Sep 5 – 9, 2011
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone
Thanks to all participants and have a good and safe trip home!

Strangeness Production in AA Collisions

Sep 7, 2011, 9:50 AM
Theatersaal (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna)


Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Sonnenfelsgasse 19 1010 Vienna Austria
Oral Presentation Strangeness in Matter Strangeness in Matter I


Prof. Norbert Herrmann (Heidelberg University)


We review the strangeness production data in heavy-ion collisions at energies arround the NN production threshold. The dense nuclear matter environment produced in heavy-ion collisions provides unique opportunities to form strange few body systems. In search for those systems with strong decays special emphasis will be given to $\Lambda$ p and $\Lambda$ d correlations. Long lived weakly decaying ligh hypernuclei are accessible by the two body decay into a negative pion and a baryon. Results for p, d, t, $^3$He, and $\alpha$ + $\pi$ are reported. The picture will be completed with the discussion of recent measurements of kaon flow over a wide impact parameter range for which comprehensive comparisons with state-of-the-art transport models will be shown.

Primary authors

Prof. Norbert Herrmann (Heidelberg University) Yvonne Leifels (GSI)

Presentation materials