Fusion Studies I
- BENOIT CANAUD (Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique)
Markus Roth
(TU Darmstadt)
1/29/20, 8:30 AM
Marvel Fusion will start the first laser fusion company in Europe
Fusion energy is the ultimate energy source and a vital part of fighting climate change. So far the IFE community has focused on indirect-drive hot-spot ignition. Much progress has been made since the start of the NIC campaign in 2009. However, even though only short of about a factor of two in most parameters, ignition has...
Glen Anthony Wurden
(Los Alamos National Labs(LANL-PP))
1/29/20, 9:00 AM
During a disruption in a tokamak plasma, current carrying electrons can be accelerated to multi-MeV energies, which can cause severe damage to wall components. Conventional ways to study these relativistic electrons include observation of synchrotron and bremsstrahlung radiation. But these measurements are line integrated, and it is difficult to unfold the original runaway electron source...
B. Grant Logan
(Consultant to LLNL-NIF)
1/29/20, 9:25 AM
A large design and development project has begun at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with 30 scientists and engineers, towards a goal to field magnetically-assisted ignition targets on the National Ignition Facility using applied B fields up to 30 T for indirectly-driven cryogenic-layered DT capsules soon after 2020. First experiments will be conducted with warm gas-filled capsules...
claude deutsch
(LPGP U-Paris-Saclay)
1/29/20, 9:50 AM
Negative muons in the MeV energy range are shown fully stopped in WDM and FIS/ICF plasmas
on a psec time scale by including slowing down on partially degenerate electrons as well as
on classical hydrogen isotope ions.
Atomic and molecular recombination on exotic and lowest available bound states are demonstrated.
The very existence of in situ exoatoms can then be probed through X-ray line...