15.–26. Juli 2024
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Social events

UEFA EURO 2024 Final Viewing Party

Date and location:

Sunday, July 14th, from 20h, GABF 04/511

All the participants who arrive on Sunday are welcome to join the viewing party of the final match of the UEFA EURO 2024 between Spain and England.

Drinks and snacks are planned. Even those who are not interested in football are encouraged to come and have a fun. Good mood and new acquaintances are guaranteed.

There will be a possibility of early registration: room keys, badges, etc.



Social Dinner (Wednesday, July 17th)

A dinner will be hosted by Post Lottental restaurant on Wednesday evening starting at 19h00.

How to Reach:

Address: Im Lottental 88, 44801 Bochum (see google map)

Walking: The restaurant is a 4-minute walk from the campus through the woods, along a trail with noticeable elevation (start of the trail).
Bus: You can also take Bus 320 from the University bus station to the restaurant.


Included: A salad bar, a main course (veggie, chicken, or beef), and one drink (soft drink, wine, or beer).
Additional: The restaurant bar will be open until late evening.


Minigolf is available to attendees free of charge.


Physik Party (Friday, July 19th)

Students union is organizing a party for physics students on Friday evening,
at 22h in Kultur Café in the campus.

The students with a valid student ID (it doesn't matter which university it's from) can just turn up. For interested people who don't have an ID, they are of course welcome to come, but need to be in a guest list (email to hadronschool@rub.de)

Warning: lecture on Sunday, 9am. 


Lake run (Monday, July 22th)

The weather permits spending time outside, so we offer everyone to participate in a lake run on Monday evening. 


Kemnader See parkrun → Ruhrbrücke → Al's Dorado Lake Kiosk → (Haus Kemnade) → Brücke am Stauwehr → Haus Oveney → Kemnader See parkrun

The track goes by the lake is about 10 km (6.5 miles), it takes about 2h for walker (according to google), and about 1-1.5h when running. We plan to pass by Kemnader Haus on the opposite side of the lake, and return to the starting location.

Date and time:

Meeting point: Kemnader See parkrun

Meeting time: 18h30, start at 19h


Social gathering (Wednesday, July 24th)

The intention is to meet in the internal yard of ID building for light dinner and beer.
We plan to order pizza.

Date and time:

Meeting point: Yard of ID building

Meeting time: 18h30, start at 19