8:00 AM
Vacuum-Compatible, Ultra-Low Material Budget MVD for the CBM Experiment
Michal Koziel
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
8:01 AM
On drift fields in CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors
Michael Deveaux
(Frankfurrt University)
8:02 AM
Optical quality assurance procedures for the sensors of CBM STS Detector
Evgeny Lavrik
(Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
8:03 AM
Quality assurance tests of the CBM Silicon Tracking System sensors with an infrared laser
Maksym Teklishyn
(FAIR, Darmstadt)
8:04 AM
Time-based cluster and hit finding for the STS detector in the CBM experiment at FAIR
Grigory Kozlov
(FIAS, Frankfurt)
8:05 AM
Offline Event-Building based on Free-Streaming CBM-TRD Prototype DAQ Systems in 2015 CERN-SPS Beamtest Data
Philipp Kähler
(Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)
8:06 AM
Background rejection in dilepton analysis with the CBM-MVD
Erik Krebs
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
8:07 AM
The detector response simulation for the CBM Silicon Tracking System as a tool for hit error estimation
Hanna Malygina
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
8:08 AM
CBM First-level Event Selector Input Interface
Dirk Hutter
(FIAS, Frankfurt)
8:09 AM
Control software for the CBM readout chain
Pierre-Alain Loizeau
(GSI, Darmstadt)
8:10 AM
Time-based MRPC detector response simulations for the CBM time-of-flight system
Christian Simon
(Universität Heidelberg)
8:11 AM
The Silicon Tracking System of the CBM Experiment at FAIR
Anton Lymanets
(GSI, Darmstadt)
8:12 AM
Quality assurance of the silicon microstrip sensors for the CBM experiment
Iaroslav Panasenko
(Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
8:13 AM
Systematic study of radiation hardness of single crystal CVD diamond material investigated with an Au beam and IBIC method
Jerzy Pietraszko
(GSI, Darmstadt)
8:00 AM
Multi-strange hyperons triggering at SIS 100
Hamda Cherif
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
8:01 AM
An X-ray fluorescense spectrometer using CMOS-sensors
Dennis Doering
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
8:02 AM
Status of the radiation hardness of CMOS Monolithic Active Pixels Sensors for the CBM experiment
Benjamin Linnik
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
8:03 AM
Radiation tolerance of microstrip sensors for the CBM Silicon Tracking System
Ievgeniia Momot
(Frankfurt University)
8:04 AM
Multi-strange Hyperons and Hypernuclei reconstruction at the CBM experiment
Iouri Vassiliev
(GSI, Darmstadt)
8:05 AM
Σ hyperons reconstruction by the missing mass method
Pavel Kisel
(Frankfurt University)
8:06 AM
Performance of centrality determination in heavy-ion collisions with CBM experiment
Viktor Klochkov
(GSI, Darmstadt)
8:07 AM
Physics performance studies with the CBM-TRD
Julian Book
(Institut fuer Kernphysik Frankfurt)
8:08 AM
Kalman filter based approach for reconstruction of short-lived particles
Maksym Zyzak
(GSI, Darmstadt)
8:09 AM
Extraction of moments of net-particle event-by-event fluctuations in the CBM experiment
Volodymyr Vovchenko
(FIAS, Frankfurt)
8:10 AM
Evaluation of a feature extraction framework for FPGA firmware generation during a beam-test at CERN-SPS for the CBM-TRD experiment
Cruz de Jesus Garcia Chavez
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
8:11 AM
The CBM-STS front-end electronics
Adrian Rodriguez Rodriguez
(Frankfurt University)
8:00 AM
The CBM Time-of-Flight wall
Ingo Deppner
(Universität Heidelberg)
8:01 AM
Concept and design of an alignment monitoring system for the CBM RICH mirrors
Jordan Bendarouach
(Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
8:02 AM
Influence of parton shadowing on J/psi-to-Drell-Yan ratio at SPS and FAIR
Partha Pratim Bhaduri
(GSI, Darmstadt)
8:03 AM
Detector performance tests for the CBM TRD
Martin Kohn
(Universität Münster)
8:04 AM
Design and Test of the Real Size Prototypes for the CBM-TRD in Frankfurt
Milad Tanha
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
8:05 AM
Bau eines Teststandes für MAPMT-Serientests
Jörg Förtsch
(Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
8:06 AM
The workflow of CBM-STS silicon strip sensor module-assembly
Carmen Simons
(GSI, Darmstadt)
8:07 AM
Bi-Phase CO2 cooling of the CBM STS detector
Evgeny Lavrik
(Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
8:08 AM
Strahlenschäden in dotiertem Silizium aufgrund Neutroneneinfangs Bor als Erweiterung des NIEL-Modells
Tobias Bus
(Frankfurt University)
8:09 AM
Mechanical integration of the detector components for the CBM Silicon Tracking System
Oleg Vasylyev
(GSI, Darmstadt)
8:10 AM
Event reconstruction for the RICH prototype beamtest data 2012 and 2014
Semen Lebedev
(Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
8:00 AM
Performance of the CBM experiment for measurements of charged particles anisotropic flow
Vitalii Blinov
(Frankfurt University)
8:01 AM
The CBM First-level Event Selector, Timeslice Building and Availability Studies
Helvi Hartmann
(FIAS, Frankfurt)
8:02 AM
Deriving the effective focal plane for the CBM-RICH detector
Ievgenii Kres
(Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
8:03 AM
Measurements of the mirror surface homogeneity in the CBM-RICH
Elena Lebedeva
(Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
8:04 AM
CBM RICH geometry optimization
Tariq Mahmoud
(Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
8:05 AM
PADI ASIC for straw tube read-out
Jerzy Pietraszko
(GSI, Darmstadt)
8:06 AM
QDC and TDC for understanding QGP
Adrian Rost
(Technische Universität Darmstadt)
8:07 AM
The read-out chain of the CBM STS detector
Jörg Lehnert
(GSI, Darmstadt)
8:08 AM
Thin and Reliable Connectivity for the CBM-MVD
Philipp Klaus
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
8:00 AM
Parallel 4-Dimensional Cellular Automaton Track Finder for the CBM Experiment
Valentina Akishina
(Frankfurt University)
8:01 AM
The Compressed Baryonic Matter experiment at FAIR
David Emschermann
(GSI, Darmstadt)