11-15 January 2016
Technical University Darmstadt
Europe/Berlin timezone
Technical University Darmstadt
Room No. 207; Building S2/11, TU Darmstadt
TU Darmstadt Institut für Kernphysik Schlossgartenstraße 2 64289 Darmstadt
  • Doron Gazit
  • Harald Grießhammer
  • Jared Vanasse
  • Sebastian Koenig
Topics: 1. Many techniques are used to include Coulomb in 3-particle systems: coordinate and momentum space methods; perturbative and nonperturbative, etc. *What are their advantages and disadvantages?* 2. *At which order does a charge-dependent 3N interaction enter?* 3. *For which observables is non-perturbative Coulomb essential, and where not? Does that influence the answers to 1 and 2?* 4. *What issues arise from and can be assessed by regulator-dependence?* 5. *Which questions of fundamental importance to Nuclear Physics can be addressed when we know the answer to these questions, also for A>3?* How does this inspire new treatments of chiral EFT (with pions)?