Jens Stadlmann
(GSI, Darmstadt)
27.01.20, 09:10
SIS18 underwent a massive upgrade program to become the booster for SIS100, the main accelerator of the FAIR project. We will report on the status of the upgrade program. As part uf the upgrade SIS18, ESR, Cryring and HEBT were all retrofitted to run with a completely new control and timing system which is being developed for the FAIR project. We will report on the status and capabilities of...
Boris Sharkov
(JINR Dubna)
27.01.20, 09:40
This presentation outlines ongoing activities on development of heavy ion accelerator facilities, providing high-brightness beams capable of generating intense beams extreme state of matter. Manifested facilities goals is pushing the “intensity” and the “precision frontiers” to the extremes when accelerating full range of ion beam species from p+ to U to highest beam intensities and...
Naeem Ahmad Tahir
(GSI, Darmstadt)
27.01.20, 10:10
In 1979 a heavy ion beam driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF) reactor study, named HIBALL was organized by the GSI, in which 50 scientists from different institutions participated. This study included the driver design, the target design and the reactor chamber design. A small group of scientists worked to propose a viable ICF target for the HIBALL reactor system. Suitable target...
(Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique)
27.01.20, 11:00
We will begin the presentation by a description of the state of the LMJ completion (numbers of
bundles installed or operational, diagnostics completed, etc.).
Then, we will present a review of our recent activities regarding direct-drive implosion and
preparation of Inertial Confinement Fusion on the Laser MégaJoule Facility.
Various aspects will be addressed such as the sensitivity of the...
Stephan Neff
(FAIR, Darmstadt)
27.01.20, 11:50
At the site of the Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung (GSI) in Darmstadt, the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is currently under construction. FAIR will offer unique high-intensity heavy ion beams and high-intensity proton beams for experiments covering many fields of research, including the study of high-energy density samples and the study of warm dense matter.
Zsuzsanna Slattery-Major
(GSI, Darmstadt)
27.01.20, 17:00
One of the unique features of the infrastructure and facilities at GSI is the possibility to carry out experiments combining the heavy-ion beam of the accelerator with the high-power laser PHELIX. With the new beamline guiding the long-pulse (nanosecond) beam of PHELIX to the HHT experimental cave, which is currently being installed at GSI, new diagnostic methods for the investigation of...
Martin Schanz
(GSI, Darmstadt)
27.01.20, 17:25
High energy proton radiography is a diagnostics technique suitable for many applications in the field of high energy physics, materials science and in the medical sector. The use of an imaging lens combined with a custom beam line configuration upstream of the experiment produces high quality images with the unique possibility of adjusting the image contrast according to the needs of the...
Sero Zähter
27.01.20, 17:50
Intense uranium ion beams that will be available after commissioning of the new synchrotron SIS100 in Darmstadt will be used for volumetric heating of any type of material and generation of extreme states of matter with Mbar pressures and some eV of temperature. Investigation of their EOS is one of the main goals of the plasma physics program at FAIR. Diagnostic of such extreme states of...
Igor Iosilevskiy
(Joint Institute for igh Temperature)
27.01.20, 18:15
There are three basic points for discussions on perspectives of HED@FAIR experimental study of unexplored phenomena: (*1*) – how to arrange HIB energy deposition; (*2*) – how to arrange diagnostics; (*3*) – what fundamental physical phenomenon should be explored to justify our using such huge facilities like FAIR, LHC, NICA *etc* for thermophysical investigations. In my talk I plan to continue...
Stefan Karsch
(Universität München)
28.01.20, 08:30
The Center of Advanced Laser Applications (CALA), a new high-intensity laser infrastructure, is nearing completion of commissioning its main laser system ATLAS-3000. The target parameters of the laser are 60J pulse energy in 25 fs at 1 Hz repetition rate. Currently, the laser pulses is serving experiments in two of CALA’s target area while its peak power is being ramped up in accordance with...
Zahra Chitgar
(Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich)
28.01.20, 09:00
A well known means of increasing the cross section of fusion reactions and potential output energy gain is to use polarized particles [1]. For polarized fusion to occur, polarized and accelerated fuel is required. We have studied experimentally and theoretically the feasibility of laser-driven polarized ion acceleration using the PHELIX facility at GSI Darmstadt [2]. In our preparatory studies...
Olga Rosmej
(GSI, Darmstadt)
28.01.20, 09:25
Experiments on the direct laser acceleration of electrons in long scale plasma of near critical density were carried out at the PHELIX laser facility at GSI, Darmstadt. Low density polymer foam layers of 300-450 um thickness and combination of foams with um up to mm-thin plane metallic foils were used as targets. Analysis of the electron energy distribution by application of the foam layers...
Victor Schanz
(GSI, Darmstadt)
28.01.20, 09:50
The importance of a high laser contrast in laser-plasma experiments is widely known. While the temporal contrast in the nanosecond time scale is well understood and optimized, short pulse laser systems around the world still suffer from a slow rising slope of the peak and hence a worse contrast in the regime of picoseconds prior the peak intensity.
We identified noise in a CPA stretcher to be...
Johannes Hornung
(GSI, Darmstadt)
28.01.20, 10:35
Nowadays research on laser-driven proton acceleration is focusing on the interaction of relativistic-intensity laser pulses with sub-micrometer targets, aiming for advanced acceleration mechanisms. Despite very positive estimates delivered by numerical simulations, a significant discrepancy is found in the experimental realization so far, which requires further investigations. The predicted...
Michael Ehret
(TU Darmstadt)
28.01.20, 11:00
We present experimental studies and optimization prospects of a robust open-geometry platform for generation of ultra-strong magneto-static fields.
The all-optical principle is based on a ns-laser pulse of several hundred Joule at 10**17 W/cm2 driving a target-discharge. The laser is tightly focused into a Capacitor Coil Target [1] comprising two parallel plates connected by a coil-shaped...
Nikolay Andreev
28.01.20, 11:25
Secondary sources of high energy particles and hard X-rays, produced in the interaction of relativistically intense laser pulses with matter, are widely used to create and diagnose extreme states of matter. The production of high-energy electrons, as well as the elaboration of compact sources of relativistic electrons and hard X-rays, requires the development of advanced acceleration methods....
Yuanbo Sun
(Beijing institute of Technology)
28.01.20, 17:00
we derived the dispersion relation for the RTI problem at cylindrical fluid/fluid, solid/solid and fluid/solid interfaces by the decomposition method and also its planar counterpart, which is still easily expanded to study the behaviors of the interfaces by the impulsively accelerated model. Searching for the mathematical details of the dispersion relation, we developed a methodology to study...
Antonio Roberto Piriz
(University of Castilla-La Mancha)
28.01.20, 17:25
The linear theory of the incompressible Rayleigh-Taylor instability in elastic-plastic solid slabs is developed on the basis of the simplest constitutive model consisting in a linear elastic (Hookean) initial stage followed by a rigid-plastic phase. The slab is under the action of a constant acceleration and it overlays a very thick ideal fluid. The boundaries of stability and plastic flow are...
Yakov Krasik
(Physics Department, Technion)
28.01.20, 17:50
Experimental and numerical data regarding recent results on underwater electrical explosion of wires and shock waves generation will be presented which include ultra-fast Al wire combustion, development of thermal instabilities during wire explosion and symmetry of converging shock waves.
Antoine Bret
(Universidad Castilla La Mancha)
28.01.20, 18:15
We extend the analysis presented last year to the perpendicular case.
Vladimir Stegailov
28.01.20, 18:40
Transition of molecular hydrogen to atomic ionized state with increase of temperature and pressure poses still unresolved problems for experimental methods and theory. Here we analyze the dynamics of this transition and show its nonequilibrium non-adiabatic character overlooked in both interpreting experimental data and in theoretical models. The non-adiabatic mechanism explains the strong...
Markus Roth
(TU Darmstadt)
29.01.20, 08:30
Marvel Fusion will start the first laser fusion company in Europe
Fusion energy is the ultimate energy source and a vital part of fighting climate change. So far the IFE community has focused on indirect-drive hot-spot ignition. Much progress has been made since the start of the NIC campaign in 2009. However, even though only short of about a factor of two in most parameters, ignition has...
Glen Anthony Wurden
(Los Alamos National Labs(LANL-PP))
29.01.20, 09:00
During a disruption in a tokamak plasma, current carrying electrons can be accelerated to multi-MeV energies, which can cause severe damage to wall components. Conventional ways to study these relativistic electrons include observation of synchrotron and bremsstrahlung radiation. But these measurements are line integrated, and it is difficult to unfold the original runaway electron source...
B. Grant Logan
(Consultant to LLNL-NIF)
29.01.20, 09:25
A large design and development project has begun at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with 30 scientists and engineers, towards a goal to field magnetically-assisted ignition targets on the National Ignition Facility using applied B fields up to 30 T for indirectly-driven cryogenic-layered DT capsules soon after 2020. First experiments will be conducted with warm gas-filled capsules...
claude deutsch
(LPGP U-Paris-Saclay)
29.01.20, 09:50
Negative muons in the MeV energy range are shown fully stopped in WDM and FIS/ICF plasmas
on a psec time scale by including slowing down on partially degenerate electrons as well as
on classical hydrogen isotope ions.
Atomic and molecular recombination on exotic and lowest available bound states are demonstrated.
The very existence of in situ exoatoms can then be probed through X-ray line...
Heinrich Hora
(University of New South Wales Sydney/Australia)
29.01.20, 10:40
The fact that nuclear reactions are about ten million times more energetic than chemical reactions as e.g. the burning of carbon, requires the same difference of thermal equilibrium pressures with similar elevated fusion temperatures: not hundred oC but hundred million degrees. This was changed by the advent of the laser offering the addition of a non-thermal pressure as a nonlinear...
Ke Lan
(Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)
29.01.20, 11:05
We began to study the octahedral spherical hohlraums in 2013, and we have made both theoretical
and experimental progresses in spherical hohlraum study since then. From our theoretical studies,
we gave the configuration, concept and design of the octahedral spherical hohlraums, proposed a
novel octahedral spherical hohlraum with cylindrical laser entrance holes (LEH) and LEH...
Javier Honrubia
(Polytechnic University of Madrid)
29.01.20, 11:30
The magnetized liner inertial fusion (MagLIF) scheme has been proposed for cylindrical
implosions of magnetized fuels with lower implosion velocities and convergence ratios, resulting
in an appealing scheme for inertial fusion [1]. Recently, a laser-driven version of MagLIF has
been explored at the Omega facility [2] to study the magnetized implosion physics of MagLIF
targets scaled down...
Pascal Boller
(TU Darmsadt)
29.01.20, 11:55
To explain astrophysical phenomena, in particular those related to heavy nuclei synthesis and to verify theoretical models, we need laboratory nuclear reaction experiments under high en-ergy density conditions to get benchmark data.
In conventional linear accelerators the duration of proton pulses is of the timescale of many nanoseconds. If we use a high energy short-pulse laser, we can...
Zixiang Yan
(Peking University)
29.01.20, 17:00
We present an investigation of non-equilibrium effects on the reaction histories of D3He and DT near the shock front using Monte Carlo simulations. Distributions of temperature and density near the shock front are fitted based on our previous work (Front.Phys.11(6).115206), with the parameters given in the recent paper (PhysRevLett.122.035001). Considering the thermal non-equilibrium...
Jonas Benjamin Ohland
(GSI, Darmstadt)
29.01.20, 17:05
Modern high-intensity laser systems use off-axis-parabolic mirrors with short focal lengths to achieve highest on-target intensities. These mirrors offer the advantage of achromatic focusing while achieving small focal spots due to very small f-numbers. Adaptive optics (AO) is also commonly used to mitigate wavefront aberrations and therefore reduce deformations of the focal spot.
A typical...
Yakov Krasik
(Physics Department, Technion)
29.01.20, 17:10
Experimental and modeling results regarding formation of wake-field and frequency shift during propagation of 0.6 ns duration, 500 MW power, 9.6 GHz microwave pulse in preliminary formed plasma will be reported
Sebastian Klammes
(GSI, Darmstadt)
29.01.20, 17:15
Stored and cooled relativistic heavy-ion beams have a small relative momentum spread ($\Delta$p/p) and a small emittance ($\epsilon$) and are therefore ideally suited for high-precision experiments, such as laser and X-ray spectroscopy. At storage rings, cooling is typically achieved by means of electron and/or stochastic cooling, which yield cooling times of several seconds and $\Delta$p/p...
Parysatis Tavana
(Goethe University)
29.01.20, 17:25
In the recent experiment carried out in September 2019 in PHELIX laser facility in Darmstadt, Germany, the interaction of relativistic laser pulse with different targets namely low density CHO foams, high-Z foils and high Z-radiators was investigated.
Using different diagnostic tools especially electron-spectrometers in different angles, TLD-spectrometers and nuclear samples, it was...
Sergey Maiorov
(Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
29.01.20, 17:30
The relevance of studying high-voltage nanosecond pulsed gas discharges is due to their wide practical applications such as plasma-stimulated combustion, plasma aerodynamics, plasma medicine, surface treatment. At the same time, the rich variety of physical also determines the complexity of interpretation of observed phenomena. From a practical point of view, the study of spark discharges is...
Vladimir Efremov
29.01.20, 17:35
Silica is perspective material for component of powerful laser setups and new optical fibers. Damage of the light conductivity in the silica optical fiber transporting intense laser radiation leads to the absorption of energy and the appearance of a bright laser plasma with solid density. The plasma begins to move towards the radiation source, irreversibly damaging the light guide. Depending...
Marc Günther
(GSI, Darmstadt)
29.01.20, 17:40
We report on new findings in laser electron acceleration and high intense bremsstrahlung generation in the multi MeV energy range at moderate laser intensities. The new findings demonstrate the feasibility in terms of applications in the research field of nuclear photonics.
In recent laser matter interaction experiments at PHELIX facility (GSI, Darmstadt) using special foam targets,...
Alexis Amouretti
(Institut de Minéralogie de Physique des Matériaux et de Cosmochimie, Paris, FRANCE)
29.01.20, 17:45
Iron–oxygen (Fe-O) binary systems are of the utmost importance for planetary evolution. However, their phase diagrams and physical properties at extreme pressure and temperatures are poorly known. As an example, recent static compression experiments have demonstrated the existence of new iron oxide stoichiometries at high pressure and temperature such as FeO2 [1][2], Fe4O5 [3], Fe5O6 [4]....
Ilya Fedorov
(Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology)
29.01.20, 17:50
Insulator-to-metal transition (IMT) in fluid warm dense hydrogen (WDH) is one of the unresolved problems of the last decades. There are a large number of experiments aimed at determining this transition, but they have a large number of disagreements among themselves.
Today, the theoretical description of experiments has come down to the use of *ab initio* methods. One of the most used is...
Jianhua Feng
(Xi’an Jiaotong University)
29.01.20, 17:55
The easiest fusion reaction to achieve energy gain is D+T→α+n However, this reaction has the disadvantages of releasing neutrons with energy approximately 14 MeV and tritium is an unstable isotope of hydrogen One of the most promising fusion reactions, which is p+𝐵11, has been gaining considerable attention of researchers for its negligible radioactivity Unfortunately, the existing literature...
Dmitry Nikolaev
(senior researcher, Institut of problems of chemical physics, Chernogolovka, Russia)
29.01.20, 18:15
to follow
Saltanat Sadykova
(Juelich Research Centre, Juelich Supercomputing Centre)
29.01.20, 18:20
The amplification of a surface electromagnetic wave (SEW) by means of ultrarelativistic monoenergetic electron bunch running over the flat plasma surface in absence of a magnetic field is studied theoretically. It is shown that when the ratio of electron bunch number density to plasma electron number density multiplied by a powered to 5 relativity factor is much higher than 1, i.e 5 nb /np≫1...
Dimitri Khaghani
(University of Bordeaux)
29.01.20, 18:25
We present a device for positron detection in the framework of quantum-electrodynamics (QED) laser experiments. This instrument is a crucial element of a large project aiming at demonstrating for the first time the creation of electron-positron pairs via the so-called Breit-Wheeler (BW) process in the laboratory. This QED phenomenon occurs when the collision of two high-energy photons gives...
Igor Iosilevskiy
(Joint Institute for High Temperature (Russian Academy of Science))
29.01.20, 18:30
Phase transition-like (PT-like) discontinuities in equilibrium spatial charge distributions of ions in non-uniform Coulomb systems is a common phenomenon in wide number of problems for equilibrium thermo-electrostatic profiles. It was shown [1-4] that such discontinuities are peculiar micro-level manifestation of phase transitions and intrinsic macro-level non-ideality elects in local equation...
Pascal Diougue Ndione
30.01.20, 08:30
Intense and short laser pulses can be used to create dense plasma or
warm dense matter. States under these extreme conditions are very
complex and new experimetal methods as well theoretical approches are
required. After excitation with a laser pulse, electrons are driven out
of thermodynamic equilibrium. They then relax on a few femtoseconds.
However, there exits different types of...
Steffen Sander
(IKP, TU Darmstadt)
30.01.20, 08:55
Analysis of dense plasmas, such as Warm Dense Matter (WDM), proves to be a challenging field. Due to near solid densities and relatively low temperatures (0.1-100 eV), active optical analysis or passive probing through emission spectroscopy is not possible. However, higher photon energies are able to penetrate the samples and can be used to study WDM through scattering and absorption...
Istvan Földes
(Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
30.01.20, 09:20
It was recently shown [1] that plasma mirror can be an applicable pulse cleaning method even for UV lasers, as up to 70~\% efficiency can be obtained for intensities of $10^{15}$~W/cm$^2$. High acceleration of KrF laser produced plasmas was also observed [2]. Even recent results show that absorption and reflection of intense ultrashort laser pulses from laser plasmas depend strongly on the...
Marc Zimmer
(Technische Universität(TUDA))
30.01.20, 09:45
In recent years the demand for small sized neutron sources has immensely grown, which is caused by several factors. On one side, as technology advances, structures become more complex and an in-situ diagnostic is required that promises a sensitivity to small material variations while maintaining a high transmission range. On the other side the potential thread of undiscovered sensitive fissile...
Andrei Savel'ev
(Lomonosov Moscow State University)
30.01.20, 10:30
Efficient direct electron acceleration in the plasma channel with injection through the breaking of plasma waves generated by parametric instabilities was demonstrated experimentally and reproduced in the 2D3V PIC simulations. The electron bunch was produced using the specific plasma profile containing arbitrary sharp, ∼0.5λ, gradient at the vicinity of 0.1–0.5 critical density and a long tail...
Wenqing Wei
(Xi'an Jiaotong University)
30.01.20, 10:55
The rapid development, especially in the intensity and temporal contrast of ultraintense short-pulse lasers and the achievable technology of the nanometer materials have enabled new regimes of relativistic laser-plasma-interaction research and applications, such as laser-driven ion acceleration based on novel mechanisms, warm dense matter generation. A critical aspect of these is the initial...
Bernhard F. Bohlender
(Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Applied Physics)
30.01.20, 11:20
A plasma window (PW) is a device for separating two areas of different pressures while
letting particle beams pass with little to no loss.
It has been introduced by A. Hershcovitch.
In the course of this talk, the properties of a PW with apertures of
3.3 and 5.0mm will be presented which was investigated during my PhD thesis.
As working gas, a 98%Ar-2%H$_2$ mixture has been used due to...
Andre Michel
(IAP, Goethe University Frankfurt)
30.01.20, 11:45
A plasma window (PW) provides a membrane free particle beam transmission while separating low pressure areas such as accelerator vacuums from high pressurized environments. It offers advantages over conventional low pressure interfaces such as higher operation times and shorter length scales. At IAP Frankfurt, a PW was successfully developed and investigated in terms of its pressure separation...
Vladimir Lipp
30.01.20, 17:30
We present the dynamics of carrier density and carrier/atomic energy in silicon after its excitation by an X-ray laser or swift heavy ion in two-dimensional geometry. The dynamics is modeled using the so-called nTTM model, i.e., a system of three coupled partial differential equations: one for carrier ambipolar diffusion and two coupled diffusion equations for carriers and phonons. To solve...
Konstantin Khishchenko
(Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS)
30.01.20, 17:55
A new semiempirical equation of state for vanadium is proposed with taking into account melting and evaporation effects. Calculations of thermodynamic characteristics and the phase boundaries of solid, liquid and vapor over a wide range of densities and temperatures are carried out. Comparison of calculated results with available experimental data and theoretical predictions at high energy...
Mikhail Veysman
30.01.20, 18:20
Hydrodynamic simulations of action of intense energy fluxes on metals requires knowledge of their kinetic coefficients in a wide range of temperatures and densities, and taking into account the recent progress in powerfull short-wavelength laser systems, also in a wide range of frequencies. The quantum-statistical operator method and linear response theory allow to express kinetic coefficients...
Gerd Roepke
(Universitaet Rostock, Institut fuer Physik)
30.01.20, 18:45
We apply density functional theory molecular dynamics (DFT-MD) simulations to calculate the ionization degree of plasmas in the warm dense matter regime. Standard descriptions of the ionization potential depression (IPD) have been challenged recently by experiments approaching unprecedentedly high densities indicating that improved IPD models are required to describe warm dense matter. We...
Paul Gibbon
(Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
31.01.20, 08:30
Since its public release in 2015, the [EPOCH][1] particle-in-cell community code has accumulated a large base of over 1100 registered users, becoming an indispensable workhorse tool for many groups worldwide whose research specialisation ranges from high-power laser-plasma interactions and QED-plasmas, to kinetic instabilities in tokamaks, space physics and particle accelerator design. EPOCH...
Alexander Pukhov
(Uni Dusseldorf)
31.01.20, 09:00
we consider a few options to access the ultimate QED limit of matter in the strong electro-magnetic field, when \xi \alpha^2/3 > 1, where \alpha=1/137 is the fine-structure constant and \xi is the nonlinear quantum parameter.
This regime of fully non-perturbative QED has long been assumed to be not accessible experimentally. Yet, the progress in laser technology and particle accelerators may...
Mickael Grech
31.01.20, 09:25
Started in 2013, the electromagnetic PIC code SMILEI has achieved significant progress, both on the physics and performance aspects. To match its open-source and community-driven approach, it is now well documented and has a user-friendly design. New physics modules include collisions, ionization, radiation reaction, multiphoton Breit-Wheeler pair creation, an envelope model for laser-plasma...
Ujjwal Sinha
(Juelich Supercomputing Center, Juelich Forschungszentrum GmbH)
31.01.20, 09:50
Computing radiated fields from particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations are limited by the grid resolution. In PIC codes, the spatial scales are either the plasma skin-depth or the laser wavelength. Hence, resolving the radiated fields on the PIC grid requires extremely large computational resources. As the PIC codes can compute the particle trajectories for the entire simulation duration, a...
Michael Bussmann
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf)
31.01.20, 10:35
Laser plasma acceleration is transitioning from basic research to application and this transition is not finished.
At the one side of the spectrum, new experimental techniques and facilities enable a first look on the acceleration dynamics with atomic resolution.
On the other hand, simulations of the fundamental process are reaching predictive capabilities in both laser-driven elctron and...
Ricardo Fonseca
(Instituto Superior Técnico)
31.01.20, 11:00
The OSIRIS [1] Electromagnetic particle-in-cell (EM-PIC) code is widely used in the numerical modeling of many kinetic plasma laboratory and astrophysical scenarios. Working at the most fundamental microscopic level and needing to resolve the smallest spatial and temporal scales, these are the most compute-intensive models in plasma physics, requiring efficient use of large scale HPC systems....
Bhuvanesh Ramakrishna
(IIT Hyderabad)
31.01.20, 11:50
We have investigated the generation of dense electron-positron pairs and intense photonray
bursts in the laser plasma interaction using quantum electrodynamics (QED) effects
included in particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. Linearly polarized laser pulses were used to
irradiate a thin foil (1 μm) with an intensity of 4*1023 W/cm2. A scan of targets with
varying Z (Al, Cu and Au) is...