Giuliano Franchetti(GSI, Darmstadt), Oliver Boine-Frankenheim(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
This is the web-page of the workshop Space Charge 2017.
Following the success of Space Charge 2013 (CERN), of Space Charge 2015 (Oxford UK),
and based on a community demand, GSI and Technische Universitaet Darmstadt organise the 2017 edition of the workshop.
The workshop will address actual topics boiling in the accelerator community, and provide a forum for discussing between experts, which is synergetic to the well established series of the HB workshops.
Space Charge 2017 is organised under the auspices of ICFA and is an event of APEC/ARIES, the successor of XRING/XBEAM/EuCARD2, which jointly with ACCELENCE cover the majority of the cost for the workshop.
*****REGISTRATION at the workshop will open on October 4, 2017 at 08:30 a.m.*****