6:30 PM
β-delayed charged particle decays of 22Si and 23Si
Mathieu BABO
6:30 PM
Gamma-particle coincidences in reactions induced by light neutron rich nuclei using CHIMERA detector at LNS
Giuseppe Cardella
(INFN Sez Catania)
6:30 PM
Space-charge Effects in a Cryogenic Stopping Cell
Sivaji Purushothaman
(GSI Darmstadt)
6:30 PM
Performance of the MR-TOF-MS at the FRS
Christine Hornung
(II. Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
6:30 PM
Characterization and Diagnostic Tools for the RFQ-based Low Energy Beamline of the FRS Ion Catcher
Samuel Ayet San Andres
(GSI, Darmstadt)
6:30 PM
Laser Spectroscopy of the Heaviest elements
Premaditya Chhetri
(TU Darmstadt)
6:30 PM
Resolution Studies of the FRS Spectrometer Experiment using 16O(p,d) Reaction at Energies from 400 to 1200 MeV/u
Fabio Farinon
(GSI, Darmstadt)
6:30 PM
Tensor force and relativistic mean field calculations of multi-Lambda hypernuclei
Chhanda Samanta
(Virginia Military Institute)
6:30 PM
Probing Nuclear properties of Imbalanced Fermi Systems with Quasi-free Proton Knock-out Reactions
Sam Stevens
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ghent University)
6:30 PM
Setup for Coulomb Excitation Measurements at SPES
Barbara Melon
(INFN-Sezione di Firenze)
6:30 PM
PIPERADE: A Penning-trap based separator for the future low energy branch DESIR at SPIRAL2
Antoine de Roubin
(MPIK, Heidelberg and CENBG, Gradignan)
6:30 PM
In-flight fragment separator system design for the RISP
Jongwon Kim
(Institute for Basic Science)
6:30 PM
Recent exposures of nuclear track emulsion to radioactive nuclei, neutrons and heavy ions
Kahramon Mamatkulov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna)
6:30 PM
Mass measurements in the CR storage ring at FAIR
Helmut Weick
(GSI, Darmstadt)
6:30 PM
Dynamical Dipole Mode in the 40,48Ca+152,144Sm fusion-evaporation and fission reactions and perspectives with RIBs
Marco Mazzocco
(University of Padova and INFN - Sezione di Padova)
6:30 PM
Status of the HIE-ISOLDE Project
Magdalena Kowalska
6:30 PM
Hydrodynamics of a liquid Pb-Bi target for high-power ISOL facilities
6:30 PM
High-resolution studies with secondary reactions via dispersion-matched modes of the in-flight separator Super-FRS and its combined spectrometers
John Stuart Winfield
(GSI, Darmstadt)
6:30 PM
Optimization of the 6He production target in the 7Li(γ, p)6He reaction
Yury Teterev
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
6:30 PM
Electron screening – still an open question
Jelena Vesic
(Jozef Stefan Institute Ljubljana)
6:30 PM
Test of Rigid Triaxiality in 126-132Ce nuclei
Harish Mohan Mittal
(Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar)
6:30 PM
The GRIFFIN Facility for Decay Spectroscopy Experiments at TRIUMF
Corina Andreoiu
(Simon Fraser University)
6:30 PM
A novel isobar separator for the TITAN facility at TRIUMF
Timo Dickel
(GSI, Darmstadt)
6:30 PM
Nustar DAQ
Stephane Pietri
(GSI, Darmstadt)
6:30 PM
The SPES RIB production system
Gianfranco Prete
6:30 PM
First results on Ge resonant laser photoionization in hollow cathode lamp
Gianfranco Prete