7-12 June 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone


9 Jun 2015, 15:00
Lecture Hall (Hessenhalle)

Lecture Hall (Hessenhalle)

Invited talk Future RIB facilities Future RIB facilities 1


Magdalena Kowalska (ISOLDE-CERN)


ISOLDE is the CERN laboratory for research with radioactive ions. Thanks to on-going target and ion source developments and upgrades and additions of new experimental techniques and setups, it has provided for physics close to 1000 isotopes of 70 chemical elements. The first part of the talk will cover the latest technical achievements which allowed providing new, more intense and more pure beams for research. The HIE-ISOLDE project for post-accelerating the radioactive beams and for providing high-intensity and purity beams and its status will be also presented, as well as the MEDICIS project for producing radionuclides for medical studies. In the second part, new additions to ISOLDE experimental setups will be presented together with physics highlights which were achieved thanks to these upgrades. To these belong new beamlines IDS and VITO and the addition of an electrostatic trap to ISOLTRAP.

Primary author

Magdalena Kowalska (ISOLDE-CERN)

Presentation Materials