EURORIB Organizing Committee
Maria J.G. Borge (CERN-ISOLDE)
Giovanni La Rana (INFN Napoli)
Marek Lewitowicz (GANIL)
Christoph Scheidenberger (GSI)
Piet Van Duppen (KU Leuven)
International Advisory Committee
Rosa Alba (INFN Catania)
Faiçal Azaiez (IPN Orsay)
José Benlliure (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
Klaus Blaum (MPI-K Heidelberg)
Yorick Blumenfeld (IPN Orsay)
Angela Bonaccorso (INFN Pisa)
Angela Bracco (Univ. Milano)
Peter Butler (Univ. Liverpool)
Giacomo De Angelis (INFN Legnaro)
Andrey Fomichev (JINR Dubna)
Hans Geissel (GSI)
Héloise Goutte (CEA DSM/IRFU/SPhN)
Dominique Guillemaud-Mueller (IN2P3/CNRS)
Muhsin Harakeh (KVI-CART and GANIL)
Morten Hjort-Jensen (Univ. Oslo and MSU)
Rauno Julin (JYFL)
Reiner Krücken (TRIUMF)
Karsten Riisager (Univ. Aarhus)
Krzysztof Rusek (HIL Warsaw)
Hideyuki Sakai (RIKEN)
Hendrik Schatz (MSU)
Nathal Severijns (KU Leuven)
Kerstin Sonnabend (Univ. Frankfurt)
Florent Staley (GANIL)
Peter Thirolf (LMU Munich)
Livius Trache (IFIN-HH)
Dario Vretenar (Univ. Zagreb)
Local Organizing Committee
Luise Dörsching-Steitz (GSI)
Christoph Düllmann (GSI/Univ. Mainz/HIM)
Jürgen Gerl (GSI/FAIR)
Alexander Herlert (FAIR)
Thomas Neff (GSI)
Norbert Pietralla (TU Darmstadt)
Daniela Press (GSI)
Siglind Raiss (GSI)
Christoph Scheidenberger (GSI)
Haik Simon (GSI)
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Additionally to having an API key associated with your account, exporting private event information requires the usage of a persistent signature. This enables API URLs which do not expire after a few minutes so while the setting is active, anyone in possession of the link provided can access the information. Due to this, it is extremely important that you keep these links private and for your use only. If you think someone else may have acquired access to a link using this key in the future, you must immediately create a new key pair on the 'My Profile' page under the 'HTTP API' and update the iCalendar links afterwards.
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Detailed timetable