Parallel Tier 5
- Paola Gianotti (INFN Frascati)
Roger Caballero-Folch
10/16/14, 2:00 PM
This contribution reports on the status of the data analysis of the experiment performed at the GSI-FRS facility (Germany), where very exotic nuclei, beyond N=126, were produced and isotopes of Pt, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, Po, At, Rn and Fr were precisely identified using tracking detectors with the method of time-of-flight. Thanks to the detection system which comprised two detection systems, a...
Andreas Lohs
(TU Darmstadt)
10/16/14, 2:20 PM
We study the effect of neutrino microphysics on nucleoysnthesis in core-collapse supernovae. In particular, we show how neutrinos connect the nuclear physics of the core of a protoneutron star to the nucleosynthesis in the low density neutrino driven wind. We find that a consistent implementation of neutrino interactions with the underlying equation of state leads to a neutronrich matter out...
Josef Pochodzalla
(U Mainz)
10/16/14, 3:10 PM
PANDA is a key experiment of the FAIR facility in Darmstadt. It will study fundamental questions of hadron physics and QCD by exploring interactions between an antiproton beam and a fixed proton or nuclear target. Because of the relative large production cross section of hyperon-antihyperon pairs in antiproton-nucleus collisions PANDA is a unique factory for hyperon-antihyperon pair...
Gunnar Bali
(U Regensburg)
10/16/14, 3:40 PM
Recently many new charmonium states were discovered but also mesons and baryons with open charm, the latter in particular at the LHC. The spectroscopy and decays of some of these particles should also be relevant for the PANDA experiment. We present results on the spectrum of charmed baryons with and without strangeness as well as of charmonium states. The spectra were obtained in lattice...