chair: E. Widmann
Oton Vazquez Doce
9/9/11, 1:40 PM
Strangeness in Matter
Oral Presentation
The AMADEUS experiment [1] is the proposal presented at the DAFNE collider to investigate the antikaon-nucleon potential in the nuclear enviroment, and it is being preceded by the study of the hadronic interactions of K- in the 4He of the drift chamber of KLOE [2].
Studies on the field has a rather long story at DAFNE, starting with the DEAR and SIDDHARTA [3] experiment measuring the strong...
Dimitar Bakalov
(Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
9/9/11, 2:00 PM
Other exotic atoms and rare decays
Oral Presentation
The response of the hyperfine spectra of simple atoms and molecules such as the antiprotonic helium atom and the molecular ion HD+ to external magnetic fields is investigated, and transition lines are singled out that are particularly insensitive to the size and polarization of the external field or, on the contrary, particularly sensitive to the characteristics of the particles.
Vladimir Popov
(Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University)
9/9/11, 2:20 PM
Other exotic atoms and rare decays
Oral Presentation
The exotic hydrogen-like atoms are formed in a highly excited atomic
states after slowing down and Coulomb capture of negatively charged
particles (muon, pion, etc.) in hydrogen media. The further evolution
of their initial distribution in quantum numbers and kinetic energy
depends on the complicated interplay of the radiative transitions and
collisional-induced processes during...
Andrzej Czarnecki
(University of Alberta)
9/9/11, 2:40 PM
Other exotic atoms and rare decays
Oral Presentation
In a free muon decay, the daughter electron energy is limited to about half the muon mass. If the decaying muon is bound in an atom, the binding effects significantly distort the electron spectrum and increase the maximum energy to almost the full muon mass. A new theoretical determination of that spectrum will be presented. The high-energy electrons are a background in searches for the...
Mark Faifman
(Research Coordinative Center “MUCATEX”)
9/9/11, 3:00 PM
Other exotic atoms and rare decays
Oral Presentation
The kinetics of muon-catalyzed-fusion processes (μCF) in pure deuterium D2 gas has been studied with regard to the epithermal effects of muonic dμ-atoms accelerated during the cascade.
For this purpose the kinetic energy distribution of dμ atoms in the 1S-state has been calculated using the modified quantum-classical Monte Carlo cascade method developed in [1]. This calculation has...