15-19 September 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone


To cover the main topics of the scientific program oral sessions and poster sessions will be included. A tentative timetable is already available and it will be adjusted according to the received contributions.

The oral presentations (25 minutes + 5 minutes for questions) will take place from Monday to Wednesday in the dedicated Conference room of the Welcome Hotel. On Thursday, September 19th, the last session of the workshop including the closing remarks will be held at the main lecture hall of GSI, Darmstadt.

The poster sessions will be held on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. The posters should be displayed for the whole day of the assigned session and should be removed at the end of the last poster session. It is requested that at least one author should be present during the poster session to present the poster and for  discussion. The dimensions of the poster should fit into the assigned boards. The board dimensions to hang the posters are 1.45 m (Height) x 1.18 m (Width). The dimensions fit for instance, for an A0 format. The height of the panel board is 2.2 m. Mounting material will be available.