Oct 13 – 17, 2014
Das Wormser
Europe/Berlin timezone

SU(3) flavour symmetry in the charmed baryon sector from the lattice

Oct 16, 2014, 3:40 PM
Mozartsaal (Das Wormser)


Das Wormser


Gunnar Bali (U Regensburg)


Recently many new charmonium states were discovered but also mesons and baryons with open charm, the latter in particular at the LHC. The spectroscopy and decays of some of these particles should also be relevant for the PANDA experiment. We present results on the spectrum of charmed baryons with and without strangeness as well as of charmonium states. The spectra were obtained in lattice simulations with $n_f=2+1$ sea quark flavours, keeping the sum of light quark and strange quark masses $2m_{ud}+m_s$ constant. Extrapolations towards the physical point are then made in terms of the SU(3) symmetry breaking parameter in the different relevant representations.

Primary authors

Gunnar Bali (U Regensburg) Paula PEREZ RUBIO (U Regensburg) Sara Collins (U Regensburg)

Presentation materials