15.–26. Juli 2024
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Campus Navigation

Different rooms are used for lectures along the school weeks. Due to the challenging layout of the campus, the maps below give tips on moving across the buildings.

Seminar rooms are labelled with a name of the building (e.g. IA, IB), number for the floor level, and the room number after a slash. 

Generally, the floors are numbered as 05, 04, 03, 02, 01, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The exact set of the levels might differ across the campus buildings.

By clicking on the links in the table below, one can find the pictured path to the corresponding rooms:

14.07.24 (Sun) GABF 04/511    
Week 1 Room Week 2 Room
15.07.24 (Mon) IA 02/460 22.07.24 (Mon) ID 03/411
16.07.24 (Tue) ID 03/653 23.07.24 (Tue) ID 03/411
17.07.24 (Wed) ID 04/653 24.07.24 (Wed) ID 03/411
18.07.24 (Thu) ID 04/445 25.07.24 (Thu) ID 03/411
19.07.24 (Fri) ID 03/445 26.07.24 (Fri) ID 03/411
20.07.24 (Sat) GABF 04/511    
21.07.24 (Sun)      


0. Routes cross the school venues : It includes lecture room, and dinning facilities (Mensa and Q-West). The paths indicate staircases that one takes along the way.



1. IA building - two gates, to the level 02, and level 0. One find the lecture room down the corridor when entering at 02. Click here for pictures of the path.











2. ID building - is the main location for the school lectures. Pictures for the paths are linked: click W1 Tu (ID 03/653), click W1 We (ID 04/653),  click W1 Th (ID 04/445), click W1 Fr (ID 03/445), and W2 Mo-Fr (ID 03/411).











3. GABF building - is located between GA and GB. The detailed path with pictures shows the way through HGB and GA. In case the front door is closed, use the south door that is always open on the weekend.