January 26, 2020 to February 1, 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Reflectivity and spectral shift from plasma mirrors generated by KrF laser

Jan 30, 2020, 9:20 AM


Waldemar-Petersen-Haus Oberseitestraße 38 A-6992 Hirschegg/Kleinwalsertal


Prof. Istvan Földes (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)


It was recently shown [1] that plasma mirror can be an applicable pulse cleaning method even for UV lasers, as up to 70~\% efficiency can be obtained for intensities of $10^{15}$~W/cm$^2$. High acceleration of KrF laser produced plasmas was also observed [2]. Even recent results show that absorption and reflection of intense ultrashort laser pulses from laser plasmas depend strongly on the temporal contrast of the laser beam [3]. In our lab a new non-linear Fourier-filter method [4] was demonstrated for the contrast improvement of short-pulse KrF lasers and this was applied the first time here for high-intensity laser plasma experiments. It was found that increasing the intensity of the 248~nm, 600~fs laser pulse from $10^{15}$~W/cm$^2$ to $10^{18}$~W/cm$^2$ the plasma reflectivity not only saturates but decreases below 20~\% for different target materials and different polarizations. The spectral shift of the reflected beam depends strongly on the contrast of the beam. Using the improved contrast of $5\cdot10^{11}$ with the Fourier filtering spectral blue shift up to 0.6~nm was observed, corresponding to the plasma acceleration of $4\cdot10^{18}$~ms$^{-2}$. This is approximately four times higher than the previous result [2] and it does not depend strongly on the incoming beam polarization. Thus the acceleration is probably caused by the ponderomotive force. \vspace{10mm} \noindent\textbf{References} \vspace{5mm} \noindent[1] B. Gilicze et al.; Rev. Sci. Instrum. \textbf{87}, 083101 (2016) \noindent[2] R. Sauerbrey; Physics of Plasmas \textbf{3}, 4712 (1996) \noindent[3] P.K. Singh et. al.; Scientific Reports \textbf{5}, 17870 (2015) \noindent[4] B. Gilicze et. al.; Optics Express \textbf{27}, 17377 (2019)

Primary author

Mr Zsolt Kovacs (Wigner Research Centre for Physics and University of Szeged)


Mr Barnabas Gilicze (University of Szeged) Prof. Istvan Földes (Wigner Research Centre for Physics) Mr Krisztian Bali (University of Szeged and Wigner RCP) Prof. Sandor Szatmari (University of Szeged)

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