chair: H. Geissel
Daisuke Nakajima
9/7/11, 11:00 AM
Strangeness in Matter
Oral Presentation
A hypernucleus, a nuclear bound system with strangeness, has been studied almost for six decades to obtain comprehensive understanding on the baryon-baryon interaction under the flavoured-SU(3) symmetry. Hypernuclei have been so far studied mainly by induced reactions of primary electron and secondary meson beams on the stable target materials. In these methods, an excellent resolution to look...
Ken Suzuki
(SMI Vienna)
9/7/11, 11:30 AM
Strangeness in Matter
Oral Presentation
DISTO data analysis on the exclusive pp->pLambdaK reaction at Tp=2.85 GeV showed a presence of a strange dibaryon with a mass M = 2267 MeV/c2 and a width Gamma = 118 MeV produced via pp->XK two body process. We study an energy dependence and an influence of N* resonances for the formation of this resonance.
Michael Hartmann
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
9/7/11, 11:50 AM
Strangeness in Matter
Oral Presentation
Information on the properties of the $\phi$ meson in the nuclear
environment has been derived from its production in proton collisions
with C, Cu, Al, and Au nuclear targets. The experiment was carried out
with 2.83~GeV protons at the Cooler Synchrotron COSY, with the $\phi$
being detected via its $K^+K^-$ decay using the ANKE magnetic
spectrometer. The measured dependence of the...