Monday morning (start 10:00):
Bira van Kolck [Introduction]
Jared Vanasse
Monday afternoon (finish by 17:30):
Johannes Kirscher
Arnoldas Deltuva
Sebastian König
Tuesday morning (start 09:30):
Lucas Platter
Gautam Rupak
Tuesday afternoon:
Harald Grießhammer
followed by discussion (led by Gazit):
goals, setting agenda for next 3 days
Wednesday morning (start 09:30):
Hans-Werner Hammer
discussions, also in smaller groups
Wednesday afternoon:
discussions, also in smaller groups
Chen Ji (starts 16:00)
Thursday morning (start 09:30):
Hilla DeLeon
discussions, also in smaller groups
Thursday afternoon:
discussions, also in smaller groups
Arman Margaryan (starts 16:00)
Friday morning (start 09:30; end noon with lunch):
discussion (led by Gazit et al.):
* summary, benchmarks achieved, open questions;
* questions to be answered before May-workshop.
Lunches & Coffee Breaks:
We plan lunches for 12:30, ending 14:00.
Coffee breaks on Monday are at 11am and 4pm, otherwise at 10:45am and 3.30pm.
On Wednesday and Thursday, the afternoon talks will be after the break.
Conference Dinner:
The Conference Dinner will be on Wednesday at 06:30 pm.
Download current event:
Calendar file
In order to enable an iCal export link, your account needs to have an API key created. This key enables other applications to access data from within Indico even when you are neither using nor logged into the Indico system yourself with the link provided. Once created, you can manage your key at any time by going to 'My Profile' and looking under the tab entitled 'HTTP API'. Further information about HTTP API keys can be found in the Indico documentation.
Additionally to having an API key associated with your account, exporting private event information requires the usage of a persistent signature. This enables API URLs which do not expire after a few minutes so while the setting is active, anyone in possession of the link provided can access the information. Due to this, it is extremely important that you keep these links private and for your use only. If you think someone else may have acquired access to a link using this key in the future, you must immediately create a new key pair on the 'My Profile' page under the 'HTTP API' and update the iCalendar links afterwards.
Permanent link for public information only:
Permanent link for all public and protected information:
Please use CTRL + C to copy this URL
Detailed timetable