Oct 13 – 17, 2014
Das Wormser
Europe/Berlin timezone

Thermal Simulations For the Super-FRS Slit System

Not scheduled
Mozartsaal (Das Wormser)


Das Wormser

Das Wormser, Rathenaustraße 11, 67547 Worms, ‎ Tel: 06241/2000420


Dr Jnaneswari Gellanki (KVI, Groningen University)


X- and Y ─ position slit systems will be used as collimator for stopping the unwanted charge states of primary beam and fragments produced at the reaction target of the in-flight Superconducting Fragment Separator (Super-FRS) at the FAIR facility, GSI. In the case of the most frequently used fission reaction of 238U beam at 1.5 GeV/u on 12C target (2.5 g/cm2) , the most abundant charge states of 238U fragments produced at the target are 92+, 91+ and 90+ ions. Among these fragments, 90+U fragments with 2.7% emission probability from the target may reach the FPF2 X-slits with an energy of about 1.3 GeV/u with a maximum power of 500 W. This value represents an upper limit, because the intensity will be lower for lower charge states produced, and at the other slit positions. A block of high-density material with 96% of Tungsten, 3% of Nickel and 1% of Iron, named as DENSIMET@185 has been proposed to be used as a slit in Super-FRS pre and main separator areas. Thermal simulations are carried out to estimate the maximum and minimum temperature values on the slits and -on the apparatus in the neighbourhood of the slits. Several cooling methods have been simulated on a block of DENSIMET with a proposed dimensions 200 mm X 180 mm X 250 mm, and which will be used in the pre-separator area of Super-FRS beam line. The present results from the thermal simulations suggest a new way of cooling technique to lower the temperature of the block by substantial amounts without any water cooling during experiments at Super-FRS beam lines.

Primary author

Dr Jnaneswari Gellanki (KVI, Groningen University)


Dr C. Nociforo (GSI) Mr H.A.J Smit (KVI, Groningen University) Mr H.J. Timersma (KVI, Groningen University) Mr M.F. Lindemulder (KVI, Groningen University) Prof. N. Kalantar Nayetanaki (KVI, Groningen University) Mr O.J. Kuiken (KVI, Groningen University)

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