments designed to use octupole-deformed nuclei as a laboratory in their search for EDMs, will also be discussed. Additionally, the next steps in the project showing the first Coulomb-excitation experiments of an odd-mass nucleus in this region and plans for more sensitive measurements at HIE-ISOLDE, will be presented. [1] L. P. Gaffney, Nature 497, 199 (2013).
        Sprecher: Liam Paul Gaffney (KU Leuven - Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica)
      • 12:00
        Relativistic Chiral EFT with baryons: recent developments and future prospects. 30m
        In this talk I will present some of the recent developments in relativistic Chiral Effective Field Theory with Baryons. I will focus on the application of this formulation to the pion-nucleon scattering process at low energies, and on how to extract important information out of this reaction with Chiral EFT. As the most prominent example, I will consider the extraction of the pion-nucleon sigma term, which has been object of debate during many years. I will show that modern experimental information points to a value of the sigma term close to 60 MeV. I will also discuss the phenomenological implications of this relatively large value, making special emphasis on the strangeness content of the nucleon. Finally, I will show how the so-known “Strangeness Puzzle” is solved by the relativistic formulation of Chiral EFT, giving rise a picture of the sigma-term and strangeness content of the nucleon consistent with experimental information and lattice QCD calculations. The outreach of these results in current and future applications will be discussed as well.
        Sprecher: Jose Manuel Alarcon (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik. Universität Bonn.)
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch 1 h 30m
    • 14:00 14:30
      Departure 30m