CREMLINplus WP7 kick-off meeting

Europe/Berlin Meeting-ID: 923 2366 2936 Kenncode: 284606 Schnelleinwahl mobil +41315280988,,92323662936# Schweiz +41432107042,,92323662936# Schweiz Einwahl nach aktuellem Standort +41 31 528 09 88 Schweiz +41 43 210 70 42 Schweiz +41 43 210 71 08 Schweiz +33 1 7037 2246 Frankreich +33 1 7037 9729 Frankreich +33 1 8699 5831 Frankreich +49 30 5679 5800 Deutschland +49 695 050 2596 Deutschland +49 69 7104 9922 Deutschland +7 495 283 9788 Russische Föderation +7 812 426 8988 Russische Föderation Meeting-ID: 923 2366 2936 Ortseinwahl suchen: Über SIP beitreten 92323662936@ oder 92323662936@ Über H.323 beitreten oder Kenncode: 284606 Meeting-ID: 923 2366 2936
Christian Joachim Schmidt (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI)) , Michael Deveaux

Video conference:

Meeting-ID: 923 2366 2936

Password: 284606

  • Anton Lymanets
  • Benedict Arnoldi-Meadows
  • Bohdan Popivchak
  • Cesar Ceballos
  • Christian Joachim Schmidt
  • Christian Müntz
  • Egor Lychagin
  • Eszter Dian
  • Evgeniy Altynbaev
  • Joachim Stroth
  • Johann Heuser
  • Jürgen Eschke
  • Kshitij Agarwal
  • Lucie Linssen
  • Maksym Teklishyn
  • Marc WINTER
  • Martin Sandhop
  • Mathieu Goffe
  • Michael Deveaux
  • Michal Koziel
  • Mykhailo Pugach
  • Otilia-Ana Culicov
  • Oxana Ivanova
  • Richard Hall-Wilton
  • Roma Bugiel
  • Sergey Kulikov
  • Serhii Chernyshenko
  • Szymon Bugiel
  • Valery Pugatch
  • Vasyl Dobishuk
  • Vladimir Voronin
  • Yuri Murin
  • Ziad EL BITAR
    • 10:00 10:25
      Status of CREMLINplus EU project and overview of WP7 activities
      Convener: Christian Joachim Schmidt (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
    • 10:25 11:05
      Scientific questions and goals - an introduction
      Convener: Christian Joachim Schmidt (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
      • 10:25
        Toward next generation neutron detectors (t.b.c) 20m

        The contribution should introduce the fundamental scientific questions of the neutron community to the MAPS community.

        Speaker: Prof. Richard Hall-Wilton (ESS)
      • 10:45
        MAPS detectors - the fundamentals 20m

        The contribution will give an introduction into the challenges of precise charged particle tracking to members of the neutron community.

        Speaker: Michael Deveaux
    • 11:05 12:32
      Introduction of activities and institutes: Introduction of activities and institutes Part 1
      Convener: Evgeniy Altynbaev
    • 12:32 13:42
      Lunch break 1h 10m
    • 13:42 15:02
      Introduction of activities and institutes: Introduction of activities and institutes Part 2
      Convener: Christian Müntz (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (UF-IKF))
    • 15:02 15:17
      Coffee break 15m
    • 15:17 16:17
      Working program and discussions
      Convener: Christian Joachim Schmidt (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
    • 16:17 17:17
      Toward Milestone MS7.1 (Define neutron detector to be build): Toward Deliverable 7.1 - Define the neutron detector to be build
      Convener: Prof. Richard Hall-Wilton (ESS)