Beam Dynamics meets Magnets

G. Franchetti
"Beam Dynamics meets Magnets" Workshop, 2-4 December 2013 in Darmstadt, Germany. This meeting is the first of the EuCARD2 XBEAM-XRING Network. This workshop is a forum for discussions between beam dynamics experts and magnet engineers because traditionally there has been poor communication between these two communities, who need to work well together. In some accelerator design and fabrication projects there have been confrontations between the two communities on what aspects should have priority and lack of dialogue between them has led to inefficient tasks and delays in the schedule. This meeting is planned to go beyond these differences and allow for an effective exchange of information to prevent future problems in accelerator beamlines. These topics of common interest, among others, will be discussed: * Particle tracking and magnetic multipoles * Magnet measurements and error bars * Methodologies of magnet measurements * Particle tracking techniques * Lattice modeling techniques * Multipoles in elliptical chambers * Effects of magnetic field uncertainties on physics of beams * Magnet design; 2D versus 3D descriptions