Sep 5 – 9, 2011
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone
Thanks to all participants and have a good and safe trip home!

The efficiency of STS-CBM-ROOT for reconstructions of Lambda and Sigma+(1385) hyperons from the experimental and the UrQMD data in p+C reaction at 10 GeV/c

Sep 6, 2011, 4:45 PM
2h 5m
Aula (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)


Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Sonnenfelsgasse 19 1010 Vienna Austria
Poster Instrumentation Poster Session


Dr Petros Aslanyan (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research LHEP)


This experimental data for events with $\Lambda$ hyperons in p+C reaction at 10 GeV/c is compared to the UrQMD model as a first step that there will be one of basis for study of multi strange hyperons and exotica productions with high statistics in heavy nucleus collisions . The experimental data with $\Lambda$ hyperons was used as generator for GEANT - STS-ROOT what have been obtained on base of stereo photo from the 2-m propane bubble chamber with 4$\pi$ geometry for p + C reaction at momentum 10 GeV /c . By using of the STS-ROOT software for CBM (FAIR) with this experimental data we obtained efficiencies of reconstruction for $\Lambda$ and $\Sigma^{*+} (1385) hyperons. The experimental data was compared with the UrQMD model for basic kinematic parameters. Main part of events with $\Lambda$ hyperons lost from low efficiencies of total momentum at p<2 GeV/c ($p_min$=0.6 GeV/c ) and $Z_v$<4 cm . These analysis will allow to develop of new criteria, trigger ,methods and algorithms for effective study of exotic resonances and CBM properties with strangeness .

Primary author

Dr Petros Aslanyan (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research LHEP)


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