25. September 2018
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Program & Contributions

Location: Seminar Room SB3 3.170a (former Theory Seminar Room)

Program & Abstracts as pdf-file (25 September 2018)

Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Time Topic Speaker
09:00 Welcome Thomas Stöhlker (Friedrich Schiller Univ., Jena/Helmholtz Inst. Jena/GSI)
  Highlights from GFS Labs Chair: Dirk Rudolph (Lund Univ.)
9:10 Recent results from the FIONA Separator at LBNL J.M. Gates (LBNL)
09:35 MRTOF Mass measurements at RIBF: Recent measurements of heavy isotopes and future plans for the super-heavy region (Abstract) M. Rosenbusch (RIKEN)
10:00 Low-lying states in 219Ra and 215Rn: sampling μs α-decaying nuclei A. Såmark-Roth (Lund Univ.)
10:25 Coffee Break
  Physics highlights Chair: Lutz Schweikhard (Univ. of Greifswald)
10:50 Central depression of nucleonic densities B. Schuetrumpf (GSI)
11:15 Present status of SHE chemistry at JAEA T. Sato (JAEA)
11:40 Electron-captured delayed fission in the heaviest nuclei (Abstract) J. Khuyagbaatar
12:05 Penning-Trap Mass Spectrometry of the Heaviest Elements with SHIPTRAP F. Giacoppo
12:30 Lunch Break
13:15 Workshop Photo
  Chemistry Chair: Andreas Türler (Univ. Bern)
13:30 Recent results of theoretical studies of properties of E113-E115 (Abstract) V. Pershina (GSI) / M. Ilias (HIM/Matej Bel Univ.)
13:55 Adsorption of the superheavy element species on Au surface: Relativistic DFT study Y. Demidov
14:20 Rapid extraction of short-lived isotopes from a buffer gas cell for use in gas-phase chemistry to access elements beyond Fl (Abstract) S. Götz (HIM/GSI)
14:45 Optimizing the in-situ production yield of transition metal carbonyls (Abstract) Y. Wittwer (PSI)
15:10 Coffee Break
  Facilities, technical developments Chair: Ulrich Scherer (HS Mannheim)
15:35 First acceleration of heavy ion beams with a superconducting cw-Linac CH-structure at GSI M. Miski-Oglu (HIM/GSI)
16:00 Commissioning of MARA at JYFL and first experiments J. Saren (JYFL)
16:25 Target development for S3 C. Stodel (GANIL)
16:50 Closing remarks
17:00 End of TASCA18 workshop

All presentations include 20 minutes presentation plus 5 minutes discussion time