chair: L. Fabbietti
Tommy Eriksson
9/9/11, 11:00 AM
Oral Presentation
During more than 10 years of regular operation, CERN’s Antiproton Decelerator (AD) has supplied the successful physics program with low-energy antiproton beams at 5.3 MeV kinetic energy. For the medium and long-term future, several options exist for upgrades and consolidation of the facility as well as for extension of the physics program. One of these, the recently approved ELENA ring, is a...
Lorenz Willmann
(KVI, University of Groningen)
9/9/11, 11:30 AM
Oral Presentation
Bernhard Lauss
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
9/9/11, 11:50 AM
Facilities and Experiments
Oral Presentation
on behalf of the UCN Project Team
The first ultracold neutrons (UCN) have been produced at the Paul Scherrer Institute’s (PSI) new UCN source in December 2010. The design goal is to exceed the currently available UCN densities by a factor 50 to 100 and to use these neutrons for fundamental physics experiments, most prominently the search for a neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) or the...
Martin Berger
9/9/11, 12:10 PM
Oral Presentation
To face the challenges of the physics program in PANDA1, the cylindrical
central tracker of the Target Spectrometer has to fulll the following
requirements: A high vertex resolution (sigma~ 150 m; z 1 mm),
high momentum resolution ( 1 %), minimal material budget ( 1%
of radiation length), high rate capability, resistance against aging, etc.
Due to the beam characteristics (L=2*10^32 cm^-2...