9:00 AM
Why forces? What forces?
Takaharu Otsuka
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
9:20 AM
Overview on effective interactions for nuclear structure
Bruce Barrett
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
10:00 AM
Unitary Correlation Operator Method
Robert Roth
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
10:50 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:10 AM
Application of chiral and low-momentum nuclear forces
Andreas Nogga
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
9:00 AM
Tensor optimized shell modell using bare interaction for light nuclei
Takayuki Myo
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
9:40 AM
Clusters and halos studied in Fermionic Molecular Dynamics/td>
Thomas Neff
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
10:20 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:50 AM
Structure of light unstable nuclei studied with effective interactions
Yshiko Kanada En'yo
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
11:30 AM
Structure of neutron-rich carbon and oxygen isotopes in a restricted no-core shell-model space
Shin'ichiro Juji
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
9:00 AM
Application of propagator theory to atoms and nuclei
Carlo Barbieri
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
9:40 AM
News from time-dependent Hartree Fock
Joachim Maruhn
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
10:20 AM
--- Coffee break ---
10:50 AM
Lattice calculations of thermal properties of low-density neutron matter with pionless effective field theory
Takashi Abe
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
11:30 AM
Description of nuclear structures in light nuclei with Brueckner AMD
Tomoaki Togashi
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
12:00 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Future studies on nuclear structures and reactions with microscopic cluster model and UCOM
Makato Itoh
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
2:30 PM
Mean-field and pairing calculations in the UCOM framework
Heiko Hergert
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
3:10 PM
Unitarily Transformed interactions and 3N forces
Sabine Reinhardt
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
3:40 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:10 PM
In-medium Similarity Renormalization Group to the nuclear shell model
Koshiro Tsukiama
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
4:50 PM
Multi cluster studies with UCOM-like treatment
Naoyuki Itagaki
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
5:30 PM
Operator representation of realistic effective interactions
Denis Weber
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
6:00 PM
--- Dinner at GSI ---
12:10 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Dynamics of low-energy heavy-ion collisions and the synthesis of exotic nuclei
Yoritaka Iwata
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
2:40 PM
Phase shift calculatuion with realistic nuclear forces
Yasuyuki Suzuki
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
3:20 PM
--- Coffee break ---
3:40 PM
Prospects with Extended RPA theories
Panagiota Papakonstantinou
(Room next to the Lecture Hall)
4:10 PM
--- Walk around Darmstadt's Mathildenhöhe ---
6:00 PM
--- Dinner at Oberwaldhaus ---
12:10 PM
--- Lunch at GSI ---