11-15 January 2016
Technical University Darmstadt
Europe/Berlin timezone



Monday morning (start 10:00):
Bira van Kolck [Introduction]
Jared Vanasse

Monday afternoon (finish by 17:30):
Johannes Kirscher
Arnoldas Deltuva
Sebastian König

Tuesday morning (start 09:30):
Lucas Platter
Gautam Rupak

Tuesday afternoon:
Harald Grießhammer
followed by discussion (led by Gazit):
goals, setting agenda for next 3 days

Wednesday morning (start 09:30):
Hans-Werner Hammer
discussions, also in smaller groups

Wednesday afternoon:
discussions, also in smaller groups
Chen Ji (starts 16:00)

Thursday morning (start 09:30):
Hilla DeLeon
discussions, also in smaller groups

Thursday afternoon:
discussions, also in smaller groups
Arman Margaryan (starts 16:00)

Friday morning (start 09:30; end noon with lunch):
discussion (led by Gazit et al.):
* summary, benchmarks achieved, open questions;
* questions to be answered before May-workshop.

Lunches & Coffee Breaks:
We plan lunches for 12:30, ending 14:00.
Coffee breaks on Monday are at 11am and 4pm, otherwise at 10:45am and 3.30pm.
On Wednesday and Thursday, the afternoon talks will be after the break.

Conference Dinner:
The Conference Dinner will be on Wednesday at 06:30 pm.