This international conference will be a joint scientific and technical meeting of all FAIR communities
The scientific landscape has evolved in all fields of FAIR physics and it is high time to review and refine the scope of physics and to think about the steps beyond the startup of FAIR. This conference is a follow up of a meeting held at GSI in 2003, where the science case of the first generation of FAIR experiments was widely discussed.
It is co-organized by the Nuclear Physics Board of the European Physical Society.

Supported by:
- Atomic, Plasma and applied physics (APPA)
- Compressed baryonic matter (CBM)
- Nuclear physics (NUSTAR) and
- Hadron physics (PANDA)
The scientific landscape has evolved in all fields of FAIR physics and it is high time to review and refine the scope of physics and to think about the steps beyond the startup of FAIR. This conference is a follow up of a meeting held at GSI in 2003, where the science case of the first generation of FAIR experiments was widely discussed.
It is co-organized by the Nuclear Physics Board of the European Physical Society.
Supported by: