Frank Zimmermann(CERN), Giuliano Franchetti(GSI, Darmstadt)
ARIES is an EU co-funded HORIZON2020 project, comprising 41 beneficiaries from 18 countries, which brings together accelerator laboratories, technology institutes, universities and industrial partners, to jointly address common challenges of present and future accelerator infrastructures for high-energy and nuclear physics, as well as for photon and neutron science.
ARIES Work Package 6 on "Accelerator Performance and Concepts" (APEC) is a networking activity which should help reaching the ultimate performance in future accelerators that are now in an advanced planning or construction phase, by investigating the primary beam performance limitations and possible mitigation measures, including, e.g., beam stabilization techniques, novel collimation schemes and reliability enhancement methods. It will contribute to the design of the future generation of accelerators by exploring alternative technologies and concepts.
From 10-12 December APEC organizes a first landmark workshop in the city of Frankfurt am Main, not far from GSI/FAIR .
The topics addressed cover the mandate of several work-package tasks, in particular:
1. Beam Quality Control in Hadron Storage Rings and Synchrotrons,
2. Reliability and Availability of Particle Accelerators,
3. Improved Beam Stabilization
To the participation to the workshop a fee of 200 euros is required. The fee will cover 3 workshop lunches in the Hotel Flemings, coffe breaks, Welcome Reception, and a visit to GSI/FAIR site.
The payment procedure is explained in the registration page
We have extended the possibility of registration -> November 9, 2018
Reliability and Availability of Particle Accelerators
Mrrossano giachino(CERN)
8:30 AM
Availability in particle accelerators for research. How to break through the limits30m
Mrrossano giachino(CERN)
9:00 AM
Towards a common terminology and concepts (summary from 5 years of reliability engineering of CERN and common work with the ARW community)30m
DrAndrea Apollonio(CERN)
9:30 AM
The limits to assess and design for availability, experience from 3 years of practical investigations30m
MrNiemi Arto(CERN / Tampere Uni. Tech.)
10:00 AM
Experience of establishing a reliability programe in the fusion community30m
DrTonio Pinna(ENEA)
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Coffee Break
11:00 AM
12:30 PM
Reliability and Availability of Particle Accelerators
DrGiuliano Franchetti(GSI, Darmstadt)
11:00 AM
Experience from 10 years of operating accelerators for ion-therapy at HIT. What are the key requirements for medical facilities?30m
DrChristian Schömers(Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Centre)
11:30 AM
Reliability and Availability as a cultural evolution - Experience from 4 years of reliability training in the particle accelerator community30m
MrThomas Herzig(Institut für Maschinenelemente)
12:00 PM
Reliability and availability study based on 10-25 MeV CW proton superconducting linac30m
Prof.Yuan He(IMP)
12:30 PM
2:00 PM
Lunch at FLEMINGs
1h 30m
2:00 PM
2:30 PM
Reliability and Availability of Particle Accelerators
2:00 PM
Designing for availability: modelling approaches based on industrial best-practices and experience from the operational facilities based on practical examples30m
MrJussi-Pekka Penttinen(Ramentor Oy)
2:30 PM
3:50 PM
Linac Reliability
DrOliver Meusel(Institute for Applied Physics)
2:30 PM
High reliability and Machine Protection Systems20m