HED and HED Facilities I
- Vincent Bagnoud (GSI, Darmstadt)
Jens Stadlmann
(GSI, Darmstadt)
1/27/20, 9:10 AM
SIS18 underwent a massive upgrade program to become the booster for SIS100, the main accelerator of the FAIR project. We will report on the status of the upgrade program. As part uf the upgrade SIS18, ESR, Cryring and HEBT were all retrofitted to run with a completely new control and timing system which is being developed for the FAIR project. We will report on the status and capabilities of...
Boris Sharkov
(JINR Dubna)
1/27/20, 9:40 AM
This presentation outlines ongoing activities on development of heavy ion accelerator facilities, providing high-brightness beams capable of generating intense beams extreme state of matter. Manifested facilities goals is pushing the “intensity” and the “precision frontiers” to the extremes when accelerating full range of ion beam species from p+ to U to highest beam intensities and...
Naeem Ahmad Tahir
(GSI, Darmstadt)
1/27/20, 10:10 AM
In 1979 a heavy ion beam driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF) reactor study, named HIBALL was organized by the GSI, in which 50 scientists from different institutions participated. This study included the driver design, the target design and the reactor chamber design. A small group of scientists worked to propose a viable ICF target for the HIBALL reactor system. Suitable target...