Oliver Boine-Frankenheim
13.10.14, 10:00
The FAIR accelerators should increase the intensity of primary proton and heavy ion beams available for the production of secondary beams by up to two orders of magnitude, relative to the existing GSI facility. In addition to the design of the synchrotron SIS100 and the storage rings, the intensity upgrade of the existing UNILAC and SIS18 plays a key role for the FAIR project. As a first...
Wilfried Nörtershäuser
(TU Darmstadt)
13.10.14, 11:30
The program of the SPARC collaboration at FAIR is a unique research program on highly-charged heavy ions that utilizes storage ring and trapping facilities. In this talk, a short overview on various current and future activities with some emphasis on laser-related work will be given, including possibilities for experiments at the High-Energy Storage Ring HESR and the Cryring facility, which...
Norbert Herrmann
(U Heidelberg)
13.10.14, 14:50
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment is one of the major scientific pillars of the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt. The goal of the CBM research program is to explore the QCD phase diagram in the region of high baryon densities using high-energy proton and heavy-ion beams in the energy range from 2A GeV to 45A GeV. Key aspects are the study of the...
Nasser Kalantar
(U Groningen)
13.10.14, 16:30
The upcoming FAIR facility in Darmstadt, Germany, will produce intense high- energy beams of exotic nuclei which will be used to explore the properties of new regions of the chart of nuclides of key importance for the investigation of nuclear structure and reactions, and nuclear astrophysics. Several experiments have been planned with the aim of addressing the scientific challenges. These...
Johan Messchendorp
(KVI-CART, U Groningen)
13.10.14, 18:00
Computing remains a prominent and challenging element in the data processing scheme of today’s design of future experiments. With the increasing complexity of heterogeneous detectors with massive amounts of electronic channels producing records of physics data, thereby, serving large and divers international scientific communities, the “big data challenge” has also become a central theme for...
Sebastian Neubert
14.10.14, 09:00
Ralf Rapp
(U Texas A&M)
14.10.14, 11:00
Photons and dileptons are pristine probes of the hot and dense medium formed in heavy-ion collisions, since, once produced, they traverse the fireball undistorted. Dilepton invariant-mass spectra are the only known observable which enable a direct access to an in-medium spectral function, in the vector channel. In the vacuum, and at low mass (M<1.5GeV), the vector spectral function is...
Luciano Musa
14.10.14, 15:15
Adam Szczepaniak
(U Indiana)
14.10.14, 16:15
Abhay Deshpande
(Stony Brook)
14.10.14, 17:00
Antonino Di Piazza
(MPI Kernphysik)
15.10.14, 09:45
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) is a well established theory and its predictions have been successfully confirmed experimentally in different regimes. However, there are still areas of QED that deserve theoretical and experimental investigation, especially when processes occur in the presence of electromagnetic background fields of the order of the so-called critical fields of QED [1]....
Stefanos Paschalis
(TU Darmstadt)
15.10.14, 14:00
In this contribution I will discuss the quasi-free scattering program at R3B. A compilation of experimental results on the single-particle structure of stable and exotic nuclei probed via the quasi-free scattering reaction in inverse kinematics will be presented. The cross sections and momentumdistributions are compared to recent calculations employing the reaction model presented in Ref. [1]...
Mirko von Schmid
(TU Darmstadt)
15.10.14, 14:20
EXL (EXotic nuclei studied in Light-ion induced reactions at the NESR storage ring) is a project within NUSTAR at FAIR. It aims for the investigation of light-ion induced direct reactions in inverse kinematics with radioactive ions cooled and stored in the future NESR (New Experimental Storage Ring). A universal detector system will be built around an internal target of the NESR in order to...
Ulrika Forsberg
(Lund University)
15.10.14, 14:40
During the past decade, a number of correlated alpha-decay chains, which all terminate by spontaneous fission, have been observed in several independent experiments using 48Ca-induced fusion-evaporation reactions on actinide targets. These are interpreted to originate from the production of neutron-rich isotopes with proton numbers Z=113-118. In November 2012, a three-week experiment was...
Tariq Mahmoud
(Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen(JuLGi-2PI))
15.10.14, 15:20
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at the future FAIR facility will investigate high baryon density matter at moderate temperatures in A+A collisions from 4-35 AGeV beam energy. One of the key observables of the CBM physics program is electromagnetic radiation from the early fireball carrying undistorted information on its conditions to the detector. This includes detailed...
Ralph Hollinger
15.10.14, 15:30
Lev Shestov
15.10.14, 15:40
Sören Lange
(U Giessen)
16.10.14, 09:35
For selected examples of open charm and charmonium production, the expected reach of BESIII and Belle II will be compared to the expected reach of Panda. Systematic effects such as background, vertex resolution and fixed target vs. collider mode will be addressed.
Paola Gianotti
(INFN Frascati)
16.10.14, 10:10
The PANDA experiment is one of the major projects in preparation at the upcoming FAIR facility. It will study interactions between antiprotons and protons or nuclei in the momentum range from 1.5 to 15 GeV/c. The PANDA scientific program will address a wide range of topics, all aiming at improving our understanding of the strong interaction and hadron structure using a general purpose...
Marek Lewitowicz
16.10.14, 12:15
Roger Caballero-Folch
16.10.14, 14:00
This contribution reports on the status of the data analysis of the experiment performed at the GSI-FRS facility (Germany), where very exotic nuclei, beyond N=126, were produced and isotopes of Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Po, At, Rn and Fr were precisely identified using tracking detectors with the method of time-of-flight. Thanks to the detection system which comprised two detection systems, a...
Josef Pochodzalla
(U Mainz)
16.10.14, 15:10
PANDA is a key experiment of the FAIR facility in Darmstadt. It will study fundamental questions of hadron physics and QCD by exploring interactions between an antiproton beam and a fixed proton or nuclear target. Because of the relative large production cross section of hyperon-antihyperon pairs in antiproton-nucleus collisions PANDA is a unique factory for hyperon-antihyperon pair...
Maria Patsyuk
(U Frankfurt)
16.10.14, 15:20
The PANDA detector requires excellent particle identification (PID) for the full solid angle and a wide momentum range. In the barrel region of the detector the hadron PID will be performed by a DIRC counter. The successful BABAR DIRC inspired the baseline design of the PANDA Barrel DIRC, which was further advanced by such modifications as fast photon timing and focusing optics. Narrow long...
Klaus Blaum
(MPI Kernphysik)
16.10.14, 16:30
The mass of the nucleus reflects the total energy of this many-body system and thus is a key property for a variety of nuclear structure and fundamental investigations. Modern experimental techniques, like storage ring or Penning-trap mass spectrometry, have pushed in recent years the limits of sensitivity, resolution and accuracy. This has allowed to access exotic species very far from the...
Isao Tanihata
(RCNP Osaka)
17.10.14, 09:00
Super-FRS collaboration has been started this year that aims to identify the unique physics using Super-FRS as a separator and high-resolution spectrometer. The collaboration identified a number of experiments that should be prepared before completion of FAIR and Super-FRS. This talk present the over view of such unique experiments proposed with the Super-FRS collaboration.
Daniel Rodriguez
(U Granada)
17.10.14, 10:40
The high production yields expected at the future Facility for Antiprotons and Ion Research (FAIR) will allow precision experiments on very exotic nuclei with the advanced trapping system MATS, for the measurements of atomic masses and nuclear-decay schemes, and with LaSpec, for precision collinear laser spectroscopy of ions and atoms. MATS and LaSpec, designed since 2010 [1], will be located...
Hans Rudolf Schmidt
(U Tübingen)
17.10.14, 12:00
In historic perspective 3D-detectors have greatly advanced particle physics: cloud and bubble chambers, emulsion chambers, spark and streamer chambers have either led to Nobel Prize-worthy discoveries, or their invention itself was rewarded by a Nobel Prize. However, these detectors are read out visually and are thus notoriously slow. In this respect the invention of multi-wire...
Susanne Gläßel
(Institut für Kernphysik Frankfurt)
The CBM (Compressed Baryonic Matter) at FAIR will be dedicated to the exploration of the QCD phase diagram in the region of high net-baryon densities. The CBM Transition-Radiation Detector (TRD) has to deliver a good tracking and electron identification performance at high interaction rates. A thin Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber without drift volume delivers the required high rate...
Aleksei Malyshev
(Department of Physics, St. Petersburg State University)
In this work the calculations of the binding energies of four-electron (berylliumlike) ions are performed for the wide range of the nuclear charge values $Z = 18 - 96$.
The calculations incorporate the first two orders of the rigorous QED perturbation theory. The third and higher orders of the interelectronic interaction are calculated within the Breit approximation by means of the...
Ilia Maltsev
(St. Petersburg State University)
The supercritical effects of QED have not yet been studied in experiments. The supercritical fields cause the instability of the vacuum, which can decay spontaneously via creation of electron-positron pairs [1]. Such strong fields can be achieved in low-energy heavy-ion collisions. At the future FAIR facility it will be possible to produce sufficient amount of heavy ions of required energies...
(Plasma physics Group, Institute of Applied Physics, Goethe University, 60438, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, 730000, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China)
This plasma stripper experiment is performed at Z6 area of GSI. We adapt the two ion species of Bi and Au with both the initial charge state of 26+. These 3.6 MeV/u projectiles with a frequency of 36 MHz penetrate the hydrogen plasma produced in the inductively coupled plasma device. The
both 3.6 MeV/u Bi26+ and Au26+ with a frequency of 36 MHz are adopted as the projectiles. Taking...
Evgeny Lavrik
(Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen(UT-PIT)), Herr
Jorge Sanchez Rosado
Poster presentation
Stanislav Tashenov
(Heidelberg University)
To study fundamental processes in atomic collisions and perform polarisation diagnostics of hot fusion and astrophysical plasmas we develop a broad range of polarisation sensitive x-ray and gamma-rays detectors. Two detectors are based on Silicon PIN diodes and Silicon Drift Detectors and dedicated to the energy range of 10-30 keV. This is the lowest energy range that was accessed by the...
Pradeep Ghosh
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt(UFfm-IKP))
The detector module is the building block of the CBM Silicon Tracking System. It comprises of double-sided silicon microstrip sensors, ultra-thin read-out cables and novel front-end electronics. Various types of modules will be employed in the proposed detector system, differing in sensor size and cable length according to the position. We report on the development of these module components....
Marcel Tiemens
(Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (University of Groningen))
Poster presentation
Alexandros Apostolou
(Phd Student KVI-CART)
The PANDA experiment is one of the pillars of the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany. The PANDA physics program is focused on answering fundamental questions related to Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), mostly in the non-perturbative energy regime. Spectroscopy exploiting D-mesons and Λc-baryons that are com- posed of a heavy charm valence quark and one or...
Oleg Andreev
(St. Petersburg State University)
Investigations of the hyperfine splitting (HFS) in highly charged ions can provide tests of quantum electrodynamics (QED) in the strongest electromagnetic field presently avail- able. The simultaneous study of the HFS in H- and Li-like ions is required, since the Bohr- Weisskopf effect, dominating the theoretical uncertainty, is almost cancelled in the specific difference of the HFS values...
Irina Ivanova
(St. Petersburg State University)
Nowadays, laser technologies are rapidly developed. For instance, there is PHELIX facility (The Petawatt High-Energy Laser for Heavy Ion EXperiments) [1] at GSI (Darmstadt). This facility allows us to obtain extremely intense laser fields. Highly charged ions are the ones of the most interesting objects that can be experimentally studied with such strong fields. FAIR will provide a unique...
Vladimir Shabaev
(St.Petersburg State University)
Relativistic calculations of the nuclear recoil and nuclear size contributions to the g-factors of highly charged lithiumlike ions are performed. The nuclear recoil effect is calculated within the rigorous QED approach. As the result, the most accurate theoretical predictions for the corresponding isotope shifts are obtained.
Michael Bussmann
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf)
We present recent results from laser cooling and preparatorial experiments at ESR and CSRe. One of the first steps towards laser cooling of highly charged ions at high beam energies will be the development and testing of laser systems with large frequency range to address the initially broad momentum spread of ion beams injected into a storage ring. For Li-like and Na-like heavy ions ...
Elena Lebedeva
(Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at the future FAIR facility is designed to investigate high baryon density matter at moderate temperatures in Au+Au collisions from 4A GeV to 35A GeV beam energies. One of the key observables of the CBM physics program is electromagnetic radiation from the early fireball carrying undistorted information on its conditions to the detector. This...
(Université des Sciences et de la Technologie, Houari Boumédiene)
The elucidation of production and destruction processes of Lithium, Beryllium and Boron light elements both in stellar and interstellar media is of crucial interest in connection with several astrophysical problems. In addition to the rarity of Li, Be and B elements in the solar-system (the Li-Be-B problem), some of these problems are, e. g., the origin and interactions of cosmic rays,...
José Benlliure
(University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Nucleon Resonances for Nuclear Structure Research
J. Benlliure1, H. Geissel2.3, H. Lenske2,3, J. Vargas1, I. Vidaña4, H. Alvarez-Pol1, Y. Ayyad1,
T. Aumann2, J. Atkinson2, S. Beceiro1, K. Boretzky2, M. Caamaño1, E. Casarejos1,
A. Chatillon5, D. Cortina1, P. Díaz1, A. Estrade2, A. Kelic-Heil2, Y. Litvinov2, M. Mostazo1,
C. Paradela1, S. Pietri2, A. Prochazka2, J. Taieb5, M. Takechi2, H....
Stanislav Tashenov
(Heidelberg University)
The process of radiative recombination (RR) was studied in the regime of hard x-rays. In the experiment the relativistic electrons recombined into the 2p3/2 excited state of hydrogenlike uranium ions and the RR x-rays and the subsequently emitted characteristic x-rays were detected in coincidence. In this new type of experiment the reaction plane is defined by the incoming (unpolarized)...
Vladimir Zaytsev
(St. Petersburg State University)
We investigate the parity nonconservation effect in the elastic scattering of polarized electrons by heavy He-like ions, being initially in the ground state. The enhancement of the parity violation is achieved by tuning the energy of the incident electron in resonance with quasidegenerate doubly-excited states of the corresponding Li-like ion. Two possible scenarios are considered. In the...
Alexander Botvina
(FIAS, Frankfurt am Main)
Investigation of hypernuclei is a rapidly progressing field of nuclear
physics, since they give opportunities both to improve methods of
traditional nuclear studies and to open new horizons for studying particle
physics and nuclear astrophysics. Within dynamical and statistical
theories we study the main regularities in the production of hypernuclei
emerging from the projectile and...
Arseniy Shchepetnov
(Department of Physics, St. Petersburg State University; Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics)
g factor of highly-charged ions proved to be an excellent tool for the high-precision comparison between experiment and theory. Measurements of the bound-electron g factor in light highly charged ions during the last 15 years have reached an accuracy of ppb and better [1-4]. As a spectacular result of these investigations, the most accurate value of the electron mass was obtained [5]....
Darya Mironova
(St. Petersburg State University)
The ground-state energies of one-electron homonuclear quasi-molecules for the nuclear charge number in the range $Z=1-100$ at the ``chemical'' distances $R= 2/Z$ (in a.u.) are calculated. The calculations are performed for both point- and extended-charge nucleus cases using the Dirac-Fock-Sturm approach with the basis functions constructed from the one-center Dirac-Sturm orbitals. The...
Andrey Bondarev
(St. Petersburg State University)
Collisions of highly charged ions allow to study relativistic and quantum electrodynamic effects. If the total charge of the colliding nuclei is larger than Zc = 173, the ground state of the combined quasimolecular system should dive into the negative-energy Dirac continuum. Investigation of the processes accompanying such collisions can gain insight into the detection of the diving...
Natalia Zubova
(St. Petersburg State University)
High-precision calculations of the isotope shifts in highly charged Li-like ions are performed. The mass shift contributions are calculated by merging the perturbative and large-scale configuration-interaction Dirac-Fock-Sturm (CI-DFS) methods. The field shift contributions are evaluated by the CI-DFS method including the electron-correlation, Breit, and QED corrections. The nuclear...
Saskia Kraft-Bermuth
(Justus-Liebig-University Giessen)
High-precision X-ray spectroscopy in highly-charged heavy ions provides a sensitive test of quantum electrodynamics in very strong Coulomb fields, and is, therefore, an established subject within the program of SPARC. To improve the precision of such experiments, the new detector concept of silicon microcalorimeters, which detect the temperature change of an absorber after an incoming photon...
Ajay Kumar
(Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India)
The main physics motivation of PANDA is to explore the non-perturbative regime of QCD and to study hadronic states. In this context, here is a possibility to include hyperon studies in the PANDA physics program. Hyperons travel a large distance before they decay into other particles. In order to increase the acceptance to measure these particles, there is a concept to include an additional...
Christian Gorges
(Institut für Kernphysik TU Darmstadt)
The TRIGA-LASER setup is the prototype of the LASPEC experiment at the future FAIR facility, where collinear laser spectroscopy will be applied to extract nuclear charge radii, spins and nuclear moments of short-lived radioactive isotopes produced by the Super-FRS [1]. Since it is being developed as part of the TRIGA-SPEC experiment [2] at the research reactor TRIGA Mainz, it will be supplied...
Anna Maiorova
(St. Petersburg State University)
Radiative recombination (RR) is one of the basic processes that
occurs in laboratory plasma, in collisions of heavy ions with
electrons at ion storage rings and EBIT. During the last decades
RR of highly charged heavy ions remains the subject of intense
theoretical and experimental research (see Ref.[1] and references therein). Radiative recombination is a time-reversed photoionization,...
Michal Koziel
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt(UFfm-IKP))
The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment (CBM) is one of the core experiments of the future FAIR facility at Darmstadt/Germany. The fixed-target experiment will explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter in the regime of highest net baryon densities with numerous probes, among them open charm. Open charm reconstruction requires a vacuum compatible Micro Vertex Detector (MVD)...
Daniela Calvo
(Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (INFN-Torino))
The fixed target experiment PANDA will use cooled antiproton beams of unprecedented quality that will be available at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt.
PANDA includes the Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) [1], as innermost tracker, and in particular it will allow the secondary vertices of short-lived particles to be detected. Due to the forward boost of the...
Jnaneswari Gellanki
(KVI, Groningen University)
X- and Y ─ position slit systems will be used as collimator for stopping the unwanted charge states of primary beam and fragments produced at the reaction target of the in-flight Superconducting Fragment Separator (Super-FRS) at the FAIR facility, GSI. In the case of the most frequently used fission reaction of 238U beam at 1.5 GeV/u on 12C target (2.5 g/cm2) , the most abundant charge states...
Simon Kaufmann
(Institut für Kernchemie Uni-Mainz)
The TRIGA-SPEC experiment [1] at the research reactor TRIGA Mainz consists of a Penning trap experiment (TRIGA-TRAP) for mass measurement and a collinear laser spectroscopy setup (TRIGA-LASER). These setups are the prototypes for the MATS- and the LASPEC-Experiments at FAIR [2]. It is used for technical developments to improve the sensitivity and accuracy of the techniques. Additionally the...