8:30 AM
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
9:15 AM
Opening: FAIR and prospects of High Energy Density Physics
Boris Sharkov
Olga Rosmej
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
9:40 AM
Plasma Physics with Intense Heavy Ion and Laser Beams at FAIR
(until 11:10 AM)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
9:40 AM
High energy density experiments with intense heavy ion and proton b eams at FAIR
Dmitry Varentsov
(GSI, Darmstadt)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
10:10 AM
Status of the Helmholtz Beamline at FAIR and PHELIX - laser
Vincent Bagnoud
(GSI Darmstadt)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
10:40 AM
X - ray laser for FAIR
Thomas Kuehl
(GSI Darmstadt)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
11:10 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:35 AM
Experimental P rojects at FAIR
(until 12:55 PM)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
11:35 AM
Experimental investigation of two-phase metastable states at FAIR: Need for laser-driven diagnostics
Anna Tauschwitz
(IPT, Goehte University Frankfurt and EMMI)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
11:55 AM
Petawatt-class laser accelerated high energy mid-Z ions for nuclear physics
Artem Korzhimanov
(Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Moscow)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
12:15 PM
Results of the first experiments with the completed LIGHT beamline at GSI
Simon Busold
(TU Darmstadt)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
12:35 PM
X-ray sources for experiments at the High Energy Storage Ring HESR
Christian Spielmann
(Inst. für Optik und Quantenelektronik, Univ. Jena)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
9:20 AM
Nuclear Physics and Particle Acceleration with Lasers
(until 10:50 AM)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
9:20 AM
Nuclear Science and Applications with next generation of High Power Lasers and Brilliant Low Energy Gamma Beams at ELI-NP
Sydney Gales
(ELI-NP / IFIN-HH Magurele-Bucarest)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
9:50 AM
Registration technique of 57Fe isotope nucleus emission generated by femtosecond laser pulses
Sergey Romashevskiy
(JIHT RAS Moscow)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
10:10 AM
Nucleus-electronic cloud coupling in plasma: the case of 84Rb
David Denis-Petit
(CENBG Gradignan France)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
10:30 AM
Electron acceleration in the regime of stochastic heating with a ps-laser pulse
Sergey Bochkarev
(P.N. Lebedev Physics Institute Moscow)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
10:50 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:15 AM
Particle Acceleration at Ultra-relativistic Intensities
(until 1:00 PM)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
11:15 AM
Particle acceleration by ultra-intense laser pulses including QED effects
Alexander Pukhov
(Uni Duesseldorf)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
11:45 AM
Femtosecond laser-driven X-ray sources and target surface electron acceleration
Jingyi Mao
(TU Kaiserslautern)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
12:15 PM
Energy conversion channel and gamma-photon emission in the near-QED regime of laser-plasma interaction
Liangliang Ji
(Institut für Theoretische Physik I, University of Duesseldorf)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
12:35 PM
Interaction of few-cycle laser pulses with nano droplets
Laura Di Lucchio
(Forschungszentrum Juelich)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
9:20 AM
Laser Based Gamma-Sources and Gamma-Optics
(until 10:40 AM)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
9:20 AM
Laser generated gamma ray source optimisation for imaging applications
Lucy Wilson
(Central Laser Facility, STFC Didcot UK)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
9:40 AM
Formation of Compressed High-Energy Electron Bunches by Interfering Lser Pulses with Tilted Fronts and their Application for Generation of Gamma-Rays
Vitaliy Trofimov
(Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the RAS Moscow)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
10:00 AM
Gamma optics in terms of optimization and characterization of novel coherent, high brilliant gamma ray sources and development of future imaging diagnostics
Marc Günther
(GSI Darmstadt)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
10:20 AM
Plasma diagnostics applying K-line emission profiles of mid-Z materials
Yiling Cheng
(Institute of Physics, Univ. Rostock)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
10:40 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
Propertis of Accelerated Protons and Applications
(until 12:40 PM)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
11:00 AM
Laser accelerated protons - a candidate for WDM imaging @ FAIR
Ingo Hofmann
(GSI Darmstadt, HI Jena)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
11:30 AM
Polarized ion beams generated by means of laser-induced relativistic plasmas
Astrid Holler
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
11:50 AM
Laser-accelerated ions in the break-out-after regime - simulations, applications and diagnostics
Oliver Deppert
(Institut für Kernphysik/Plasmaphysik, TU Darmstadt)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
12:10 PM
Narrow band neutron sources produced by ultra intense laser
Laura Vassura
(LULI, CNRS, CEA UPMC, Palaiseau and Università die Roma)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
12:55 PM
--- Lunch & Photo ---
2:30 PM
Physics with High Contrast / Ultra-short Laser Pulses
(until 4:10 PM)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
2:30 PM
Generation and applications of relativistic quasi-single-cycle laser pulses
Laszlo Veisz
(Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
3:00 PM
Circular Attosecond Pulses from Nano Foils
Hartmut Ruhl
(Computational Physics Munich)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
3:30 PM
Simulations of Raman amplification in Plasma
John Farmer
(Uni Düsseldorf)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
3:50 PM
Plasma mirror lifetime characterisation and its applications to laser plasma interactions
Graeme Scott
(Central Laser Facility STFC/University of Strathclyde Chilton)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
4:10 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:30 PM
Laser Induced Fields in Plasmas and WDM Properties
(until 6:10 PM)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
4:30 PM
Picosecond response of materials to ultrafast ion bursts.
Matt Zepf
(Queen's University Belfast UK and Helmholtz.Inst.Jena)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
5:00 PM
From MegaGauss to GigaGauss - high magnetic field generation by laser pulses at relativistic intensities
Anupam Karmakar
(Leibniz Supercomputing Centre Garching)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
5:20 PM
Coaction of strong electrical fields in laser irradiated thin foils and its relation to field dynamics at the plasma-vacuum interface
Florian Abicht
(Max-Born-Institut Berlin)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
5:50 PM
High-energy density matter experiments with the PHELIX laser
Paul Neumayer
(ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
6:30 PM
--- Reception ---
1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:30 PM
Particle Acceleration from Structured Targets
(until 4:10 PM)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
2:30 PM
Impact of a pre-pulse onto relativistic laser plasma interaction: electron, proton and heavy ion acceleration and surface structuring
Andrey Savel'ev
(Lomonosov Moscow State University Moscow)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
3:00 PM
Laser-inuced ion acceleration - towards higher ion energies
Jiri Limpouch
(Czech Technical University, Prague)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
3:30 PM
Novel particle and radiation sources enabled by nanotechnology and nanomaterials
Wenjun Ma
(Dept of Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians University Garching)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
3:50 PM
Hydrogen cluster-gas mixtures as novel target concept for laser-acceleration experiments
Ilhan Enging
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
4:10 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
4:15 PM
Poster Session
(until 5:45 PM)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
4:15 PM
3D PIC modeling of fast electrons generation by high intensity femtosecond laser pulse interaction with inhomogeneous preplasma at the target surface
L. P. Pugachev
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
4:15 PM
About target structure in laser plasma experiments
L. Borisenko
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
4:15 PM
On the phonon excitations of rich borides: phenomenological modelling and neutron inelastic scattering experiments
D. V. Sedyakina
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
4:15 PM
On the structure of accelerating wakefields generated by laser pulses and charged particle bunches
A. Koshelev
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
4:15 PM
Optical probing of plasma dynamics generated by high intensity laser pulses on ultrathin foils
S. Brauckmann
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
4:15 PM
Preplasma effect on the hot electron generation at the action of sub-relativistic laser pulse onto the surface of solid targets
K. A. Ivanov
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
7:00 PM
--- Dinner in Darmstadt & walking to Mathildenhöhe ---
1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:30 PM
Fusion Relevant Applications
(until 4:00 PM)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
2:30 PM
Pion stopping and meso-molecules formation in ultra-dense plasmas of FIS concern
Claude Deutsch
(LPGP Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
3:00 PM
Hydrodynamic simulation of thermonuclear burn wave processes in DT fuel under intense laser irradiation
Konstantin Khishchenko
(Joint Institute for High Temperatures Moscow)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
3:20 PM
Observation of beamed neutrons employing high poer laser driven ions in a beam-fusion scenario
Alexander Green
(Queens University Belfast, UK)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
3:40 PM
Laser-driven shock waves and equation-of stat of matter
Igor Lomonosov
(Institute of Problems of Plasma Chemistry Chernogolovka)
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
4:00 PM
Workshop Summary
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))
4:15 PM
Visiting of the PHELIX-laser, Departure
(Lecture Hall (SB1.120))