Ab initio calculations in nuclear physics (in session "Nuclear Physics I")
Atomic physics of fast ions – slow ion collisions: The FISIC Project (Spiral II) (in session "Applied, Plasma and Atomic Physics I")
BIOMAT@APPA Cave: Beamline infrastructure and advanced instrumentation (in session "Instrumentation I")
Biophysics at Biomat (in session "FAIR Overview III")
CBM (in session "FAIR Overview III")
Closeout/Summary (in session "Instrumentation II")
Computing Challenges and Opportunities for FAIR experiments (in session "FAIR Overview IV")
Cryogenic stopping cell for the Low Energy Branch of Super FRS at FAIR (NUSTAR) (in session "Parallel Tier 2")
Development and application of the RFQs for FAIR and GSI Projects (ACC) (in session "Parallel Tier 1")
Development of the CBM Silicon Tracking System (in session "Parallel Tier 4")
Development of the Time-Of-Flight System of the CBM Experiment (CBM) (in session "Parallel Tier 4")
Developments in Fission (in session "Nuclear Physics I")
Developments in Nuclear Structure (in session "Nuclear Physics I")
Diamond detectors for beam monitoring, T0 determination and vertex determination for HADES and CBM experiments (CBM) (in session "Parallel Tier 2")
Dilepton production in pion-nucleon and pion-nucleus reactions (CBM) (in session "Parallel Tier 5")
Dileptons in URHIC (in session "Heavy Ion Physics II")
Electromagetic Probes of QCD Matter in Heavy-Ion Collisions (in session "Heavy Ion Physics I")
Evening Talk: Novel Tests of QCD at FAIR (in session "Evening Talk")
FAIR Secondary Beams (in session "FAIR Overview II")
First experiments with CBM (in session "Applied, Plasma and Atomic Physics II and Heavy Ion Physics III")
First experiments with R3B (in session "Nuclear Physics II")
First experiments with Super-FRS (in session "Nuclear Physics II")
First plasma physics experiments (in session "Applied, Plasma and Atomic Physics II and Heavy Ion Physics III")
FLAIR (in session "FAIR Overview III")
FPGA based read-out systems (CBM) (in session "Parallel Tier 6")
FPGA Helix tracking for PANDA (PANDA) (in session "Parallel Tier 6")
FRIB Status and Scientific Program (in session "Radioactive Isotope Beam Facilities")
Frontend Electronics for high-precision single photo-electron timing (PANDA) (in session "Parallel Tier 6")
Future Di-Lepton Experiments at SPS (in session "Heavy Ion Physics I")
Future Nuclear Physics Facilities Around the World - how we compete and how we collaborate (in session "FAIR Overview I")
Hades at FAIR (in session "FAIR Overview III")
High Energy Density Physics in matter generated by Heavy Ion Beam (HEDgeHOB) at the FAIR Facility (in session "FAIR Overview II")
High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors for the PANDA Luminosity Detector (PANDA) (in session "Parallel Tier 4")
HISPEC/DESPEC: Status and first experiments (in session "Nuclear Physics II")
Injector-upgrade for FAIR (ACC) (in session "Parallel Tier 1")
Innovative technology for SiPM-like detectors (in session "Instrumentation II")
Instrumentation Atomic Physics (in session "Instrumentation I")
Instrumentation Plasma Physics (in session "Instrumentation I")
Integration of the strip detector of the PANDA Micro-Vertex-Detector (PANDA) (in session "Parallel Tier 4")
Laser cooling SIS 100 (ACC) (in session "Parallel Tier 1")
Low-energy antiprotons at CERN and at FAIR (in session "Applied, Plasma and Atomic Physics I")
Machine Overview and SIS 100 (in session "FAIR Overview I")
Materials behavior under extreme conditions (APPA) (in session "Parallel Tier 3")
MATS and LaSpec: Status and first experiments (in session "Nuclear Physics II")
Modern 3D-Detectors (in session "Instrumentation II")
Monolithic Pixel Detectors for High-Precision Vertexing and Tracking in High-Rate Heavy-Ion Experiments (in session "Instrumentation I")
Neutrino Reactions in Supernova Nucleosynthesis (NUSTAR) (in session "Parallel Tier 5")
Novel internal target source for future storage ring experiments (APPA) (in session "Parallel Tier 2")
Nuclear Masses and their Importance for Nuclear Structure, Nuclear Astrophysics and Fundamental Studies (in session "Nuclear Physics I")
NUSTAR activities at FAIR (in session "FAIR Overview IV")
On-line Event reconstruction in the CBM experiment (CBM) (in session "Parallel Tier 6")
Open questions in hadron spectroscopy and dynamics (in session "Hadron Physics II")
Open questions in hadron structure (in session "Hadron Physics II")
Particle therapy for non-cancer diseases (APPA) (in session "Parallel Tier 6")
Performance of Prototypes for the PANDA Barrel EMC (PANDA) (in session "Parallel Tier 4")
Physics prospects for first experiments at PANDA (in session "Hadron Physics III")
Plasma Physics at FAIR in an international context (in session "Applied, Plasma and Atomic Physics II and Heavy Ion Physics III")
Posterprize ceremony (in session "Radioactive Isotope Beam Facilities")
PRIOR - the proton microscope for FAIR (APPA) (in session "Parallel Tier 2")
Probing the nuclear matter with NA61/Shine (in session "Heavy Ion Physics I")
R&D for the PANDA Barrel DIRC (PANDA) (in session "Parallel Tier 6")
Radiation Properties of Ions and Exotic Nuclei at Relativistic Energies (APPA) (in session "Parallel Tier 3")
Resonant coherent excitation of heavy ions in a crystal at relativistic energies (in session "Applied, Plasma and Atomic Physics II and Heavy Ion Physics III")
Results and Plans Compass (in session "Hadron Physics I")
Results and Plans of LHCb in Charm Spectroscopy (in session "Hadron Physics I")
RIKEN RI Beam Factory (RIBF): Status and Plans (in session "Radioactive Isotope Beam Facilities")
Ring Activities: Status and first experiments (in session "Nuclear Physics II")
Secondary Beam Targets at FAIR (in session "Instrumentation II")
Solids under coupled extreme conditions: Simultaneous exposure to pressure, temperature and ion beams (in session "Applied, Plasma and Atomic Physics I")
SPARC at FAIR: Prospects for Atomic Spectroscopy (in session "FAIR Overview II")
Spectroscopy of Element 115 Decay Chains at TASCA (NUSTAR) (in session "Parallel Tier 3")
Spiral II: Status and plans (in session "Radioactive Isotope Beam Facilities")
Status and perspectives of Ion source developments for FAIR (ACC) (in session "Parallel Tier 1")
Status and Plans for hadron structure and spectroscopy at B-Factories and BES3 (in session "Hadron Physics III")
Status and Plans of JLAB-12 (in session "Hadron Physics III")
Status of EXL (NUSTAR) (in session "Parallel Tier 2")
Status of FAIR (in session "FAIR Overview I")
Strange baryons and antibaryons in nuclei: unique opportunities for PANDA@FAIR (PANDA) (in session "Parallel Tier 5")
Strangeness in Nuclear Physics (in session "Hadron Physics I")
SU(3) flavour symmetry in the charmed baryon sector from the lattice (in session "Parallel Tier 5")
Superconducting magnet development for the FAIR accelerator complex (in session "Instrumentation II")
Testing Quantum Electrodynamics at critical background electromagnetic fields (in session "Applied, Plasma and Atomic Physics I")
The Physics of High Baryon Density (in session "Heavy Ion Physics II")
The quasi-free scattering program at R3B (NUSTAR) (in session "Parallel Tier 2")
The RICH detector of the CBM experiment and its physics potential (in session "Parallel Tier 4")
Using Antiprotons for High Precision Studies of Hadrons (in session "FAIR Overview IV")
WDM diagnostics (APPA) (in session "Parallel Tier 3")
β-decay half-lives and β-delayed neutron emission measurements for very exotic nuclei beyond N=126 relevant in the freeze-out of the r-process (in session "Parallel Tier 5")
Include materials from selected contributions