(The University of Tokyo)
05.09.11, 10:00
Oral Presentation
Vladimir Korobov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
05.09.11, 10:50
From the discovery of metastable states in the antiprotonic helium [1, 2] a spectacular progress has been achieved in precision spectroscopy of He^+pbar atoms [3, 4]. This talk will be devoted to advances in theory, which is an indispensable constituent for studying properties of antiproton and (!) electron via the spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium. Particularly, the following topics will be...
Masaki Hori
(Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics)
05.09.11, 11:20
We review the latest results of precision spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium, and the determination of the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio carried out by the ASACUSA collaboration of CERN.
Grigory Korenman
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)
05.09.11, 11:40
We shall review the current status of the theory of collisional processes of antiprotonic helium. The following questions will be discussed:
1. Formation and cascade transitions of exotic atoms. Primary populations of metastable states of antiprotonic helium.
2. Collisional quenching of metastable antiprotonic helium.
3. Shift and broadening of E1 spectral lines in antiprotonic...
Susanne Friedreich
(SMI Vienna)
05.09.11, 12:00
Antiprotonic helium is a neutral exotic atom, consisting of a helium nucleus, an electron and an antiproton. The interactions of the angular momenta and spins of these constituents cause a splitting within the principle states. The spin magnetic moment of the antiproton can be determined by comparing the measured hyperfine transition frequencies with three-body quantum electrodynamics (QED)...
Makoto C. Fujiwara
(TRIUMF/Universityof Calgary)
05.09.11, 14:00
Oral Presentation
Atoms made of a particle and an antiparticle are unstable, usually surviving
less than a microsecond. Antihydrogen, made entirely of antiparticles, is
believed to be stable, and it is this longevity that holds the promise of
precision studies of matter-antimatter symmetry. We have recently
demonstrated trapping of antihydrogen atoms by releasing them after a
confinement time of 172 ms...
Gerald Gabrielse
(Harvard University)
05.09.11, 14:30
ATRAP continues to pursue the idea, enunciated back in 1987, to trap enough cold antihydrogen
atoms for precise spectroscopic comparisons of antihydrogen and hydrogen atoms. Embedded
electron cooling and adiabatic cooling methods have been developed to cool millions of antiprotons to
below 3 K, to facilitate the production of cold antihydrogen.
Alban Kellerbauer
(MPI Heidelberg)
05.09.11, 15:00
After the first production of cold antihydrogen by the ATHENA and ATRAP
collaborations, second generation experiments are being performed for measuring the fundamental properties of this antiatom. AEGIS (Antimatter Experiment:Gravity,
Interferometry, Spectroscopy) is an experiment with the goal of measuring the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter with help of a pulsed,...
Naofumi Kuroda
(University of Tokyo)
05.09.11, 15:20
ASACUSA collaboration has been making a path to realize high
precision microwave spectroscopy of ground-state hyperfine transitions
of antihydrogen atom in flight for stringent test of the CPT symmetry.
Recently, we have succeeded in synthesizing our first cold anithydrogen
atoms employing a CUSP trap.
It is expected that synthesized antihydrogen atoms in the
low-field-seeking states...
Ralf Lehnert
(Indiana University Center for Spacetime Symmetries)
05.09.11, 15:50
A number of approaches to physics beyond the Standard Model can accommodate minuscule violations of CPT invariance. Since CPT symmetry can be measured with ultrahigh precision, CPT tests offer an interesting phenomenological avenue to search for underlying physics. I discuss this line of reasoning in more detail, comment on the connection between CPT and Lorentz invariance, and review how...
Randolf Pohl
(Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik)
05.09.11, 16:35
Our recent measurement of the Lamb shift (2S-2P energy splitting) in muonic hydrogen [1] has created a puzzle. The value of the proton rms charge radius we deduce, Rp = 0.84184(67) fm, is ten times more accurate, but 4% smaller than the values deduced from both hydrogen spectroscopy and elastic electron scattering.
In addition, we have determined the 2S hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen...
Thomas Stöhlker
(GSI and HI Jena)
05.09.11, 17:25
Oral Presentation
The future international accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) encompasses 4 scientific pillars containing, at this time, 14 approved technical proposals worked out by more than 2000 scientists from all over the world. They offer a wide range of new and challenging opportunities for atomic physics research in the realm of highly-charged heavy ions and exotic nuclei. As...
Detlev Gotta
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
05.09.11, 17:55
The ground-state level shifts and broadenings of the hydrogen isotopes caused by the strong interaction have been determined by using a high-resolution crystal spectrometer. From these parameters are derived the pion-nucleon and pion-deuteron scattering lengths and the threshold production and absorption strength of pions in nucleon-nucleon reactions. Muonic hydrogen reveals properties in the...
Wolfgang Quint
05.09.11, 18:15
Oral Presentation
Hartmut Abele
(Vienna University of Technology)
06.09.11, 09:00
Carlo Rizzo
(Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France)
06.09.11, 09:35
Oral Presentation
The measurement of quantum vacuum magnetic birefringence is one of the ultimate experimental tests of Quantum electrodynamics. After a brief introduction to the theoretical aspects, I will present the status of the BMV (Birefringence Magnétique du Vide) experiment which is set up at the Toulouse High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
Such novel attempt to search for the effect of magnetic fields on...
Stefan E. Mueller
06.09.11, 10:10
The invariance of the laws of physics under Lorentz transformations
is one of the most fundamental principles underlying our current
understanding of nature. In theories trying to unify the Standard Model
with quantum gravity, this invariance may be broken, and dedicated
high-precision experiments at low energy could be used to reveal such
suppressed signals from the Planck scale....
Klaus Jungmann
(KVI Groningen)
06.09.11, 11:00
Josephine McAndrew
(TU Munich)
06.09.11, 11:30
J.McAndrew, S.Paul, M. Berger, R. Emmerich, R. Engels,T.Faestermann,
P. Fierlinger, M. Gabriel, E. Gutsmiedl,F. J. Hartmann, R. Hertenberger, A. Röhrmoser, S.Ruschel, J Schön, W.Schott, U.Schubert, D.Simon, A.Trautner, Th. Udem, A. Ulrich
The bound neutron beta-decay(BOB) into a hydrogen atom and an electron antineutrino is investigated. The hyperfine-state population of the...
Michael Cargnelli
(SMI Vienna)
06.09.11, 14:00
The Kbar-N system at rest makes a sensitive testing ground for the understanding of strong interaction at low energies. At the DAFNE electron-positron collider of Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati we study X-ray transitions of kaonic atoms, taking advantage of the low-energy kaons produced by Phi-mesons decaying nearly at rest. In the SIDDHARTA (Silicon Drift Detector for Hadronic Atom...
Eliahu Friedman
(Racah Institute of Physics, the Hebrew University)
06.09.11, 14:30
A brief summary of state-of-the-art analyses of kaonic atom data will
be presented, showing good consistency between the various experiments
of 30-40 years ago. Correlations between depths of real antikaon-nucleus
potentials and the corresponding radii provide a link between
phenomenology and 'microscopic' antikaon-nucleon interaction in the
nuclear medium. Further studies...
Slawomir Wycech
(Institute for Nuclear Studies)
06.09.11, 15:00
Properties and structure of the Lambda (1405) are interesting both in themselves and in the context of few-body and many-body nuclear states of anti-K mesons. One of the old problems is the place of Lambda (1405) in the quark models and related symmetries.
Another problem affecting the few body physics is related to the elastic anti-K nucleon scattering amplitude. The two approaches now...
Tomoichi Ishiwatari
06.09.11, 15:30
An energy shift of the 2p level of kaonic 3He and 4He atoms is recently
studied in theory and experiment. A theory predicting deeply bound
kaonic nuclear states estimates a significant energy shift in kaonic
3He or 4He. The SIDDHARTA experiment measured the kaonic 3He and 4He
3d-2p X-ray transitions at the DAFNE e+e- collider. The strong interaction
shifts of the kaonic 3He and 4He 2p...
Yoshinori Akaishi
06.09.11, 16:10
Formation of $K^-pp$ in high-energy $p+p$ collision is an elementary doorway step to excite kaonic nuclear clusters in nuclei. The $K^-pp$ system has a structure of $\Lambda^*$-$p$, where $\Lambda^*$ is $\Lambda(1405)$ embedded in the system. We have investigated theoretically how coupled-channel properties of $\Lambda(1405)$ change inside the quasi-bound system, $K^-pp$, by using "generalized...
Andrei Ivanov
(Atominstitut, TU Wien)
06.09.11, 16:30
The energy level displacement of the excited np state
of kaonic deuterium is calculated in terms of the P-wave scattering length
of K^-d scattering. We solve the Faddeev equations for the amplitude of
K^-d scattering in the fixed centre approximation and derive the complex
P-wave scattering length of K^-d scattering in terms of
the S-wave and P-wave scattering lengths of anti-KN
Seyed Zafarollah Kalantari
(Isfahan University of Technology)
06.09.11, 16:45
Calculation of Cascade Processes rates and Simulation of the Transitions in Kaonic 4He atom
S.Z. Kalantari, Sh. Sanaye Hajari and M. Dayyani Kelisani
Department of Physics Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, 8415683111, Iran
Investigation of cascade processes of kaonic atoms is very important to analyze theoretical and experimental studies of K-nucleon strong interaction in...
Roman Schmitz
(University of Bonn)
06.09.11, 16:45
The main purpose of the PANDA experiment at the new international
Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is the high-precision spec-
troscopy of hadrons in the charm quark sector. This requires an excellent
central tracker (CT) which provides an efficient reconstruction of charged
particle trajectories and secondary vertices, high spatial and vertex resoluti-
on (σrφ ∼ 150 μm, σz...
Dimitar Bakalov
(Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
06.09.11, 16:45
The density shift and broadening of E1-transition lines in antiprotonic helium atoms at helium target pressure of 1 bar and temperatures about 6K are of the order of several ppm, same as the leading relativistic and spin corrections [PRL84,2350(2000)], and needed to be taken into account. To reduce the systematic uncertainty of experimental data, the current spectroscopy measurements of...
Vladimir Popov
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)
06.09.11, 16:45
The cross sections of the elastic, Stark and Coulomb de-excitation
processes in the collisions of muonic hydrogen with hydrogen atom
have been calculated in the close-coupling approach taking into
account both the closed channels and vacuum polarization shifts of
the $ns$ states. In particular, the cross sections of the elastic
$2s-2s$ scattering and Coulomb $2s-1s$ de-excitation...
Ales Cieply
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Řež)
06.09.11, 16:45
We have constructed effective separable meson-baryon potentials to match
the equivalent chiral amplitudes with the parameters of the model
fitted to the kaonic hydrogen and low energy $K^{-}p$ reactions data [1].
When the $\bar{K}N$ system is submerged in nuclear medium the $\bar{K}N$
scattering amplitude and the final state branching ratios exhibit
a strong energy...
Daniel Fitzakerley
(York University)
06.09.11, 16:45
Positrons ($e^+$) for ATRAP antihydrogen studies are provided by a Surko-style room-temperature Penning trap with $N_2$ buffer gas. ($e^+$) emitted in radioactive decay of $^{22}$Na are thermalized in a solid neon moderator. A short section of magnetic guide steers the $e^+$ to the axis of the Penning trap where interactions with $N_2$ molecules cool them into the bottom of the well where a...
Vladimir Pomerantsev
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)
06.09.11, 16:45
The lightest hadronic atoms ( $\pi^{-}p$, $K^{-}p$, etc.) are of
particular interest among the exotic atoms due to their simplest
structure and unique possibility to give access to the fundamental
properties of hadron-nucleon interaction at threshold energy. The
essential distinction of hadronic atoms as compared with muonic hydrogen
is a complex energy shift in the low...
Ivana Carevic
(University of Split)
06.09.11, 16:45
One of the central questions in studying the characteristic of nuclear matter for both, experiment and theory, is the presence of in-medium effects which manifest in the change of hadron properties. Strange particles are essential probes to study in-medium effects of hadrons produced in collisions between nuclei at energies close to the respective nucleon-nucleon production thresholds.
Jia-Chii Chen
(TU München, Excellence Cluster Universe)
06.09.11, 16:45
Kaon interaction with baryonic matter is characterized by a repulsive potential according to common belief. However, the values of the measured potential are not yet consistent with each other [1,2]. We analyze the kaon in-medium behavior employing K0s's identified with the HADES detector in p+p and p+Nb collisions at 3.5 GeV kinetic beam energy. The comparison of the K0s differential cross...
Farid Abdullin
(JINR Dubna)
06.09.11, 16:45
Within the framework of the program of synthesis and study of the properties of the new elements a series of experiments were performed to produce the elements with odd atomic numbers 115 and 117 using of the Dubna gas-filled recoil separator.
First run was undertaken in 2003. In the reaction of the actinide target Am-243 and Ca-48 beam the two new elements with Z = 113 and 115 were...
Gamal Ahmed
(Stefan Meyer Institute and Al-Azhar University Cairo)
06.09.11, 16:45
The aim of the current experiment is to study the K^+ K^- system in medium properties by using the π^- (1.7 GeV/c)+A→K^+ K^-+X reaction. The experiment with a pion beam poses specific requirements to the detectors and therefore the original FOPI setup needed modifications. The new hardware developments for this experiment include a new design of the veto detector. The main function of the...
Petros Aslanyan
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research LHEP)
06.09.11, 16:45
A missing-mass spectra has been studied for the different channel of reactions as: ’p’ (p,$K^0_s$), С (p,$K^0_s$), ‘p’(p,p$K^0_s$), С(p,p$K^0_s$) , ’p’(p, $\Lambda$), C(p, $\Lambda$),’p’(p, $K^+)\Lambda$, C(p,$K^+)\Lambda$ and so on. There are statistically small peaks (3-4 S.D.) which are observed by this method on mass range of $K^0$(498), $\Lambda$(1520), $\phi$(1020), $\Sigma$...
Andrea Lavagno
(Politecnico di Torino(PT-DIFIS))
06.09.11, 16:45
We study the strangeness production at finite temperature and density nuclear matter by means of an effective relativistic mean-field model with the inclusion of the full octet of baryons, the Delta-isobars degrees of freedom and the lightest pseudoscalar and vector mesons. These last particles are considered taking into account of an effective chemical potential and an effective mass...
Petros Aslanyan
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research LHEP)
06.09.11, 16:45
This experimental data for events with $\Lambda$ hyperons in p+C reaction at 10 GeV/c is compared to the UrQMD model as a first step that there will be one of basis for study of multi strange hyperons and exotica productions with high statistics in heavy nucleus collisions . The experimental data with $\Lambda$ hyperons was used as generator for GEANT -...
Satoshi N. Nakamura
(Tohoku Univ.)
07.09.11, 09:00
Lambda hypernucleus which contains s-quark in addition to normal u, d-quarks, is a powerful tool to study baryon interaction and structure of deep inside of nucleus.
In 80-90s, experiments of Lambda hypernuclei with meson beams were intensively performed at BNL and KEK.
Thanks to a high quality electron beam at JLab CEBAF, the study of hypernuclei with an electron beam started in 2000. ...
Alessandra Filippi
(INFN Torino)
07.09.11, 09:30
The knowledge on $K^-$ absorption by light nuclei is still rather incomplete
because of the lack of experimental data, but has recently gained a fresh
boost. New precision experiments have been performed, mainly with the aim of
finding signatures of multibaryon strange aggregates (dubbed "bound kaonic
nuclear clusters"), which could be formed following the absorption of the
Norbert Herrmann
(Heidelberg University)
07.09.11, 09:50
We review the strangeness production data in heavy-ion collisions at
energies arround the NN production threshold.
The dense nuclear matter environment produced in heavy-ion collisions
provides unique opportunities to form strange few body systems. In search for
those systems with strong decays special emphasis will be given to $\Lambda$ p
and $\Lambda$ d correlations. Long lived weakly...
Avraham Gal
(Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)
07.09.11, 10:10
The recent determination of Lambda-nucleon spin-dependent interaction matrix
elements in Lambda hypernuclei [1] from comprehensive measurements of gamma ray transitions [2] provides accurate estimates of Lambda-Lambda separation energies in double-Lambda hypernuclei across the nuclear p shell.
Here we outline a shell-model approach [3] to evaluate the consistency of the
world emulsion...
Ken Suzuki
(SMI Vienna)
07.09.11, 11:30
DISTO data analysis on the exclusive pp->pLambdaK reaction at Tp=2.85 GeV showed a presence of a strange dibaryon with a mass M = 2267 MeV/c2 and a width Gamma = 118 MeV produced via pp->XK two body process. We study an energy dependence and an influence of N* resonances for the formation of this resonance.
Michael Hartmann
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
07.09.11, 11:50
Information on the properties of the $\phi$ meson in the nuclear
environment has been derived from its production in proton collisions
with C, Cu, Al, and Au nuclear targets. The experiment was carried out
with 2.83~GeV protons at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY, with the $\phi$
being detected via its $K^+K^-$ decay using the ANKE magnetic
spectrometer. The measured dependence of the...
Laura Fabbietti
07.09.11, 12:10
Oral Presentation
Christoph Schwanda
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
07.09.11, 14:00
The Belle experiment at the KEK lab in Tsukuba, Japan, has accumulated a sample of about 770 million B-meson pair events between the years 1999 and 2010. This huge dataset allowed to establish CP violation in a number of B decays and in the interference between B mixing and some B decays. All CP-violating phenomena found at Belle are consistent with the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM)...
Michal Silarski
(Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland)
07.09.11, 14:20
The goal of the KLOE–2 experiment operating at the upgraded DAΦNE e+ e− collider is to collect an integrated luminosity of about 20 fb^−1 during 3-4 years of running. Measurements using the KLOE–2 apparatus equipped with the inner tracker, new scintillation calorimeters and the γγ taggers will allow to refine and extend the KLOE physics program on kaon physics and tests of fundamental...
Jiri Mares
(Nuclear Physics Institute)
07.09.11, 14:40
The contribution reports on our recent study [1] of the interaction of antikaons with nuclear systems within an SU(3) chiral approach combined with coupled-channel T-matrix resummation techniques [2,3,4]. The K^- meson self energy operator is constructed from in-medium subthreshold K^-N scattering amplitudes derived within a chirally motivated model, which accounts for new SIDDHARTA data [5]....
Stefano Piano
(INFN Trieste)
07.09.11, 15:00
on behalf of the FINUDA Collaboration
The presentation deals with the study of the
$K^-_{stop} A$ $\rightarrow$ $\Sigma^\pm\pi^\mp A'$ reaction, which is
studied on light nuclei, $A=$ $^{6,7}Li$, $^9Be$, $^{13}C$ and $^{16}O$.
Final $\Sigma$'s and $\pi$'s are detected by using the FINUDA spectrometer,
which operated at the DA$\Phi$NE $e^+e^-$ facility (LNF). The $\Sigma^\pm$
(Isfahan University of Technology; RIKEN Nishina Center)
07.09.11, 15:40
We have presented the idea that the simplest double-K nuclear cluster,K^-K^-pp, can be produced in the p+p -->K^+ +K^+ +Λ*+Λ* -->K^+ + K^+ + K^-K^-pp reaction, where Λ* is a quasi-bound K^-p state corresponding to Λ(1405). We have calculated the differential cross section for this process and found out that helped by a very large momentum transfer Q~ 1.8 GeV/c, a peak of K^-K^-pp cluster...
Neutron spectra from the Kbar + d break-up reaction and the shape of the Lambda(1405) resonance.
Janos Revai
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
07.09.11, 16:00
Coupled channels Faddeev equations are being solved for the Kbar+d break-up
reaction in the Kbar-N-N<->pi-Sigma-N three-body system. The main aim is to
calculate the neutron spectra for fixed incident kaon energy - a really ob-
servable quantity, which is directly related to the shape of the Lambda(1405)
state,as opposed to the widely used hypothetical curves, such as sub-threshold
Energy dependence of K^- -"pp" effective potential derived from coupled-channel Green's function
Takahisa Koike
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
07.09.11, 16:20
A new experimental search for $K^-pp$ via
the $^3$He(in-flight $K^-$, $n$) reaction is planned
(J-PARC E15 experiment). We have theoretically discussed
the expected inclusive and semi-exclusive spectra
for the J-PARC E15 experiment within the framework
of the $K^-pp$ single-channel distorted-wave impulse
approximation (DWIA) using Green's function method
by employing the...
Stefanie Lourenco
(University of Gießen)
07.09.11, 16:40
The upcoming FAIR Facility provides unique possibilities to study nuclear structure. With the availability of antiprotons as probes, independent information on the properties of exotic nuclei can be achieved. A corresponding experimental setup is proposed by the Antiproton Ion Collider (AIC) at FAIR@GSI, allowing to perform colliding-beam antiproton-nucleus experiments. The focus of our...
Simonetta Marcello
(University of Turin)
08.09.11, 09:00
The PANDA experiment is one of the major projects at the upcoming FAIR facility in Darmstadt,
Germany. It will study hadron physics by using antiproton-proton and antiproton-nuclear interactions in the momentum range of 1.5 GeV/c to 15 GeV/c with a 4π state-of-the-art detector. The purpose is to learn about fundamental aspects of the strong interaction in the transition region between...
Wolfgang Adam
(HEPHY Vienna)
08.09.11, 09:30
Using the 2010 data set of proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV the CMS experiment has performed a wide range of measurements of quarkonia states which are being updated and extended with new data. This talk will summarize the CMS results on the differential cross sections and spin alignment of charmonium and bottomium states and compare them with other measurements and...
Jolanta Brodzicka
(INP Krakow)
08.09.11, 09:50
Belle experiment at the KEKB factory, originally dedicated to studies
of $B$ mesons, was proved to be a great place also for studying charm
physics. The QCD motivated measurements of spectroscopy, decays and
production of charmed and charmonium states were succesfully performed
at Belle and initiated a lot of theoretical work. In particular,
recent discoveries of charmonium-like...
Paul Buehler
(Stefan Meyer Institute)
08.09.11, 10:10
Possible modifications of hadron properties in nuclear matter is subject of extensive theoretical and experimental studies. So far experimental approaches have been limited to the light and strange quark sector. With the PANDA detector at the HESR at FAIR it will be possible to extend this kind of studies to the charm sector in antiproton-nucleus collisions. If the momentum of the incident...
Marius C. Mertens
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
08.09.11, 10:30
The Ds0*(2317) meson which was discovered at BaBar in 2003 has the interesting properties of a surprisingly narrow width and a mass just below the DK threshold. Different theoretical models try to explain the nature of its properties. A precise knowledge of the width is an important criterion to evaluate these models. However, only an upper limit of 3.8 MeV is known so far.
A suitable...
Ulf-G. Meissner
(University of Bonn)
08.09.11, 11:15
Oral Presentation
I analyse the impact of the recent measurement of kaonic
hydrogen X rays by the SIDDHARTA collaboration on the allowed ranges
for the kaon-deuteron scattering length in the framework of
non-relativistic effective field theory.
Patrick Achenbach
(KPH, University of Mainz)
08.09.11, 11:45
Hypernuclear research will be one of the main topics addressed by the PANDA experiment at the planned Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR at Darmstadt, Germany. A copious production of double Lambda-hypernuclei at a dedicated internal target in the stored antiproton beam is expected, which will enable the high-precision gamma-spectroscopy of double strange systems for the first...
Stanley J. Brodsky
(SLAC and Stanford University)
08.09.11, 12:05
The precision spectroscopy and decay properties of exotic atoms, such as antihydrogen and true muonium provide important tests of quantum electrodynamics as well as fundamental symmetries of the Standard Model. The production mechanisms for such exotic atoms are also of great interest, since they have important implications for analogous phenomena in hadron physics. For example, the...
Helmut Rauch
(TU Vienna)
08.09.11, 14:00
Oral Presentation
Horst Stöcker
08.09.11, 14:15
Oral Presentation
Walter F. Henning
08.09.11, 14:30
Creativity-Innovation - the Seed for Frontier Science
Oral Presentation
Toshimitsu YAMAZAKI
(RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan)
08.09.11, 15:00
Oral Presentation
Wolfram Weise
(Physics Department, TU Munich)
08.09.11, 15:30
Creativity-Innovation - the Seed for Frontier Science
Oral Presentation
An updated review on Kbar-N interactions is given within the theoretical framework of chiral SU(3) dynamics. The coupled-channels equations are solved with special emphasis on the constraints provided by the new kaonic hydrogen data from the SIDDHARTA measurements. Precision fits to K-p threshold and scattering data are performed and a new value of the complex K-p scattering length is deduced....
Walter Greiner
08.09.11, 16:20
Oral Presentation
Giant nuclear systems of the form U+U, U+Cm, etc. can be formed with life-times from 10-19
sec. to 10-21 sec. These life-times depend on mass transfer and energy loss. In such systems
the e+e- -vacuum is overcritical and spontanous decay sets in. Paul Kienle has contributed
with pioneering experiments to understand and verify many of the effects connected with
these fundamental...
Walter Kutschera
(Vienna University)
08.09.11, 16:50
Oral Presentation
Günther Rosner
08.09.11, 17:20
Facilities and Experiments
Oral Presentation
Laura Fabbietti
(TU Munich)
08.09.11, 17:50
Oral Presentation
Tomofumi Nagae
(Kyoto University)
09.09.11, 09:00
While the big earthquake happened in the last March in the east part of Japan had made significant damages to the J-PARC facilities, there are a lot of works ongoing at J-PARC to recover them as early as possible. We expect to have a beam early in the next year for commissioning. In this talk, I will summarize the hadron physics program to be carried out in near future at J-PARC including...
Gerco Onderwater
(KVI / University of Groningen)
09.09.11, 09:30
An electric dipole moment (EDM) aligned with the spin of a fundamental particle violates both parity conservation and time reversal invariance, or, via the presumed CPT conservation, CP invariance. Standard Model predictions are much below current or anticipated experimental sensitivity levels; an observation within the next generation of searches will represent a new signature of CP violation...
Thomas Würschig
(HISKP, Uni Bonn)
09.09.11, 10:00
The PANDA experiment is one of the key projects at the future FAIR facility, which is currently under construction at GSI, Darmstadt. It will be located at the HESR storage ring that will deliver antiproton beams of unrivalled intensity and quality
within a momentum range of 1.5 GeV/c and 15 GeV/c. Measurements will be performed with a fixed-target setup using frozen hydrogen and heavier...
Tommy Eriksson
09.09.11, 11:00
Oral Presentation
During more than 10 years of regular operation, CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator (AD) has supplied the successful physics program with low-energy antiproton beams at 5.3 MeV kinetic energy. For the medium and long-term future, several options exist for upgrades and consolidation of the facility as well as for extension of the physics program. One of these, the recently approved ELENA ring, is a...
Lorenz Willmann
(KVI, University of Groningen)
09.09.11, 11:30
Bernhard Lauss
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
09.09.11, 11:50
on behalf of the UCN Project Team
The first ultracold neutrons (UCN) have been produced at the Paul Scherrer Institute’s (PSI) new UCN source in December 2010. The design goal is to exceed the currently available UCN densities by a factor 50 to 100 and to use these neutrons for fundamental physics experiments, most prominently the search for a neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) or the...
Martin Berger
09.09.11, 12:10
To face the challenges of the physics program in PANDA1, the cylindrical
central tracker of the Target Spectrometer has to fulll the following
requirements: A high vertex resolution (sigma~ 150 m; z 1 mm),
high momentum resolution ( 1 %), minimal material budget ( 1%
of radiation length), high rate capability, resistance against aging, etc.
Due to the beam characteristics (L=2*10^32 cm^-2...
Oton Vazquez Doce
09.09.11, 13:40
The AMADEUS experiment [1] is the proposal presented at the DAFNE collider to investigate the antikaon-nucleon potential in the nuclear enviroment, and it is being preceded by the study of the hadronic interactions of K- in the 4He of the drift chamber of KLOE [2].
Studies on the field has a rather long story at DAFNE, starting with the DEAR and SIDDHARTA [3] experiment measuring the strong...
Dimitar Bakalov
(Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
09.09.11, 14:00
The response of the hyperfine spectra of simple atoms and molecules such as the antiprotonic helium atom and the molecular ion HD+ to external magnetic fields is investigated, and transition lines are singled out that are particularly insensitive to the size and polarization of the external field or, on the contrary, particularly sensitive to the characteristics of the particles.
Vladimir Popov
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)
09.09.11, 14:20
The exotic hydrogen-like atoms are formed in a highly excited atomic
states after slowing down and Coulomb capture of negatively charged
particles (muon, pion, etc.) in hydrogen media. The further evolution
of their initial distribution in quantum numbers and kinetic energy
depends on the complicated interplay of the radiative transitions and
collisional-induced processes during...
Andrzej Czarnecki
(University of Alberta)
09.09.11, 14:40
In a free muon decay, the daughter electron energy is limited to about half the muon mass. If the decaying muon is bound in an atom, the binding effects significantly distort the electron spectrum and increase the maximum energy to almost the full muon mass. A new theoretical determination of that spectrum will be presented. The high-energy electrons are a background in searches for the...
Mark Faifman
(Research Coordinative Center “MUCATEX”)
09.09.11, 15:00
The kinetics of muon-catalyzed-fusion processes (μCF) in pure deuterium D2 gas has been studied with regard to the epithermal effects of muonic dμ-atoms accelerated during the cascade.
For this purpose the kinetic energy distribution of dμ atoms in the 1S-state has been calculated using the modified quantum-classical Monte Carlo cascade method developed in [1]. This calculation has...
Eberhard Widmann
(Stefan Meyer Institute)
09.09.11, 15:20
(KVI, Groningen)
Precision Experiments
Oral Presentation
Every atom is exotic. It is merely a (very good) approximation that
an atom is dominated by the electromagnetic interaction. According
to the electroweak theory of particle physics, the heavy Z0 neutral
gauge boson mediates interactions in atoms that violate parity.
Ever since the creation of the field in the early 70s, this atomic parity
violation has been an important low-energy test of...
Sergei Yudin
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)
20 Years of Antiprotonic Helium
Recently, the first experimental results for laser-microwave-laser spectroscopy of the hyperfine structure of antiprotonic 3He were published [1]. Along with the
measurements of hyperfine splitting of the levels and relevant fundamental properties of antiproton, such experiments can provide an interesting information on collisional transitions and interaction of antiprotonic helium with a...
Vladimir Melezhik
\def\address#1#2{\begin{center}\small\emph{#1}\\E-mail: \texttt{#2}\end{center}}
\def\refname{{\small References}}
\title{\textsc{Field Ionization of...
Yury Uzikov
(JINR Dubna)
Hadron Physics
The preparation of an intense beam of polarized antiprotons is
{\it the} crucial point for the physics program proposed by the PAX
collaboration [1] at the future FAIR facility in Darmstadt.
A possibility to overcome this experimental challenge is seen in elastic
scattering of antiprotons off a polarized $^1$H target [2].
Another possibility is to use the interaction of antiprotons with...