4:45 PM
Preliminary results of a new study for the missing-mass spectra from reactions С(p, K0(short)) and C(p, Lambda) at 10 GeV / c.
Petros Aslanyan
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research LHEP)
4:45 PM
Energy dependence of KbarN interaction in nuclear medium
Ales Cieply
(Nuclear Physics Institute, Řež)
4:45 PM
Strangeness production at finite temperature and baryon density in an effective relativistic mean field model
Andrea Lavagno
(Politecnico di Torino(PT-DIFIS))
4:45 PM
Improved positron loading for antihydrogen research
Daniel Fitzakerley
(York University)
4:45 PM
Neutral Kaon Production in p+p and p+Nb Collisions with HADES
Jia-Chii Chen
(TU München, Excellence Cluster Universe)
4:45 PM
Density effects in antiprotonic helium revisited
Dimitar Bakalov
(Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
4:45 PM
Calibration of a GEM-TPC prototype for PANDA with Kr-83m
Roman Schmitz
(University of Bonn)
4:45 PM
Calculation of Cascade Processes rates and Simulation of the Transitions in Kaonic 4He atom
Seyed Zafarollah Kalantari
(Isfahan University of Technology)
4:45 PM
Investigating In-medium Lambda Production in Pion Induced Reactions
Ivana Carevic
(University of Split)
4:45 PM
New veto detector for the pion beam at FOPI.
Gamal Ahmed
(Stefan Meyer Institute and Al-Azhar University Cairo)
4:45 PM
New data on production of element 115 isotopes in the reaction (Am-243)+(Ca-48)
Farid Abdullin
(JINR Dubna)
4:45 PM
The efficiency of STS-CBM-ROOT for reconstructions of Lambda and Sigma+(1385) hyperons from the experimental and the UrQMD data in p+C reaction at 10 GeV/c
Petros Aslanyan
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research LHEP)
4:45 PM
Direct Coulomb De-excitation as the Dominant Mechanism of Quenching the Metastable 2s-state of Muonic Hydrogen
Vladimir Popov
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)
4:45 PM
Induced Absorption and Annihilation in Hadronic Hydrogen Atoms
Vladimir Pomerantsev
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)