Geary Eppley(Rice University), Norbert Herrmann(Universität Heidelberg), Nu Xu(LBNL / CCNU), Tetyana Galatyuk(Technische Universität Darmstadt / GSI)
This workshop aims at bringing together scientists interested in the BES II and C.B.M. physics. The particular focus will be put on CBM-STAR eTOF project, simulation and physics. The format of the workshop is designed to foster active informal discussions and build up networks between BES II and C.B.M. experts, identify common physics goals and their realisation.
Workshop fee is 25 Euro / participant. The Workshop Fee could be payed by bank transfer by 10 March 2017 or in cash at the workshop desk. Please transfer the money to the institutional account of:
Bank account holder
IKP TU Darmstadt
704300 / DE36508501500000704300
Name of the bank
Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Darmstadt
50850150 / HELADEF1DAS
Reason for money transfer
"CBM-STAR WP" 050317/582 00306 __Full Name__
Geary Epply (Rice University)
Tetyana Galatyuk (TU Darmstadt / GSI)
Norbert Hermann (Heidelberg University)
Local Organizers at TU Darmstadt:
Tetyana Galatyuk, Florian Seck, Ursula von Dungen
Scientific program advisory committee:
Daniel Cebra (University of California)
Declan Keane (Kent State University)
Grazyna Odyniec(LBNL)
----------------------------------------------------------------- Accomodation:
We kindly ask all participants of the meeting to make their own hotel reservation directly with the hotel of their choice.