15.–19. Sept. 2024
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone


The Welcome hotel has a reserved number of rooms for the participants of the Workshop. The price per night (breakfast included) will be around 150 €.

The link for the room reservation is HERE. Alternatively, a reservation email may be sent to dar.reservierung@welcome-hotels.com by indicating “ECRIS2024” in the object of the email.

In addition, several rooms will be available at the guest house of GSI. The priority in the reservation will be given to students. The price of this accommodation (breakfast included) will be around 50 € per night. Please take into account that the distance between the institute and the conference center is around 8 km. To get to the conference Hotel from GSI it takes around 45 minutes by public transport (Bus+Tram). To get the relevant information together with the reservation link please send an email to ecris2024@gsi.de.

Nevertheless, there are several hotels close to the conference hotel in the city center of Darmstadt. Please write an email to ecris2024@gsi.de to get an updated list of recommended alternative hotels.