EMMI Workshop: Bound states and particle interactions in the 21st century

Trieste, Italy

Trieste, Italy

Paolo Camerini (University and INFN Trieste) , Benjamin Dönigus - Goethe-University Frankfurt (Goethe-University Frankfurt) , Ramona Lea - University Brescia and INFN Pavia (University Brescia and INFN Pavia) , Jiří Mareš - Nuclear Physics Institute Řež (Nuclear Physics Institute Rez) , Stefano Piano - INFN Trieste (INFN sez Trieste)

The purpose of the workshop is an in-depth dedicated discussion of the results obtained in low energy regime of quantum-chromodynamics both on experimental and theoretical side.

Experimental results coming from six world-class research infrastructures which complement each other in particle beams characteristics (JLAB, RHIC, GSI, JPARC, LNF-INFN, CERN) together with current theoretical studies of strong interactions will be overviewed.

The workshop will also aim at reinforcing the contacts of scientists working in different experiments and at various energy regimes and to foster a close contact with the theoreticians working on different fields and approaches.

A platform for a common discussion of further developments in the field, experimentally and theoretically, will be provided to delineate the exciting future perspectives of the study of low energy QCD.

  • Angels Ramos
  • Anton Riedel
  • Apiwit Kittiratpattana
  • Avraham Gal
  • Benedict Heybeck
  • Benjamin Dönigus
  • Chiara Pinto
  • Christophe Rappold
  • Daniel Gazda
  • Daniel Watts
  • David Blaschke
  • Dimitar Mihaylov
  • Emma Chizzali
  • Enrico Fragiacomo
  • Fabian Hildenbrand
  • Gerd Roepke
  • Giacomo-Vito Margagliotti
  • Grazia Luparello
  • Hans-Josef Schulze
  • Hartmut Wittig
  • Hirokazu Tamura
  • Hoai Le
  • Horst Lenske
  • Jaroslava Obertova
  • Jiri Mares
  • Koji Miwa
  • Laura Fabbietti
  • Laura Šerkšnytė
  • Liguang Tang
  • Martin Schäfer
  • Maximilian Korwieser
  • Michael Jung
  • Michael Papenbrock
  • Mirko Bagnarol
  • Neha Shah
  • Nir Barnea
  • Nu Xu
  • Oton Vazquez Doce
  • Paolo Camerini
  • Pok Man Lo
  • Raffaele Del Grande
  • Ramona Lea
  • Simon Spies
  • Stefano Piano
  • Sun KaiJia
  • Takehiko Saito
  • Valentina Zaccolo
  • Xiu-Lei Ren
  • Zhangbu Xu