High-Intensity Lasers and Applications in HED Science III
- Nikolay Andreev (JIHT RAS)
Pascal Diougue Ndione
1/30/20, 8:30 AM
Intense and short laser pulses can be used to create dense plasma or
warm dense matter. States under these extreme conditions are very
complex and new experimetal methods as well theoretical approches are
required. After excitation with a laser pulse, electrons are driven out
of thermodynamic equilibrium. They then relax on a few femtoseconds.
However, there exits different types of...
Steffen Sander
(IKP, TU Darmstadt)
1/30/20, 8:55 AM
Analysis of dense plasmas, such as Warm Dense Matter (WDM), proves to be a challenging field. Due to near solid densities and relatively low temperatures (0.1-100 eV), active optical analysis or passive probing through emission spectroscopy is not possible. However, higher photon energies are able to penetrate the samples and can be used to study WDM through scattering and absorption...
Istvan Földes
(Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
1/30/20, 9:20 AM
It was recently shown [1] that plasma mirror can be an applicable pulse cleaning method even for UV lasers, as up to 70~\% efficiency can be obtained for intensities of $10^{15}$~W/cm$^2$. High acceleration of KrF laser produced plasmas was also observed [2]. Even recent results show that absorption and reflection of intense ultrashort laser pulses from laser plasmas depend strongly on the...
Marc Zimmer
(Technische Universität(TUDA))
1/30/20, 9:45 AM
In recent years the demand for small sized neutron sources has immensely grown, which is caused by several factors. On one side, as technology advances, structures become more complex and an in-situ diagnostic is required that promises a sensitivity to small material variations while maintaining a high transmission range. On the other side the potential thread of undiscovered sensitive fissile...