9:10 AM
Session I
(until 12:30 PM)
(Lecture Hall)
9:10 AM
(Lecture Hall)
9:20 AM
Relativistic physics with a microwave crystal simulating graphene
- Prof.
Achim Richter
(Lecture Hall)
10:00 AM
Experiments with an ultracold three-component Fermi gas
- Prof.
Selim Jochim
(Lecture Hall)
10:40 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:10 AM
Strongly coupled dilute Fermi gases
- Prof.
Thomas Schäfer
(Lecture Hall)
11:50 AM
Fluidity and super-critical fluids: From RHIC to LHC
Volker Koch
(Lecture Hall)
9:10 AM
Session I
(until 12:30 PM)
(Lecture Hall)
9:10 AM
Nuclear physics from simulations
- Prof.
Ulf-G. Meissner
(Lecture Hall)
9:50 AM
Atomic nuclei at low resolution
Richard Furnstahl
(Lecture Hall)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:10 AM
Nuclear structure with chiral NN plus 3N interactions
Robert Roth
(Lecture Hall)
11:50 AM
Ab initio nuclear structure calculations
Thomas Papenbrock
(Lecture Hall)
9:10 AM
Session I
(until 12:30 PM)
(Lecture Hall)
9:10 AM
Constraints from nuclear matter for the QCD phase diagram
- Prof.
Wolfram Weise
(Lecture Hall)
9:50 AM
The strongly coupled quark gluon plasma
- Prof.
Jean-Paul Blaizot
(Lecture Hall)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee break ---
11:10 AM
QCD at finite density and the sign problem
Jacobus Verbaarschot
(Lecture Hall)
11:50 AM
Mapping out the QCD phase diagram
Vladimir Skokov
(Lecture Hall)
12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Session II
(until 6:00 PM)
(Theory Seminarroom)
2:00 PM
High pT photons from relativistic nuclear collisions
Charles Gale
(Theory Seminarroom)
2:40 PM
First results from ALICE
- Prof.
Johanna Stachel
(Theory Seminarroom)
3:20 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM
Exploring compressed nuclear matter with HADES
Tetyana Galatyuk
(Theory Seminarroom)
4:40 PM
Recent issues related to quarkyonic matter
Larry McLerran
(Theory Seminarroom)
5:20 PM
Presentation of EMMI
- Prof.
Carlo Ewerz
(Theory Seminarroom)
6:00 PM
--- Dinner Buffet ---
12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Session II
(until 6:00 PM)
(Lecture Hall)
2:00 PM
Spin correlations in hot dense matter and ultracold atomic gases
Christopher Pethick
(Lecture Hall)
2:40 PM
Constraints on the equation of state of dense matter from neutron star masses and radii
James Lattimer
(Lecture Hall)
4:00 PM
--- Tea ---
4:30 PM
Can one determine the neutrino mass in the double beta decay?
- Prof.
Amand Faessler
(Lecture Hall)
6:00 PM
--- Buffet dinner ---
12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Session II
(until 5:10 PM)
(Lecture Hall)
2:00 PM
The QCD phase diagram for small values of the chemical potential
Frithjof Karsch
(Lecture Hall)
2:40 PM
Towards finite density QCD with Taylor expansions
Matthias Wagner
(Lecture Hall)
3:20 PM
--- Coffee break ---
3:50 PM
Dileptons in hot and/or dense matter and the chiral phase transition
Hendrik van Hees
(Lecture Hall)
4:30 PM
Strong QCD with functional methods
Christian Fischer
(Lecture Hall)