EMMI Rapid Reaction Task Force: The physics of neutron star mergers at GSI/FAIR

KBW Lecture Hall (GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH)

KBW Lecture Hall

GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH

GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmsadt
Brian Metzger (University of Colombia), César Domingo Pardo (IFIC (CSIC-University of Valencia)), Gabriel Martinez Pinedo (GSI, Darmstadt), Luciano Rezzolla (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Frankfurt), Samaya Nissanke (Radboud University), Tetyana Galatyuk (TU Darmstadt / GSI)

The goal of this rapid reaction task force is to foster collaborative efforts between atomic and nuclear physicists, computational astrophysicists, gravitational wave modellers and optical-infrared observers to sharpen and exploit the potential of GSI/FAIR in physics connected to neutron star mergers.

This meeting is on invitation only, except the Open Symposium on June 8th, 2018.
