26.–29. Juni 2017
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone


Program of the NUSPIN 2017 workshop


Monday 26th June

KBW, Main Lecture Hall

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Coffee

14:00-14:15 Welcome

Silvia Lenzi (University of Padova, Italy)


Session 1: chair: Silvia Lenzi


14:15-14:40 Paolo Giubellino (GSI/FAIR, Germany)

FAIR physics and perspectives for Nuclear Structure

14:40-15:05 Alahari Navin (GANIL, France)

Xperimenting Xploring Xperiencing Femtoscience at GANIL

15:05-15:30 Diego Bettoni (Legnaro National Laboratories, Italy)

From Basic Research to Applications of Nuclear Technologies

15:30-15:55 Takaharu Otsuka (RIKEN/University of Tokyo, Japan)

Shell-model challenge to gamma-ray spectroscopy


15:55-16:20 Coffee

15:55 Workshop Photo


Session 2: chair: Araceli Lopez-Martens


16:20-16:45 Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo (TU Darmstadt, Germany)

Explosive nucleosynthesis of heavy elements: an astrophysical and nuclear physics challenge


16:45-17:10 Jonathan Wilson (IPN Orsay, France)

Physics at the ALTO facility

17:10-17:35 Adam Maj (IFJ, Krakow, Poland)

First PARIS experiments in the ENSAR2 TNA facilities

17:35-18:00 Gabriel Suliman (ELI-NP, Romania)

The segmented clover detector array (ELIADE) for NRF experiments at ELI-NP


18:00-18:15 Magdalena Matejska-Minda (HIL, University of Warsaw, Poland)

Electromagnetic properties of 45Sc studied by low-energy Coulomb excitation


18:15-18:30 Ana Isabel Morales Lόpez (IFIC, Valencia, Spain)

Decay studies of exotic A 70 nuclei: Test of nuclear properties at both extremes of the nuclear chart

18:30-18:45 Tugba Arici (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)

Deformation around A=70 through the proton drip-line


18:45 Welcome Reception






Tuesday 27th June

KBW, Main Lecture Hall


Session 3: chair: Piotr Bednarczyk


9:00-9:25 Frederic Nowacki (IPHC, Strasbourg, France)

Shell Model Far From Stability: Islands of Inversion Mergers

9:25-9:50 Riccardo Raabe (KU Leuven, Belgium)

Novel experimental approaches to transfer reactions with RIBs

9:50-10:15 Fabio Crespi (University of Milano and INFN, Italy)

Gamma decay of pygmy states from inelastic scattering of ions

10:15-10:30 Dmitry Testov (DIFA and INFN Padova, Italy,)

E2 transition probabilities in light 110,112Te isotopes

10:30-10:45 Marc Lettmann (TU Darmstadt, Germany)

Signatures of triaxiality in low-spin spectra of 86Ge


10:45 – 11:05 Coffee


Session 4: chair: Jürgen Gerl


11:05-11:30 Christopher Campbell (LBNL, United States of America)

GRETINA: Status and Recent Results

11:30-11:55 Alejandro Algora (IFIC, Valencia, Spain)

DTAS: recent results and future plans


11:55-12:10 Claus Müller-Gatermann (IKP Cologne, Germany)

A New Dedicated Plunger Device for the GALILEO gamma-ray array

12:10-12:25 Agnese Giaz (INFN Milano, Italy)

Investigation of internal background of 7Li and 6Li enriched CLYC scintillators

12:25-12:40 Sefa Erturk (Omer Halisdemr University, Turkey)

Performance of NUMEXO2 Digital Electronic : Effect of K-parameter on the Energy Resolution


12:40-14:00 Lunch


Session 5: chair: Norbert Pietralla

14:00-14:25 Tomas Rodriguez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)

Recent applications of symmetry conserving configuration mixing methods to describe nuclear spectra

14:25-14:50 Liam Gaffney (CERN, Switzerland)

Exploiting post-accelerated RIBs with Miniball at HIE-ISOLDE


14:50-15:05 Christian Lorenz (Lund University, Sweden)

Quantum State Selective Decay Spectroscopy of 213Ra

15:05-15:20 Volker Werner (TU Darmstadt, Germany)

The shape-transitional 98Zr: Measurement of the 21+ B(E2) value with GRETINA/CHICO2 at ATLAS/CARIBU

15:20-15:45 Angela Bracco (University of Milano and INFN, Italy)

The new Long Range Plan of NuPECC for Nuclear physics


15:45-16:00 Coffee


16:00 Transport to Darmstadt



17:00 – 18:00 Concert

19:00 - Dinner

Wednesday 28th June

KBW, Main Lecture Hall


Session 6: chair: Johan Nyberg

9:00-9:25 Luigi Corragio (INFN, Naples, Italy)

Realistic Shell Model for Exotic Nuclei: Reliability and Predictability

9:25-9:50 Caterina Michelagnoli (ILL, Grenoble, France)

FIPPS: the new Nuclear Physics instrument of ILL

9:50-10:05 Rudrajyoti Palit (TIFR, Mumbai, India)

Wobbling modes in odd-A nuclei in A~130 region

10:05-10:20 Sudipta Saha( TU Darmstadt and GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)

Observation of a long regular band structure at high spin in 89Zr

10:20-10:35 Cesar Lizarazo (TU Darmstadt, Germany)

Isomer decay spectroscopy of neutron-rich 92-94Se


10:35-10:55 Coffee


Session 7: chair: Franco Camera

10:55-11:20 Jeremie Dudouet (IPNL, Lyon, France)

Exploring the low Z boundary of the island of deformation at N=60 using AGATA and VAMOS

11:20-11:45 Marcel Heine (IPHC/CNRS, Strasbourg, France)

Sub-barrier fusion cross section measurements with gamma-particle- coincidences with STELLA

11:45-12:10 Jean-Marc Régis (IKP, Köln, Germany)

New expertise on gamma-gamma fast timing using arrays of LaBr3(Ce) detectors

12:10-12:25 Guangshun Li (GSI,Germany)

Simulation on the DESPEC Germanium Array Spectrometer (DEGAS)

12:25-12:40 Grześ Jaworski (LNL INFN, Italy)

The New Neutron Multiplicity Filter NEDA


12:40-14:00 Lunch


14:00-14:25 Paul Greenlees (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)

Nuclear Structure Studies at JYFL

14:25-14:50 Zsolt Podolyak (University of Surrey, United Kingdom)


Working Groups meetings

Wednesday 28th June, KBW, Main Lecture Hall


Introduction: Daniele Mengoni (University of Padova and INFN, Italy)

WG1: Perspective for the use of gamma-ray spectrometers

Convener: Francesco Recchia (University of Padova and INFN, Italy)


14.50-15.10 Jonathan Wilson (IPN Orsay, France) (tbc)

On a distributed HPGe det lab (tbc)

15.10-15.30 Paul Greenlees (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)


15.30-15.50 Francesco Recchia (University of Padova and INFN, Italy)

A new setup for direct reaction w/ RIBs


15.50-16.10 Coffee break


WG2: Data treatment for PSA, FEE, beam tracking devices

Convener: Marlène Assie (IPN Orsay, France)


16.10-16.30 Gabriele Pasquali (University of Florence and INFN, Italy)

Radiation damage effects on the PSA performance

16.30-16.50 Ramon Aliaga (University of Valencia, Spain)

A Self-triggered, Deadtime-less FEE

16.50-17.10 Chiara Nociforo (GSI, Germany)

Pico-second resolution timing measurements


WG3: High-efficiency and fast-timing scintillators

Convener: Enrique Nacher (IEM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain)


17.10-17.30 Franco Camera (University of Milano and INFN, Italy)

Response of a large LaBr3:Ce detector to 6-38 MeV gamma rays

17.30-17.50 Jose Manuel Udias (Univ. Complutense de Madrid, Spain)

Digital strategies for time and energy measurement for ultra-fast scintillators

17.50-18.10 Joakim Cederkal (University of Lund, Sweden)

Innovative solutions for the CALIFA forward endcap


18.10-18.15 Short Break


WG4: Coupling a plunger device with a particle detector

Convener: Alain Goasduff (University of Padova and INFN)


18.15-18.25 Joa Ljungvall (CSNSM Orsay, France)

title tbd

18.25-18.55 Asli Kusoglu (ELI – NP, Romania)

High precision g-factor measurements with stable and radioactive nuclei and perspectives for experiments @SPES and @ELI-NP


Conclusive remarks (All)

Scientific Committee meeting

KBW 2.28



Program of the Annual AGATA Collaboration Meeting


Thursday 29th June

KBW, Main Lecture Hall


09:00 Start of meeting


chair: Johan Nyberg


09:00-09:30 Andres Gadea (IFIC Valencia, Spain)

AGATA status

09:30-09:55 Emmanuel Clement (GANIL, France)

AGATA campaign at GANIL

09:55-10:15 Paddy Regan (University of Surrey, UK)

AGATA + FATIMA sub-campaign at GANIL

10:15-10:35 Gilles de France (GANIL, France)

AGATA + DIAMANT + NEDA sub-campaign at GANIL


10:35-11:00 Coffee


chair: Jürgen Gerl


11:00-11:15 Philipp Napiralla (IKP TU Darmstadt, Germany)

Bayes-Tracking - A novel Approach to Gamma-ray Tracking

11:15-11:30 Hongjie Li (GANIL, France)

Improving Pulse Shape Analysis in a tracking array with reference pulses obtained from source data


AGATA Campaign at GSI 2012-2014


11:30-11:45 Natasa Lalovic (Lund University, Sweden)

Projectile fragmentation experiments in PreSPEC AGATA's S429: insight to exotic-nuclei production mechanisms via isomeric ratios

11:45-12:00 Oliver Wieland (INFN Milano, Italy)

Investigation of E1 Strength in 64,62Fe

12:00-12:15 Alberto Boso (INFN Padova, Italy)

Isospin Mixing in the A=46, T=1 Isobaric Multiplet

12:15-12:30 Tayfun Hüyük (IFIC-CSIC Valencia, Spain)

Coulomb excitation of the band-terminating 12+ yrast trap in 52Fe


12:30-14:00 Lunch


AGATA Campaign at GANIL 2015-2017


chair: Silvia Lenzi


14:00-14:15 Francois Didierjean (IPHC Strasbourg, France)

Test of the N = 50 neutron gap in the vicinity of 78Ni and systematics of neutron-rich Ge nuclei

14:15-14:30 Marco Siciliano (INFN LNL, Italy)

Lifetime measurement in N=Z=50 region

14:30-14:45 Rosa Maria Pérez Vidal (IFIC-CSIC Valencia, Spain)

Collectivity along N = 50: the neutron-magic 92Mo and 94Ru

14:45-15:00 Damian Ralet (CSNSM Orsay, France)

Towards lifetime and g-factor measurements of short-lived states in the vicinity of 208Pb

15:00-15:15 Christoph Fransen (IKP Cologne, Germany)

Evolution of the shell structure in the region of neutron-rich Ti isotopes

15:15-15:30 Caterina Michelagnoli (ILL Grenoble)

Evolution of collectivity around N = 40: Lifetime measurements in 73,75Ga: Status of the analysis

15:30-15:45 Yung Hee Kim (GANIL, France)

Prompt-delayed γ-ray spectroscopy with AGATA, EXOGAM and VAMOS++: Report on the present status of e661


15:45-16:00 Coffee

16:00-17:30 Closed AGATA Collaboration Council Meeting

17:30 End of meeting