12:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
1:30 PM
Eiichi Takada
(until 3:00 PM)
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
4 years of operation of the C70 Arronax
Freddy Poirier
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Arduino, open source platform used for environment data acquisitions at Elettra
Andrea Vescovo
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Automatic emittance measurement in the CERN 1.4 GeV Booster
Jean-Francois Comblin
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Commissioning the NSLS-II with CS-Studio
Tasha Summers
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Cooling Water Management: dissolved oxygen and clogging corpuscle
Hiroki Arai
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Customer Satisfaction in RI production -present and future-
Satoru Hojo
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
EleFan system at Elettra
Enzo Benfatto
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Keeping shift Operators up to date
Adrian Johnson
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
New Particle Accelerator Reliability website
Philippe Roussely
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Operation of NIRS Cyclotrons
Yuichi Takahashi
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Operation of scanning irradiation system at NIRS-HIMAC
Yuji Tachikawa
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Operator Developed Control & Analysis Tools
Vincent Winter
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Operators involved in maintenance work on the accelerators
Gilles Garnodon
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Radioactive Material Leak at the Hadron Experimental Facility of J-PARC
Kazuro Furukawa
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Reliability monitoring for customer satisfaction
Hiromi Inokuchi
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Remote Operation at SNS: Tools for the Modern Interconnected World
Geoffrey Milanovich
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
Software Interlock System
Louis Pereira
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
The importance of communication about the accelerators by the Operation Group
Philippe Roussely
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
The Reconstruction of the Fermilab Accelerator Main Control Room
Stanley Johnson
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
1:30 PM
When we thought summer service was over
Mikael Pettersson
(St. Lioba C 173/174)
3:00 PM
--- Coffee Break ---
3:30 PM
Radiation Safety Tasks Done by Operators
Michael Bieler
(until 5:00 PM)
(Ketteler Saal)
3:30 PM
Radiation Safety Tasks done by Operators
Michael Bieler
(Ketteler Saal)
3:40 PM
Assigned Radiation Monitors
Anna Shabalina
(Ketteler Saal)
4:00 PM
Operator Roles And Responsibilities For Radiation Safety At the Advanced Light Source
Tom Scarvie
(Ketteler Saal)
4:20 PM
Lessons Learned from NSLS-II Linac Commissioning
Raymond Fliller
(Ketteler Saal)
4:40 PM
Safety in modern particle accelerators: The role of control room operators
Pierre Ninin
(Ketteler Saal)
5:00 PM
6:30 PM
--- Dinner ---
7:30 PM
8:15 PM
Open Discussion
(until 10:00 PM)
(Room to be announced)