Sep 5 – 9, 2011
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone
Thanks to all participants and have a good and safe trip home!

Influence of muon cascade and μ-molecule formation on the μCF process kinetics in deuterium

Sep 9, 2011, 3:00 PM
Theatersaal (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)


Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Sonnenfelsgasse 19 1010 Vienna Austria
Oral Presentation Other exotic atoms and rare decays Contributions III


Dr Mark Faifman (Research Coordinative Center “MUCATEX”)


The kinetics of muon-catalyzed-fusion processes (μCF) in pure deuterium D2 gas has been studied with regard to the epithermal effects of muonic dμ-atoms accelerated during the cascade. For this purpose the kinetic energy distribution of dμ atoms in the 1S-state has been calculated using the modified quantum-classical Monte Carlo cascade method developed in [1]. This calculation has confirmed that most dμ atoms are not thermalized. Hence the collisions of such epithermal dμ atoms with deuterium molecules D2 lead to non-resonant formation of ddμ molecules [2] with high rates as compared to for thermalized dμ. However, another process of non-resonant formation may also occur in the presence of non-thermalized dμ-atoms. In parallel with the resonant formation of the ddμ molecule in the weakly bound ro-vibronic (J=v=1) state, the non-resonant formation in the same ddμ-state is also possible. But in this case the emitted Auger electron of the D2 molecule can carry away the released energy only for dμ-atomic collision energies e>I, where I denotes the ionization potential of the D2 molecule. The calculated formation rates in the above-threshold energy region are about one order of magnitude higher than previously obtained in [2]. We have investigated the role of the epithermal non-resonant ddμ formation process described above for μCF in D2 gas. The time spectra of dd-fusion neutrons have been calculated by means of Monte Carlo simulations [3]. It has been shown that similarly to the peak revealed in experiments on μCF in HD mixtures [4], non-resonant ddμ formation by non-thermalized dμ-atoms in the D2 target can also be directly observed in the neutron time spectra at very short initial times, before the complete thermalization of dμ atoms. References [1] M.P. Faifman, and L.I. Men'shikov, Proc. Int. Conf. MCF-07, Dubna, June 18-21, p.233 (2007). [2] M.P. Faifman, Muon Cat. Fus. 4 (1989) 341. [3] A. Adamczak, M. Faifman, Eur. Phys. J. D. 51 (2009) 341. [4] D.V. Balin et. al. Phys. El. Part. At. Nucl., 42, (2011) 185.

Primary author

Dr Mark Faifman (Research Coordinative Center “MUCATEX”)


Dr Andrzej Adamczak (Institute of Nuclear Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials