- FAIR GSI Meeting
- FAIR GSI Meeting - numbered
- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Please register for the event beneath.
The Meeting will be a Hybrid Event:
Please be aware though that if you choose to participate Online, you will just participating as listener, thus active participation is not possible.
Report from the FAIR Council - Status of GSI/FAIR - German In-Kind contributions to experiments
POF5 preparations and latest news from Verbundforschung
Summary of the last retreat - beam time preparations for 2024/25 -planning for 2026 and 2027
including potential participation in the next ALICE upgrade
1st experiments at SFRS
moving and installation, critical items
FRS operation during the next years, beam team, transfer of controls to FCC
Consruction and time plans
Potential installation scenarios
Operation modes: how many experiments could be served in parallel, usage as FAIR injector
Please report:
- What is the gain factor of HELIAC?
Add an update on the cooperation with Focused Energy
focus on 2026 - 2028