Sep 5 – 9, 2011
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone
Thanks to all participants and have a good and safe trip home!

Neutron spectra from the Kbar + d break-up reaction and the shape of the Lambda(1405) resonance.

Sep 7, 2011, 4:00 PM
Theatersaal (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)


Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Sonnenfelsgasse 19 1010 Vienna Austria
Oral Presentation Strangeness in Matter Contributions II


Dr Janos Revai (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Coupled channels Faddeev equations are being solved for the Kbar+d break-up reaction in the Kbar-N-N<->pi-Sigma-N three-body system. The main aim is to calculate the neutron spectra for fixed incident kaon energy - a really ob- servable quantity, which is directly related to the shape of the Lambda(1405) state,as opposed to the widely used hypothetical curves, such as sub-threshold Kbar-p amplitudes or pi-Sigma cross sections. We plan to investigate the effect of different Kbar-N interaction models on this spectrum, basically using interaction types introduced in [1] and further develop- ped in subsequent papers of N.V.Shevchenko, e.g. [2]. [1] J.Revai, N.V.Shevchenko Isospin mixing effects in the low-energy Kbar-N - pi-Sigma interaction Phys. Rev. C 79, 035202 (2009) [2] N.V.Shevchenko One- versus two-pole Kbar-N - pi-Sigma potential: Kbar-d scattering length arXiv: 1103.4974

Primary author

Dr Janos Revai (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

Presentation materials