January 26, 2020 to February 1, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

On perspectives of HED@FAIR experimental study of dual unexplored phenomenon - anomalous thermodynamics regions nearby entropic phase transitions

Jan 27, 2020, 6:15 PM


Waldemar-Petersen-Haus Oberseitestraße 38 A-6992 Hirschegg/Kleinwalsertal


Prof. Igor Iosilevskiy (Joint Institute for igh Temperature)


There are three basic points for discussions on perspectives of HED@FAIR experimental study of unexplored phenomena: (*1*) – how to arrange HIB energy deposition; (*2*) – how to arrange diagnostics; (*3*) – what fundamental physical phenomenon should be explored to justify our using such huge facilities like FAIR, LHC, NICA *etc* for thermophysical investigations. In my talk I plan to continue my previous discussions on point (*3*). I.e. – very plausible but still hypothetical objects – *anomalous thermodynamics regions* (ATR) accompanying *entropic phase transitions* (*S*-PT). Remarkable feature of ATR - negative isochoric pressure/temperature derivative (*∂P/∂T*)*V* leads to non-standard sequence of expansion and compression of isochorically heated sample within HIHEX scenario. Another feature of ATR – anomalous negative isentropic pressure/temperature derivative (*∂T/∂P*)*S* leads to non-standard behavior of temperature on isentropic compression within LAPLAS scheme, i.e. *T*-decreasing instead of naively expected *T*-increasing, and anomalous *T*-increasing instead of expected *T*-decreasing along isentropic expansion in second stage of HIHEX. In my discussions I base on example of hot dense nitrogen as the material with (*S*-PT + ATR) anomalies, which were predicted by dynamic experiments and by the First-Principle numerical simulation. This work is supported by the Presidium RAS Scientific Program “Novel approaches to investigations of matter under high energy density conditions”

Primary author

Prof. Igor Iosilevskiy (Joint Institute for igh Temperature)

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