Jun 7 – 12, 2015
Europe/Berlin timezone

Registration fee

Registration fee

    before May 1, 2015 after April 30, 2015
Participant Single room 650€ 700€
  Double room 550€ 600€
Accompanying person Double room 500€ 500€

The registration fee comprises:
  • Accommodation and full board (Sunday evening dinner until Friday lunch)
  • Welcome reception (Sunday) and Conference Dinner (Thursday)
  • Coffee breaks
  • Conference material
  • Internet connection
  • Access to sports and leisure facilities of the hotel
The fee for accompanying persons includes:
  • Accommodation and full board (Sunday evening dinner until Friday lunch)
  • Welcome reception (Sunday) and Conference Dinner (Thursday)
  • Coffee breaks
  • Internet connection
  • Access to sports and leisure facilities of the hotel
To increase the interaction among the participants, we ask everyone to stay for the full five days at the conference (Sunday evening to Friday noon). The conference fee shall be paid in advance by bank transfer.

Recipient GSI Darmstadt
Bank Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
IBAN DE56 5005 0000 5001 8650 04
Reference “EURORIB15 + your name”

Note: A limited number of grants covering lodging in double rooms and board costs will be available for young scientists (PhD students and postdocs) presenting an oral or poster contribution. People wishing to apply are kindly asked to add a note in the "Comments" Field of the abstract submission web page. Applicants are asked to send an email to the conference secretariat (Eurorib-2015@gsi.de) where they state the reason for requiring support. In addition, a support statement from the supervisor shall be sent by email to Eurorib-2015@gsi.de.